The man in white glanced at Bai Chenxing, and said thoughtfully, "Are you planning to ask the Supreme Danta Elder to refine the medicine pill?"

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "I have this plan."

Mu Chen's success rate in refining medicine pills is not low, but he is only an eighth-level low-level alchemist. When Mu Chen reaches the late eighth level, he still doesn't know when it will be.

If Mu Chen's alchemy skills are to be improved, they need to be inherited. The inheritance of alchemy skills is generally in the hands of Danta and some big families of alchemy.

However, Bai Chenxing was still hesitating and did not make up his mind. After all, that person Danta has not yet agreed to his request. It is also very rare to refine the spirit grass of the spirit-returning pill. Well, Qu Xinyang's path of reincarnation was cut off.

"You'd better not go, it won't be of any use other than wasting the spirit grass." The man in white said coolly.

"Why?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

"Because the Supreme Elder of Danta is a member of the Ming family."

"What?" Bai Chenxing suddenly widened his eyes.

The man in white smiled with a pale face, and said, "The power of the Fate Clan is hard to imagine for you. Don't underestimate this race. His clansmen are all over the world."

Mu Chen clenched his fists, Danta actually has a life clan, "Could it be that the Danta tower master is also a life clan?

The man in white nodded and said, "It should be."

"There are people from the Ming clan in the dan tower, and other spiritual towers, will there be people from the Ming clan?" Mu Chen asked.

"There should be as many." The man in white sighed softly.

Ye Shi bit his lip, and things got more and more troublesome.

"Senior, what is the strength of the person who shot today, and how many people like the Ming Clan are there?" Mu Chen asked.

The man in white frowned and said: "The one who shot today is the Death Star Martial Saint. There are at least five or six Martial Saints of the Ming clan, and the details are not clear. The Ming clan has lived in seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years. It is difficult to estimate how many masters there are.”

Ye Shi glanced at the man in white uneasily, and said, "In that case, isn't Mu Chen very dangerous?"

The man in white looked at Mu Chen and said, "A little bit."

The Ming clan has been plotting the Five Spirit Pagoda for many years. As a result, now the two sets of the Five Spirit Pagoda are on Mu Chen. It is strange that the Ming clan does not pay attention to Mu Chen.

The man in white looked at Mu Chen, his eyes narrowed, Mu Chen's appearance should be related to Qu Xinyang, and it is also related to their spiritual clan.

"However, since that guy didn't succeed today, he probably won't do it again in the short term." The man in white said thoughtfully.

No matter how unscrupulous the Ming clan is, it will be taboo. No matter how strong the Ming clan is, it is no bigger than the Hundred Clans Alliance.

"Senior, can you serve as a bodyguard for Mu Chen for a while!" Ye Shi said with anxiety.

"Guard." The man in white raised his head and glanced at Ye Shi in surprise.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said, "I know the senior's status is honorable, but the life clan is pressing step by step, I have no other way, Mu Chen is very rich, he can pay you prime stone."

The man in white smiled and said, "No need, I will protect you to Wu Zun. When you reach Wu Zun's realm, you should have the ability to protect yourself."

Ye Shi was secretly delighted, Mu Chen is now an eight-star martial arts sect, and when he reaches the realm of Wu Zun, he can't beat him, so can't he escape?

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

"However, I have a condition." The man in white said.

"What?" Ye Shi asked.

"I know that you can arrange an eighth-level formation, which can help Wu Zong break through to become Wu Zun, and Mu Chen, you have a spiritual core in your hand." Bai Yong said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, senior, would you like me to help those from the Spiritual Race advance?

The man in white nodded and said, "Yes."

"How many?" Mu Chen asked.

"Three." The man in white said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay, but, to use the formation, the primordial stone needs to be prepared by the senior, and the spiritual core pill needs to be exchanged by the senior with the spirit grass."

The man in white nodded and said, "Of course it should be."

"Actually, I still have an inscription on my hand, which may be useful for Wu Zong to advance to Wu Zun." Mu Chen said.

The man in white looked at Mu Chen with some surprise, and said, "Isn't that a seventh-level inscription? Is it also effective for Wu Zong to break through Wu Zun?

"The seventh-level inscription is simplified, and the complete inscription is the eighth-level inscription." Mu Chen said. Although he used simplified inscriptions for Lie Xing Tian and others, it would not have any side effects.

The man in white nodded and said, "Are you an eighth-level inscription master?

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's right." He had already simulated several times in the spiritual tower, so there shouldn't be any problems.

There was a bit of joy on the face of the man in white, "So, that's the best."

Lingxin Dan and Ye Shi created the formation, and they have just caught the edge of the eighth level. Only these two things are not very safe. Wuzong is promoted to Wuzun, and it should not be ignored. It's even harder.


After a few discussions, the man in white, Qu Qingyin, Bai Chenxing and others, returned to the Bai family together.

Bai Chenxing didn't tell Mu Chen and Ye Shi that the Bai family actually had a Martial Sage. Bai Chenxing didn't expect that in order to deal with Mu Chen's Martial Sect, the Ming clan would actually dispatch a Martial Sage, so he didn't go to invite the Supreme Elder of the Bai family. .

Bai Chengfeng stood at the door and kept looking out, "Where is the person? Why haven't you come over yet? Could it be that the little white face was brought to the Spirit Clan?

