After the beast swarm ended, Mu Chen spent the whole day in the spiritual pagoda, studying something.

"Mu Chen, what are you doing? You have no time to spare, the beast tide has been repelled." Ye Shi walked into the spiritual pagoda and asked Mu Chen a little depressed.

Several ancestors now drink, eat meat, and live happily all day long, but Mu Chen still looks like he is about to die.

"The monster is repelled, but the curse is still there. As long as the curse is still there, we still can't get out." Mu Chen shook his head, full of helplessness.

Ye Shi nodded and said angrily, "Yes! The curse is really domineering."

Mu Chen smiled and said confidently: "No hurry, there are still two years left, study slowly, and you can always come up with a solution."

"Mu Chen can definitely think of a way!" Ye Shiman said confidently. "What's this?" Ye Shi asked, looking at the monster puppets with strange shapes in front of Mu Chen.

"The puppet I studied." Mu Chen said.

"What's the use!" Ye Shi asked.

"Little Huolong said that there may be magic herbs that can refine the magic pill in the place where the curse is most intense, but the curse is too strong, and we can't go there, so I'm wondering if we can put two Go in and take a look at the puppet monster." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yeah! If it's a puppet, you don't need to be afraid of the curse, Mu Chen is really smart."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I've won the prize!"

Before, there were a lot of powerful monsters in the place where the curse originated. If you put them in, they would be torn to pieces by those monsters. Now that the monsters there are almost dead, there is nothing to worry about.


White Festival Snow Palace.

"What is Mu Chen doing? I haven't seen him in a long time." Bai Xiongtao muttered.

After the beast tide passed, the restricted area suddenly calmed down. There are fewer monsters outside, and many of the people in the restricted area will go out together, and by the way, eliminate the remaining monsters and avoid a large-scale comeback of monsters.

"It's said to be closed." Bai Koi said.

"It should be the way to retreat and study it out." Bai Xiongtao said.

"It's a fluke to be able to defeat the beast tide. If you want to leave the secret realm, then... it's impossible." Bai Koi frowned and sighed deeply.

Bai Xiongtao smiled and said: "This is not necessarily, maybe Chen'er will have a solution."

"Ye Shi, Chen'er is not an ordinary person." Bai Koi smiled and said, although he said so, but Bai Koi didn't have much hope in his heart.

"I heard that the two old monsters of the Ming family can't hold it anymore, it's just a few days." Bai Xiongtao said.

Bai Koi squinted his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "No matter how strong a person is, he can't escape his fate!"

Even if a nine-star martial arts expert lives for too long, he will still die. Legend has it that a martial arts expert can live forever, but that's just a legend.

"Chen'er, it's been more than half a year in this retreat, and I don't know what I'm doing. It's been mysterious all day." Bai Koi said.

"Maybe, when he comes out, he will give us a surprise." Bai Xiongtao said with a smile.


Inside the tower.

Mu Chen played with a bottle of black liquid with great interest.

"Mu Chen, you bastard, you actually brought the fairy magic liquid into the spiritual tower to study, you idiot, lunatic." Ta Ling shouted frantically. The so-called fairy magic liquid is the magic gas that the fairy magic gas is liquefied into.

Mu Chen looked at Ta Ling and said calmly: "Don't be so excited, this is a good thing! The demons are rushing to absorb it."

Taring looked at Mu Chen, his eyes widened, his little wings flapped wildly, "You idiot, you want to court death, and you want to implicate me."

Mu Chen rolled his eyes, why did he seek death, or if he didn't study the Immortal Demon Liquid clearly, how could he prescribe the right medicine and study the Elixir.

Xiao Huolong only knew that there was such a medicine pill, but he didn't know the prescription. If he was smothered in experiments and researched for hundreds of years, he might not be able to research the medicine pill, and he didn't have hundreds of years. There are many magic weeds.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Mu Chen glared at Ta Ling coldly.

Taring rushed towards Ye Shi, "Ye Shi, Ye Shi, your father-in-law's brain was corroded by the immortal and demonic energy. He is crazy. He is stupider than you now. Please persuade him."

Ye Shi glared at Ta Ling coldly and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Mu Chen is so smart, how can he be stupid, it's you who is stupid."

Ta Ling fluttered his eyes, looked at Ye Shi, and suddenly wailed, "I was wrong, I was wrong, no matter how stupid the tower master is, he is no more stupid than you."

Ye Shi: "..." Taring is really an asshole.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering if I can transform the fairy qi into the fairy vitality." Mu Chen said while playing with the fairy qi in the crystal bottle.

Ta Ling's eyes widened and said, "Lord Tower Master, you are really delusional! You are really crazy!"

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's up to people."

If you don't even dare to think about it, how can it be successful? In fact, it should be somewhat feasible. After all, immortal demon qi and immortal vitality can be used for cultivation.

"Ye Shi's little white face, the tower owner, he's mad, he's going to find his own way." Ta Ling whimpered.

Ye Shi looked at Ta Ling with contempt, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not something Mu Chen will do to find his own way, Mu Chen is a measured person, and after a while, Mu Chen will convert the immortal magic energy into immortal vitality. , maybe he can become a god."

Ta Ling looked at Ye Shi in disbelief, "You really think about it." It's even more likely that Sheng Xian died.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "This is also possible!"

