into the night.

Ye Shi tossed and turned on the bed, bursts of smug laughter from his mouth from time to time.

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi, and said helplessly, "Shi Shi, what are you doing alone there?"

Ye Shi held his chin, looked at Chen Da, and said with squinted eyebrows: "Uncle Chen, do you know? Mu Chen is a good guy, but he's still a good guy!"

In fact, Ye Shi had always been brooding about the things that Mu Chen had messed up in the past. He suddenly knew that Mu Chen had never done it, and couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi and said in surprise, "No way, I heard that Master Mu Chen..." He likes to visit brothels!

"Uncle Mu Yuanfeng told me that he won't lie to me." Ye Shi smiled proudly.

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi and said, "Master Mu Chen treats you well, don't be too willful."

Ye Shi blinked and scratched his head uncomfortably, "Mu Chen said that he likes me like this."

Chen Da reluctantly persuaded: "Master Mu Chen likes you, so don't be spoiled."

Ye Shi looked at Chen Da's worried look, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Mu Chen was so kind to him. If he hadn't been spoiled by Mu Chen, then Mu Chen was not good to him, and Ye Shi wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him. , just being taken care of by Mu Chen, Ye Shi didn't dare to think about losing Mu Chen, "I..."

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi and said, "It's late, go to bed earlier."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay, Uncle Chen, Uncle Mu Yuanfeng said that I can receive 300 yuan stone every month in the future. Uncle Mu is so kind to me."

"Mu Yuanfeng is good to you because you are Mu Chen's fiancee. Your strength has improved, and you can help Mu Chen in the future. You have seen that the Mu family is not peaceful." Chen Dashen frowned. reminded.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I understand." No matter how good Mu Chen was to him, now he is relying on others. If he wants to gain a firm foothold in the Mu family, all he has to do is to reflect his own value.


"Morning, I made a cake for you. Uncle Chen said that the day Ren San gave you the cake, you suddenly felt bad and divided the cake. Afterwards, you regretted it and kept biting the quilt." Chen looked at Ye Shi, a little narrowly.

Ye Shi blushed and said angrily, "Uncle Chen is talking nonsense. I didn't bite the quilt. That's what children do."

Mu Chen shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Okay, you didn't bite the quilt, so why are you suddenly in a bad mood?"

"That's because..." Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said, "That's because Zhuang Yu said that you are ugly, disgusting, and weak, and you are always clinging to him. So, I'm in a bad mood."

Mu Chen: "..." Shito could actually tell a lie, Zhuang Yu's setting is a white lotus flower, even if Zhuang Yu thinks of him so much, it's impossible to say it so openly.

But it's not surprising that Ye Shi would say this. Ye Shi's setting is not a good person, but a vicious cannon fodder who does not compromise his means to achieve his goals.

"Zhuang Yu is really abominable!" Mu Chen nodded his head and agreed with Ye Shidao.

Ye Shi nodded solemnly, stared at Mu Chen and said, "Yes, so, you have to stay away from him, stay away."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "As long as you stay away from that Lan Ruofeng, I won't pay attention to Zhuang Yu."

Ye Shi's eyes lit up, nodded, and said, "A word is settled."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Of course."

"What is this?" Ye Shi asked while looking at the red letter in Mu Chen's hand.

"The invitation from the Jiyue Auction, do you want to go?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "I can't even buy it if I go there. How much can your father's medicinal pill sell for?"

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "Who knows?" Anyway, it couldn't be the 350,000 stone that Lan Ruofeng asked for. Lan Ruofeng had a good idea. For 350,000 stone, he wanted to buy the broken elixir. ,wishful thinking.


"Brother Chen, so you are here! You are quite leisurely." Mu Hong walked over with a smile and looked at Mu Chen.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "I'm not as leisurely as you are, I have to learn alchemy with my father in a while, and I have to practice in the afternoon, Shishi, you can go to my practice room to practice, I have already told the person guarding the practice room. After that, we can share my training room in the future."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Brother Chen, you are really making progress now." Mu Hong couldn't help saying.

