"Pill refining is an extremely important step to control fire. Flames are divided into low fire, small fire, medium fire, and large fire. Of course, this is only a preliminary classification. It even requires constant transformation of flames." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

"This is a small fire." Mu Yuanfeng drew out a small cluster of flames from the fire vein of the ground fire.

"This is a small fire..." The flame on Mu Yuanfeng's hand suddenly grew a bit bigger.

"This is medium fire..." Mu Yuanfeng demonstrated the five kinds of flames one by one.

Mu Chen stared at this scene intently. The five types of flames, their strengths and weaknesses, were also recorded in the book. However, the records in the book were ultimately false, far from what he saw and felt with his own eyes. , having a competent master to lead is much less labor-intensive than fumbling on your own.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Did you see clearly?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I see clearly."

Mu Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Mu Chen would say that he didn't see clearly, so he would demonstrate it to Mu Chen again. His mentor back then demonstrated it for him five times before he initially grasped the flame. Strength of.

"Then come." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen nodded, and a small flame was drawn from the fire vein of the ground fire. The intensity of the flame was exactly the same as the flame that Mu Yuanfeng had drawn before. Mu Chen demonstrated the five kinds of flames one by one.

Mu Yuanfeng swallowed his saliva, genius! Why didn't he know before that his son was such a genius, delay, delay, the guilt in Mu Yuanfeng's heart deepened.

"Father, right?" Mu Chen turned his head and asked Mu Yuanfeng.

Mu Yuanfeng nodded, tried to maintain calm, and said indifferently: "Yes, you have a good grasp."

Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

"You just started alchemy, so let's start with the spirit liquid." Mu Yuanfeng thought for a while.

Mu Chen nodded and said politely, "Okay."

Spiritual liquid is usually used externally, and it takes one less step to condense pills than alchemy. Usually, the refining of spiritual liquid is simpler than that of alchemy. The effect of spiritual liquid is not as immediate as that of medicinal pills, and the effect of medicine is relatively slow, and the side effects of spiritual liquid are small. , not as easy to take erysipelas as elixirs.

Mu Yuanfeng waved his hand, and ten pairs of spirit grasses appeared next to Mu Yuanfeng, "This is the spirit grass for refining the body-forging spirit liquid. Let me show you the refining method of the body-forging spirit liquid."

Mu Chen stepped back a little and let Mu Yuanfeng demonstrate.

"Did you see clearly?" Mu Yuanfeng finished the demonstration and asked Mu Chen next to him.

Mu Chen nodded and said confidently, "I see clearly..."

Two hours later, Mu Yuanfeng walked out of the alchemy room with Mu Chen, and Mu Yuanfeng's footsteps were light.

When he was in the alchemy room, Mu Yuanfeng showed Mu Chen the refining methods of two first-grade spiritual liquids and three first-grade medicinal pills. For each kind of spiritual liquid and medicinal pill, Mu Chen only read it once. After learning it, there is a first-level meditation pill. He accidentally failed once, but Mu Chen succeeded all of a sudden.

Mu Chen's face was a little sluggish, but his eyes were surprisingly bright.

"Second brother, what happened to Mu Chen!" Mu Yuanhang asked.

Mu Yuanfeng smiled and said, "It was smoked by fire."

Mu Yuanhang looked at Mu Chen and said, "Second brother, in fact, Chen'er is still young, so there's no need to learn alchemy so early, looking at Chen'er's appearance, she will faint from the heat."

Mu Yuanfeng smiled lightly and said, "His age is almost the same."

"How is Chen'er's talent in alchemy!" Mu Yuanhang asked.

Mu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "He has just started learning, how can he see his talent so quickly!"

Mu Chen smiled shyly and said, "I think alchemy is very interesting, but I can't do it well."

Mu Yuanhang smiled, patted Mu Chen's shoulder, and comforted: "Chen'er, alchemy is not something that can be accomplished overnight, you have to take your time, take your time."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I understand."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at the back of Mu Yuanhang leaving, and a sneer appeared in his heart.

After discussing with Mu Chen, he decided to conceal Mu Chen's talent. There is not only one big family in Mocheng, but if other families knew about Mu Chen's specialness, Mu Chen would be in danger.

Having such an excellent son, but not being able to show off to the public, Mu Yuanfeng was actually very uncomfortable, but for Mu Chen's safety, Mu Yuanfeng had to endure it.


