In the meeting hall of the Ming clan, more than a dozen elders of the Ming clan gathered together.

"How could the Great Elder's soul lamp go out?"

"There is also the soul lamp of the seventeenth elder, which is also extinguished."

"I don't believe that the Seventeenth Elder is a newly promoted Martial Sage. It is still possible for him to have an accident. However, the Great Elder, he is the Seven-Star Martial Sage. Who can be his opponent?"

Zhuang Tianyang had a lofty position in the Ming clan. When he died, the Ming clan was in chaos.

"Elder Yaoyue's soul lamp is still on. When she comes out, she will probably know what's going on."

"Have you figured out the casualties of other forces?"

"Except for the Pill Palace, there have been no casualties from other forces."

A total of ten people went to the alchemy hall this time, five belonged to the major alchemy families of the alchemy pagoda, and two were five.

Today, the five alchemy families of Danta have all died.

It's not difficult to understand, these people, who have been in contact with the elders and others, must know something and can't stay.

It happened that Danta and the Bai family had a festival, and killing these people was just enough to push the Baijia.

However, what is the situation now, the first elder and the seventeenth elder are actually dead.

They ordered the clan to enter three Martial Saints, and their strength should be enough to sweep the other people inside. As a result, the people from other forces are fine now, but their famous clan lost two Martial Saints.


Dan Palace.

Zhuang Yaoyue was besieged by Mu Chen, Ling Chuan, and Ye Shi, and she fought and retreated.

Zhuang Yaoyue's face was very ugly. This was the seventh siege she had encountered in the secret realm. During this time, she had been in constant conflict with Mu Chen and others. She took the initiative to trouble Mu Chen and others, and Mu Chen and others had trouble. Chen and others set her on, and the two sides confronted each other, both winning and losing.

Zhuang Yaoyue found it a little depressing that these three people were getting more and more difficult to deal with.

Her strength has basically been finalized, but Mu Chen and Ye Shi are still on the rise. Every time they fight, Zhuang Yaoyue finds that these three people are a little more difficult to deal with. Such a feeling makes Zhuang Yaoyue was both angry and powerless.

"Boom." With a loud noise, the ninth-level explosive flame orb exploded.

Zhuang Yaoyue flew back and was injured by the explosion.

Zhuang Yaoyue roared, unwilling to detonate a ninth-level talisman, blocking the three, and pulled away.

"Run." Ye Shi said in a depressing tone.

"Yeah." Mu Chen nodded, Martial Saint was too difficult to deal with, but fortunately he solved Zhuang Tianyang ahead of time, otherwise, the old monster and the stinky mother-in-law joined forces, and they would be in big trouble.

"There is one less spirit grass." Ye Shi said depressedly.

Only Zhuang Yaoyue and them entered the central hall. The one who took away the spirit grass must be Zhuang Yaoyue.

Since Zhuang Yaoyue attacked Mu Chen, the two sides have officially torn apart their faces. Ye Shi has set traps in several important places in the center of the Pill Palace. As soon as he finds the trace of Zhuang Yaoyue, he goes up to entangle and fight. some time.

Zhuang Yaoyue also launched sneak attacks several times when Mu Chen was concocting pills, preventing Mu Chen from concocting pills.

Both sides are afraid of each other and make trouble for each other.

"You should have hurt her." Mu Chen said.

Zhuang Yaoyue's strength is extraordinary. If she wants to escape, Mu Chen and Ling Chuan will not be able to keep her or hurt her. It's just that Zhuang Yaoyue took little precautions against Ye Shi, and Ling Chuan gave Ye Shi the ninth-level Explosive Flame Orb for use. Zhuang Yaoyue never took Ye Shi seriously.

Ye Shi said gloomily, "It would be nice if I could kill her."

Ye Shi lowered his head and clenched his fists. Zhuang Yaoyue intervened several times when Mu Chen was concocting alchemy. When Zhuang Yaoyue made his first move, although Mu Chen was on guard, he was almost like Bai Chenxing. , almost seriously injured, the soul force backlash, Ye Shi has long hated this woman.

Zhuang Yaoyue used her soul power to open the door and got into the palace where she had come in.

"Old clan, are you injured?" Mo Lixuan looked at Zhuang Yaoyue with worry.

Zhuang Yaoyue closed her eyes, waved her hand, and said, "It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Mo Lixuan may have a high position in Danta, but in the Ming family, his status is not high. Hearing Zhuang Yaoyue's words, Mo Lixuan stood on the side with no flowers, but his face was a little more sad. .

Mo Lixuan pursed his lips and ordered the three Martial Saints who came in from the clan to die, leaving Zhuang Yaoyue alone. If the clan is held accountable, he will be to blame!

