Cheng Wan Bai looked at Mu Chen, Mu Chen stared straight at the light curtain, he frowned for a while, then suddenly became enlightened, and in just a while, he had already answered more than a dozen questions.

Ye Shi stared at Cheng Wan Bai with eyes fixed, and said with full of vigilance: "Mu Chen wants to make money, Miss Cheng, go somewhere else." The implication is that you should leave quickly and don't cause trouble here.

Cheng Wan Bai frowned, then turned to look at Mu Chen, Mu Chen seemed to be completely immersed in the question, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Cheng Wan Bai frowned, turned and left in disappointment.

When Ye Shi saw Cheng Wan Bai leaving, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Shi rubbed his forehead and couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Although he didn't want to admit it, Cheng Wan Bai did put a lot of pressure on him.

Ye Shi turned his head sideways and looked at Mu Chen. He couldn't help but feel helpless. Why does everyone love to stare at Mu Chen? He used to be Zhuang Yu, but now he's a dead girl. Mu Chen really knows how to attract bees and butterflies. After the pharmacist's guild certification took so little time, they hooked up with a girl.

"Brother Cang, Miss Cheng seems to be very interested in that Mu Chen." A young man folded his arms and said playfully.

"Ms. Cheng has always admired young heroes. That Mu Chen is so young and is a second-level alchemist. No wonder Miss Cheng is attracted to him." He gloated over the misfortune that was not quite right with Cang Yu.

"Brother Cang has long been able to successfully refine the second-level medicinal pills, but it's just bad luck. The one named Mu Chen is just a blind cat and a dead mouse, so his strength should not be as good as Brother Cang!" Standing on Cang Yu's side Li Ping argued.

Zhou Xuan said in disapproval, "Even if a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, that person will encounter it anyway! No matter what, they are all certified by the Medicine Pill Master Guild."

The light curtain kept turning, Li Ping frowned and said, "What is that guy doing? Answering the question? He's been answering for so long, but he hasn't seen his name come out!"

"Probably chose to answer anonymously." Cang Yu said.

Zhou Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it just answering a question? What are you doing so mysteriously?"

"Maybe he was afraid that his answer would be too embarrassing, so he chose that." Cang Yu said with some disdain.

As soon as Mu Chen's topic was done, it took a day, and the people in the guild dispersed, and Mu Chen stopped writing without a word.

"Let's be here today." Mu Chen said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded hastily, and said, "Okay." If Mu Chen didn't wake up again, Ye Shi couldn't help calling Mu Chen, and he was going to starve. "Mu Chen, I've read it. You have done a total of 256 questions. The total reward for these questions is more than 60,000. If you answer half of them correctly, we will have more than 30,000 primeval stones in the account. "

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It sounds good."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! I don't know how many primeval stones will come."

The maid in white watched Mu Chen and Ye Shi go out, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Dongling, what are you thinking? Are you smiling so happily?" A maid in purple came over and asked.

"Zi Fei, you don't know, I have met two superlatives today." Dongling said with a frown.

Zi Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "Excellent, why is it superb?"

"There was a young man under fifteen who answered more than 200 questions. The reward for each question was no less than 100 yuan, and the total reward was no less than 60,000. The man's companion said that if he answered half of the questions correctly, , there will be more than 30,000 yuan of stones in the account." Dong Ling couldn't help giggling.

"I really don't know how high the sky is. Half the accuracy rate, these two guys really dare to think." Zi Fei shook her head and said. The price of 100 yuan stone is the problem, the easy solution will usually be solved immediately, and the rest of the guild is difficult to solve.

Dongling shrugged and said, "I think so too. You said that he answered more than 200 questions with a reward of more than 100. How did he answer it!" There are many questions that should be impossible to start. of.

Zi Fei shrugged and said, "It should be filled in randomly."

"Zifei, Dongling, there is big news!" A young girl in Tsing Yi walked out with an excited face.

Dongling looked at the girl in blue in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You don't know! Today, there is a master from the guild. Our guild has been hanging on problems for several years or even decades. Dozens of them have been solved, and several of them were previously considered unsolvable. "Qingling clenched his fists and said.

"What?" Dongling's eyes widened in disbelief.

