After settling down the Lin family, Lin Yu walked into Yu Jin's lounge.

"Are you sure that Fengyuan has a level seven alchemy furnace, and the quality is good?" Luo He asked.

Lin Yu nodded and said: "Yes, that alchemy furnace is very magical, although the alchemy furnace looks ordinary, but it seems to be integrated with the formation method, it is very easy to control the fire, there are inscriptions on the alchemy furnace, it should be The soul pattern in the inscription should have the effect of saving soul power, I think the success rate of that person's alchemy is high, and it has nothing to do with the alchemy furnace."|

Lin Yu observed Mu Yuanfeng for a long time and felt that he had finally discovered Mu Yuanfeng's secret.

A sixth-level low-level alchemist, refining sixth-level medicinal herbs, why has such a high pill success rate, the problem must lie in that weird alchemy furnace.

Luo He's eyes flashed a bit of heat, and said: "If that pill furnace is really that powerful, it's really a priceless treasure..." The inscriptions related to soul power are extremely difficult to engrave. Incorporated into the formation, the end is extraordinary.

Lin Yu frowned and said, "Unfortunately, when Master wanted to accept Feng Yuan as his disciple, that person didn't appreciate it."

Luo He looked at Lin Yu and asked cautiously, "That person really doesn't have a backstage?"

Of course, Luo He didn't really want to take Mu Yuanfeng as his disciple, he just wanted to take the opportunity to get Mu Yuanfeng's pill stove logically.

Lin Yu said firmly: "Master, don't worry, that person is Bai Ding, who is very short-sighted. He doesn't seem to have a backstage at all. He probably doesn't know the power of a seventh-level alchemist." He asked, then People's elders are very weak!

Luo He's face suddenly flashed a bit of viciousness, and said: "If there is no backstage, then there is nothing to worry about."


The morning light was slightly exposed, and the yard was suddenly bustling.

Mu Yuanfeng walked out of the guest room and saw a group of menacing men in gray clothes, leading them to search for something in the yard, Mu Yuanfeng couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on?" Mu Yuanfeng asked.

Lin Xie frowned, rubbed his hands nervously and said, "It was stolen."

"Stolen?" Mu Yuanfeng asked.

Lin Xie nodded and said, "Yes." Lin Xie frowned. For some reason, he felt that the theft was aimed at Feng Yuan.

Yu Jin brought a few people and walked to Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie. The people Yu Jin brought over consciously surrounded Mu Yuanfeng.

Lin Xie looked at Yu Jin and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yu Jin glanced at Lin Xie, smiled viciously at Mu Yuanfeng, and said, "Alchemist Luo lost his belongings, we are obliged to find them for him."

Lin Xie frowned and said, "What do you mean? It's baseless, why do you doubt Feng Alchemist."

Yu Jin glanced at Lin Xie and said, "It's not that I only suspect Feng Pill Master, but other people of unknown origin have already searched, but Feng Pill Master does not."

Lin Xie couldn't help clenching his fists, trapped, it was a trap.

Mu Yuanfeng folded his arms, looked sideways at Yu Jin, and asked, "I don't know, what did Master Luo Dan lose?"

Yu Jin shrugged and said, "This, I don't know, you can ask Master Luo Dan, or you should know, right?"

Lin Xie clenched his fists, and a bit of resentment flashed on his face, "Yu Jin, things haven't been figured out yet, don't talk too much."

"Whether I'm too much depends on Master Feng, whether he has done anything to contribute, Master Feng, let's go." Yu Jin said.

Mu Yuanfeng stared at Yu Jin for a long time, sighed lightly, and said, "Let's lead the way."

At this stage, only soldiers can come to block it, and water comes to cover it.

A bit of helplessness flashed in Mu Yuanfeng's heart. When things came to this point, Mu Yuanfeng knew a little bit that Luo He was mostly interested in his own things, so he wanted to accept him as a disciple. It's really shameless to go out and steal.


The movement on Luo He's side was too loud, attracting the attention of many people.

"Master Feng, did you take my master's pill furnace and return it to my master? My master doesn't remember villains and won't care about you." Mu Yuanfeng followed Yu Jin into the In the hall, Lin Yu pretended to be generous and faced Mu Yuanfeng.

Mu Yuanfeng's face suddenly gloomy, "I don't even know what kind of pill furnace your master used, how can I give it back to your master?"

"My master's pill stove is a seventh-level pill stove, engraved with two fire phoenixes, a four-turn fire formation engraved in the stove, and a heaven awakening soul pattern in the pill stove." Lin Yu said.

Mu Yuan was trembling all over, "You..." The appearance of the pill furnace was clearly what he said according to his.

Lin Yu looked at Mu Yuanfeng and said earnestly, "Master Feng, if you take my master's pill furnace, take it out."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Lin Yu and said, "I have a pill stove similar to your master, but that's mine."

Lin Yu looked at Mu Yuanfeng and said, "Master Feng, that pill furnace is very special, why don't you take it out and let my master recognize it."

Mu Yuanfeng clenched his fists and said in his heart: These guys don't intend to be embarrassed at all.

"Why, Alchemist Feng, are you guilty?" Yu Jin said gloatingly.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Lin Yu coldly, clenched his fists, and took out the pill furnace.

"Master Feng, your pill furnace is exactly the same as the one my master lost." Lin Yu glanced at Mu Yuanfeng with a slightly resentful look.

Mu Yuanfeng stared at Lin Yu and said, "Miss Lin, nonsense, you must have a degree. You will be punished for talking nonsense like this. Look carefully, I think you are wrong."

