There were a lot of people in front of the list, and Mu Chen reluctantly found that Lan Ruofeng and Zhuang Yu were also there.

The person who was looking at the reward list, saw Ye Shi, and his face suddenly became a little strange.

The last time Ye Shi and Zhuang Yu quarreled, there was a lot of trouble, and the two assassins were in the same place, and the atmosphere of the venue was a little weird.

Zhuang Yu turned his head and saw Mu Chen, but he did not rush over like before, but looked at Mu Chen with a pair of crystal clear eyes, full of grievances, when Zhuang Yu's eyes turned to Ye Shi, he suddenly A bit of fear and resentment flashed.

When Zhuang Yu turned his eyes to Mu Chen again, there was a little more anticipation and frustration, Mu Chen squinted, Zhuang Yu was like this, wouldn't he want to give him a head, this man What are you thinking about?

Ye Shiman glared at Zhuang Yu fiercely. Zhuang Yu saw that Mu Chen was indifferent, and his face was a little disappointed.

Mu Chen folded his arms and rolled his eyes helplessly. It's been so long, Zhuang Yu is still the same, and I don't know if Lan Ruofeng will lose his appetite if he sees Zhuang Yu's appearance too much.

Xie Danyan looked at Ye Shi and Zhuang Yu, and there was an interesting smile on his lips.

Xie Danyan crossed his arms, walked towards Mu Chen, and said carelessly, "Mu Chen, how was your time in Fuyuan!"

"Very good." Mu Chen said lightly.

Xie Danyan raised his eyebrows and said, "You are a person who will go with the flow! It's good to go wherever you go."

"Fuyuan is really good. Fu Ran is very broad, profound and interesting. Miss Xie, you can study it if you have time." Mu Chen smiled genially.

"Forget it, I'm not as free as you. By the way, do you have any thoughts on this bounty!" Xie Danyan asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! You can see from this reward that there are quite a few rich people in the imperial family, and so many multi-element stones are really eye-catching!"

Xie Danyan snorted coldly and said, "Stingy." She had clearly heard Mu Chen and Ye Shi talking just now and had some ideas.

Mu Chen smiled indifferently, Xie Danyan had nothing to do with him, he didn't need to share his thoughts with her.

However, Xie Danyan's attitude makes Mu Chen a little puzzled. In the book, Xie Danyan has a deep love for Lan Ruofeng, but looking at Xie Danyan's current attitude, it seems that there is no sign of deep depression. , it's always a good thing not to stand on Lan Ruofeng's side.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Xie Danyan and couldn't help frowning. Xie Danyan used to be so enthusiastic about him, but recently he has become a lot colder.

A woman like Xie Danyan is not in line with Lan Ruofeng's liking, but, being left out by Xie Danyan like this, Lan Ruofeng still feels a little uncomfortable.

Xie Danyan looked at Mu Chen's back, a bit of strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Cheng Wan Bai approached Xie Danyan and said, "Danyan, what are you thinking about?"

Xie Danyan glanced at it and said, "I think this fellow Mu Chen may be able to refine a medicinal pill that meets the requirements."

Cheng Wan Bai glanced at Xie Danyan in surprise, and said, "Why are you suddenly optimistic about him."

Xie Danyan pouted and said, "This guy is a miser, and he is always very active when it comes to money."

Cheng Wan Bai smiled and said, "Maybe."

"Danyan, how much do you know about the beast spirit pill!" Lan Ruofeng walked towards Xie Danyan and asked.

Xie Danyan shrugged and said: "I don't know much, basically I know, everyone knows it, Master Lan, I still have something to do, sorry."

Xie Danyan and Cheng Wanbai walked out together, Cheng Wanbai looked at Xie Danyan and said, "Danyan, you don't seem to be getting too close to Lan Ruofeng recently! Did he offend you?"

Xie Danyan frowned and said, "No, I just found this guy Lan Ruofeng... nothing more than that."

Cheng Wan Bai smiled and said nothing.


In the yellow class where Mu Chen was in, teachers would come to teach every day. Although the teachers assigned to their class were of limited level, they were always better than nothing.

Most of the time, Mu Chen studied Fu Ran by himself. After passing the Fu Ran test, Mu Chen bought books about Fu Ran with the remaining primeval stones on his body. The knowledge about Fu Ran in the past two days is like a tide. It generally poured into Mu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Mu Chen gradually became fascinated by Fu Ran. So far, he has been able to draw more than a dozen second-level Fu Ran.

"Mu Chen." Ye Shi waited outside Mu Chen's classroom early.

"Why are you here?" As soon as Mu Chen walked out of the classroom, he saw Ye Shi.

"Our dark bid expires today, we can sell that talisman, let's go and have a look together." Ye Shi said enthusiastically.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay!"

"How is your research on the beast spirit pill?" Ye Shi asked impatiently, blinking his eyes.

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "I haven't started my research yet." When Mu Chen wanted to start, he realized that he had no more primeval stones, and the matter was put on hold.

Ye Shihu looked at Mu Chen with a worried look on his face, "You haven't started your research yet? What would you do if someone took the lead?"

Mu Chen smiled lightly and said, "No hurry, anyway, it will be a while, and most of the others don't have the ability." The beast spirit pill has been extinct for hundreds of years. If anyone could study it, it would have been done long ago.

