Ling Chuan hid in the spiritual pagoda and took the medicine pill.

Zhuang Yaoyue has been staring at the movements of Ling Chuan and the others. Zhuang Yaoyue is very clear about Ling Chuan's acquisition of the medicinal pill, but she is helpless.

Zhuang Yaoyue clenched her fists, Ling Chuan got the Holy Spirit Pill, and his strength is only afraid to go up again. At that time, this group of people will be even more difficult to deal with.

Thinking of the Holy Spirit Pill, Zhuang Yaoyue felt envy in her heart. The Holy Spirit Pill was a rare ninth-level pill that could improve the cultivation of a Martial Saint, and she had not taken it before.

If you get the Holy Spirit Pill yourself, then your cultivation will rise again.

Zhuang Yaoyue shook her head and put the thought behind her. She didn't do it before, so Ling Chuan must have already eaten the medicinal pill, and it was too late.

The things in each palace branch are different. The palace branch she came to is full of rubbish. Dan Gu is really a bunch of rubbish. What a good way to choose, but unfortunately, it’s cheap if you can’t get through it. Mu Chen and others.


In the spiritual pagoda, Ye Shi was holding Dabao and Xiaobao thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking? So fascinated?" Mu Chen asked jokingly. His family's stones have always been very mind-boggling.

Ye Shi raised his head and glanced at Mu Chen, and said, "I'm thinking about the people in the dan tower, what's the situation now?"

"People from Danta?" Mu Chen couldn't help frowning.

Ye Shi nodded solemnly and said, "Ten people have come to Danta, and among them, there should be people who are not from the Ming family."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's for sure." No matter how powerful the Ming clan is, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand. Of the ten people brought by the Ming clan this time, five should be from major medicinal herb families. .

"Do you think Danta's people are dead?" Ye Shi asked.

Hearing Ye Shi's words, Mu Chen's heart suddenly sank and said, "It's possible."

Even if they didn't die now, Zhuang Tianyang and Zhuang Yaoyue would be dead if they didn't bring people out. After all, Zhuang Tianyang and Zhuang Yaoyue shouldn't let people out alive.

These people have been in contact with Zhuang Tianyang and Zhuang Yaoyue, and they are somewhat suspicious. They were invited by Mo Lixuan and Qiu Zhengrong. People from the medicinal herb family might be suspicious of Qiu Zhengrong and Mo Lixuan.

"Fate clan is not a good thing. If they really kill people, they won't admit it." Ye Shi frowned and sighed.

Mu Chen nodded, isn't it, if the Ming clan kills people...then they will definitely plant the blame on them.

Damn, what the Ming clan is best at is Li Dai Tao Zong, who was framed.

Mu Chen lowered his head and thought: Maybe, these people are already dead.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen's heart sank. Although the news in the secret realm could not get out, if these people died, then the soul cards they left outside would be shattered.

Once a few people die, those idiots outside will definitely suspect that it was them. After all, the relationship between Danta and the Bai family is not very good.

Mu Chen clenched his fists. Perhaps, the five people that Danta brought in were calculated from the very beginning. From the very beginning, the Fate Clan did not plan to let these people out alive.

If you guessed correctly, the people from the famous clan outside have already attacked the Bai family, and they don't know what the situation outside is now.

Ye Shi couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when he saw Mu Chen's frown.

"What's the matter? Did you think of something?" He also opened his eyes wide.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No."

The Wannian family of the Bai family has a profound background, and I think no one can easily shake it.

No matter what happened outside, they are now in the secret realm, and after all, there is nothing he can do. All he can do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Zhuang Tianyang is dead, the Ming clan will definitely set their sights on him, and the pressure he will face when going out is not small.

"Don't think too much, just work hard to improve your strength." Mu Chen said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said solemnly, "I understand." Ye Shi secretly said: Now that he has a baby, he has to protect the baby, instead of relying on Mu Chen to protect him all the time.


a few days later.

Bai Chenxing's injuries have fully recovered, and his soul power will not retreat but advance.

Ling Chuan completely absorbed the power of medicinal pills and rose to the level of a three-star Martial Saint.

Seeing that Bai Chenxing recovered and Ling Chuan was promoted, Mu Chen finally made up his mind to start refining the Spirit Returning Pill.

Zhuang Yaoyue found out that Mu Chen was refining the spirit-returning pill, and finally couldn't help but let it go.

Zhuang Yaoyue did not directly attack the strength of the few people who were afraid The monsters that shattered into scum all over the place screamed waste.

Zhuang Yaoyue watched this scene from a distance, only to feel chills all over her body, after weighing it for a long time, Zhuang Yaoyue dispelled the idea of ​​hindering Mu Chen's alchemy.

"Old clan, you're back? Outside, nothing happened, right?" Mo Lixuan said with anxiety.

