Gu Miaoyu returned to the palace where she was temporarily staying with an ugly expression on her face.

Muhe invited three more emperor-level masters to form an alliance with them, planning to capture the great formation and divide up the property inside.

The people that Mu He invited later were not low in strength, and they had a great anti-customer attitude.

Since the injury, her strength has been greatly reduced, and the later martial emperors have not paid much attention to her.

Gu Miaoyu's stomach is full of fire when she thinks about it. They have been staring at this big formation for more than a year, and they have worked hard to break the formation. As a result, now a group of people are picking ready-made peaches. What is even more hateful is that these people are still sneering. Disgusting that they were put together by two little devils.

Judging from the current situation, even if the big formation is opened, the things assigned to her are limited.

Not to mention the people who Mu He and Mu He invited, in the outer hall, there are still many people who are staring at them.

Thinking of Mu Chen and Ye Shi in the inner hall, Gu Miaoyu couldn't suppress the fire in her heart.

Gu Miaoyu originally thought that as long as the grand formation was opened, how to toss Mu Chen and Ye Shi was entirely up to him, but now that there are too many people staring at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, how to deal with the two of them seems to be a matter of time. Not being in charge of yourself.


"Mu He is back, and I don't know what the hell this guy is doing with so many martial emperors." Xiong Wei said worriedly.

Ji Feiyan frowned and said, "Mu He is a scheming man, Mu Chen and Ye Shi are in big trouble now."

"I really should go and listen to what they have discussed." Xiong Wei said.

Ji Feiyan glanced at the bust angrily, "Listen, in what capacity, there are a lot of strong emperors in the Martial Emperor, maybe, Mu He is already on guard against you."

"Isn't it." Xiong Wei frowned and said in a low-key manner.

Ji Feiyan squinted his eyes, he was old and mature, and Mu He was such a shrewd person, he might have guessed that Xiong Wei was coming.

"I don't know what's going on with Mu Chen and Ye Shi. It would be great if they could be contacted." Xiong Wei couldn't help but said.

Ji Feiyan thought about it for a while, sighed lightly, and said, "Tomorrow, I will go around the formation, maybe I will hit Ye Shi."

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "That's fine."

The next day, Ji Feiyan went to the outside of the acupuncture, strolled around, and really met Ye Shi.

He also took a large piece of unknown animal meat and gnawed it, not even spitting up the bones.

Ye Shi's cheeks were bulging, his teeth were white, his eyes were bright, and his face was round.

Ji Feiyan originally thought that Ye Shi couldn't recognize him, but he didn't expect that when Ye Shi saw him, there was a knife-like light in his eyes, but he quickly concealed it.


"I have contacted Ye Shi." Ji Feiyan excitedly said to Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei was stunned for a moment, and said with a strange expression, "Has he recognized you?"

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yes!"

When Xiong Wei heard Ji Feiyan's words, he felt depressed for a while. How long did he know Ye Shi? How long did Ji Feiyan know Ye Shi? As a result, Ye Shi could easily recognize Ji Feiyan, but he thought he was sick.

"This little bastard can't recognize me, but can recognize you. Could it be that this kid has a crush on you?" Xiong Wei said sourly.

He couldn't even recognize Ji Feiyan's current appearance.

Ji Feiyan smiled helplessly, and glanced at Xiong Wei angrily, "Where have you been, Mu Chen and Ye Shi can monitor the situation outside."

Xiong Wei was stunned for a moment, full of surprise: "They still have this ability!"

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yeah!" She was also very surprised. With such an ability, Mu Chen and Ye Shi had a great advantage, no wonder they were like a duck to water.

"Did that kid Ye Shi say anything?" Xiong Wei asked.

Ji Feiyan frowned and said, "Ye Shi said that the old man Mu He joined with others to set up a star capture array and organize the seventy-two nebula arrays to absorb star power."

Xiong Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "So, he..."

"So, Ye Shi wants us to destroy the Star Capture Array. If the Star Capture Array is completed and the energy supply of the Great Array is cut off, then the decision of the Great Array will only last for one year." Ji Feiyan said.

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth and said, "If you want me to confront those Martial Sovereigns head-on, I can't fight with my fists and four hands. If I just destroy the Star Capture Array, it shouldn't be a problem."

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "I hope."


"Mu Chen." Ye Shi walked into the inner hall, "What are you looking at?"

Mu Chen closed the formation book in his hand and said, "I'm studying the killing formation."

After being promoted to Martial King, the two's array spells advanced by leaps and bounds. Many problems that they didn't understand before became clear at once, and the array spells quickly entered the sixth level.

"You seem to have been researching killing formations recently! Seventy-two group killing formations? This is a sixth-level formation! I heard that the lethality of this formation is great!" Ye Shi muttered.

"Yeah! Not only that, this formation is very compatible with the seventy-two-way nebula formation. By adding this formation to the seventy-two-way nebula formation, the power it can exert..." Mu Chen paused. , a bit of the same look flashed in his eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a flash of ruthlessness flashed across his face. "If the Martial Emperor is hit in the front, he can't escape death." Mu Chen continued gloomily.

