The main medicine for refining the ice soul detoxification pill, Mu Chen accidentally got it in the mountains and forests. He went to the pharmacy to buy a few auxiliary medicines. The two rented a temporary yard outside the city, and Mu Chen began to prepare for refining. Ice Soul Detoxification Pill.

"Stone, I'm going to concoct alchemy in a while, you can watch it outside, don't let outsiders come in." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi nodded earnestly and said with a serious face, "I know."

If an alchemist was disturbed in the process of alchemy, it would be easy for the alchemy to destroy people. Mu Chen's strength was only level five, but he was refining a level six medicine pill, so he had to be more careful.

Mu Chen smiled at Ye Shi and entered the alchemy room.

Mu Chen didn't say anything to Ye Shi. Ye Shi always valued his safety. Although Ye Shi was usually a careless person, when it comes to him, Ye Shi will definitely try his best to be thorough.

As soon as Mu Chen left, Ye Shi quickly set up layers of formation restrictions around the courtyard.

After more than a year, Ye Shi's understanding of the sixth-level formation has become deeper and deeper, and the arrangement of the sixth-level formation has become more and more familiar.

Ye Shi set up three sixth-level formations around the entire small courtyard. He was sure that the entire small courtyard was enveloped by the formations, and it was difficult for the emperor-level masters to enter, so Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

When the sixth-level medicinal pill is completed, an astonishing vision will appear when it is completed.

Before, in the wild, when Mu Chen was refining a sixth-level medicinal pill, he attracted two emperor-level monsters. If they hadn't run fast, they would have been eaten by the monsters.

Ye Shi arranged the restriction and checked it carefully before he was relieved.


"Ah!" In Mo Feng's other courtyard, Mo Yun held his head and screamed.

Mo Feng looked at Mo Yun's tragic state, and his heart ached.

"Yun'er, how are you?" Mo Fengman asked eagerly, Mo Yun's episodes became more and more frequent, and it seemed that this poison would not last long.

Mo Yun held his head, endured the pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Father, I'm fine."

Mo Feng looked at Mo Yun's pain and almost fainted, but he insisted that he was fine, and he was very distressed.

Mo Yun hurriedly took out a Level 5 Frozen Cloud Pill and gave it to Mo Yun. Although he took the pill, Mo Yun's condition did not improve much.

The fifth-level Frozen Cloud Pill was able to relieve the poison in Mo Yun's body at first, but after taking it several times in a row, Mo Yun's body gradually developed resistance, and this Frozen Cloud Pill gradually became ineffective. .

A faint scent of Dan Xiang came, Mo Yun took a breath, only to feel that the headache was relieved a lot.

"This is..." Mo Feng's eyes widened suddenly, this is... the breath of the Ice Soul Detoxification Pill!

Back then, he found a sixth-level alchemist to refine the Ice Soul Detoxification Pill. When the alchemist had refined it to the point where he was about to become an elixir, there was a rumor of this kind of elixir. Unfortunately, that person failed to condense the elixir. Fall short.

how come? How is it possible that there are only three sixth-level alchemists in the Luoyue Empire, one is far away in the alchemy guild, one is in retreat, and the other has just stepped into the sixth-level alchemist level, so he can't refine the ice soul detoxification pill at all.

"Yun'er, how are you?" Mo Feng looked at Mo Yun and asked.

Mo Yun held his head, panting heavily, the expression on his face eased a bit, "It's much better."

"You stay here and go out to see the situation for your father." Mo Feng said eagerly.

Mo Yun nodded and said, "Okay."

Mo Feng settled down on Mo Yun, and immediately rushed out impatiently.

A lot of vitality, frantically gathered in the small courtyard.

The vision on Ye Shi's side could be seen in the entire city of Li. Ye Shi sat on the roof and watched the people gathered around him with full alertness.

There were more cultivators gathered around than Ye Shi imagined. A large group of swallowing insects surrounded Ye Shi. During this time, two more fire swallowing insects advanced to the king rank, and Ye Shi's strength rose again. for a while.

Ye Shi's eyes looked around alertly from time to time. Although there were many people around, there were not many experts gathered, and the situation was not too bad.

"Little brother, what's going on inside! Is it true that there is a treasure in my house, which will be unearthed!" The owner of the other courtyard asked with fiery eyes.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, baby? This person is really whimsical. Why did he ask this idiot to rent a yard in the first place?

"No, where did the treasure come from!" Ye Shi said angrily.

"How can there be no treasures? Looking at this vision, it is clear that there are treasures that are about to be born. Did you already know that there are treasures in my house, so you deliberately rented my yard!" The owner of the other courtyard was furious. road.

Ye Shi grinded his teeth and glared at the master of the other courtyard, "How can there be a baby, you are dreaming, get out of here."

The owner of the other courtyard was full of annoyance: "Little brother, are you trying to seize my treasure!"

"Your house is just a dilapidated yard. Where did you get the baby! Don't mess around, I've rented this yard for seven days." Ye Shi said dissatisfiedly.

"I won't rent it, I won't rent it anymore? I won't rent it to you anymore, you should get out of here." The owner of the other courtyard said angrily.

Ye Shi's eyes turned cold and he said, "Go."

A golden swallowing worm flew towards the owner of the other courtyard, and knocked the owner of the other courtyard out, causing the owner of the other courtyard to scream.

The swallowing bug bit the buttocks of the owner of the other courtyard, biting off a large piece of meat.

