"Little brother, you can't enter, only alchemists can enter in our guild." A staff member walked out and stopped Ye Shi who wanted to enter the guild with a blank face.

Ye Shi frowned, pointed at Zhuang Yu and said dissatisfiedly: "Why can he go in, but I can't?" He just saw that Zhuang Yu came out of the guild.

The staff glanced at Zhuang Yu, then looked at Ye Shi lightly, and said, "He was brought in by this alchemist. A second-level alchemist can bring three people to accompany you. If you can find an alchemist who will accompany you. , you can come in too..."

"I see, I'll be waiting outside." Ye Shi twisted his fingers and replied angrily, secretly worried that Mu Chen's three-hundred-yuan stone had been thrown into the ditch.

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi and said lightly, "Ye Shi, if you really want to go in, Ruofeng can take you in."

Ye Shi glanced at Zhuang Yu and said, "No need, I'll just wait for him outside."

Ye Shi lowered his head and said secretly: Lan Ruofeng is a man who knows how to perform magic arts. When he sees him, he feels strange in his heart. It is better to stay away from this person. This person's magic arts have a recent impact on him. The influence of him seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and even if he thinks about his sorcery, it is not that powerful.

"I heard that you moved to Mu's house?" Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi and asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! Uncle Mu wants me to move in." Ye Shi rolled his eyes inwardly. Always come over to chat with him.

"Second Master Mu asked you to move in, but you moved in regardless of the principle and lived a life under the fence of others, Ye Shi, people must respect and love themselves." Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi with hatred.

Ye Shi opened his eyes wide, looked at Zhuang Yu, and couldn't help thinking: What is this guy talking about?

Ye Shi didn't understand, so he didn't bother to pay attention to Zhuang Yu, and just looked inside the Medicine Pill Master Guild uneasy.

Zhuang Yu saw Ye Shi's ignorance, and couldn't help feeling sullen. He kindly mentioned Ye Shi, but Ye Shi was such a virtuous person.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Ye Shi and said, "You don't have to worry too much, it's not difficult to get certified as a first-level pharmacist, the alchemist guild will give five chances, as long as you can refine a first-level medicinal pill, that's fine. "

"If the wind was certified for the first time, it passed." Zhuang Yu said with honor.

Lan Ruofeng had a faint smile on his face. It was not difficult to be certified as a first-level alchemist, but not many people passed it. Because it not only requires alchemists to have skilled skills, but also requires alchemists to have a good attitude. Some alchemists can succeed in alchemy by themselves, and they will immediately wither as soon as they enter the alchemy room of the alchemist guild.

Ye Shi pursed his lips and said secretly: These two are really busy, so they haven't left yet.

"Ye Shi, how long has Mu Chen been learning alchemy?" Lan Ruofeng looked at Ye Shi lightly.

Ye Shi scratched his head and said, "I don't know, maybe a month."

Lan Ruofeng squinted and said, "It's only been a month? Then it might be a little difficult for Mu Chen to pass the certification of the Medicine Pill Master Guild this time."

"Mu Chen is such an impatient person." Zhuang Yu shook her head and sighed.

Although Ye Shi didn't know what to do, he said, "How come, it's not difficult to get certified as a first-level pharmacist, Mu Chen is so smart, he should be able to pass."

Lan Ruofeng: "..."

Several people were talking when Mu Chen was sent out by a pretty girl who looked at Mu Chen with admiration in her eyes.

"Young Master Mu, congratulations on becoming a first-level alchemist. This city is as young as you, and a first-level alchemist is very rare. In the future, Mu Shao will definitely have a bright future." The girl was full of compliments.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'll borrow Miss Ji's words."

When Lan Ruofeng heard the girl's words, his face changed, and Mu Chen actually became a first-level alchemist. "Young Master Mu, it's unbelievable that you can hide it so deeply."

Mu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said, "I'm just a first-level alchemist, nothing to hide. Lan Shao is a second-level alchemist. Compared to you, I'm far worse."

"Young Master Mu is too modest." Lan Ruofeng looked at Mu Chen and said.

Ye Shi looked at the clothes in Mu Chen's hands and said, "What is this? Is it the alchemy master's robe? It looks really cool! Can I wear it?"

Zhuang Yu frowned and said, "Ye Shi, the alchemy master's robe symbolizes the identity of an alchemist and cannot be worn casually."

Ye Shi pouted and said a little dejectedly, "That's it."

Seeing Ye Shi's dejected look, Mu Chen leaned over and whispered, "Go back and borrow your clothes."

Ye Shi's eyes lit up when he heard Mu Chen's words.

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi's bright eyes, and his heart was sour and astringent. Seeing Mu Chen's appearance, he was really desperate for Ye Shi. Does Mu Chen have to fake it to this extent?

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