Zhuang Yaoyue looked at the wound on her body and felt a little angry. She was actually injured by a three-star Wuzun. Although Ye Shi's methods were quite varied, because of Ye Shi's low strength, Zhuang Yaoyue has always been not very good. Putting Ye Shi in her eyes, she didn't expect that this person who she had always looked down on would actually make her suffer such a big loss.


Ye Shi walked into the spiritual pagoda, looked at Bai Chenxing, and asked, "Father, are you feeling better?"

Bai Chenxing smiled and said, "It's much better." Mu Chen refined a mid-level 8 soul nourishing pill for Bai Chenxing, and Bai Chenxing's soul power has recovered a lot.

"How are you?" Bai Chenxing asked.

"I injured that woman. In the short term, that woman should not cause trouble. It's just that the strength of that woman is really strong, and we can't catch her." Ye Shi said a little depressedly.

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "If you can't catch it, you can't catch it." The two Martial Saints have already died, and they have already earned enough.

"After a while, I should be able to recover." Bai Chenxing said.

A bit of joy flashed in Ye Shi's eyes. If Bai Chenxing were to recover, their chances of winning would be much greater.

"Where's your grandfather, give this to you, Grandpa Ling." Bai Chenxing took out a few books and handed two jade slips to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi asked curiously, "What is this!"

"I found it in the space ring of the Great Elder of the Ming Clan. You take it out and show it to your grandfather. Maybe it will be of use to him." Bai Chenxing said.

During this period of time, Mu Chen and the others were too busy. They were so busy that they didn't even have time to check the things left by the Martial Sage. It happened that Bai Chenxing's soul power was damaged during this time, so he had time to check it carefully.

Ye Shi nodded, took the things and walked out.

"Your father asked you to give it to me?" Ling Chuan looked at Ye Shi and asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ling Chuan checked the thing Ye Shi brought over, his face was as gloomy as water.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Is it useless?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Ling Chuan laughed dryly and said, "No, it's useful, it's very useful."

Ye Shi looked at Ling Chuan suspiciously, not understanding why Ling Chuan was so angry since it was useful.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan's gloomy face, "What's wrong?"

Ling Chuan closed his eyes and said, "It's nothing." What Bai Chenxing brought over actually had the refining method of the Ling family's Jiutian Feather Fan.

Nine-day Feather Fan was refined two hundred years ago by Ling Yuan, the ninth-level craftsman of the Ling family. It is Ling Yuan's pinnacle work. After the Nine-Day Feather Fan was refined, Ling Yuan organized the refining process into a book and put it in The top floor of the family's library building, Ling Chuan never thought that the Ming family actually had a copy of this thing.

The Ling family let the Ming family infiltrate, and Ling Chuan suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan, and couldn't help but feel a little more suspicious. Qu Kun looked at the books in his hand one by one, and suddenly felt a little weird in his heart.

What the Ming clan robbed was not only the Ling family's books, the Yuan family, the aristocratic artifact refining family, and the artifact refining skills were far inferior to the Ling family's. , actually even the Yuan family's smelting and decomposing magic art.

"Actually, in addition to the Lingcao Garden and the ninth-level pill book, there is another very precious thing in this hall." Ling Chuan said mysteriously to Qu Kun.

Qu Kun said suspiciously, "What!"

"The door." Ling Chuan said mysteriously.

"Door?" Qu Kun asked suspiciously.

Ling Chuan nodded and said, "I don't know what the gate of the entire palace is made of, but it can be confirmed that it is definitely a ninth-level refining material. If the ninth-level material can be decomposed, then..." Then There are a lot of ninth-level artifact refining materials, enough to refine several ninth-level instruments.

Level 9 refining materials are hard to find!

Qu Kun blinked and said: "You really are a slapper! You don't even let go of the door, your Ling family is already in the middle of the family, and there are only some things left to decorate the facade, so you are such a wild goose that you raised. Over-plucked."

Ling Chuan: "..."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan and said, "Go quickly! Eat your Muchen's food all day long, use Muchen's food, you are a big senior and take advantage of the juniors all day long, why are you embarrassed?"

Ling Chuan: "..."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan's shocked face, and said with a dark face, "Come on! You've eaten white rice for so long, and you still don't know how to reflect?"

Ling Chuan: "..."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan and said, "What else do you have to do?"

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun, thought about it, and swallowed the words that I would ask Mu Chen to borrow a strange fire first.

Qu Kun touched his chin and secretly said: Before entering the center of the palace, every time they opened a door, they gained a lot. Now, if the doors of other passages are melted, the contents of the doors should be theirs.

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