Ye Shi waved his hand and called back the swallowing insect. What he released was only a fourth-level swallowing insect. This person is too bad. The fourth-level swallowing insect can't deal with it. He also took Joe with him. I really don't know. life and death.

The swallowing worm fluttered its wings and moved towards what he wanted to eat.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, these idiot bugs eat everything.

"Brother, it's not that a treasure was unearthed in your family, it's a sixth-level medicinal pill is about to be born." A cultivator said.

The owner of the other courtyard disapproved and said: "Impossible, the people who came to rent the house are two little ghosts, how can there be a sixth-level alchemist, if there is a sixth-level medicinal pill unearthed, it should be originally hidden in my other courtyard, and now it is unearthed. Ah! I remembered, my great-grandfather once said that there are treasures hidden in other courtyards."

Hearing the words of the owner of the other courtyard, a few people in the surrounding area actually started to move.

The six formations lit up the light curtain at the same time, and a strong murderous intent roared out.

With a wave of Ye Shi's hand, a black line immediately appeared around the courtyard.

"Whoever dares to step on the black line, I want whoever will die." Ye Shi stood on the roof indifferently, with a surging aura from his body, the aura of a king over the world.

For a time, a few people who had seen Ye Shi's youthful face and had ghosts in their hearts couldn't help but look at each other.

"It's actually a king-level expert?"

"Looks so young!"

"When will there be such a king-level master in our Luoyue Empire?"

Many people watching the excitement looked at Ye Shi with horror.


"Teacher, what is that!" The students of Yaotian Academy walked out of the jungle and saw the vision caused by Mu Chen.

"That's the vision that occurs when the sixth-level medicinal pill appears."

"Level six medicine pills? No way, I haven't heard of this city, there are level six medicine masters!"

"Looking at this situation, the refining is not an ordinary sixth-level medicinal pill."

"There's a sixth-level alchemist here, we're just going to visit!" a student suggested.

"Also, the chance to meet a sixth-level alchemist is not very common. If you can get to know one or two, it will definitely benefit them a lot." The leader of the team said.


A grey clothed man rushed over quickly and landed in front of Ye Shi.

Seeing the person coming, Ye Shi couldn't help but raise his vigilance. The person's face was full of anxiety and excitement, and he was an emperor-level expert.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth. He joined forces with Mu Chen, and ordinary emperor-level masters could handle it. However, Mu Chen was concocting alchemy at this time. If he had to deal with an emperor-level master alone, it would be a little stretched. After making the medicine pill, there will be a period of weakness.

"Little brother, is someone refining medicine pills?" Mo Feng asked respectfully.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! It's refining! You have a good eye, not like that idiot."

Ye Shi looked at the owner of the other courtyard, who was full of pain, with a helpless expression on his face. This fat fat man is going crazy when he wants to make a fortune. Where does the treasure come from in this dilapidated other courtyard.

Ye Shi knew that the people around were eager to move. It wasn't that he really didn't know that there was a sixth-level alchemist inside, but that after refining the sixth-level pill, there would be a period of weakness. These people wanted to take advantage of the fire.

Mo Feng said a little excitedly: "But it's refined, Ice Soul Detoxification Pill."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

A burst of clear-eyed alchemy sounds came, and the rich spiritual energy shot out into the sky. The roof of the alchemy room in the other courtyard was broken with a big hole, and the blue light shot straight into the sky.

A medicinal pill flew out and was taken back.

Looking at this scene, Mo Feng felt agitated, "Little brother, who is the person who made the medicine pill, can you let him sell the medicine pill to me?"

Ye Shi shrugged, shook his head disapprovingly, and said, "That won't work."

"Why?" Mo Feng asked eagerly.

"Because, I am useful." Ye Shi said with a frown.

Mo Feng said eagerly: "Little brother, I beg you to sell the medicinal pill to me. I need it urgently. What do you want it for, I will help you find a way."

Ye Shi tilted his head and said secretly: Judging from the appearance of this person, it seems that he is really in urgent need. It is not appropriate to offend an emperor-level expert. If the whip is expired, it can be replaced after the expiration date. troublesome.

"How many primeval stones are you going to give out?" Ye Shi asked.

Mo Feng was stunned for a moment, his face flushed red. Over the years, he has spent a lot of primeval stones to find Jiuzhuan Luo Yan's Ice Soul Detoxification Pill, but now that the pill is in front of him, he is... no money.

Ye Shi looked at Mo Feng's face, blinked, and said hesitantly, "You don't have no Primordial Stone, right?"

"Can you give me the medicinal pill first, and then give me some time to raise some primeval stones." Mo Feng asked.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he looked at Mo Feng in disbelief, thinking to himself: This person is not thinking of a white wolf with empty gloves.

Mo Feng's face couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, his request was a bit... exaggerated, but as of now, he has no other way.

Ye Shi shook his head and said regretfully, "I'm sorry, senior, we're leaving soon, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for you to raise primeval stones."

Ye Shi lowered his head and said to himself: Xiong Wei is not the only one who is poor in Emperor Wu. Judging from his appearance, he is also poor. From the appearance of this person, it seems that he is not a master who has just entered the Emperor Wu. what!

"But..." Mo Feng clenched his fists, his face pale for a while.

"It's here." Ye Shi excitedly turned towards the people hurriedly rushing behind Mo Feng, looked over, and a look of joy flashed across his face.

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