"You idiot, Mu Chen killed you in a while, and you are still helping him count the money." Taring said with disdain.

Ye Shi looked at Taring with contempt, "You are an idiot. If you die, how can you count the money."

Taring: "..."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "The transformation of immortal and demonic energy is just an idea. The most urgent task is to get out the magic pill, and the other is almost the same."

"Really? That's right, maybe you can save an Elixir Pill." Mu Chen smiled.

The Ming clan had deep grievances with Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and even if the war was now turned into jade and silk, Mu Chen still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"By the way, Mu Chen, Qumo Dan, how's the research going?" Ye Shi asked.

"I have already researched a pill formula, and I have also simulated and tested it in the spiritual pagoda many times." Mu Chen said.

"Did it work?" Mu Chen asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Successful, but, even if it did, whether it will have that effect, I'm not sure."

"It's definitely possible," Ye Shi said confidently.


As soon as Mu Chen came out of the spiritual tower, he was surrounded by everyone.

Martial saints from all walks of life came to offer condolences one after another, which made Mu Chen flattered.

"Chen'er, you finally got out." Bai Xiongtao said with satisfaction, "Is there anything you need to do when you exit this time?"

Mu Chen tapped his fingers on the table and said, "I plan to refine some medicinal herbs."

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "It's good to make medicinal pills! There are so many spirit grasses in the secret realm, take your time, don't be in a hurry."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I know."

In order to dispel the magic pill, Mu Chen has been preparing for more than half a year, so it is very easy to refine it.

Outside the city, Mu Chen waved his hand, and the flames raged in the pill furnace, and all kinds of spirit herbs quickly turned into medicinal liquid.

"What is the main medicine that Mu Chen uses! Why haven't I seen it before!" Bai Xiongtao said suspiciously.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Bai Xiongtao looked at Ye Shi in surprise and said, "You don't know?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Bai Xiongtao said suspiciously, "Mu Chen still has something to hide from you..."

"No! It's just that I didn't ask, so I don't know!" Ye Shi said.

Ye Shi lowered his head in a guilty conscience. Mu Chen had actually talked to Ye Shi about the dispelling pill. However, Ye Shi did not dare to tell others. the more you hope, the harder you fall.

After refining the Elixir, it was quickly confirmed that Mu Chen originally wanted to catch a monster to test the effect of the Elixir.

As a result, somehow, the news leaked.

Several cultivators volunteered to run up to Mu Chen and expressed their willingness to test the medicine with their own bodies.

Mu Chen couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the crowd, so he chose three people to take the medicine pill.

The three of them took the medicine pill, and immediately the curse in their bodies was completely cleared, and they were able to walk out of the cursed area. One person walked out of the cursed area, turned back easily, and walked out safely.

There are two people who are afraid of coming back, can't go out, and haven't come back.

"Someone walked out of the restricted area safely." The news instantly exploded in the restricted area, and for a while, Mu Chen once again became the focus of everyone's attention.


White Festival Snow Palace.

"Stone, when will Mu Chen refine the second batch of dispelling pills!" Bai Xiongtao rubbed his hands together, looking at Ye Shi eagerly and asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and said regretfully, "I don't know."

Bai Xiongtao looked at Ye Shi with a depressed expression, "I don't know, why don't you know?"

Ye Shi shrugged, and said, "Mu Chen said that we have to wait for the puppet monster to send the weed out, but I don't know when the puppet monster will be able to send the weed out."

"Tell Mu Chen to hurry up! It's really going to kill people." Bai Xiongtao said nervously.

"Don't worry, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Ye Shi said earnestly.

With a bitter face, Bai Xiongtao said, "How can you not be in a hurry!"

Ye Shi frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Ancestor, you told Mu Chen before, take your time, don't worry."

Bai Xiongtao rolled his eyes. Before, how did he know that Mu Chen was refining that kind of medicine pill.

Bai Xiongtao gritted his teeth and said worriedly, "It won't be enough to get rid of the magic weed."

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Bai Xiongtao said excitedly, "What do you mean by not knowing?"

Finally, I have the opportunity to go out. If it comes to the end, because the magic herb is gone, the medicine can't be refined. If he is trapped here again, he will cry to death. It was good to say that there was no hope before, but now there is hope, Bai Xiongtao. Immediately worry about gain and loss.

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and said, "I don't know, I just don't know!"

Bai Xiongtao spun around in uneasiness: "I knew earlier, I was here to be a test sample..." The three guys at the beginning really got a lot of money.

Ye Shi looked at Bai Xiongtao with a strange expression: "Didn't you fear death at the beginning?"

Bai Xiongtao said a little embarrassedly: "Who is afraid of death..."

Bai Jixue walked in, looked at Bai Xiongtao, and said, "What are you in a hurry for? It's useless."

Bai Xiongtao smiled dryly and stood aside with a bitter face.

Once the effect of the dispelling pill is confirmed, let alone the people in the secret realm, looking forward to it, even Bai Jixue himself is very excited, but unfortunately, there are more monks and less porridge!

Bai Jixue squinted, Mu Chen has always been a measured person, if the removal of the magic weed is very limited, he may not be willing to let three people who are not related to him do the experiment.

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