Following the explosion of Mu Chen's light curtain image, Ye Shi's light and shadow also exploded.

Bai Chenxing watched Ye Shi's image explode, and he was worried and relieved.

Bai Chengfeng blinked and said, "Oh, oh, it seems that Yanxing has also advanced to the sixth-level Wuzong. Yanxing is really amazing! With a baby, the cultivation is so fast, it's really amazing."

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Yes! Yanxing is very powerful. When he comes out, he will surpass your uncle..."

Bai Chengfeng laughed and said, "That's, that's... Yanxing is so powerful, it's nothing if he surpasses me when he comes out, if he comes out, if he doesn't do well, he will kill two with one stone, and bring you two grandchildren out. , that's really amazing."

Bai Chenxing: "..."

According to the information on the spiritual veins provided by the spiritual tower, Mu Chen drew ten spiritual veins in a row.

"Oh, this spiritual vein is actually a top-grade spiritual vein, and there is a top-grade primeval stone." Ta Ling said excitedly.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Oh, that's good." This spiritual meridian equals the sum of the three previous spiritual meridians.

In the middle of the Lingta, Ye Shi was eating barbecued meat. The meat of the three-headed Jiaoyu was all made into various kinds of jerky by Mu Chen, spicy, spicy, salt and pepper, all kinds of flavors, everything.

The dragon meat is rich in spiritual energy, and Ye Shi likes it very much.

Mu Chen secretly said to himself: I'm going to have a son right now, so I need to save more money.

Seeing how his son ate the Revered Spirit Pill but didn't react at all, he knew that this was a difficult one to raise!

Mu Chen frowned and said, "How do I feel, something is wrong with the secret realm."

"It's probably running to the end." Xiaolong said, who has not spoken.

"Run to the end?" Mu Chen said.

Xiaolong nodded and said, "This secret realm is about to collapse."

Mu Chen frowned and asked, "What would happen if the secret realm collapsed?

Xiaolong frowned and said, "Probably explode."

Mu Chen: "What about us..."

Xiaolong frowned and said, "You will be teleported out before the explosion."

Mu Chen glanced at Xiaolong thoughtfully, so it was... No wonder, when he recognized Xiaolong, Xiaolong didn't resist particularly violently. If he didn't take it out, this guy would probably accompany the secret realm. Blast it.

Xiaolong flicked his tail, gave Mu Chen a proud look, and got into the spiritual pagoda.

Mu Chen shook his head, this arrogant thing, the spiritual veins marked on the jade slip, has already been extracted by him. Next, he should refine some more eighth-level medicinal pills.

One after another fireworks bloomed in the sky, Mu Chen looked at the sky and frowned.

These days, there are frequent beast tides. On the way to find the spiritual veins, Mu Chen has solved three or four beast tides one after another, but even so, the beast tides have not been relieved.

The rescue fireworks this time were set off by the Bai family.

Forget about other families, the Bai family's distress order, it is not good to see it and turn a blind eye.

When Mu Chen arrived, there were dozens of people in the Bai family, each holding a flag, and jointly presided over a formation to fight against a group of seventh-level monsters.

The cultivation level of the people headed by the Bai family is only Emperor Wu, but they should have earned a lot of time by relying on the formation technique.

It is not only the Bai family who are fighting against the alien beasts, but also many cultivators from other families. Recently, there have been frequent beast tides, and many cultivators have spontaneously formed a group.

Seeing Mu Chen appearing, a burst of cheers erupted from the cultivators.

Mu Chen waved his hand, and a group of swallowing insects flew out.

A group of seven-pole monsters don't need existences such as Taling and Yihuo to take action, and swallowing insects is more than enough.

How can ordinary monsters resist the power of the seventh-level ancient monsters? After a while, a group of swallowing insects will eat the attacking monsters cleanly.

"Brother-in-law, you are really amazing!" Seeing that the beast tide was blocked, Bai Qiyue stepped forward, full of flattery.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Where, it's just a little effort."

Several people in the Bai family were full of curiosity. She looked at Mu Chen. The scene where Mu Chen blocked Murong Feng with resoluteness that day left a deep impression on everyone in the Bai family.

Later, Ye Shi left with Mu Chen, Mu Chen and Ye Shi lived in seclusion, and the Bai family rarely had the chance to meet Mu Chen.

The Bai family also went to the Dan store opened by Mu Chen. Although they took the internal discount, they still couldn't see Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

At this moment, when they saw Mu Chen, the eyes of everyone in the Bai family were all glued to Mu Chen. In fact, not only the Bai family, but also the rest of the family.

An eighth-level alchemist is an existence that attracts attention everywhere. During this time, Mu Chen refined eighth-level pills one after another, and he has long become the idol of people in the secret realm.

"Where's my cousin Yanxing?" Bai Qiyue asked.

"He is resting in the spiritual pagoda." Referring to Ye Shi, Mu Chen's expression softened a bit.

Seeing the expression on Mu Chen's face, Bai Qiyue immediately admired Ye Shi a little more.

"Cousin Yanxing's current situation does require more rest." Bai Qiyue nodded.

Mu Chen glanced at Bai Qiyue and said, "There's something wrong with the secret realm recently, do you know what's going on?"

Bai Qiyue said thoughtfully: "It may be that the secret realm is about to explode in advance, and the spirit beasts in the secret realm feel uneasy."

Mu Chen frowned and asked, "In advance?

