Zhuang Yu looked at Mu Chen's unrepentant back, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Zhuang Yu's face, Chen Moran couldn't help but feel resentful in his heart.

"Ayu, what's wrong with you?" Chen Moran grabbed Zhuang Yu's hand and asked.

Zhuang Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just feel that Mu Chen's attitude towards me seems to have changed. Maybe, he won't pester me again in the future."

Zhuang Yu's mood is a bit complicated. He has always hated Mu Chen's entanglement, but Mu Chen's attitude now makes his heart empty.

Chen Moran curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Ayu, don't you know Mu Chen yet? He is just a dog-skin plaster, and he is very difficult to deal with. I think he is just trying to win your attention today. "

Zhuang Yu glanced at Chen Moran and said, "It's hard to catch?"

"Naturally, I've known this guy for more than ten years. As soon as his eyebrows move, I know what he wants to do." Chen Moran said proudly.

Hearing Chen Moran's words, Zhuang Yu flashed a bit of disdain in his heart, looking at the direction where Mu Chen was leaving, a bit of disgust appeared in his eyes.


Mu Yuanhang frowned, listening to his subordinate's report, "You said, Mu Chen and Chen Moran had a conflict, but they didn't fight."

"Yes." He secretly stared at Mu Chen's shadow.

Mu Yuanhang squinted his eyes and said, "This fellow Mu Chen has changed his mind!"

"Qi Si seems to have fallen out of favor with Mu Chen." Shadow said.

"Yeah!" A bit of resentment flashed in Mu Yuanhang's heart.

Qi Si, that trash, couldn't even coax Mu Chen well, so he actually called Ren San back again, hoping that this guy didn't leak anything, making Mu Chen suspect him.

"You go down first." Mu Yuanhang said.

Shadow nodded, and quietly backed out.


As soon as Mu Chen returned to the yard, he welcomed a rare visitor, Mu Yuanhang.

"Uncle." Mu Chen called out, the original owner and Mu Yuanhang had a good relationship, and Mu Yuanhang always spoiled the original owner.

"Chen'er, you're back." Mu Yuanhang said with a smile.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Have you been living well recently?" Mu Yuanhang asked.

"It's alright." Mu Chen said lightly.

"You are the son-in-law of my Mu family, and the Mu family is your most solid backing. Whatever you want to do, do whatever you want. The Mu family will definitely protect you. You don't have to be afraid of anything you do." Mu Yuanhang said.

Mu Chen smiled shyly and said, "I know."

There was a sneer in Mu Chen's heart, and he secretly said: He should have let Mu Yuanhang know about Chen Moran's affairs today. Mu Yuanhang meant that he should have fought with Chen Moran, but instead I didn't fight, I lost the face of the Mu family.

"I heard that you called Ren San back, don't you like him?" Mu Yuanhang asked.

Mu Chen shrugged and said carelessly: "Ren San, although he's not likable, he is resistant to beatings, unlike Qi Si, who hides behind every time he fights, counting on me, a young master, to protect him. Human? What is he!" At the end, Mu Chen's face was stained with disgust.

Qi Si kept hiding to the side, looking at the situation, when he heard Mu Chen's words, Qi Si's face suddenly turned blue and white.

A few people around who seemed to be busy, but were actually watching the situation with their ears perked up, could not help but make a small calculation in their hearts.

"Qi Si, after all, he is young and a little timid." Mu Yuanhang said lightly.

Mu Chen snorted coldly, and said, "If you're timid, just change to someone who's daring. Could it be that I, a young master, have to accommodate him as a servant."

Seeing that Mu Chen's face was not good, Mu Yuanhang smiled and said, "Let's do as you like."

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