"Young Master Ye, where is Young Master Mu?" the auction house steward asked Ye Shi earnestly.

Mu Chen is the God of Wealth! After these two days of observation, he clearly knew that it was more effective to please Ye Shi than to please Mu Chen. Ye Shi was a Buddha, and he had to make offerings.

"Mu Chen! He's concocting alchemy." Ye Shi said of course.

"I still need to make pills!" The steward said a little weirdly. Ordinary sixth-level alchemists would take a break after refining sixth-level pills. This fellow Mu Chen is really working hard.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! Mu Chen wants to make money, a lot of money." The cost of raising a family and raising insects is too high.

Ye Shi sighed lightly, Mu Chen was too pitiful, so he would make money and spend it all.

Ye Shi took out five or six bottles of medicinal pills and handed them over to the steward, and said, "Mu Chen said that these medicinal pills will also be added to the auction list, half of them will be exchanged for medicinal pills, and the other half will be exchanged for the soul water of Youhuan Qujiang."

The auction house manager was stunned for a moment and said, "Change soul water?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Originally we were going to Youhuan Qujiang, but it was too late. Fortunately, we can directly change the soul water."

For him and Mu Chen, the soul water is more important than the primeval stone. The rank and number of the swallowing insects they cultivate are getting higher and higher. If their soul power can't keep up, it will be difficult to drive them. , It is a very painful thing to have a treasure mountain and not be able to use it. Before driving Tiantianworm and Fulu to deal with monsters, he often used up his soul power.

The feeling of exhausting his soul power is extremely uncomfortable, and he has long been dissatisfied with his insufficient soul power.

In fact, after the soul power is exhausted, after a short rest, the soul power will increase to a certain extent. Although this method of increasing the soul power is very effective, it is both dangerous and uncomfortable.

Of course, primeval stones are also indispensable. If there are no primeval stones, the group of swallowing worms that I have raised will be turned upside down.

"You can exchange a lot of soul water with a sixth-level medicinal pill. You and Mu Chen can't use it at all." The steward frowned and reminded.

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "It's okay, if you can't use it, just use it for a bath, you can always use it."

The steward twitched the corner of his mouth and took a bath with precious soul water. Only Ye Shi could think of such an extravagant usage.

The steward checked the medicine pill in his hand and said, "I'll arrange it immediately."

Although the time is a bit rushed, the vision of Mu Chen refining the sixth-level medicinal pill has shocked many people. Many emperor-level masters have gathered here, so don't worry, no one will bid at that time.

It's just the soul water of the Youhuan Qujiang. Although it has miraculous effects, many experts are afraid that there are not many stocks in their hands. If they act so hastily, the price of this soul water will rise with the tide...

"Young Master Ye, I saw you in a hurry last time. Because the dog was sick, I didn't have time to thank Ye Shao. Mo Feng is here, I will accompany Ye Shao." Mo Feng walked to Ye Shi and saluted Ye Shi. .

Ye Shi immediately returned the salute and said respectfully, "Senior said that, it really broke me."

"This is my son, Mo Yun." Mo Feng introduced to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi glanced at Mo Yun and praised, "Young Master Yun, he looks handsome, very similar to Master Mo Feng!" This person was probably poisoned for a long time, and he looked a little like a sick seedling.

Mo Feng smiled and said: "Ye Shao has won the award. Thanks to Mu Shao, the poison on the dog has been almost eliminated. Now Li Cheng is mixed with dragons and snakes, I owe Mu Shao a favor, if Ye Shao does not mind it. People are weak, I am willing to protect Mu Shao for a while."

"Ah! That's great. To tell you the truth, the situation is messy now. I really don't worry about Mu Chen's safety." Ye Shi said worriedly.

Mo Feng's reputation is good. It is said that he is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. It should be a good choice, and at this moment, he has no better choice. Because of the Ice Soul Detoxification Pill, Mo Feng can still be regarded as a little friendship.

Hearing the movement, Mu Chen walked out of the alchemy room, "Mu Chen, I have seen Senior Mo. During this time, there is Senior Lao Mo."

Mo Feng immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Mu, you're welcome, this is Mo Yun, the child. If it wasn't for your medicine pill, Master Mu, he wouldn't know, and he wouldn't know how much he would have suffered."

Mu Chen looked at Mo Yun a few times and said, "Although the poison on Young Master Mo Yun's body has been resolved, his vitality has not recovered. Why don't I refine a bottle of vitality pill and give it to your son."

Mo Feng was stunned for a moment, his face couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, "How embarrassing this is."

He originally wanted to repay Mu Chen's favor, but as soon as Mu Chen's pill was given away, he made another profit. The vitality pill is a fifth-level pill. Although it is not as bad as a sixth-level pill, it is also a rare thing! Mo Feng wanted to refuse, but when he thought of the role of Yuan Qi Dan, he was a little reluctant.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just a bottle of medicinal herbs. Mu Chen's safety during this period of time will be entrusted to Master Mo."

Mu Chen lowered his head. He and Ye Shi joined forces. Although they could rival the emperor-level masters, there are so many emperor-level masters in Licheng now. It is always beneficial to win over an emperor-level master.


Mu Chen lived in the auction house's other courtyard until the next day, refining the second sixth-level medicinal pill, the Spirit Emperor Pill.

Many emperor-level masters have arrived in Licheng. The vision triggered by the Spirit Emperor Pill attracted a large number of powerful audiences. Fortunately, although there were many audiences, no one took a shot.

