Murong Yan folded his arms and stood upstairs, looking down at Zhuang Yu and Ye Shi who were arguing with swords and swords, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"The relationship between Zhuang Yu and Ye Shi doesn't seem to be very good!" Murong Yan said with interest as he looked at Ye Shi, who was showing his teeth and claws, and Zhuang Yu, who was full of grievances.

"It's more than bad! These two people have the same potential as part-timers." A cronie next to Murong Yan shook his head and said.

Murong Yan squinted his eyes and said, "Speaking of Ye Shi's fiancé, Mu Chen, he's been a bit ostentatious recently." However, a new student has actually attracted the head of both the Dan and Fu Yuan to fight against each other. Everyone can have it.

"Seventh Prince, Your Majesty hopes you and Mu Chen have a good relationship."

Murong Yan nodded, and said somewhat unwillingly: "Okay, I understand."

Mu Chen's excellence not only stimulated Lan Ruofeng alone, but Murong Yan, who was being compared by Mu Chen everywhere, was also in a bad mood.

"Mu Chen is a bit talented, but he is only a sixth-level aptitude, and strength is king. Now he can rely on some strange things to attract people's favor, and in the future, he will slowly disappear from the crowd. It's too important." Murong Yan said with some disapproval.

"What the seventh prince said, but, no matter what, it's no harm to befriend him now."

"That's right, he was able to refine the Fire Talisman, which is indeed worth a bit of wooing." Murong Yan narrowed his eyes and said.


Ye Shi didn't want to see Zhuang Yu's face, so he packed a meal and left.

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi's back, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"Ayu, what's wrong with you?" Lan Ruofeng asked.

Zhuang Yu said a little dejectedly: "Ye Shi, why is it not pleasing to him to cut me everywhere, and I didn't offend him."

Looking at Zhuang Yu's sad face, Lan Ruofeng couldn't help but feel a little distressed, "Ayu, don't be like this, Ye Shi, he's just jealous of you, that's why he doesn't like you."

Zhuang Yu frowned, and looked at Ye Shi's relief as she left with a mournful look. He secretly said: Ye Shi is so jealous at night, and Mu Chen just can't let go of such a hateful person?

"Okay, Zhuang Yu, don't think about him anymore." Lan Ruofeng said.

Zhuang Yu nodded, suddenly thought of something, raised his head, faced Lan Ruofeng, and said, "Ruofeng, Mu Chen may be transferred to the Dan Academy, and in the future, you may be classmates."

If Lan frowned, whether Mu Chen would be transferred to another hospital is really uncertain.

Many girls in the Danyuan seemed to be convinced that Mu Chen would be transferred to the Danyuan, as if they were secretly preparing a welcome ceremony for Mu Chen.

The higher-ups in the compound seemed to be looking forward to Mu Chen's turn, and heard that the vice president wanted to accept Mu Chen as his apprentice.

If Mu Chen really transfers to the Pill Courtyard, in the future, he will not look up and see him, really...


"Mu Chen, you have quite a lot of letters!" Ye Shi held a large box of letters and threw them to Mu Chen.

Looking at the pile of letters in the box, Mu Chen couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"It's a lot!" Mu Chen said helplessly.

"I have a lot too, but you have more." Ye Shi said while sitting beside Mu Chen.

Most of the letters around him were hoping to gain a relationship with Mu Chen through him, and there were also letters that attracted him because of his status as Jing Chiyan's apprentice. Of course, there were always letters that were unique.

For example, someone actually wrote a letter asking him to help him connect with Mu Chen. He would only connect his fiancé with other people when he was sick. However, the other party said that he would be grateful after the matter was completed. Five million yuan stone, if not for Ye Shi The concentration has improved a lot recently, so many multi-element stones are enough for Ye Shi to feel distressed for a long time.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Chen asked, looking at Ye Shi's strange face.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "Nothing? What did you write in your letter!"

Mu Chen put away the letter and said, "It's nothing."

"A courtship letter?" Ye Shi looked at the pink letter and said sourly.

Mu Chen threw the letter into the trash can, "Just wrote some nonsense."

Ye Shi flipped through Mu Chen's letters and took out a letter from the pile of letters. The letter was signed by Mu Yuanfeng.

"This is a letter from Uncle Mu." Ye Shi said with wide eyes.

"It's really a letter from my father! You still have sharp eyes, otherwise, this letter would be thrown away for me too." Mu Chen said a little excitedly.

"Look at what Uncle Mu said." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen opened the letter and looked at it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "My father said that he has already arrived in the imperial capital, and your Uncle Chen is also here. He asked us to meet at the Xiangyue Restaurant on the next day off."

Ye Shiman said in surprise: "Uncle Chen, have you come to the imperial capital too?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Great." Ye Shi said a little excitedly. "By the way, don't you have to go to class today?"

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "I've asked for leave. The level of the teachers in Huang Ban is just like that. It doesn't make any sense at all. It's better for me to buy books and explore by myself." Fan Li used to find fault with him, but now he has changed. Instructor, he is very important to him, and it is too boring to ask questions all day long.

If you want to value him, you should have valued him a long time ago, and it would be too sincere to wait until now.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."



"President, Mu Chen didn't come to class." Huang An looked at Song Cheng and said helplessly.

The dean asked him to find a way to keep Mu Chen, but Mu Chen took sick leave and closed the door to thank guests. If Mu Chen didn't show up, he was doing everything he could, but he couldn't do it!