Bai Qiyue nodded and said, "Yes, it may be less than three months."

Hearing this, Mu Chen frowned, damn it, it might be earlier.

Ye Shi walked out of the spiritual tower, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand. "problem occurs?

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yeah! Beast hordes break out quite frequently."

Ye Shiman asked curiously, "Is there an eighth-level monster? Grab and bake it and eat it."

When Bai Qiyue heard Ye Shi's words, she suddenly felt the urge to collapse, "Is there an eighth-level monster? Catch and eat it?" Is the eighth-level monster a cabbage? You can grab it and eat it.

Mu Chen shook his head and said with some regret: "There are no eighth-level monsters, but there are quite a few seventh-level monsters."

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks, sighed, and said, "If there are no level 8 monsters, let's catch a few level 7 monsters to satisfy your hunger."

Bai Qiyue looked at Ye Shi with a strange expression, the seventh-level monster meat seemed to be disliked by her cousin!

Mu Chen frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Otherwise, I'll look for it again. In such a big secret realm, you can't find eight-level monsters."

When the Bai family heard Mu Chen's words, they suddenly fainted. What are the eighth-level monsters? Is it delicious?

"That would be too much trouble." Ye Shi shook his head and said.

Seeing the dried animal meat in Ye Shi's hands, Bai Qiyue's eyes flashed a bit of different colors. Could it be that... "Yanxing, you have a strong sense of flesh and vitality! It's not like a mortal." Bai Qiyue smiled.

"It's the jerky of the eighth-level monster! It's delicious and chewy. After eating it, you won't be hungry. Do you want to eat it?

"Okay!" The two words circled around Bai Qiyue's throat, and before Bai Qiyue could say it, Ye Shi spoke again.

"I won't give it to you, the jerky belongs to my son." Ye Shi said.

Bai Qiyue froze for a while, her face twisted, the jerky belongs to your son, and your son is in your belly, so, the jerky is yours... If you eat so much, you are not afraid of eating a bad stomach.

Mu Chen smiled at Bai Qiyue and said, "Stone has a baby, so he needs to take care of food. He doesn't usually do this."

Bai Qiyue smiled dryly, thinking to herself: Mu Chen, this idiot, Bai Yanxing has always been like this.

Bai Qiyue looked at Ye Shi and secretly said: Ye Shi's hands are really the eighth-level animal meat, and using the eighth-level animal meat as snacks is really a waste.


Mu Chen thought for a while, instead of running around with Ye Shi, he reopened the medicine store.

Afraid that after leaving the secret realm, there is no time to refine the eight-level pills. During this time, Mu Chen has been refining various eight-level pills.

After Mu Chen reopened the medicine store, many people lived directly next to the medicine store in order to avoid the beast tide in the secret realm.

The Heaven-Swallowing Insects and the Different Fires around Mu Chen are all powerful weapons for group killings. Once the beast swarm arrives, Mu Chen will let out the bored Heaven-Swallowing Insects and the Different Fires, killing the Quartet.

It was found that the medicine store was safe, and more and more people lived next to the medicine store.

"Leiyun is here, it seems that Mu Chen has refined the eight-pole medicinal pill again." Wu Jinque looked at the sky and said.

"This has already been moved here. It is the sixth time to refine the eighth-level medicinal pill."

Wu Jinque covered her chin and said, "Among the medicinal pills that Mu Chen refined, there is one medicinal pill, which should be the cleansing pill."

Cleansing the dust can purify the erysipelas. Cultivators who take too many medicinal pills will accumulate erysipelas in their bodies. Cleansing the dust can clear the erysipelas. Go outside, it's going to break your head.

"Young Master Mu's level of alchemy, it won't take long, I'm afraid he will be equal to the elder of the tower too." A girl beside Wu Jinque said.

"Yeah!" Wu Jinque looked towards the place where Dan Yun converged.

Mu Chen was refining pills within the restraint that Ye Shi had arranged.

Lie Xing Tian waited for dozens of Martial Sects to stand beside him, and planned to help when the pill robbery fell.

Dan Jie is actually a good thing, but since Ye Shi was pregnant, Mu Chen didn't dare to let Ye Shi be struck by lightning too much.

Bai Shaoyu looked at Mu Chen, who was surrounded by a group of Wu Zongs, and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Mu Chen is really powerful, and the Wu Zong in the secret realm all respected him sincerely, and living in the realm of Mu Chen is really worth his life.

The rolling thunder and lightning fell, and dozens of martial sects rushed up at the same time to deal with the pill robbery. Ye Shi was mixed in the crowd.

"Yanxing's appetite is really good." Bai Qiyue looked at Ye Shi and said.

Bai Shaoyu nodded and said, "Yes!

The anger next to the medicine store was so strong that it really attracted the eighth-level monsters. Mu Chen wanted to kill the eighth-level monsters as a snack for Ye Shi. The attacking monsters were killed by Mu Chen and Ye Shi together. Bai Qiyue still remembers Ye Shi, who was full of surprise and muttered, "Why is this one so weak."

Bai Shaoyu inquired about it, only to find out that the first eighth-level monster that Ye Shi and Mu Chen killed was actually a three-headed dragon.

"It's a blessing to be able to eat. With Mu Chen around, are you afraid that Yanxing can't afford it?" Bai Qiyue said.

Bai Shaoyu nodded and said, "That's right."

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