"Come out, come out." As soon as Mu Chen and the others appeared, the shocking noises came one after another.

A lot of people from the major forces came, including Danding Pavilion and Dangu, and a lot of people from the Bai and Ling families.

Ling Chuan held Qu Kun's hand with a smile on his face. Qu Kun tried to shake off Ling Chuan's hand several times, but failed.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan grimly, and warned: "The surname is Ling, let me go." Disgraceful to the public, Ling Chuan is shameless, and he wants to be ashamed.

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun ambiguous, leaned close to Qu Kun's ear, and said, "What are you going to do if I don't let you go, bite me? Come on!"

Qu Kun: "..." This bitch, a dead bitch.

"You don't like me holding you so much, do you want me to hold you?" Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun with fiery eyes.

Qu Kun jumped in shock and stared at Ling Chuan, but didn't try to shake Ling Chuan's hand again.

Seeing Qu Kun's frightened appearance, Ling Chuan scratched Qu Kun's palm, Qu Kun was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he could only swallow his voice.

Ling Chen looked at the hands that Ling Chuan and Qu Kun were shaking, and secretly said: The secret realm is really the place where passion is most likely to arouse. Seventeenth brother has been single for so many years, and once he entered the secret realm, he was swaying! tsk...

"Seventeenth brother, you're back!" Ling Chen walked steadily to Ling Chuan's side and greeted him.

Ling Chen's expression was the same as usual, but his eyes kept looking at the hands that Ling Chuan and Qu Kun held together.

Qu Kun darkened his face, looked at Ling Chen, and scolded his head covering his face: "What to look at, what is there to see." Qu Kun secretly said: "The brother of a beast is also a beast, with thirsty eyes, it is not a good thing at first glance.

Ling Chen's eyes widened, and he secretly said: Qu Kun is still just as fierce! Seventeenth brother's taste is indeed different from ordinary people.

Ling Chuan looked at Ling Chen with a smile, and introduced calmly: "Seventh brother, this is my wife."

Qu Kun's face was dark, and he clenched Ling Chuan's hand and said, "You took the wrong medicine."

Ling Chen smiled and said gently and politely, "Hello, brother and sister."

"Your sister!" Qu Kun said uncontrollably.

Ling Chen: "..." No wonder, Ling Chuan has been unable to find a wife.

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "Seventh brother, my wife has a bad temper, maybe she's pregnant."

"You're just pregnant, your whole family is pregnant." Qu Kun growled uncontrollably.

Ling Chen: "..."

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun's gloomy face, and did not continue to tease Qu Kun, and shouted in the direction of the Bai family: "Yanxing, Mu Chen, come here."

Ye Shi and Mu Chen turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of Ling Chuan. Bai Chenxing glanced in the direction of Ling Chuan and said to Ye Shi and Mu Chen, who were surrounded by the Bai family, "Let's go."

Mu Chen took Ye Shi's hand, walked to Ling Chuan's side, and called out respectfully, "Grandpa."

When Ling Chen heard this call, he was instantly horrified, and secretly said: Seventeenth brother, I really can't think of it, and I help people raise their grandson. However, if it were grandsons like Mu Chen and Ye Shi, it would not be a waste to raise them.

"This is your seventh grandfather." Ling Chuan said to the two of them.

Ye Shi called to Ling Chen, "Seventh grandpa."

Hearing this call, Ling Chen subconsciously activated his bloodline induction, and his face turned pale in shock.

"You, you..." Ling Chen pointed at Ye Shi in a messy way, "Damn it!" The other party actually has the Ling family bloodline on his body. Judging from the intensity of the bloodline induction, the Ling family bloodline on the other party's body is not only very orthodox, but also very strong.

Ling Chen looked at Qu Kun, and suddenly woke up like a dream, "Seventeenth brother, is this person in the secret realm back then?"

Ling Chen nodded and said proudly, "Akun was in the Outer Territory, and he entered the secret realm by mistake. For so many years, I couldn't find anyone in Central Continent, but it turned out that A Kun was in the Outer Territory."

Ling Chen stared blankly at Ling Chuan, if Qu Kun was a person in Ling Chuan's secret realm, then Qu Xinyang might not be the bloodline of Ling Chuan and Qu Kun, that's right! Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Bai Yanxing has Ling family blood.

Ling Chen looked at Ye Shi, and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't know how many times he laughed at the Bai family behind his back, and he didn't know that such a talented clan was living outside, co-authoring them with the Ling family and the Bai family. They are all idiots!

"It's good to find it, it's good to find it." Ling Chen said with a smile. Co-authoring is really not a spring dream! He also thought that the seventeenth brother was smart and confused for a while, unable to distinguish between dreams and reality.

"Father-in-law, I can't rest assured, I'll go back first." Bai Chenxing walked to Ling Chuan and said.

Ling Chuan's expression changed, and he said, "I'll go back with you."

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Alright."


After the people in the secret realm of the Pill Palace were sent out, the situation changed suddenly.

