"You two are looking for me?" Bai Jixue sat down beside Mu Chen and Ye Shi and asked.

"Yes, ancestor, do you know what immortal energy is?" Ye Shi leaned forward and asked.

"Is the curse really an immortal spirit?" Bai Jixue asked with a sullen face, frowning.

Mu Chen looked at Bai Jixue in surprise and said, "Ancestor, you know?

Bai Jixue sighed lightly and said, "60,000 years ago, there was an alchemist in the middle of the ninth level in the secret realm, and the earth went into trouble at first. Go deep into the place where the curse is strong, go to the cell phone curse, and use it for research."

"Did the research result there?" Ye Shi asked in a daze.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said: "There is a result, saying that the curse is similar to vitality in many places, saying that it may be a mutated vitality, and later, many people guessed that it was demonic."

"You may not know, tens of thousands of years ago, the demons invaded. At that time, the demons came with the magic essence stone. The cultivators were very resistant to the breath of the magic essence, but the magic essence was not so violent. Now I want to come. , Mo Yuan and Curse are similar in many places." Bai Jixue said.

"Is there no way?" Ye Shi muttered.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "If there is a way, you think there will still be so many Martial Saints staying in this ghost place. The Demon Race is a race with a strong desire to conquer. If you can't assimilate it, then kill it." The attributes of Qi are very similar to those of the Demon Race!

Mu Chen: "..."

"Old Ancestor, what happened to the alchemist?" Ye Shi asked cautiously.

Bai Jixue shook his head, and said with some empathy: "Dead, cursed to invade the body, crazy to death."

"Ancestor, if we go to the curse center, is there anything we can do?" Ye Sheng asked.

Bai Jixue's face suddenly sank, and Xin said firmly: "I can't go."

Ye Shi looked at Bai Jixue's gloomy face and said, "Why?

Bai Jixue clenched his fists, "There may have been a way to explore that place before, but now, there are already many monsters affected by the curse."

"It's just a monster!" Ye Shi said with a sigh of relief.

Bai Jixue looked at Ye Shi's expression and explained, "You don't know at all, those monsters are terrifying and their adaptability is stronger than that of monks, and some monsters have already begun to adapt to immortals after tens of thousands of years. Demonic energy, if they successfully transform into magical beasts, they will be able to absorb immortal demonic energy and reach the extreme."

"If there is a day when the people in the restricted area can't stop this group of monsters, maybe there will be no one to survive in the restricted area."

Ye Shi's face changed horribly, "How could this happen?"

Bai Jixue shook his head and said, "It's just a guess. There will be a day, and it should be hundreds of thousands of years later. Don't worry too much now." Bai Jixue changed her words and said seriously: "However, It is true that some monsters have begun to assimilate the curse, and, Mu Chen, I think your swallowing insects seem to be very adaptable to the fairy qi!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes." They avoided the immortal and demonic energy like snakes and scorpions, but the swallowing insects did not. Some swallowing insects, the vitality in their bodies seemed to have gradually transformed into demonic energy.

"It's too late, you have to control it, the swallowing insects that have absorbed the magic energy may become violent, and may even be out of the control of your master, you have to be careful to be attacked." Bai Jixue reminded.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I know." Tiantianworm, he has already put it away, in this place, these things grow too fast.

Bai Jixue looked at Ye Shi and said, "The people from the Ling family have been here a few times. Before, you were all busy. I blocked a few times, and I blocked a few more times. The old ghost of the Ling family is afraid that he will rush over. already."

Ye Shi: "..."

"Find some time, let's go see that old guy Ling Chuan." Bai Jixue paused.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."


Not long after Mu Chen and Ye Shi walked out of Baijixue's palace, they met Zhuang Yifeng with some misfortune.

Zhuang Yifeng looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, his eyes were full of sinister aura.

Zhuang Yifeng stared at the people for a long time and left angrily.

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yifeng and said, "That old guy has old arms and legs. He will curse into his body for a while, and he will die soon."

Mu Chen smiled helplessly, and said, "How can it be so easy!" After all, they are all nine-star martial sages! However, judging from the look of the old man, it was really possible that he was about to die.

Ye Shi frowned a little dejectedly, "The scourge left Gannian, Mu Chen, if there is a way to go out in the future, don't take them with you."

"Naturally I won't bring them, but it's too early to say it now." Mu Chen said helplessly.

Ye Shi sighed in disappointment, "Yes."

Mu Chen glanced at Ye Shi and said, "Okay, don't worry about the people, let's go."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

Mu Chen frowned, thinking: Maybe, he should spend more time on the spiritual pagoda. The Ming family attaches so much importance to the spiritual pagoda. The spiritual pagoda should have more unknown functions. With his current ability, he should You can try to upgrade the spiritual tower. According to his observation, the spiritual tower seems to be able to block the curse.


Ling Cang's palace.

"You are finally here. I went to Bai Jixue's palace to find you a few times, but Bai Jixue said that you two have retreated. Is it Bai Jixue that I'm holding you back." Ling asked with some displeasure.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No! It's really a retreat."