Mu Hong originally thought that Mu Chen had always been this slush and couldn't support the wall because of his temperament, but he didn't expect that Mu Chen would actually be enlightened, and he had a flying posture.

"It won't work if you don't make progress! I already have a wife." Mu Chen said proudly.

Ye Shi leaned into Mu Chen's ear and said, "You can only really have a wife if you become a martial artist."

Mu Chen glared at Ye Shi fiercely, this guy poured cold water on him, before he lost, he still thought this guy was honest.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen's angry expression, lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and couldn't help feeling proud.

"Brother Chen, this is your fiancee Ye Shi." Mu Hong said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Stone, this is my cousin, Mu Hong, he is my uncle's son." Mu Chen said to Ye Shi.

"Hello, cousin." Ye Shi nodded lightly at Mu Hong.

Mu Hong looked at Ye Shi carefully, and said to himself: Mu Chen's taste is really weird, if he wants to have such a fiancée, I'm afraid he can't even eat.

Seeing the disgust in Mu Hong's eyes, Ye Shi's heart couldn't help being cold.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's sad expression, frowned, and said, "If my cousin has nothing to do, let's go first, we have something else to do later."

Mu Hong frowned and said, "Since Brother Chen doesn't like seeing me so much, I won't be annoying here."

Mu Chen was too lazy to talk to Mu Hongxu and Wei She, and said directly, "Please."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said a little dejectedly, "Why are you being so kind to me, I'm ugly."

"What are you thinking, Stone is the cutest, how could it be ugly?" Mu Chen pinched Ye Shi's face.

Ye Shi grabbed Mu Chen's hand and said solemnly, "If you tell a lie, I will kill you."

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Of course I'm sincere..." Is it easy for him to fall in love? In the original world, I couldn't find a suitable one, so I finally passed through it, and I had good luck. The one I liked was actually a fiancee. Everything went in the expected direction, but the daughter-in-law became more and more cruel.


In any case, the auction came as scheduled with much attention.

The sensation caused by the broken elixir is even better than the finale item of the last auction.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Lan Ruofeng still attended the auction.

The starting price for Poling Pill was 400,000 yuan, which was 50,000 more than the 350,000 yuan price offered by Lan Ruofeng. If the 450,000 yuan of stone reported by the wind was very good, it would be overwhelmed by a crazy round of bidding.

Zhuang Yu sat next to Lan Ruofeng and couldn't help feeling up and down. One pill was worth so many primeval stones. In the past, his eyelids were too shallow.

Mu Yuanhang also participated in the bidding, but after he shouted 800,000 yuan, there was no sound. Mu Chen thought about it, 800,000 yuan is probably the limit of Mu Yuanhang.

The price was quickly pushed to 1 million, the price reached 1 million, and the rate of increase still did not slow down, and soon rose to 1.5 million.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, the original owner actually sold such a precious medicinal pill for 20,000 stone. He was a 100% brainless person. No wonder Mu Yuanfeng was half-killed by the original owner's anger.

A middle-aged man who got the Soul Breaking Pill at the auction was said to be a formidable refiner.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he couldn't help muttering: "It's amazing, it's amazing, no wonder alchemists are rich, and I want to be an alchemist too."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "Do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you!"

Ye Shi gave Mu Chen a suspicious look, and said, "If it was you who taught me, I wouldn't learn it, it would be a waste of primeval stones."

Mu Chen: "..." Ye Shi actually looked down on him so much.

On the auction table, Lan Ruofeng clenched his fists, his face was dead and dead, these damn bastards didn't give him any face, it was really hateful.

The price of the broken elixir was finally sold at 2.28 million stone.

Ye Shi hugged Mu Chen's arm tightly, "A lot of multi-element stones! A lot of multi-element stones!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! There are many multi-element stones, many multi-element stones."

Ye Shi turned his head, looked at Mu Chen, and said solemnly, "Mu Chen, you have to follow your father to learn alchemy, you can learn a little bit, and you won't have to worry about food and clothing."

Mu Chen smiled dryly and said, "I will try my best."

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