Lin Yu looked at Mu Yuanfeng and said, "Master Feng, my master used this pill furnace a few years ago. I can't admit it wrong."

"You..." Mu Yuanfeng was choked with anger.


"Master Feng, you are going too far. Master Luo is kind enough to take you in, but you actually do such a thing."

"Master Feng, you apologize and return the pill furnace, Master Luo won't embarrass you."

"Feng alchemist, you are such a person, forget it, you should have too little knowledge, and you can't control it for a while, we can understand it."


In order to please Luo He, several of the Lin family's son-in-law started talking at once.

Lin Xie clenched his fists tightly, Lin Yuwei was so shameless, he ruined Feng Yuan's reputation like this, carrying the reputation of stealing pill furnaces, how will Feng Yuan stand up in the future!

"Sister, are you mistaken, this pill furnace is from Fengyuan, I have seen it before." Lin Xie stood up and said.

Lin Yu looked at Lin Xie and said a little aggrievedly: "Seventh brother, do you think I lied."

Lin Xie clenched his fists, suppressed his anger, and said, "I think there is a misunderstanding in this matter. Maybe it's just that Master Feng's pill furnace looks like your master's."

"This pill furnace is so special, I won't admit it wrong." Lin Yu insisted.

"Eighth sister, you are going too far." Lin Xie said angrily.

Lin Yu looked at Lin Xie and said, "Seventh brother, you would rather defend a thief than trust your sister."

"You..." Lin Xie's face darkened, Lin Yu wanted to convict Feng Yuan of the crime.

"Xiao Qi, don't talk about it, this matter is clear at a glance." An elder of the Lin family said.

Lin Xieman said dissatisfiedly: "Elder, there is a misunderstanding in this matter."

"Enough, Xiao Qi." The elder of the Lin family said angrily.

Lin Xie bit his lip. The third grandfather should know the truth about such a clumsy performance, but even if he guessed that Luo He had played tricks in this matter, the third grandfather still stood by Alchemist Luo.


"Master Feng, do you have anything to say?" Yu Jinman asked sarcastically.

Mu Yuanfeng pursed his lips, a bit of a wry smile in his heart, what did he want to say, saying that this pill furnace was made by his son, and his son was Mu Chen, if he said that, he would be regarded as a lunatic.

"Miss Lin, you said that this pill furnace was used by your master a few years ago. A few years ago, how many years ago?" Mu Yuanfeng asked.

Lin Yu looked at Mu Yuanfeng, frowned, and said, "Five years."

Mu Yuanfeng sneered and said, "Sorry, this pill furnace was refined for me by an artifact refiner three years ago, you can find a knowledgeable artifact refiner, and you can tell at a glance that the refining of this pill furnace is made for me. age."

Lin Xie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Mu Yuanfeng's words.

Lin Yu's heart sank, then returned to normal, and said, "My master's pill furnace was re-forged and upgraded three years ago. This doesn't mean anything."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Lin Yu and said coldly, "You are so shameless."

Lin Yu's face instantly flushed.

Countless people around are paying attention to the movement here, and most of them are watching the show.


"Bang." The door was kicked open, and Mu Chen walked in with Ye Shi.

Seeing the people coming, everyone in the courtyard widened their eyes, and the field suddenly fell silent.

Luo He looked at the person who came in a bit of surprise, then came back to his senses, and immediately ran to Mu Chen respectfully, and said, "Young Master Mu, why are you here? What is it that actually alarmed your driver."

Mu Chen played with the folding fan in his hand, gave Luo He a gloomy look, and said, "I see the liveliness here, so I'll just come and have a look, can't I?"

Luo He's heart was up and down, and he respectfully said to Mu Chen: "Of course, of course, it's not a big deal."

"Tell me about it?" Mu Chen looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu bit the bullet and said, "My master's pill furnace was stolen, but it has been recovered."

Mu Chen sneered and tapped the folding fan on the pill stove, "I found it, is this?"

Looking at the smile on Mu Chen's face, Lin Yu felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Alchemy Master Mu, what do you think about this matter!" Seeing Mu Chen's appearance, several alchemists around who were watching the fun all showed up and jumped into Luo He's yard, rushing to get close to Mu Chen.

"What do you think of this pill furnace!" Mu Chen asked.

"This pill furnace seems to be used by a colleague. Although the inscriptions and formations are not very impressive, they seem to be very powerful." An alchemist said.

"This pill furnace uses the sixth-turn fire formation, which can increase the power of the alchemist's flame. Colleague, there are a heavenly awakening soul pattern and a marriage-benefiting soul pattern on it. The former can improve the alchemist's ability to control the soul, and the latter You can supplement the soul power consumed by the alchemist when alchemy is alchemy." Mu Chen said.

"At the bottom of this pill furnace, there is also a refined pill rune that can be recycled. To a certain extent, it can improve the success rate of pill refining."

"Master Mu, he really has a unique eye, and nothing can escape his eyes."

"I didn't expect such an unremarkable Pill Stove to be so simple."

"The artifact refining master who made this pill furnace must have reached the level of magic," said an elder of the Lin family.

Mu Chen sneered and said, "You guys have won the prize. The smelter who made this pill furnace is actually not very good at refining, and it is precisely because his refining skills are not very good that he will use the battle technique at the same time. , with inscriptions and talismans as a supplement."

"Alchemy Master Mu, how could you know so clearly!" an alchemist said strangely.

Mu Chen smiled, swept over Lin Yu and Luo He with a cold face, and said, "Because of this pill furnace, I made it."

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