Qu Kun looked at the back of Li Huai's departure, laughed three times, and said proudly: "I knew it, I knew it was Ling Chuan's level, how could it be possible..." He has won the bid every time!

Ling Chuan is a Martial Saint! The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be for the offspring. The existence of the Martial Saint level will require dozens or hundreds of wives. Then, if you transform into a beast every day and work hard for decades, there may be one or two offspring. This guy Ling Chuan really thought.

"Although the existence of the Martial Saint level, the offspring is difficult, but if the physical condition is suitable, I heard that the probability is still quite high." Ye Shi muttered.

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi with an unpleasant expression, and said, "You think that Ling Chuan's and I's bodies fit very well."

"Yeah!" Ye Shi said without hesitation.

Back then, the two grandfathers only rolled once, and they won the bid. Of course, it was a good fit?

Grandpa Ling glared at Ye Shi viciously, and said, "That person didn't say that he didn't conceive, but he had already said that if he wanted to."

"But, Grandpa Qu, you have eaten a lot recently." Ye Shi muttered with his head sideways.

Qu Kun glanced at Ye Shi angrily, and said, "Do I eat a lot? Not a lot, right? Dabao and Xiaobao eat a lot."

Ye Shi: "..." Dabao, Xiaobao has been eating a lot!

However, Grandpa Qu, who was almost inedible before, didn't eat much, but recently, he has eaten a lot, and he always grabs food from himself.

Qu Kun gave Ye Shi a cold look, grabbed the plum juice on one side, and swallowed it.

"This juice is good! On time, on time." Qu Kun sighed authentically.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he said to himself, "This juice is very sour. Mu Chen said that it is concentrated. If you want to drink it, you need to mix it with water before you can drink it. Grandpa Qu actually drank it all. It's really amazing. Could it be Grandpa Qu? Isn't it sour?

"Grandpa likes it." Ye Shi blinked. I thought to myself: Is the doctor that Grandpa Ling looked for really reliable? Why does he think that person is talking nonsense.

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi and said, "Where did this juice come from?

"The spirit chef in the kitchen made it." Ye Shi said.

"Go get two more buckets, it's very cold and thirst-quenching, very good." Qu Shi said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay." After a while, he said again, "Grandpa Qu, do you want to see another doctor?

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi with a dark face and said, "You still think I'm pregnant."

Ye Shi smiled and said, "I think it's better to be cautious about this. It's better to be cautious."

Qu Kun took a snort and said, "You too overestimate your grandpa Ling, he only has that ability..."

"Grandpa Ling, isn't he capable?" Ye Shi asked suspiciously.

It shouldn't be, Grandpa Ling is very fierce! Every time Grandpa Ling and Quwai's public relations doors roll, it takes a long time to come out.

Qu Kun said incredulously: "You linger on Grandpa him! The outside is strong and the middle is dry, but it is the same, the silver candle wax gun head... You know why he has not found a woman for so many years, that is because he is not capable, and he is despised by a woman. , Afraid of losing face, he would simply have no desires..."

Ye Shi frowned and secretly said: Grandpa Ling is so unhelpful, so it shouldn't be.

"But, Grandpa Ling, isn't he afraid of humiliating you?" Ye Shi said in confusion.

Qu Kun choked for a moment, full of sullenness: "To me, he is shameless, afraid of shame!

"You guys take a long time every time!" Ye Shi said.

Qu Kun's lie became more and more slippery, "It took a long time, that's because it took him a long time to get up."

Li Huai didn't go far, all the conversations between Qu Zi and Ye Shi were passed into Li Huai's ears.

Li Huai lowered his head, sighed lightly, and said to himself: "Senior Ling Chuan, a hero of the world, but to have such a hidden disease, how pitiful! Li Huai shook his head and left quickly.

"Grandpa Qu, what I heard is not like this." After a while, Ye Shi said with a frown.

"What did you hear!" Qu Kun glanced at Ye Shi and asked lazily.

"I heard that the Ling family has cultivated a person who can refine the body as a weapon. He is very talented. The golden spear can't fall. Seven times a night." Ye Shi muttered.

Qu Kun rolled his eyes and said: Shijijiro, what is that! This bastard Ling Chuan is not afraid of dying, "Who did you listen to?" Qu Zi asked displeased.

"Seventh grandpa." Ye Shi said.

Qu Kun rolled his eyes and said, "You listened to his nonsense, he also practiced refining the body as a weapon. Pure words are just boasting."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Maybe."


"Master Seventeen." Li Huai walked to Ling Chuan, bowed, and called out respectfully.