"Come in quickly. Ling Qi said.

"Ancestor, I heard that you are all lying in the coffin." Ye Shi asked in a low voice.

"Ling Cang's ancestors discovered a kind of refining material that can block the curse, but that kind of material is not enough, so it can only be made smaller, and it is not considered a coffin." Ling Qi explained.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "So that's how it is!"

"Have you learned to refine weapons?" Ling Qi asked Ye Shi.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No."

"What a pity, looking at your appearance, you should be a good seedling who learns to refine." Ling Qi said sadly.

"Mu Chen, I have learned it." Ye Shi pulled Mu Chen to Ling Qi and said the treasure.

Ling Qi looked at Mu Chen and said, "Listen to Ling Xian, thank you for saving the land."

"Senior, you're welcome." Mu Chen cupped his hands.

Ye Shi followed Ling Qi into the palace, Ye Shi looked around curiously.

Seeing a coffin lying idle in a room, Ye Shi couldn't help squinting his eyes, thinking: The space is too narrow, although it can isolate the curse, but in such a small space, it's hard to roll the sheets. On the bed, but I really like to play tricks!

He doesn't want to lie in this ghost thing. I heard that the ancestors of the Ling family in the secret realm are all old bachelors and like to lie in coffins. No wonder they are old bachelors.

Ling Qi looked at Ye Shi and said, "That coffin is mine, do you like it? There are two spares left. If you want, I'll let you take them back."

Ye Shi quickly shook his head and said, "No, no."

Ling Cang walked out, Ye Shi looked at the person who came, and suddenly felt a little kind in his heart, "Sit down."

Ye Shi and Mu Chen were surrounded by a few people from the Ling family, and they chatted happily.

Mu Chen asked Ling Cang a lot of questions about weapon refining. Ling Cang didn't take it seriously at first, but gradually became more cautious.

Mu Chen's Item Refining has reached the ninth level. In addition, Mu Chen is proficient in the four arts. He has a deep understanding of the fields related to the refining and other four arts. Some of the questions raised by Ling Cang are temporarily In between, he couldn't even answer.

Ling Cang has always been obsessed with refining tools. Even if he entered the restricted area, his interest in refining tools remained undiminished. The more he talked with Mu Chengyue, the more they had a common language. Soon, a grandson like Ye Shi was thrown aside by Ling Cang. , Mu Chen chatted with Ling Cang in full swing.


Afterwards, Mu Chen lived a fairly regular life, cultivating, helping the Bai and Ling families to remove poisons, learning formation techniques from Bai Jixue, and refining weapons from Ling Cang.

They probably felt that they couldn't get out. The ninth-level array spell and the refining technique were nothing. Bai Jixue and Ling Cang treated Mu Chen with no reservations. With the help of two ninth-level advanced masters, Mu Chen's formations and artifact refining techniques were both advancing by leaps and bounds.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and muttered, "Are you going to enter the mid-ninth level with your formation and refining tools?

"Yes!" Mu Chen nodded.

Although there is a curse, the restricted area is like a cage, but, on the other hand, this is a good cage. Those knowledge of the arts that are regarded as life by the major families outside are all garbage here. If he is outside, his five arts are determined not to rise so fast.

"I don't know, whether the inscriptions and fulu can be used in this place." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Learning a little more is always harmless."

Not only did he learn the formation technique and the refining tools, he also bought a batch of alchemy, inscriptions, and talisman books. Although Bai Xiongtao and others felt that the things that Mu Chen studied all day were crooked, they did not stop them.

"It's a pity, we are in the restricted area now, if it is outside, you can try to conquer the Five Towers of Central Continent." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "This, don't worry."

The most urgent task now is to improve the strength. Although Bai Jixue said that the curse center is very dangerous and cannot be easily stepped on, but if you don't enter the tiger's den, you will not get the tiger's son. Now is not the time.

His current level is in the realm of the three-star Martial Emperor, and he is afraid that the foundation will be unstable. Mu Chen has not used the elixir to enhance his Yuan strength.

Mu Chen felt that if he cooperated with medicinal pills and spent a year cultivating in the spiritual pagoda, there should be no problem with his cultivation level being upgraded to the six-star Martial Emperor.

If you want to explore that place, the cultivation base must not be low, nor the Fulu. No matter how powerful those monsters are, he will take a few hundred Jiuji Fulu and smash them. No matter how powerful they are, they will surely be killed.

Ta Ling was beside Mu Chen, flapping his wings incessantly.

Ye Shi looked at Ta Ling and said, "Mu Chen, why do I feel that this guy has solidified a lot!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Of course, it has been upgraded a lot recently."

Mu Chen's skill level has long since entered the hall. With the improvement of various arts, the spiritual pagoda, which was originally very mysterious in Mu Chen, has gradually become ordinary.

"Why does it seem like I'm getting fat again!" Ye Shi couldn't help muttering.

"Who is fat, you are fat." Taring shouted.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I've lost weight recently." Ye Shi said dissatisfiedly.

Taring circled around Ye Shi and said, "If you get fat, you will get fat."


Mu Chen: "..."

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