"I'm back." Bai Jixue said while looking at Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "Yes!" Ye Shi's face was full of excitement.

"This is Bai Xiongtao, your elder, besides that! There are five other Bai family members in the palace, but they are all closed." Bai Jixue ignored Ye Shi's excited expression and turned to Mu Chen. He Yeshi introduced.

"I've seen seniors."

"I've seen senior." Mu Chen and Ye Shi said in unison.

Bai Xiongtao waved his hand, frowned and asked, "I heard that you went to the grocery store, what did you buy!"

"I bought a lot of books on inscriptions, runes, alchemy, formations, and utensils, all of which are very cheap. I bought a few hundred books, and I spent a total of one thousand high-grade primeval stones." Ye Shi said proudly.

"What, a thousand high-grade primordial stones?" Bai Xiongtao said with a dark face.

Ye Shi nodded.

Bai Xiongtao said angrily, "Why did you spend so much?"

Ye Shi: "..." Is a thousand top-grade primeval stones a lot? It's cheaper than jumping off the building and jumping off the building three times.

Outside, if he told people that he spent a thousand pieces of high-grade primeval stones, he bought a bunch of eighth- and ninth-level spell books, those cultivators would definitely regard it as a lunatic.

When Mu Yuanfeng got married, there were as many primeval stones as a gift from anyone with some status.

"Is it expensive?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "It's naturally not expensive outside, but here, it's very expensive, very expensive."

Ye Shi: "..."

Bai Jixue shook his head secretly in his heart, there are more monks and less porridge!

Only when newcomers enter the restricted area can they get uncontaminated primeval stones. The restricted area is only opened once every three thousand years. Ordinary cultivators will not bring in too many primeval stones.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi's puzzled expressions, and said helplessly, "You don't understand the market, those things are priceless in the eyes of cultivators outside, but only in the eyes of those in the cursed area of ​​this restricted area, they are garbage, you guys. Many people in the restricted area have the books they bought, but those people didn't think it was useful, so they didn't sell them."

Ye Shi: "..." The priceless treasures outside are garbage here.

Mu Chen: "..." The restricted area is really a crazy place.

Bai Jixue looked at Ye Shi's disapproving expression and didn't say much. Time will change everything, and the value of Ye Shi's value is still above the values ​​of Zhongzhou people. Change will take time.

Bai Xiongtao frowned and said puzzledly, "Didn't you buy inscriptions and Fulu books? Why did you even buy arrays, pill books, and artifact refining books?"

"Mu Chen, you know inscriptions, talismans, formations, alchemy, and weapon refining." Ye Shiyu is proud and proud. There are so many books, and they are not expensive.

"You know a lot." Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi looked at Bai Xiongtao dully, and again and again, whether it was Bai Xiongtao or Bai Jixue, they all knew a lot about Mu Chen and disapproved of them, with a bit of irony.

Ye Shi just wanted to argue, but Mu Chen stopped him with his eyes.

Bai Jixue allocated a room to Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and then went into seclusion.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi entered the room and hid in the spiritual pagoda.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, what do you think that curse is?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "You think I'm an immortal! All-powerful, all-knowing"

Ye Shi held his chin and sighed sullenly.

"I've wronged you, stay here with me." Mu Chen said apologetically.

"I don't have anything to feel wronged, but if I really can't get out, I will be sorry for Dabao and Xiaobao." Ye Shi lowered his head and said sadly.

Mu Chen took Ye Shi into his arms, and gently ran his fingers along Ye Shi's hair.

"Trust me, I will have a way to take you out of here. I will definitely be able to do what others can't do." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi smiled and said, "Of course I believe you."

Mu Chen lowered his head, and a resolute look flashed in his eyes.

"Mu Chen, if we can really go out, we'll be rich. The things here are so cheap." Ye Shimei said with a smile.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Ta Ling, do you know what that curse is?" Mu Chen asked Ta Ling, who was flapping his wings cautiously and dodging.

Ta Ling was full of embarrassment: "I don't know! Lord Tower Master, I am a short-sighted, such a profound question, if you ask me, how can I know!"

Mu Chen said with a dark face, "You idiot."

"Although, I don't know, but the little fire dragon may know." Taring hesitated.

