"Stop all of them." Bai Chenxing shouted loudly. The five martial sects who fought against Qu Kun vomited blood at the same time, but Qu Kun was unscathed.

Seeing Bai Chenxing's appearance, the crowd of cultivators who were watching the excitement were a little surprised.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi chased behind Bai Chenxing and rushed to the battle site.

Qu Kun glared at Bai Chenxing fiercely, his eyes filled with anger.

Mu Chen looked at Qu Kun's angry expression, and silently lit a candle for Bai Chenxing in his heart.

"That Wu Zong's face is so fierce, this guy is really brave." Gu Yun muttered while standing in the attic.

"The ignorant are fearless. This guy, I don't know where he came from. Maybe he doesn't know how powerful Senior White is." He Ming said.

"Senior Bai appeared, but I didn't expect a Martial Sect to startle him." Wang Yang said with sparkling eyes.

Gu Xiaoyue looked at the handsome and handsome Bai Chenxing below, and couldn't help but say: "Senior Bai, he is getting more and more handsome. Those so-called young talents are too far behind when compared with Senior White."

"Unfortunately, Senior White, like Mu Chen, has an owner." He Jingyue looked at Gu Xiaoyue narrowly.

"Uncle Fifteen, he scolds you. I think he is probably a spy of the Ming clan." A young man in a brocade jumped out and pointed at Qu Kun.

Bai Chenxing took a deep breath, the Jinpao boy was the great-grandson of a Wu Zun in the clan, and he was a little idle on weekdays, but he was spoiled by the elders of the clan, and even if he acted ostentatiously, there was no big problem.

"Shut up." Bai Chenxing shouted fiercely.

Mu Chen lowered his head and said to himself, "I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but I'm afraid of teammates like pigs!

The young man in Jinpao glanced at Bai Chenxing with some grievance, and when he saw Bai Chenxing's ugly face, he was speechless.

"Senior Bai's face is a little weird!" Luo Cheng said.

"Why do I feel that Senior White seems to be a little afraid of that Martial Sect!" Gu Xiaoyue muttered.

Gu Xiaoyue quickly looked around, stuck out her tongue, and said, "I'm talking nonsense, Senior Bai is so powerful, how could he be afraid of a Martial Sect."

He Jingyue smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "I feel the same way too."

Gu Xiaoyue's eyes widened, and she secretly said: He Jingyue thinks this way, it's not her illusion.

He Jingyue stared at Bai Chenxing intently. Bai Chenxing hesitantly walked to the strange Wuzong, and called out respectfully, "Father-in-law."

Qu Kun took a deep breath, looked at Bai Chenxing almost gnashing his teeth, bowed his hands to Bai Chenxing, and said sneeringly: "Come on, stop calling that, you are a senior, I want to live a few more years, don't do this Destroy my life."

Gu Xiaoyue covered her mouth, full of disbelief, "That's...that's... Bai Chenxing's father-in-law." She said, ordinary people, how dare to call Bai Chenxing a bastard? !

He Jingyue narrowed her eyes and said to herself: Ye Shi is from Outer Territory, mother and father are from Outer Territory, this person is probably also from Outer Territory, it is no wonder that no one in Central Continent has heard of this person, but it turns out to be from Outer Territory.

He Jingyue looked at Bai Chenxing's pale face, a little strange in her heart.

Bai Chenxing met Ye Shi for the first time in Central Continent. Ye Shi faced the coercion of a group of Bai family members. Bai Lifeng stared at Ye Shi. Bai Chenxing was one step late, and Ye Shi might have an accident.

Bai Chenxing met his "father-in-law" for the first time in Central Continent. The five martial sects of the Bai family joined forces to deal with his "father-in-law". If Bai Chenxing was late, there would be a problem with his "father-in-law".

He Jingyue looked at Bai Chenxing whose face was changing, and suddenly felt that Bai Chenxing was a tragedy.

The boy who jumped out to accuse Qu Kun of being a spy, his face suddenly flushed.

"Stone." Qu Kun shouted at Ye Shi.

"Ah! Grandpa." Ye Shi called out obediently.

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi angrily and said, "Last time, when you came back, why didn't you say that when you were in the realm of Emperor Wu, you were hunted down by three Wu Zongs." He would not agree to Bai Chenxing taking Qu Xinyang away.

Ye Shi blinked and said, "Those martial sects are very weak. I'll kill them all at once. It's not a big deal."

He Jingyue: "..." Isn't it a big deal? At that time, almost, almost...

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi angrily, "If you killed them all at once, you almost lost your life."

Ye Shi: "..."

"Grandpa, Shishi has a baby, don't be fierce about Shishi!" Mu Chen said standing in front of Ye Shi.

Qu Kun said angrily: "You also said that your daughter-in-law was bullied, wouldn't you help him out? What do you want you to do, eat rice?"

Mu Chen blinked a little innocently. Bai Lifeng has already been crippled by Bai Chenxing. Killing him is just to help him get rid of it as soon as possible. Could it be that if you beat Bai Chenxing, he is not Bai Chenxing's opponent!

"Sorry, Grandpa, it's my fault." Mu Chenman said embarrassedly.

Qu Kun looked at Mu Chen and cursed angrily, "It's useless."