Ye Shi nodded and said thoughtfully, "That's true, Lan Ruofeng's wine bag and rice bag, I guess he can't think of a way, let's go to the dark bid first, the guy Fu Yuanbao said, conservatively, there are a hundred Ten thousand stone." Ye Shi said excitedly.

"So many!" Mu Chen couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Mu Chen, with so many multi-element stones, what do you want to do!" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen thoughtfully said: "I want to buy a third-grade pill stove, the second-grade pill stove I bought at the auction house is not enough, I also want to buy a third-grade talisman, a second-grade talisman, drawn Runes, the effect is not very good, there seem to be books on third-level alchemy for sale in the academy, and there are third-level alchemy recipes, the same is true for Fu Yan, I also want to buy some martial arts books."

Ye Shi blinked, feeling dizzy for a while.

"Mu Chen, how many Primordial Stones are in a third-grade pill furnace?" Ye Shi smiled dryly.

Mu Chen pondered for a while and said, "I heard that there are tens of thousands of poor quality, hundreds of thousands of medium quality, and hundreds of thousands of good quality."

Ye Shi: "..." A third-grade pill furnace costs hundreds of thousands, so the third-grade talisman must not be cheap, and those third-grade pill recipes, one pill recipe, would cost hundreds of thousands if you think about it, it's too expensive .

Looking at Ye Shi's expression, Mu Chen couldn't help but ask, "Stone, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Shi smiled awkwardly and said, "Nothing, nothing."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I need too many things, it seems that I have to take it slow."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I want to take it slow, take it slow."

"The matter of making alchemy and making talismans has to be discussed slowly. The most urgent task is to improve your cultivation." Mu Chen said solemnly.

If he can't reach the three-star martial artist's cultivation base, everything is for nothing. As long as his cultivation base is improved, he can refine third-level medicinal herbs. At that time, he can make a lot of money by selling medicinal herbs.

The most urgent task at the moment is to first open the acupoints in the body and raise the aptitude to the eighth level, and then, the body cannot relax.

"Recently, the blood of our body training has to be replaced with third-level beast blood." Mu Chen frowned and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Level 3 animal blood is not cheap."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, cultivation, aptitude is important, resources are more important, if a lot of resources are smashed, a master will be smashed.

"Okay, let's go and see how many Primordial Stones can be exchanged for the Spring Breeze and Rain Talisman." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay!"

When Mu Chen and Ye Shi arrived, Fu Yuanbao waited there early, and when Ye Shi and Mu Chen came in, Fu Yuanbao respectfully stepped forward and said hello.

Seeing Fu Yuanbao, Ye Shi felt a pain in his heart when he thought of the 1% commission he had promised to Fu Yuanbao.

"The two of you are here to see the results of the dark bid!" Fu Yuanbao asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"The bidding has ended, you can open the box." Fu Yuanbao nodded and bowed.

Mu Chen nodded and opened the cassette with Ye Shi.

"1.5 million stone." Ye Shi couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the first bid.

"800,000 stone, this is a poor ghost."

"1.3 million stone, there is no chance for this."

"One million seven hundred thousand stone."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi checked the bidding document, and finally the Spring Breeze Huayu Talisman was sold to a girl named Tang Zhuer for 1.88 million stone.

When Mu Chen saw Tang Zhu'er, she was really stunned. Tang Zhu'er wasn't too outstanding, but when she stood in the crowd, no one would ignore her. He wears six space rings, and he is covered with magic weapons. It looks like a magic weapon display stand.

Ye Shi looked at Tang Zhu'er's full body of spiritual treasures, his eyes glowing green.

Tang Zhu'er has a lot of money, and transferred more than one million yuan of stone to Ye Shi, without blinking an eye.

Ye Shi doesn't have Tang Zhu'er's air of seeing Yuanshi as dung. When he gave 18,800 Yuanshi to Fu Yuanbao, his eyes seemed to cut Fu Yuanbao.

As soon as Fu Yuanbao transferred to Yuanshi, he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

The fact that Mu Chen's Spring Breeze and Rain Talisman sold 1.88 million stones spread like wildfire.

"Is the rune of the Spring Breeze and Rain Talisman so valuable?" Zhuang Yu said with a frown upon hearing the rumor.

Lan Ruofeng frowned and said, "Because it is a new type of rune, it is more valuable."

After Lan Ruofeng became Huashu's apprentice, the Lan family patriarch gave Lan Ruofeng one million yuan of stone. One million yuan of stone is a huge sum of money for anyone who has just entered the martial arts department. Lan Ruofeng Feng Ben is still complacent about this million yuan stone, but Mu Chen has already earned 1,880,000 yuan in an instant. This guy Mu Chen is really a lucky guy.

Ye Shi held the Primordial Stone Card and said to Mu Chen, "I will transfer all the Primordial Stones to you."

"No, just give me 200,000 yuan of stone self-defense. You are an elite student. You can get 40% off when you buy things in the academy. In the future, I will trouble you to buy everything I need." Mu Chen said .

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then let's buy the pill furnace first, and then buy some materials. I'm going to start researching the beast spirit pill." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

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