"Yu'er, what did you do? How can you talk nonsense like that? You actually wronged Mu Chen's father. You really don't know what to do." Lin Sanye said to Lin Yu with a bad face.

Lin Yu clenched her fists. She has never been so harshly spoken by the third grandfather since she was so old.

"How much effort the Lin family has put into you, but you are trying to force the Lin family to die!" Lin Sanye looked at Lin Yu with hatred.

As soon as this incident happened, in the eyes of the Lin family, Lin Yu was no longer the family genius who could bring the Lin family to a new height, but a murderer who pushed the family into a fire pit.

Lin Yu's words were slanderous, and Mu Yuanfeng said in public that Lin Yu was shameless. The conversation between the two must have spread, and Lin Yu's future situation can be imagined.

Fortunately, when the incident happened, Xiao Qi stood on Mu Yuanfeng's side, and Xiao Qi had saved Mu Yuanfeng's life, otherwise, the Lin family would be doomed this time.

Third Master Lin really hates it! When the conflict just broke out, he stood on Luo He's side, and Mu Yuanfeng might have hated him because of it. Even if Mu Yuanfeng didn't remember hating him, Mu Chen was afraid that he would hate him, Mu Chen. , has never been a merciful Lord!

They would actually offend Mu Chen for a Luo He. Compared with Mu Chen, Luo He is nothing.

Lin Yu blushed and bit her lip.

How did she know that things would turn out like this, that person would actually be Mu Chen's father, she thought he was a bum from a small place.

Before, Grandpa was also on her side! Now that something happened, it's all her fault.

The elders who came over from the Lin family looked at Lin Yu with bad expressions.

Lin Yu's heart was full of anger. In fact, it was the Seventh Brother's fault. If he hadn't meddled with his own business and saved Mu Chen's father, how could he have been reduced to such a place.

Lin Yu looked at the expressions of the elders, and knew that this time was different from the past. In the past, he could easily blame Seventh Brother for all kinds of faults, but now it is impossible.

"Mu Chen's father actually kept a low profile like that." An elder of the Lin family couldn't help muttering.

For such a long time, Mu Yuanfeng has not spoken at all. This person's character is really good.

Third Master Lin smiled bitterly. If Mu Yuanfeng really told them that he was Mu Chen's father, what would they think, Xiao Qi rescued a madman with an unclear head.

In fact, Mu Yuanfeng should have revealed a little bit of air. He said that his alchemy skills were learned from his son. He said that his son's alchemy skills were extraordinary and holy, but he said that his son was not a seventh-level alchemist.

Mu Yuanfeng said that his son was not a seventh-level alchemist, so they didn't take it to heart.

They really took it for granted. Of course, Mu Chen would not be a seventh-level alchemist, he was a ninth-level alchemist! How could he be a seventh-level alchemist?

Lin Sanye looked at Lin Yu and felt extremely resentful. If it wasn't for Lin Yu's troubles, and with Xiaoqi's life-saving grace to Mu Chen's father, Mu Chen would have to remember the favor of the Lin family, if he got a favor from Mu Chen , then the Lin family's prosperity is just around the corner. If things are like this, Mu Chen is lucky enough not to complain about going to the Lin family.

This girl, Lin Yu, how much did the family spend on her, and as a result, after so many years, it didn't bring much benefit to the family, and it would bring disaster to the family.

All the people from the Lin family looked at Lin Yu with contempt, Lin Yu gritted her teeth, and her heart was full of grievances. From childhood to adulthood, she had never been despised like this.

"Fortunately, Xiaoqi and Mu Yuanfeng have a good relationship. Maybe this time is an opportunity for our Lin family."

"However, the family has not been good to Xiao Qi over the years!" An elder said while giving Lin Yu a fierce look. In normal times, Lin Yu would have erupted a long time ago, but this time, she was Dare not say a word.

"Xiao Qi, you're not such a vengeful person," an elder said.

"The future of the family is now all placed on Xiao Qi."


Yu Jin gritted his teeth and remained silent, Lin Xie was going to fly high this time.

Mu Yuanfeng seemed to have a good impression of Lin Xie, and even opened his mouth to help Lin Xie get Fu Yan Dan. If Lin Xie got Fu Yan Dan, his appearance would be restored.

Lin Xie seemed to know that he was the one who pushed him to Lin Yu back then. If Lin Xie used Mu Chen's hand to deal with him, what should he do...

No matter how bad the relationship between the Lin family and Lin Xie is, Lin Xie may not be the same if he is concerned about a blood relationship, but he is different.


When Mu Chen returned to Bai's house, he made a pot of Fuyan Dan and sent it to Lin Xie.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen and said, "Actually, you don't need to rush so quickly about the medicine pill."

Mu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and a bit of slyness flashed in his eyes, "You can wait for other things, but you can't wait for some things. To please the new mother and father, I naturally have to hurry up."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen, smiled helplessly, and said, "You! You know this is nonsense even before the eight characters are written."

Mu Chen turned his head and said, "Really? However, I heard that my father has already made a private life agreement with him! I think Lin Qishao is good, doesn't my father like him very much?"

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen, pondered for a while, and said, "You don't mind."