Ye Shiman looked at Mu Chen in surprise. Could this fellow Mu Chen plan to kill all the powerful Martial Emperors outside? Mu Chen is too crazy.

"Mu Chen, are you planning to take the initiative?" Ye Shi hesitated and asked.

Mu Chen smiled lightly and said, "It's just two-handed preparation. If the master can break the great formation, of course it's best. If it can't be broken, it's better to give it a shot than to wait to die."

Ye Shi nodded and said coldly, "That's what you said too."

Mu Chen clenched his fists, if Xiong Wei failed, it would be impossible for him to sit still and die.

Whoever wants his Mu Chen's life, he can only let the other party die first.

"I heard that this formation is also very expensive." Ye Shi thought for a while and said.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I will study this formation, just in case of emergency. If Master can successfully destroy the formation, I naturally don't need to do this."

Ye Shi nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Mu Chen, do you think Senior Xiong will fail?" Ye Shi said with a frown.

Mu Chen sighed lightly and said, "I don't know." Privately, he felt that his cheap master had little chance of winning.

Mu Chen clenched his fists, Zhuang Yu was sent in in the original book, and he took up all the resources, but nothing happened. When it was his turn, all the monsters and monsters ran out. It was really a headache!

As soon as Mu He came back, three star capture formations were quickly constructed.

In order to enter the secret realm as soon as possible and get a share of the pie, the martial emperors from all sides have contributed a lot of materials.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said, "A bunch of spineless guys fighting to please Old Man Mu."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "This guy, Mu He, has a very high status in this group of people!" Although this person is notorious.

"Yeah! We have to be quicker, we can't lose to an old man." Ye Shi gritted his teeth.

Mu He was going to set up a star-capturing formation, while Ye Shi and Mu Chen were setting up a 72-way lore formation in case of emergency.


Gu Miaoyu stood in front of the big formation and looked straight into the big formation.

"Gu Daoyou, what are you looking at?" Xia Chengmo walked to Gu Miaoyu and asked.

Gu Miaoyu squinted her eyes and said, "Recently, Ye Shi didn't come out to wander, I think it's a little strange."

Xia Chengmo sneered and said, "If you are scared, you will naturally not come out. What's so strange about this."

Gu Miaoyu shook her head and said, "No, he is not such a person."

A daring person like Ye Shi would be frightened, and it was impossible to think about it.

Having played against the two for more than a year, Gu Miaoyu knew very well that Mu Chen and Ye Shi were both lawless and unwilling to admit defeat.

"I think he seems to be planning something?" Gu Miaoyu said.

Xia Chengmo rolled his eyes and said, "I said, fellow Daoist Gu, you are also a strong Martial Emperor! Why do you seem to be afraid of the appearance of their two Martial Kings, two newly promoted Martial Kings, thinking back then, you were also a hero among women! How come the more you live, the more you go back?"

When Gu Miaoyu listened to Xia Chengmo's words, her face suddenly turned blue and white.

"Fellow Daoist Xia, the two of them are not as simple as you think." Gu Miaoyu gritted her teeth.

Xia Chengmo said in disapproval: "It's not simple, how simple it can be, fellow Daoist Gu, how can you maximize other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige, when fellow Daoist Mu makes a move, it's still not easy to capture."

Gu Miaoyu gritted her teeth and said, "If you have fellow Daoist Mu, you can naturally sit back and relax."

Xia Chengmo smiled lightly, and Gu Miaoyu looked at Xia Chengmo's back and clenched her fists angrily.


"That old man Mu He is making fast progress!" Xiong Weiya said itchy.

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yes!" Although there was only one Mu He in the formation, there was a group of people helping him.

"In three days, the grand formation will be completed, and I have to prepare to do it." Xiong Wei said with a frown.

Ji Feiyan frowned, and hesitantly said: "Xiong Wei, there are many people helping Muhe, and there are people guarding the big formation every day. If you do it at this time, I'm afraid..."

Xiong Wei sighed lightly and said, "I know what you said." If the sixth-level formation is not completed, he has no chance. The formed sixth-level formation is very difficult to destroy.

Ji Feiyan frowned, sighed lightly, and said, "Be careful."

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do." Mu Chen and Ye Shi, with two little bunnies, would be too troublesome, Xiong Wei secretly said.

"Mu Chen, Senior Xiong, plan to start tonight." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Well, we will also start tonight. If he succeeds, we will hold our ground. If he fails, we will integrate the seventy-two group killing formation into the big formation, and we will be able to kill it. A few are a few."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen's cold profile, swallowed, and said, "Okay."

"If one dies, it's one, and if one dies, we will have less pressure in the future." Mu Chen said with a cool smile.

Ye Shi couldn't help blinking when he saw the excitement flashing in Mu Chen's eyes.

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