Qingling blushed and said: "It's hard to imagine, starting at noon today, there have been constant transfers of primeval stones from our guild's account, all of them have been transferred into the same account, and after dozens of transfers in a row, it has finally been caused. An elder in the guild noticed that the elder of the guild went to the backstage to see it. This person answered more than 200 questions in total. I heard that there have been more than 100 questions, and they were confirmed to be correct. Master!"

Dongling's face turned blue and white, "No way."

Zi Fei looked at Dong Ling, her eyes flickered, and said, "Dong Ling, the person you are talking about is not the same person as Qing Ling, right?"

"It shouldn't be, that guy is so small, and, it is said, he has just been promoted to the second-level alchemy master." Dongling frowned and said.

Qingling looked at the two of them, puzzled: "What are you two talking about?"

Dong Ling looked at Qing Ling and asked nervously, "Qing Ling, did the guild elders say who the person who answered the question was?"

Zi Fei shrugged and said, "This person is relatively low-key and answered the question anonymously. The elders of the guild think that it may be a high-level pharmacist who is bored. So, come to answer the question."

"Is that so!" Dong Ling nodded, her eyes were a little more suspicious. With such a high accuracy rate, she was a high-level pharmacist, right?

The next day, Ye Shi checked the Primordial Stone Card in his hand, and suddenly let out a scream.

"Mu Chen, you have nearly 30,000 stone in your account." Ye Shi said excitedly.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Really? That's great!"

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and looked at Mu Chen with a bit of jealousy, "Alchemy master, why is it so easy to make money? Answering a question casually will earn you tens of thousands of stone. Don't worry about running out of food!"

Mu Chen smiled and said disapprovingly: "Today, such opportunities are not common, all the questions you help me pick are high reward questions, I can do them, I have already done almost, and the rest, I also Won't."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Is that so! How come you have so many questions?"

"It's all thanks to those pill recipes. The more I see, the more knowledgeable I naturally have." Mu Chen said as a matter of course.

Ye Shi's face suddenly became a little shy, "It's my fault, you're right, we should buy more pills, there will be rewards only if we pay, let's go buy pills now."

Mu Chen: "..."

"Let's go to the low-level pharmacist's guild to buy pills. I heard that the pills there are more complete and cheaper." Ye Shi thought for a while.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi and Mu Chen walked into the gate of the low-level alchemist guild, and were immediately frightened by the people in the guild.

"Why are there so many people today? Didn't you say that there was an event yesterday? Could it be that there is an event today?" Ye Shi couldn't help but asked suspiciously.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"The two young masters are here, I don't know, what can I do to help?" Dongling saw Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and rushed over. What happened yesterday, Dongling couldn't help but feel in her heart. Suspicious.

Up to now, nearly 213 questions answered by the "expert" yesterday have been confirmed to be correct, which is nothing short of a miracle.

After the answers to many questions were announced, science caused a stir, and it was precisely because of this that there were so many people in the guild today.

"Is there any first-level and second-level pill recipes for sale here!" Ye Shi asked Dongling.

Dongling nodded and said, "Yes! We have a lot of first-level and second-level pill recipes here, and the prices are much cheaper than outside."

Ye Shi leaned into Mu Chen's ear and said, "I just like cheap ones."

Mu Chen: "..."

"Mr. Mu, have you checked the accuracy of the questions you answered yesterday!" Dongling asked tentatively.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No."

"Oh." Dongling couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Mu Chen didn't check it, but when I checked it in the morning, there were more than 30,000 stones on the card. It seems that your guild called it. This number is still rising. It should be quite right." Ye Shi blinked. said with eyes.

Dongling: "..." He really is such a person, he is still so young.

Dongling couldn't help but look at Mu Chen with admiration. She was such a powerful guy, she actually laughed at others, she was really an idiot.

A man in a cyan robe walked out. The man looked kind, with an amiable smile. However, as soon as the person came out, Ye Shi felt an unspeakable pressure. This is a martial spirit!

"President." Seeing the visitor, Dong Ling couldn't help but called out somewhat cautiously.

Fu Zuquan waved at Dongling and said, "You go down first, Young Master Muchen is an honored guest of our guild, and I will personally entertain you."

Dongling was stunned for a moment, then responded quickly, "Yes." She stepped back.

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