Mu Chen: "..." Qu Kun was wrong, right? He's innocent, okay?

Looking at Mu Chen, Wang Yang couldn't help but say, "The fire at the city gate will bring disaster to Chiyu!"

He Jingyue nodded and said, "That's not it." Mu Chen was really pitiful, but the other party was Ye Shi's grandfather, and Mu Chen had to endure whatever he said.

Previously, the young man in Jinpao who accused Qu Kun of being a spy collapsed to the ground in fright. The several martial sects who fought with Qu Kun all looked sullen.

Ye Shi looked at the countless people watching the fun and said, "Grandpa, let's get out of here first."

"Yes! Father-in-law, go back first." Bai Chenxing said.

"Don't call me that, I'm not sure whether Xinyang will marry you. Besides, you have a fiancée." Qu Kun looked at Bai Chenxing viciously, his face gloomy and dripping water.

Bai Chenxing hurriedly said, "That's all a misunderstanding. Before I met Xinyang, the engagement had been terminated."

Although Bai Chenxing was extremely unpleasant to the eye, Qu Kun followed Ye Shi back to the Bai's house and ordered the clan to stare at him.

The people around looked weird as Bai Chenxing and Qu Kun left.

"That's Bai Chenxing's...father-in-law." The man in gray who had spoken to Qu Kun before opened his eyes wide, his eyes full of disbelief.

The man in black said blankly, "No wonder! No wonder he dared to criticize Senior White so much. It turns out that this is the relationship between Senior White."

The man in gray patted his head and said, "Oh, I should hug my thigh." Bai Chenxing's father-in-law, Mu Chen and Ye Shi's grandfather, what a thick thigh!

"Let's go." The man in black pulled the man in gray and left the place, secretly saying: What thighs are you holding! Don't get in trouble, it's true.

White House.

"Grandpa, why did you suddenly think of coming here?" Ye Shiman asked curiously.

"The situation in Outer Territory has stabilized. It doesn't make much sense for me to continue to stay. I can't worry about you, so I will come and see you." Qu Kun said lightly.

Qu Kun sat on the seat, Bai Chenxing, Mu Chen, Ye Shi and others all stood in front of Qu Kun.

Qu Kun looked at the three people in front of him and said, "Sit down, I'm sitting, you all stand, you can't afford it! Bai Chenxing, you are a big man, I'm a country bumpkin, or a spy, you are such a pest. In front of me, I feel embarrassed."

Bai Chenxing smiled awkwardly, "Father-in-law, I'm sorry, I didn't restrain the Bai family."

Qu Kun snorted coldly and said, "People outside say you are amazing, you are amazing! Your son almost killed you, you are amazing!"

Bai Chenxing said in embarrassment, "It's my fault..."

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi, pointed at Bai Chenxing, and said, "He has a fiancée, why didn't you tell me when you came back last time? His fiancée is always stumbling you, so why don't you tell me."

Ye Shi blinked innocently and said, "My father's engagement with Xia Ruoxue has long since been terminated." However, Xia Ruoxue kept posting it upside down, pretending to be deeply affectionate to her father.

Qu Kun glanced at Bai Chenxing, and said angrily: "Really? I heard that Xia Kuxue is a great beauty! You have been guarding your body for many years, are you willing?"

"Father-in-law, this joke is too big, and Xia Ruoxue and I have nothing to do with each other." Bai Chenxing said embarrassedly.

"I heard that your father is very satisfied with this daughter-in-law!" Qu Kun said angrily.

Bai Chenxing bit the bullet and said, "That's all my father's wishful thinking."

"Grandpa, in fact, that Xia Kuxue doesn't look very good. He has a bad temper, and his array spells are also terrible. It's nothing special." Ye Shi said.

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi angrily, "You are kind, don't take anything seriously, and he will find you a stepmother another day, and you won't take it seriously."

Ye Shi: "..."

Bai Chenxing looked at Qu Kun and said, "Father-in-law has been thinking too much. I will only have Xinyang in my life. How could I find a stepmother for Yanxing?"

"Even if the marriage between Xinyang and Ye Xun is a fake, it doesn't mean that Xinyang is willing to marry you. It's too early for you to call my father-in-law, and I can't be a senior." Qu Kundui Flicked his sleeves.

Bai Chenxing said with embarrassment: "Father-in-law, calm down, don't say anything angry..."

"I'm not talking angry, I'm serious. Once you leave, it will take more than ten years to show your face. Even if Xinyang wakes up, he may not be willing to pay attention to you." Qu Kun sneered.

Bai Chenxing lowered his eyebrows and said, "It's all my fault."

"Of course it's your fault, not your fault, is it my fault?" Qu Kun sneered.

Bai Chenxing: "..."

"I heard that your Bai family has produced a lot of talent! That's true! I almost crippled your Bai family. The one who dealt with Yanxing at the beginning must not be in the pool." Qu Kun was full of sarcasm. typical.

Bai Chenxing clenched his fists and said with embarrassment: "I have already explained and taught them a lesson."

Qu Kun turned his face away and said angrily, "The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Mu Chen lowered his head and looked at Bai Chenxing stealthily. Bai Chenxing was dragged in front of him like the king of heaven. In Qu Kun, he was also a mouse frightened by a cat. Feng shui took turns!

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