"Mu Chen, your pork knuckle." Amu handed the pork knuckle to Ye Shi enviously.

Ye Shi looked at the pork knuckle, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Mu Chen didn't even come to see him. What's the use of just giving him the pork knuckle? What's the use of him being a pig?

Ye Shi bit the pork knuckle fiercely, as if he had a grudge against the pork knuckle.

"Stone, do you miss Master Mu?" Chen Da leaned forward and asked.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said, "Whoever thinks of him, he is so bad."

Chen Da said indifferently: "Stone, if you really want Young Master Mu Chen, you can go to see him, you don't have to wait for him to see you!"

Ye Shi rolled his eyes thoughtfully, with a sullen face, and said, "He wants to make alchemy, I'll go, he doesn't have time to see me either."

"Whether he is free to see you, you have to go, you will know!" Chen Da advised.

Ye Shi thought for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Stone, someone is looking for you." A servant walked in and said.

Ye Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he asked nervously, "Who is looking for me!"

"It seems to be the entourage next to Master Mu Chen." The servant said.

Ye Shi's mood was a little complicated for a while, "It's just that follower, didn't he come?"

The little servant shook his head and said, "I didn't see him in person."

Ye Shi calmed down, washed his hands, and walked out.

"Master Ye Shi." Ren San called out respectfully when he saw Ye Shi coming out.

Ye Shi blinked, looked at Ren San, and said, "You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Ren San handed the food box in his hand to Ye Shi and said, "This is Master Mu Chen, who gave it to you."

Ye Shi took the food box, and his heart stirred for a while, and finally he couldn't help but say: "Where are the others?"

"Master Mu Chen, I've been working hard on alchemy recently, and I'm very tired. Now I'm resting." Ren Sandao.

"Has he made a medicinal pill?" Ye Shi asked angrily.

Ren San smiled bitterly and said, "Alchemy is not that simple."

Ye Shi pouted and said, "I think so too."

Ren San: "..."

"Master Ye Shi, if there is nothing to do, I will go first." Ren Sandao.

"Wait a minute." Ye Shi hesitantly stopped Ren San.

Ren San looked at Ye Shi and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You tell him not to be too hasty, take your time, don't work too hard, anyway... anyway... he is so stupid, even if he forgets to eat and sleep, he may not be able to make a medicinal pill." Ye Shi looked at Ren Sandao fiercely. .

Ren San shrugged and said, "I will bring it to the young master."

Ye Shi hesitated for a moment, then stopped Ren San again, blushing, and said, "Otherwise, don't tell him."

Ren San looked at Ye Shi and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi looked at the back of Ren San leaving, feeling gloomy in his heart.

Zhuang Yu was walking on the street, just in time to see the scene of Ye Shi sending Ren San away.

"Master Ye Shi." Zhuang Yu called out Ye Shi who wanted to enter.

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu, and found that the person beside Zhuang Yu was replaced by Lan Ruofeng, who he had seen at the auction.

"This is Ruofeng." Zhuang Yu introduced to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded towards Lan Ruofeng and said, "Hello."

Ye Shi pursed his lips and said secretly: Zhuang Yu is really good, and he hooked up so quickly. It seems that the ice lotus water has already been in the bag of Zhuang Yu.

"Ruofeng is a second-level alchemist." Zhuang Yu said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said, "You are really amazing." Such a young second-level alchemy room is rare.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Ye Shi, a strange feeling surged in his heart, Ye Shi was obviously a little ugly, but Lan Ruofeng felt that he seemed to have seen this person, and the two should be very close.

"Where, have we met before?" Lan Ruofeng asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No." I've seen him at the auction, but Lan Ruofeng, I shouldn't have seen him.

Looking at Ye Shi, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, Ye Shi shouldn't be attractive when he grows up like this, but Mu Chen seems to have been fascinated by him, and now even Lan Ruofeng, It seems that this leaf stone is treated differently.

Zhuang Yu turned her head and said to Lan Ruofeng, "Ruofeng, I have something to say to Ye Shi alone."

Lan Ruofeng nodded and said, "Then I'll go to the Lingcao shop over here first, and I'll come and pick you up later."

Zhuang Yu nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi looked at Lan Ruofeng's back, a strange feeling surged in his heart, and his intuition told him that he would be deeply involved with this person, even desperate for this person.

Ye Shi shook his head secretly in his heart, thinking to himself: Why would he be desperate for such a person, this is too unreliable.

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