"Ninth brother, do you want to die?" Bai Yuefeng said angrily. It’s okay to speak openly at ordinary times, that man in white, but, the martial arts powerhouse! Although the man is young, he may be an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Bai Chengfeng rubbed his hands together, smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's my fault."

Bai Chengfeng looked at the old men around him, and rubbed his nose unhappily, "Big brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother... I'll just wait here, you all go back and rest, this Chen Xing I don't know when I'll be back."

"Chengfeng, what are you talking about, it's your own family, wait a minute, what's the point?" Bai Mingfeng said.

Bai Chengfeng frowned, these bastards are all here to grab the medicine pill from him.

"Here." Bai Mingfeng said excitedly.

Bai Chenxing walked in front, Ye Shi and Mu Chen held hands and walked behind Bai Chenxing, the man in white who had shot before fell behind.

Bai Chengfeng looked at Ye Shi's round face, and said, "Eighth-level animal meat, it really raises people! Look, Yanxing's face is smooth and smooth."

Everyone ignored Bai Chengfeng, and a honeycomb rushed towards Bai Chenxing and others.

"Yanxing, you are really amazing. As soon as you looked for it, you found an eighth-level alchemist."

"Young Master Mu, you are really young and promising. No wonder Yanxing is always thinking about it and never forgetting it."

"Young Master Mu, you have refined so many eighth-level medicinal herbs in the secret realm, and you really terrified the gangsters of Danta with high eyes and low hands!

"Young Master Mu, those guys from the Ming family are too unscrupulous and shameless. Don't worry, our Bai family is not easy to mess with."


With a smile on the corner of Mu Chen's mouth, he calmly greeted everyone in the Bai family.


Array Tower.

"Grandpa, Mu Chen has moved to Bai's house." He Jingyue said.

He Xian nodded and said, "As expected."

The value of Mu Chen is obvious at a glance. No matter how high the Bai family thinks of themselves, it is impossible to push such a young eighth-level alchemist out of the door.

He Jingyue thoughtfully said: "Grandpa, look at the Ming family, will you attack Mu Chen again?

He Xian shook his head and said, "It shouldn't, if the Ming clan succeeded last time, it's fine. Since they missed the last time, they probably won't make another move in the short term. However, if Mu Chen and Ye Shi leave Bai Shi. It's not good at home."

"It is too exaggerated to dispatch Wu Sheng to deal with Wu Zong." He Beiyue said with a frown.

Wu Sheng has always been a mythical existence in He Jingyue's heart, but the Ming clan actually... He Xian smiled bitterly and said: "You have also seen that the Ming clan's Wu Zun is not Mu Chen's opponent at all, and Bai Chenxing is again Come forward." If you don't use the Martial Saint, the Ming clan's reputation will be ruined! However, now out, too.

He Jingyue pursed her lips and said, "I didn't expect that Qiu Zhengrong would stand on the side of the Ming clan."

He Xian smiled coldly and said, "Danta is detached from the world because of its superb alchemy skills, and is admired by thousands of people. However, the appearance of Mu Chen will soon break this balance."

He Jingyue frowned and said, "Mu Chen's alchemy skills are indeed progressing too fast."

"Mostly related to the Spirit Pagoda." He Xian said calmly.

He Jingyue squinted, the life clan spent a lot of time for the spiritual tower, the spiritual tower must have some magical effect.

He Xian sighed lightly and said, "The spiritual pagoda has already recognized its master." Others rob it, and the spiritual pagoda will burst with Mu Chen. However, the Ming family seems to have a deep research on the spiritual pagoda, and there may be a way. Remove the tower.

"Mu Chen's luck is against the sky!" He Jingyue said with some envy.

"Did Mu Chen go to the Hundred Refinements Killing Formation?" He Xian asked.

He Jingyue shook her head and said, "Not yet, I heard that Mu Chen doesn't care about going for a ride, but the Bai family said there is no rush."

A bunch of Bai family members are pestering Mu Chen to make alchemy, how can Mu Chen have time to break through the Bailian killing formation!

It was heard that not only the Bai family, but also various Wu Zuns, rushed to the door to get close to the Bai family, trying to get some medicinal pills out of Mu Chen's hands.

Under such circumstances, how could the Bai family let Mu Chen go into some sort of killing formation? If Mu Chen really died inside, what should he do? Although, with Mu Chen's ability, most likely not.

When He Jingyue walked out of He Xian's other courtyard, she saw several magicians gathered together, talking excitedly about something.

"What are you talking about?" He Jingyue asked with interest.

"I'm talking about the dowry that Muchen gave to the Bai family!" a girl said.

He Jingyue asked curiously, "What did Mu Chen give as a betrothal gift?

"Twenty eight-level medicinal pills." A young girl said in awe.

"Twenty?" He Jingyue said in surprise.

"Yeah! I heard that the betrothal gift was given out, but Mu Chen has nothing to do with it. Master Yanxing, gritted his teeth for Mu Chen's distress, and asked Mu Chen to give less." Ma Xiaoru said.

He Jingyue nodded and said, "It's like something Bai Yanxing would do."

"I heard that Mu Chen originally prepared more than 20 Baji elixirs for the betrothal gift, but he was reduced to 20 because he was afraid of Bai Shao's opinion." Ma Xiaoru said with envy.

He Jingyue smiled and said, "Bai Yanxing is so lucky!

Ma Xiaoru nodded and said, "Yeah! I heard that, Young Master Bai, this child is a twin, and the Bai family and the spiritual clan attach great importance to it."

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