Song Cheng gritted his teeth uneasy, "This damn Fan Li."

"President, we really don't do anything? If we let Mu Chen leave, our loss will be huge." Huang An said unwillingly.

Song Cheng said helplessly: "Lu Han is staring at us, let him get the handle, just..."

"However, looking at Mu Chen's appearance, he seems to have made up his mind to transfer to the Dan Yuan." Huang An said helplessly.

Song Cheng gritted his teeth. After Mu Chen came out of the quarry, his attitude towards Fu Yuan was really average. That guy Lu Han kept hiding and watching jokes, waiting for Mu Chen to transfer to Dan Yuan.

Song Cheng panicked at the thought of Lu Han's disgusting face. Song Cheng sighed and said to himself: If only he had left the customs earlier, Mu Chen was really wronged when he was detained in the quarry. He was just trying to save him. Ye Shi, who blocked Shi Ziyu's blow, was judged by the dean as deliberately causing trouble. If he had left the customs earlier and stood out for Mu Chen, Mu Chen's impression of the Fuyuan would have been much better.

The incompetent tutors of the Fuyuan are not very good at making talismans, but their ability to do some messy things is first-class.

Fan Li, that bastard, actually put Mu Chen in the yellow class. The only third-level talisman teacher among the freshmen was actually in the yellow class. This was a joke.

"Actually, Mu Chen won't necessarily go to the Dan Yuan," Song Cheng said lightly.

"President, how did you know?" Huang An asked in confusion.

Song Cheng rubbed his nose and said, "I went to see Jing Chiyan, and Jing Chiyan said that Mu Chen has a deep prejudice against the alchemy courtyard and would not easily transfer to the alchemy courtyard."

"Senior Jing, he is not a person who can say things like that. He should have some confidence in saying this." Huang An said with some joy.

Song Cheng nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too."


Dan House.

"President, Senior Jing, if you really say so, Mu Chen doesn't have a good impression of Fu Yuan, and he won't stay in Fu Yuan easily." Taishu Ming asked.

Lu Han nodded and said, "That's right."

"Jing Chiyan is not very good, but he is still very faithful when he speaks. I think he should not punish us." Yan Wu said with some joy.

"Very good, if he transfers to the Danyuan, I want to accept him as a disciple." Tai Shuming said a little excitedly.

Yan Wu rolled his eyes and said, "You accept him as a disciple, what can you teach him!"

Uncle Tai said with disapproval: "How can I say, I'm a fourth-level alchemist. For the time being, his level is not as good as mine." However, with Mu Chen's progress, he might be able to surpass it soon.

Yan Wu rolled his eyes and said, "The success rate of your fourth-level medicinal pill is less than 10%, and it's not much better than Mu Chen." Just kidding, he has been staring at Mu Chen for a long time, how can he let Taishu be named succeed.

Uncle Tai frowned and said, "Are you looking for fault with the surname Yan?"

Lu Han rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, the two of you are enough, no one is sure to enter the Pill Courtyard, the two of you will start a feud first, what do you want to do?" If Mu Chen entered the Pill Courtyard, The most suitable person to be his master is definitely himself, Lu Han secretly said.

"President, Senior Jing said that, the possibility of Mu Chen staying in the Fuyuan should not be great." Yan Wudao.

Lu Han exhaled and said, "I always feel that there is something in Jing Chiyan's words."


Inscription House.

"Sister, do you think Mu Chen will choose to transfer to the Dan Academy!" Xia Qingli asked.

"I don't know! What are you doing with so much? Anyway, no matter which school he chooses, he won't be able to choose our Inscription School." Xia Qingyan frowned and said a little disappointed.

Compared with alchemy and talisman, the inscription technique is obviously more biased, and ordinary students will give priority to learning alchemy or talisman.

In the past few years, the Academy of Inscriptions has been declining. Although Xia Qingyan's face is not visible, her eyebrows are burning in her heart.

Because the Pill Academy and the Fu Academy had robbed all the outstanding students, Xia Qingyan had a deep prejudice against the two academies.

Xia Qingli squinted her eyes and said thoughtfully, "Sister, whether or not Mu Chen will choose the Inscription Academy is uncertain."

Xia Qingyan turned her head to look at Xia Qingli, looked at Xia Qingli suspiciously and said, "Not necessarily? Sister, do you have any inside information."

Xia Qingli shrugged and said, "It's just a guess. The news from the family shop said that Mu Chen and Ye Shi bought a lot of books about inscriptions in our shop. The shopkeeper in the shop recognized it."

Xia Qingyan squinted her eyes and said, "No way, how many brains he has, he has both alchemy and talisman skills, and he is still interested in inscriptions."

Xia Qingli smiled and said, "Who knows."

"Don't miss out on this matter." Xia Qingyan said solemnly.

Xia Qingli nodded and said, "I know." The two old guys from Danyuan and Fuyuan were fighting against each other for Mu Chen. If these two guys knew that Mu Chen was thinking about the Inscription Academy... they might have a united front.

Xia Qingyan narrowed her eyes and thought: Even if Mu Chen didn't have any talent for inscriptions, she had to recruit this guy, a double-material third-level alchemist. Master Fu finally chose the Inscription Academy. The matter, no matter how bad it is, it can still dispel Ying Ying Dan Yuan and Fu Yuan.

In recent years, the funds for their Inscription Academy have become less and less, and shameless people in the two academies have robbed them.

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