"Little Fire Dragon?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Ta Ling nodded and said: "Yeah! Lord Tower Master, in fact, the little fire dragon may not belong to this world, it just lives in this world, the curse is so hanging, even the nine-star martial arts have to retreat. , I think it may not be in this world."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, feeling awe-inspiring. That's right, this world is obviously much higher-end than Earth. However, above this world, there should be a higher interface. It is said that the former martial arts masters were promoted to the Martial Gods. After that, they all flew to the realm of the gods.

"Where's the little fire dragon, how is it now? Find it and ask." Ye Shi asked.

"Dormant." Mu Chen said.

Before, at the auction, a ninth-level medicinal pill was exchanged for a huge fire element soul. After the little fire dragon got it, he often slept with that thing in his arms. Every time the little tiger tried to grab it, he was thrown by the little fire dragon. Come on, two days ago, Xiao Huolong told Mu Chen that he might have a breakthrough, so Mu Chen should not look for it recently.

"When will you wake up!" Ye Shi muttered.

"I don't know, just wait, it should be soon." Mu Chen said.

Xiao Huolong's temper is not very good. If he is forced to wake him up, he might breathe fire and make trouble. It's better to wait a little longer. Anyway, this matter will definitely not be solved in a short time, so don't be in a hurry.

"Then you should raise the five arts to the ninth level first." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I think so too."

Knowing that the primeval stones in the restricted area were tense, Mu Chen forbade Taling from absorbing primeval stones. Taling seemed to know that he was in trouble. Mu Chen did not let Taling absorb primeval stones again, and Taling did not make any noise.

In the days that followed, Mu Chen would stay in the spiritual pagoda to study techniques, and Ye Shi would go out for a walk and learn about common sense in the restricted area.

Soon, Ye Shi knew that their new batch of cultivators had stepped into the cursed area. Most of those with a backstage were taken back to the city, and most of those without a backstage were robbed. Save a life, bad luck, no dead body, six people from the life family, one Wu Zun died, and the rest have already entered the city.

When Zhuang Yifeng entered the city, the Ming family had two nine-star martial arts masters in the city.

Knowing that Ye Shi and Mu Chen had a festival outside, Bai Jixue didn't care.

In the restricted area, according to the rules, the previous grievances will be written off. Moreover, according to Bai Jixue, Zhuang Yitian is about to die of old age, and Zhuang Yifeng should be almost there.

Private fights are strictly prohibited in the forbidden city, and the Bai family must also be afraid of the Ming clan.

"Yanxing, come out for a walk!" Bai Xiongtao asked Bai Yanxing.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"What are you doing?" Bai Xiongtao asked.

Ye Shi said of course: "I'm studying the inscriptions and talismans."

Bai Xiongtao raised his eyebrows and said, "Inscriptions and Fulu! He is really free! Has the research come up with any results?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Mu Chen's talisman and inscription skills have reached the late eighth level, and will soon be at the ninth level."

Bai Xiong Tao said with a smile, "Not bad, not bad, really fast, really fast."

Ye Shi looked at Bai Xiongtao with disapproval, and felt a little dull in his heart.

"Ancestor Xiong Tao, where are you going!" Ye Shi asked.

"Look for the spiritual vein." Bai Xiongtao said.

"Looking for the spiritual veins, isn't it that the spiritual veins are all contaminated?" Ye Shi muttered.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said sternly: "That's right, but there are always lightly polluted and heavily polluted ones. We are looking for the ones that are not seriously polluted. Then, we will ask our ancestors to convert them. The formation of the ancestors can separate 90% of the curse from the primeval stone."

"It's amazing." Ye Shi murmured.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "That's not it." Bai Jixue's status in the restricted area is lofty, partly because of his strength, and partly because of this formation.

"I'll go too." Ye Shi said.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "Alright, I'll take you to see and see."

"Mu Chen is also going." Ye Shi said immediately.

Bai Xiongtao frowned and said, "Can you fight that little white face? There are a lot of tricky monsters here!"

"Mu Chen is a Martial Saint, of course he can fight." Ye Shi said with some dissatisfaction.

Ye Shi secretly said: Although Bai Xiongtao is a six-star Martial Sage, he may not be Mu Chen's opponent. This guy actually underestimates Mu Chen, really...

Ye Shi cultivated into the body, and he was a member of the Bai family. After entering the secret realm, his cultivation level rose to the second-star Martial Saint again. Bai Xiongtao did not doubt Ye Shi's ability at all.