"Why should you mind, my mother has passed away. If my mother is alive, I should also hope that my father has someone who knows the cold and the hot." Mu Chen said as a matter of course.

"Lin Xie him... that's good." Mu Yuanfeng said a little embarrassedly.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I've inquired, Lin Xie is a really good person."

It's just that life is not very good, and the Lin family is not very good.

He has already investigated the situation of Mu Yuanfeng when he came. Mu Yuanfeng's identity is special. Before the identity of Mu Yuanfeng was revealed, Lin's Seventh Young Master should have a good character to protect his father.

"I heard, father, you were accused of marriage on the way here?" Mu Chen looked at Mu Yuanfeng with a smile.

"You! They are all ninth-level alchemists, and they are not serious." Mu Yuanfeng said helplessly.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "In front of others, of course I have to hold it, but in front of my father, if I still hold it, then I won't be alive."

"You! It's a shame for the people outside to think that you are ruthless, but turned out to be a glib." Mu Yuanfeng glared at Mu Chen with some resentment.

"Father, I heard a lot of rumors about me!" Mu Chen said.

Mu Yuanfeng nodded and said, "Yes! You can say anything, say you have three heads and six arms, say you eat people's hearts every day, say you are the reincarnation of Daluo Immortal..."

Mu Chen: "...all nonsense."

"By the way, Chen'er, how did you know that I was here?" Mu Yuanfeng asked.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "The auction is just around the corner. There are surveillance systems in all parts of the Bai family's territory to prevent accidents from happening. I knew it soon after my father came."

Mu Yuanfeng nodded and said, "So that's how it is!"


"Young master, you are so beautiful." Li Fei said looking at Lin Xie, who had recovered his appearance.

Lin Xie looked at the long-lost face in the mirror, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Since his disfigurement, he has no longer needed a mirror. Lin Xie never imagined that he would be able to restore his face one day.

"Master, you seem to look better than before." Li Fei couldn't help saying.

Lin Xie pursed his lips and said, "The medicine pill sent by Master Mu is of the highest quality." This medicine pill may not only restore the appearance, but also beautify the face.

Li Fei was full of admiration and said, "Master Mu is amazing!" If it was an ordinary seventh-level medicinal pill, it should not have such a good effect.

In fact, there are quite a few senior alchemists in the Mu family, and there is no need for Mu Chen to take action personally, but he still took action, which is enough to show that Mu Chen attaches great importance to his young master.

Li Fei looked at Lin Xie and said excitedly: "Master, if you marry Mu Yuanfeng, you will be Mu Chen's mother and father in the future."

After Mu Yuanfeng's identity was exposed, the original pseudonym was naturally discontinued.

Lin Xie smiled bitterly and said, "Don't talk nonsense." The difference in identities between him and Mu Yuanfeng is too great.

Li Fei scratched his head and smiled shyly.

There was a knock on the door, Li Fei got up quickly, opened the door, and when he saw the person coming, Li Fei was a little restrained, "Why is Young Master Bai here suddenly?"

"I'm here to see my future mother and father." Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said.

Li Fei's heart skipped a beat, and a little joy flashed in his heart, and said, "Young Master Bai, please, please."

Ye Shi took the food box and walked in, and put the dishes on the table, "Lin Shao, you haven't eaten yet, these are all made by Mu Chen, they are delicious, you can try them!"

Lin Xie looked at Ye Shi strangely and said, "Young Master Mu, can you still cook?"

Ye Shi nodded and said of course: "Of course, Mu Chen's craftsmanship is very good, but Mu Chen doesn't cook often."

Lin Xie smiled reluctantly and said, "You can eat, I'm not hungry."

Ye Shi tilted his head and said, "You eat! You're welcome, Lin Shao, you are about to become Mu Chen's mother and father, and Mu Chen respects you and cooks you something to eat, as it should be."

Lin Xie smiled awkwardly, and said, "Young Master Bai, you misunderstood. Alchemist Mu and I actually have nothing..." What is Mu Chen's identity? If he eats the things made by Mu Chen's beasts, he is afraid that he will lose his life. !

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "However, I heard that your younger sister gave you and Yuanfeng's father a marriage!"

Lin Xie said awkwardly: "This, she's just joking..."

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "Although it's a joke, but I think you and Yuanfeng's father are very destined! Don't you like your father, his father is a good person, and he teaches his son very well." How amazing is Mu Yuanfeng! Give Mu Chen Suoyang Pill, just like this, Mu Chen will easily be promoted to become a martial artist!

Lin Xie: "..." Mu Yuanfeng's identity is too high, he can't even think about it.

His son is Mu Chen, his two-in-law is Bai Chenxing, and his two grandsons are Bai Chenxing's grandson and Ling Chuan's great-grandson.

Ye Shi looked at the wry smile on Lin Xie's face and said, "Daddy Yuanfeng is really good! He has a good temperament and a good character."

Lin Xie smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't think he's bad, just, I'm not good..."

Ye Shi said inexplicably, "Why are you so bad! Seventh Young Master, you are good looking and strong. Even my master can't beat you."

Lin Xie: "..." Your master is from Outland, right?

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