The auction list of the auction house was passed out, causing an uproar.

The two sixth-level medicinal pills on the list clearly stated that one Spirit Sovereign Pill was exchanged for primeval stone, and one Spirit Sovereign Pill was exchanged for the soul water of Youhuan Qujiang.

Dozens of fifth-level medicinal pills are also divided into two categories.

As soon as the news came out, the price of the soul water of Youhuan Qujiang doubled several times.

The shop that originally stored the soul water was instantly overjoyed.

"How come there are so many precious medicinal pills, where did you get them from, Mr. Steward?"

"Besides Young Master Mu Chen, who else could it be! It is said that the medicinal pills are all refined by Young Master Mu."

"Alchemist Mu alone has refined so many sixth-level medicinal pills."

"You don't know, Mu Shao's alchemy speed is much faster than that of ordinary sixth-level alchemists."

"Mu Shaozhen can earn Primordial Stone, I wonder what Young Master Ye Shi can do?"

"Ye Shi, he knows how to spend money, don't you know it! The steward paid 200 million yuan in advance to Ye Shi, and Ye Shi fed the primeval stones to a group of flying insects. The insects ate primeval stones and hula hula hula, it's a bottomless pit. Ah! I think that Young Master Mu Chen's ability to earn Primordial Stone was forced out by Young Master Ye Shi."

"Young Master Ye, you are so good at flowers, I don't know how Master Mu Chen can stand him."

"It doesn't matter how people can stand it, they do. Mu Chen is a wife who is strict with it." Why did Mu Chen refine the Ice Soul Detoxification Pill? Level 6 medicine pill.


Ye Shi couldn't help but feel a little weird listening to the whispers of several girls in the auction house.

"Young Master Ye, these girls are ignorant. You don't need to take their words to heart." Mo Yun walked towards Ye Shi. Mo Yun was no less grateful to Ye Shi than Mu Chen. After all, if Ye Shi didn't like it With the flame whip, Mu Chen would not refine the Ice Soul Detoxification Pill on a whim. Ye Shi could be regarded as his indirect savior.

Ye Shi sighed lightly and said helplessly, "They're right, I can only spend."

"Young Master Mu, he can make money like this, maybe he needs you to give him some clothes." Mo Yun said jokingly.

Ye Shi shrugged and said helplessly, "I often help him go bankrupt."

"Young Master Mu won't mind." Mo Yun said lightly.

"Mo Shao, do you know how the auction is going?" Ye Shi asked.

Mo Yun said hesitantly, "This..."

"Young Master Ye, rest assured, everything is ready. Originally, I was worried that the time was too rushed, and the news would not get out. I didn't expect Mu Shaowei to be famous. In just a few days, several experts from the Emperor Wu came to the auction." Will take care of the way.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's good."

"By the way, I heard that the price of soul water outside has doubled?" Ye Shi said.

"Yeah!" The steward smiled helplessly, Mu Chen insisted that a sixth-level medicinal pill was exchanged for soul water. Now the price of soul water outside has skyrocketed. In just a few days, it has doubled several times. However, owning Most of the soul water people are unwilling to take action.

The Youhuan Qujiang River is now flooded with people, and there are countless people pouring into the river.

"By the way, is there any news about the Xuanfeng Empire?" Ye Shi asked.

Doing the math, he has left the Xuanfeng Empire for several years. At that time, there were too many people who offended him and he had to flee. Now, his strength has risen a lot, and he should still be able to fight against those people. .

The steward nodded and said, "Yes, Young Master Ye doesn't need to worry for the time being. Right now, there is still a small-scale beast tide breaking out in the Xuanfeng Empire. The four countries have formed an alliance and can resist it."

"That's good." Ye Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have heard news that the four kingdoms of Xuanfeng, Flange, Blood Moon, and Cang Qiong will hold a four-nation alliance meeting in Cang Qiong Empire in more than a month. The four countries will send emperor-level experts to participate, and your Xuanfeng Empire will send people. It's Xiong Wei." The steward said slowly.

Ye Shi nodded. The Vault of Heaven is just the closest to where they are now. After the auction is over, they should be able to catch up with the four countries to hold the conference.

The steward lowered his head, a bit of hesitation flashed across his face.

"Master in charge, if you have something to say, just say it." Ye Shi looked at it.

"Among the four kingdoms, the Xuanfeng Empire is the weakest, so when the four countries talk, the Xuanfeng Empire's right to speak is relatively weak." Guan Shi said.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment. Only when he has enough strength can he have enough power to speak. Xiong Wei is actually a violent temper. It seems that he is going to take the lead in the four-nation talks. The fire is in full swing.

Ye Shi sighed lightly, "Senior Xiong is going to be wronged."

"The existence of an emperor-level master can greatly improve the overall strength of a world. Although you and Mu Chen are both king-level masters, they are both sixth-level formation masters, and Mu Chen is also a sixth-level alchemist. You have participated in the fight against the beast tide, and the effect you have played is not much less than that of the emperor-level masters. If the two of you join, the situation of the Xuanfeng Empire will be greatly improved." The steward smiled.

The steward told the truth, a pure emperor-level master, only one person, can stop at most, one or two sixth-level monsters, if the formation is properly arranged, then it can improve the overall strength of the cultivator, and the strength displayed is not enough. small.

Ye Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of everyone, no matter what, he has to rush back before the large-scale outbreak of the beast swarm.

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