"How is it?" Ling Chuan asked.

"It should be about a month." Li Huai said.

Ling Chuan smiled clearly, not too surprised, and said, "You didn't tell him."

Li Huai smiled bitterly and said, "Master Seventeen, you told me that if I told Senior Qu that he was pregnant, Senior Qu would slap me into anger, how dare I!

"Well done." Ling Chuan praised.

Li Huai looked at Ling Chuan and hesitated.

Ling Chuan looked at Li Huai and asked, "What do you want to say?

Li Huai took out a pill, handed it to Ling Chuan, and said, "Master Seventeen, this is a privately handed prescription from a villain.

Ling Chuan looked at the prescription, his face darkened unconsciously, and said, "Do you think I need to nourish the kidneys?

Li Huai: "..." It's not right to avoid diseases and doctors.

"The strength of a man, the stronger the better." Li Huai said with a smile.

Ling Chuan looked at Li Huai's expression, waved his hand, and said, "Go down."

Li Huai gave Ling Chuan a sympathetic look, then turned and left.

Ling Chuan rubbed his fingers and thought: The more you think, the better? If he is stronger, Qu Zi will be killed by him.


"Father-in-law, are you looking for me?" Mu Chen walked into Bai Chenxing's study and asked.

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Yes."

"Is something wrong?" Mu Chen asked indifferently.

"That's it, the poison in your father-in-law's body has been removed. I would like to ask if there are any medicines suitable for him. There are quite a few low-level medicines on the market, but the quality is not very good. I listen to Yanyan. Xing said, the medicinal pills you refined are all top-quality medicinal pills."

Mu Chen tapped the table with his finger lightly, chuckled lightly, and said, "Father-in-law, in fact, no matter what the quality of the medicinal pill is, if you take too much medicine, you will become very resistant. Father-in-law Qu's strength is so low now, in fact, there is a Has father-in-law Bai thought of a better way?

Bai Chenxing looked at Mu Chen, curious about her and asked, "What?

Mu Chen rubbed the tea arms in his hands, looked at Bai Chenxing, and said, "I heard, Father-in-law, you and Father-in-law Qu sleep in separate rooms?

Bai Chenxing's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, "Your father-in-law Qu hasn't surprised me yet."

"Father-in-law, you should be tougher on many things, but you should be tougher. Father-in-law Qu can't hold back his face to let go, so you don't do anything. After a long time, father-in-law Qu, I'm afraid you will be overly concerned." Mu Chen said meaningfully. Looking at Bai Chen Xingdao.

Bai Chenxing frowned, looking at Mu Chen thoughtfully.

Mu Chen smiled and continued: "Father-in-law, your current status is very different from that of father-in-law Qu. You are a martial arts sage, and father-in-law Qu has just been promoted to a martial artist. Father-in-law Qu will inevitably feel that he is not as good as you..."

Bai Chenxing frowned deeply and said, "I don't care about this."

"You don't care, father-in-law Qu may not care. Although father-in-law Qu doesn't say it, he can't help but feel inferior." Mu Chen said.

Bai Chenxing asked with some doubts: "Will it be?" He always thought that before him and Xinyang, he was the one who made the mistake, and if he wanted to be inferior, he should be inferior. However, according to Mu Chen, it seems that this is not the case.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Of course." Mu Chen paused, smiled lightly, and said, "Actually, Father-in-law, the fastest way to help Father-in-law improve his skills now is double cultivation."

"Shuangxiu." Hearing Mu Chen's words, Bai Chenxing's face suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Mu Chen looked at Bai Chenxing's troubled face and said, "Father-in-law, there are some things that you really should learn from Grandpa Ling. In fact, your situation is better than Grandpa Ling. Ping Jing, you and Father-in-law Qu are in a relationship. "

Although it should be said that Bai Chenxing should be better in front of Qu Xinyang than Ling Chuan in front of Qu Kun, after all, Bai Chenxing and Qu Xinyang had a relationship, they separated due to misunderstanding, and Ling Chuan and Qu Kun It was only because Ling Chuan was poisoned that he went mad, which strengthened Qu Kun, who was passing by.

Grandpa Ling is completely shameless, no matter what kind of attitude Grandpa Qu has, he always sticks to Grandpa Qu softly. A look of fullness on his face.

Bai Chenxing is too embarrassing, he is lustful, and he is only polite. He must wait until Qu Xinyang is willing, and looks like an abandoned husband who wants to be dissatisfied and sinful all day long.

This is the difference between wanting face and shameless! So, talking about the face, what are you going to do?

Bai Chenxing nodded and remained silent.


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