When Su Jianguo went home, Yangmei coaxed the girl to sleep, and stayed on the side for a while, until the little girl fell asleep, she got up and walked out, turned around and covered the door, she looked up at the sky, the sun had begun to turn west, but the weather was still very hot, and it was thick and dry, thinking about her father-in-law's words just now, it was going to rain?

She took a dustpan, collected the firewood dried in front of her house and brought it into the stove, and collected the dried radish that the family had spread out to dry in the morning into the house, and looked around the yard, only the tree fork and the corn hanging on the edge of the eaves, she thought that it would rain for a while and then harvest it.

There was no work in the stove.

The work in the field is also neatly cleaned up.

For the first time, Yangmei, who was standing in the courtyard, felt that the burden on her was much easier.

Looking up, looking at a cloud floating in the sky, she took a deep breath and suddenly laughed,

this moment is the feeling of being really alive.

So easy, so nice!

She walked around the yard again, casually packed up some small things that the girl had played with, turned around and entered the stove, scooped half a basin of water into the small bench, took the soap that had just been found and put the bayberry ready to wash her hair, but she tied the hem of her clothes here, and her hair had not yet touched the water, and Su Jianguo walked in at the door,

"Daughter-in-law you... Hey, daughter-in-law, do you wash your hair, do you want me to help?

Yangmei shook her head a little embarrassed

, "Where do you need you, but have you eaten, there is soup simmering for you in the pot, I'll go and warm it for you."

She put her hair down and was about to go to the stove to warm up her head and then wash her hair after eating, but Su Jianguo stopped her

, "Daughter-in-law, don't be busy, I came back from eating, you quickly wash, the water will be cold for a while."

Yangmei smiled, "It's okay, I used cold water."

Su Jianguo, who listened to the words, frowned, "Why is the cold water used, is there no hot water, you wait a minute, I will go to my mother's side to pick up a pot first, and then you wash your hair later." He turned around and looked back at her as he left, "You wait for me, you can't use cold water."

"Hey, don't go, there's hot water at home."

Yangmei didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear of waking up the girl sleeping in the house, and pointed to the stove side

, "There is hot water, but it's not still hot, where is the hot water?"

She smiled and looked at Su Jianguo, "You hurry up and go to the house to cool down for a while, wipe the sweat, I will wash it soon."

"No, you wait for me, I'll get you hot water."

In the past, he was a bastard who didn't care about everyone in the family, but now he came back and changed everything.

Naturally, it is impossible to rely on some bad habits of the daughter-in-law!

Turned around and walked two steps and was afraid that the bayberry would be washed directly with cool water, Su Jianguo simply took the basin directly and walked to the stove, the basin was placed on the ground, lifted the hot water kettle on one side and mixed some hot water, and tested the water temperature, well, lukewarm, just right.

He brought it out with a happy face

, "Daughter-in-law, you wash it quickly, and I'll help you change the water after washing it in a while."

Yangmei opened her mouth to say no, she could do it alone, but she looked up and saw the light flashing under Su Jianguo's eyes, she silently swallowed the words, hummed gently, wet her hair, and when she picked up the soap, she didn't pay attention to the hand slipping, and the soap accidentally fell out and just fell to Su Jianguo's feet.

Bayberry's hair was dripping with water, and she looked up to find it.

One hand bent down to pick it up, then walked over and took the soap in his big hand and gently smeared it on her hair.

Yangmei's face turned red, "I don't need you, I'll just do it myself."

"Well, will you drop the soap on the floor again?"

Su Jian smiled in his Chinese, his other hand gently rubbed on Yangmei's hair, but his mouth was a little regretful, "I forgot to bring you a bottle of shampoo last time I went to the county, it's really a pig's brain." But daughter-in-law, you wait, when the busy days are over, I will go to the county seat, and then we will buy three or five bottles of it back. "

What to do with that thing, waste money."

Yangmei couldn't earn Su Jianguo, so he quietly let him wash his hair, and then listened to his words and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, "There is soap at home, this thing can be used, and if it is not good, you can also use washing powder to deal with it, you don't spend money indiscriminately."

"Daughter-in-law, you don't know, the use of these things are divided into categories, such as soap and washing powder, that is all washing, just like wiping the face is applied to the face, hand oil is specially used to cure cracked hands, shampoo is to wash hair, to the hair, fragrant and smooth, smell it from afar."

In a word, Yangmei laughed

, "No matter how good it tastes, you can't eat it, and besides, what do you want to do with that taste, it's just clean and refreshing."

Su Jianguo felt that he couldn't convince his daughter-in-law at this time, but wouldn't it be okay to buy it back and use it directly for his daughter-in-law?

Don't you have to lose what you bought home?!

Su Jianguo, who secretly had a plan in his heart, no longer distinguished anything, concentrated on washing Yangmei's hair, and when changing the water, he took a towel to wrap his hair and let Yangmei hold it himself, "Don't keep your head down, it's easy to get dizzy, I'll be fine right away." "

Yangmei is a little embarrassed, how do you feel like you treat her as a child of what age?

After changing the water twice, Su Jianguo took a clean towel to help Yangmei wipe her hair, one after another, the action was gentle and careful, until she wiped a dry eighty percent, then moved a small bench for her to sit at the door, "Bask in the sun here, don't go to the vent, it will dry soon."

He poured water from the basin and washed his towel to dry.

When you raise your eyes, you can see Su Jianguo's busy figure, Yangmei pursed her lips hard, Su Jianguo

is really different from before.

"The daughter-in-law drinks water."

When Su Jianguo was busy, he also washed his face with cool water, and turned back refreshingly to help Yangmei pour a bowl of water and bring it over, and after pouring half a bowl himself, he casually put the bowl on the ground on the side, and sat on the threshold beside Yangmei with his butt

, "By the way, daughter-in-law, tell you something."

Yangmei's heart suddenly lifted,

could it be that he asked her for money?

Although all the money she had on hand recently was earned back by Su Jianguo, if he opened his mouth, it would be difficult not to give it himself...

But if he were to go all at once.

From hundreds or even nearly a thousand of money to all of a sudden....

Yangmei felt that she would be sad.

I even thought in my heart that if Su Jianguo asked for money, she would not give it!

Can't he beat himself to death?

But this money was earned by him, really not to give it, she felt that she couldn't say it in her heart.

Or, if he asks for it, give him half?

Just as he was thinking back and forth in his heart, he heard Su Jianguo's slow voice in his ears,

"Daughter-in-law, I bought that restaurant in town."

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