However, Mu Chen can't do it. In the eyes of the Bai family, Mu Chen is a person who studies crooked ways and eats soft rice all day long.

"It's good to be able to fight." Although Bai Xiongtao disagreed, he didn't show Ye Shi's face.

Bai Xiongtao took out two sets of clothes from the space ring and handed them to Ye Shidao: "I'll go out and put on these clothes later, and there's another set for you."

Ye Shi touched the clothes and said, "This robe has the logo of the Ling family!"

Ye Shi spent a few days in the city and knew that there were four nine-star martial sages living in the city, one was Bai Jixue, one was Zhuang Yitian of the Ming clan, one was Ling Cang of the Ling family, and one, he had not yet figure out.

Ye Shi wanted to visit Ling Cang, but after hearing that the Ling family slept in the coffin and would not wake up easily, he dismissed the idea.

"It was indeed made by the Ling family. To a certain extent, this vestment can isolate the curse." Bai Xiongtao paused and said sourly, "The Ling family slept in the coffin all day, and he didn't need to collect the body when he died. It's so convenient."

"Why did they sleep in the coffin?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

"Because of that coffin, the curse can be isolated to the maximum extent." Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "Oh, the Ling family, are they all sleeping in coffins?"

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ye Shi lowered his head! I thought; I'd better wait and see when I go to visit the Ling family, lest I pass by and sleep in the coffin.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen who came out, and said in amazement, "You actually became a three-star Martial Saint."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's a fluke."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said strangely, "How could it be so fast?"

Mu Chen spread his hands and said, "I don't know either."

All of his five arts have entered the ninth level, and the five arts—all of them have entered the ninth level, and a wave of enlightenment immediately rose from Mu Chen's heart.

A mysterious sense of the unity of all things filled the sea of ​​consciousness, driving Mu Chen's soul power and strength to rise rapidly.

"Don't use any opportunistic methods to improve your cultivation." Bai Xiongtao frowned.

No wonder Bai Xiongtao suspected that Mu Chen was only a 1-star Martial Sage when he first came in. Now, within a few days, Mu Chen suddenly became a 3-star Martial Sage. Bai Xiongtao has never seen him before, which cultivator can ascend so fast.

Ye Shi gave Bai Xiongtao a depressed look, and said, "Ancestor, Mu Chen is not such a person."

Bai Xiongtao looked at Ye Shi and said helplessly, "It's all my fault, my fault."

Mu Chen lowered his head and could see that the elders of the Bai family in the restricted area all valued Ye Shi, the junior, but they were not very friendly to him as an "outsider".

In the eyes of the Bai family, Ye Shi has outstanding aptitude and strong strength, so he should marry a beautiful one, not a wronged one.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

"Okay!" Ye Shiman said eagerly.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi followed Bai Xiongtao and walked out of the city together.

Ye Shi has not been out of the city since he was brought back by Bai Jixue last time, but this time he was taken out of the city by Bai Xiongtao, and he felt a novelty.

A shrill cry came over, and Mu Chen raised his head abruptly. A monster with an eagle head and a snake tail, with wings on its back, flew towards Mu Chen and the others.

The monster's eyes were full of ill will, and a piece of white bone was exposed on one wing.

Seeing Mu Chen and others, the fierce light in the monster's eyes suddenly became more intense.

Mu Chen's eyes flashed with fierce light, Mu Chen raised his hand and punched the monster.

"Boom." With a loud noise, the monster's body was torn apart.

Ye Shi's eyes widened suddenly, Mu Chen punched, "It seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact it is all-encompassing and incomparably mysterious."

In Bai Xiongtao's eyes, a little bit of suspicion flashed, that monster should be almost the same level as Mu Chen, but Mu Chen killed him with one move.

Because Bai Yanxing, a genius of the Bai family, "bends down" to marry a "lack of knowledge" and "half-hearted" like Mu Chen, Bai Xiongtao is a little uncomfortable with Mu Chen, and Mu Chen lives in a secluded place and studies techniques all day long. , Bai Xiongtao subconsciously slandered, Mu Chen is a little white face.

As soon as the expert made a move, he knew whether it was there or not. With one move, Mu Chen smashed Bai Xiongtao's image of Mu Chen's little white face and eating soft rice into pieces.

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