Mo Lixuan and Qiu Zhengrong breathed a sigh of relief when Zhuang Yaoyue's injuries recovered. After Zhuang Yaoyue's injuries recovered, her face became more and more ugly.

Zhuang Yaoyue clenched her fists. As soon as Bai Chenxing shot, Zhuang Yaoyue knew that Bai Chenxing had almost recovered.

How could she recover so quickly, obviously it shouldn't be so fast, Zhuang Yaoyue still knew how much of the damage she had caused to Bai Chenxing when she attacked her soul at that time, but Bai Chenxing seemed to be doing nothing so quickly. In fact, no. It's just that Bai Chenxing, Mu Chen, Ye Shi, and the others' cultivation bases have risen too fast, and the speed is indeed a bit abnormal.

Zhuang Yaoyue bit her lip, the spiritual tower must be related to the spiritual tower.

Zhuang Yaoyue clenched her fists. There is still half a year left before the Pill Palace is opened. These guys are entering the country so fast, in the end, she will not be caught in the urn.

Zhuang Yaoyue smiled, shook her head, and threw out the unrealistic worries in her heart. She was also a Martial Saint after all, and it was too ridiculous to be so afraid of a few juniors.


Mu Chen made a lot of preparations for refining the spirit-returning pill. The refining process of the spirit-returning pill was smooth, and Mu Chen refined six spirit-returning pills in one furnace.

It was also after seeing the round pills that he finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and Bai Chenxing was also greatly relieved.

The Huiling Pill was successfully released, Bai Chenxing's strength recovered, and Ling Chuan's strength improved to a higher level.

Ye Shi felt that the day went by more smoothly.

Bai Chenxing carefully put away the two Spirit Returning Pills.

"Mu Chen, you are too powerful, I knew that you would be able to save your mother and father." Ye Shiman said happily.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Finally, I'm lucky not to be humiliated."

"Mu Chen, when you were concocting alchemy before, the eighth-level monster that appeared was deliberately released by someone," Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen's eyes were filled with cold light. When he was concocting alchemy, Ling Chuan had been unleashing his coercion. Monster beasts were most sensitive to danger, so how could they come straight at him.

"That monster may be Zhuang Yaoyue's contracted beast, who was released to test it." Mu Chen said.

Bai Chenxing turned the monster into scum in one move at that time, probably because he wanted to give that woman a disservice.

Ye Shi smiled strangely and said, "The woman was so frightened by her father that she didn't even show her face."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It seems that my father-in-law is very powerful."

A bit of murderous intent flashed in Ye Shi's eyes, "I don't know, where did that woman hide, the secret realm is so big, our current strength is enough to crush her, if she appears again, we will Blow her to death."

Mu Chen squinted and killed Zhuang Yaoyue. Although it is not possible now, the future is very promising.

There is only one person in Zhuang Yaoyue, and they dare not refine a single pill in the secret realm, but there are six of them. It is very convenient for them to do anything. Tired of running, it is not impossible to crush Zhuang Yaoyue.

Qu Kun came over and said, "Zhuang Yaoyue, she may have been hiding in the palace."

"Palace?" Ye Shi asked with some doubts.

Qu Kun nodded and said, "Yes! Which palace she came from, she should hide in that palace." The last gate of the palace only recognizes the person who opened it, the one opened by Zhuang Yaoyue, Just let her come and go freely.

It was foolproof to hide in the palace originally, but now that Ling Chuan can destroy the gate of the palace, it is hard to say...

"Akun, you are so smart." Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun with admiration.

Qu Kun said with a dark face, "It's none of your business."

Ling Chuan said with some distress: "Akun! Our son is so old, maybe he will have another soon, don't be so refusing to be like a thousand miles away!"

Qu Kun: "..."

Bai Chenxing lowered his head. It was rumored that Ling Chuan was indifferent, unsmiling, and hard-hearted. In fact, in fact, this is a bastard who is more than a disciple!

Bai Chenxing glanced at Qu Kun and secretly said, "Father-in-law Qu, it's not easy for you to be attracted to such a person!"

"What are we doing now?" Ye Shi asked.

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "Burn the doors! Burn them one by one, not to mention that the door itself can burn precious refining materials. It's just what's inside the door, but it's priceless!"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That is, that is..."

"Maybe, burning the door can still burn the woman Zhuang Yaoyue out. Even if Zhuang Yaoyue can't be burned out, the identity of the Pagoda Pagoda Master and Taishang Elder must be expensive." Ling Chuan smiled lightly. road.

Ye Shi woke up like a dream and said, "That's right! Mo Lixuan and Qiu Zhengrong haven't shown their faces yet. Most of them are trapped in the last door and can't get out. It may also be a tortoise with a shriveled head. It's more likely not to come."

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