The Pagoda Master of the Pill Palace issued a statement saying that the Bai family used their power to bully others, killed the five Pill Masters of the Pill Pagoda, and wanted to do something to him and the Supreme Elder Mo Lixuan.

The Bai family issued a statement saying that the villain of Danta Pagoda sued first, and the people in Danta were clearly killed by Danta Pagoda. The reason is because these people knew that there was no relationship between Danta Pagoda and the three other people who were brought in. The relationship between people, Dan Tata master had to kill and silence.

At the same time, the relationship between Bai Chenxing and Ling Chuan was exposed, and the two clans formally established an alliance to advance and retreat together.

Both the Bai family and the Ling family are of great strength. When the two clans established an alliance, no one dared to provoke them for a while.

The news released by the Bai family and Danta was completely different, causing an uproar among many forces.


White House.

Mu Chen's face was gloomy, and he said helplessly, "In the end, we have come to this point."

"Qiu Zhengrong is really shameless." Ye Shi said with dissatisfaction.

Mu Chen smiled helplessly.

Zhuang Yaoyue is indeed a calm person. In the end, no matter what they did, Zhuang Yaoyue didn't even show a face.

His soul power searched the secret realm three times from beginning to end, but still did not find Zhuang Yaoyue and others.

Qiu Zhengrong and Mo Lixuan have deep roots in the Pill Pagoda. They are the benchmarks in the minds of the world's alchemists, and their status is lofty.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said, "I heard from the elders of the family that during this time, people have been digging for alchemists."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "As expected."

"The Ling family, there are people digging." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Firing real gold with fire, let them dig it, eat what's inside and outside, it's useless to keep it. As long as this period of time passes, I will focus on cultivating alchemists who don't leave."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Alright."

The alchemists of the Bai family and Ling family, Mu Chen simply disliked them.

Both the Bai family and the Ling family are wealthy families, and the treatment for the alchemists is good. Mu Chen doesn't believe that those alchemists who have passed away, how good they can get in other places, some of these guys will regret later. of.


Array Tower.

"I didn't expect Ye Shi to be not only Bai Chenxing's son, but also Ling Chuan's grandson." He Xian smiled helplessly.

"Yes!" He Jingyue murmured.

Just being a son of Bai Chenxing was shocking enough, but Ye Shi was unexpectedly Ling Chuan's grandson.

At the beginning of the loss, many people thought that Ye Shi was from an outer domain and was born lowly.

Ye Shi was born like this, how many people in Central Continent can compare!

"With a relationship like Ye Shi, the alliance between the Bai family and the Ling family can be said to be indestructible." He Xian said.

Bai Chenxing and Ling Chuan are not easy to mess with. Bai Chenxing is now Ling Chuan's twin son-in-law, and Ye Shi and Mu Chen are Ling Chuan's grandsons. How could the Ling family not help the Bai family.

Ye Shi was in the Array Pagoda, and there were several dangers. If Ye Shi died accidentally, and then Ye Shi's dual identities were exposed again, it was difficult for He Xian to imagine what things would turn out to be.

He Jingyue frowned and said, "Grandpa, Danta said that the people of the Bai family killed the people of the Danta, and the Bai family said that the people of the Danta killed the people of the Danta, which one do you think is true?"

He Xian smiled bitterly and said, "Who knows what's going on in the secret realm."

In fact, He Xian is more inclined to Qiu Zhengrong and they killed the people of Danta. If Mu Chen really did it, then the first thing he would kill would be Qiu Zhengrong, not to have no complaints with him. The hated alchemy family.

"Grandpa, what do the people in Dangu and Danding Pavilion say!" He Jingyue asked.

"Both parties are playing Tai Chi, and they both said they didn't see it. However, there was a mention from Dan Gu that the master of Dan Tata brought three black-robed men. Those three people have strange origins, and they are all martial arts masters. "He Xiandao.

He Jingyue covered her mouth and said, "Martial Saint? How could it be? How could there be three Martial Saints."

He Xian nodded and said, "Yes! It's Martial Saint. It seems that those hidden masters are about to emerge." He Xian smiled bitterly. In the past, Wu Zun was the top power in Central Continent. Now In this situation, Wu Sheng came to the world one after another, and Wu Zun was about to withdraw from the stage of history.

"By the way, Grandpa, I heard that Qu Xinyang woke up?" He Jingyue asked.

He Xian nodded and said, "I woke up."

"In this way, the Spirit Returning Pill has been refined, and Mu Chen is an alchemist in the late eighth level?" He Jingyue asked.

He Xian nodded and said, "It should be."

He Jingyue murmured, "Mu Chen is really amazing."

He Xian nodded and said, "No." At such a young age, alchemy was on an equal footing with the Supreme Elder of the Pill Palace.

"I heard that Qu Xinyang is just a martial artist, not even a martial artist." He Jingyue said.

He Xian nodded and said, "Yes! I heard that Qu Xinyang's cultivation talent is very poor."

Even if Qu Xinyang is rescued and awakened, if he is only a martial artist in his life, he will not be able to live for long.

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