Tang Yuan and Ge Juan's heads were buzzing.

He left the easiest 7 points blank and didn't fill them in on purpose, so he only got 993 points.

He could get full marks on the most difficult questions at the end, so how could he not get the easiest 7 points?

He had the ability to get full marks, but he deliberately got 993, surpassing Tang Xue's 893 by exactly 100 points.

Tang Xiao used the results to tell everyone nakedly: I'm controlling the scores!

He could have gotten full marks, but he didn't, and he was also telling Tang Yuan: The competition records you pursue, your pride, are nothing in my eyes!

Tang Xiao used a small test paper to slap Tang Yuan in the face and hit Tang Yuan's pride!

And a teacher whispered,"It seems that Tang Xiao handed in the paper in an hour.……"

Exaggerated! Even more exaggerated.

Others couldn't finish the test in three hours, but Tang Xiao handed it in in one hour and even managed to get 993!

Is this real?

Ge Juan didn't believe it at all. She slapped her small body on the table.

"Tang Xiao cheated! He definitely cheated! How could he score so high!"

Tang Yuan also suppressed her anger:"He must have found a way to cheat! This bastard!"

Tang Xiao was clearly humiliating them.

Teacher Chen asked:"Then how should Tang Xiao's score be calculated this time? Since he cheated, should his score be cancelled?"

Everyone was silent.

They knew that even if Tang Xiao was cheating, they couldn't do anything.

Because there was no evidence.

Ge Juan was so angry:"I shouldn't have given in yesterday, I should have called the police to deal with it. Let the police investigate!"

Tang Yuan also regretted why she was so cowardly yesterday.

She should have been tough to the end, otherwise there would be no such humiliation today.

Tang Yuan said sincerely:"I'm sorry, teachers. I didn't insist yesterday, which made you lose face. I, Tang Yuan, apologize to everyone.

I will give you a beautiful gift at that time."

Hearing that there would be gifts, the teachers' faces looked better.

The gifts from the Tang family shouldn't be too bad.

Tang Yuan has a very high EQ, and she means what she says. Since she made a mistake, she should correct it immediately.

Ge Juan waved her hand:"Forget it, you can't be blamed entirely. It's Tang Xiao who is too cunning. Teacher Chen, let's rank the competition according to the results."

According to the results, Tang Xiao would be the first.

Ge Juan was helpless and could only follow the procedure.

Although Tang Yuan seemed calm on the surface, she hated Tang Xiao even more: Tang Xiao!


No. 2 Middle School, principal's office.

Only Wei Changhe and Tang Xiao were there.

On Wei Changhe's desk were the results of the biology competition.

First place: Tang Xiao, 993.

Wei Changhe clapped his hands excitedly on the armrest of his chair.

"Well done! Tang Xiao, you did a great job!"

Tang Xiao drank his tea steadily, he was much calmer.

This score was the result of his control over the score.

Wei Changhe was incredibly shocked when he saw the result.

He knew that Tang Xiao had a very high talent for learning, but he didn't expect it to be this high.

He originally thought that Tang Xiao could get third place, and it would be enough to add 5 points to the national exam.

Tang Xiao went for a big one and got first place.

It seemed that he even broke someone else's record.

Wei Changhe laughed heartily:"Hahaha, I can imagine how stinky that old woman Ge Juan's face is. It feels so good, so good!"

Wei Changhe was in a very good mood today.

Tang Xiao made him so proud.

Wei Changhe said:"Tang Xiao, you won the first place this time, and the organizer of the competition will give you a bonus of 50,000. The school is not stingy either, I will give you 50,000 too!"

"The organizer's 50,000 yuan will probably be sent to you in a week. The school's 50,000 yuan can be approved for you today."

Wei Changhe knew Tang Xiao's situation, so he approved it in advance like last time.

After all, he is the principal, he has the final say.

""Thank you so much, principal. May you live a peaceful life." Tang Xiao was delighted.

The school was indeed very generous.

Tang Xiao made 100,000 this time.

A student who has not yet graduated from high school easily made 100,000, which was too exciting.

Thinking about the other competitions in the future, Tang Xiao was excited.

The principal laughed and scolded:"Peace is bullshit, can you speak?"

Wei Changhe was in a good mood, and he didn't care about these details with Tang Xiao.

However, Tang Xiao was probably the only one in the school who dared to joke with Wei Changhe.

After what happened yesterday, the relationship between the two became closer.

Wei Changhe said:"Tang Xiao, there is a geography competition tomorrow morning, is it okay?" Geography is a liberal arts content, and Tang Xiao is a science student.

Wei Changhe was a little worried.

But Tang Xiao said confidently:"No problem, principal.

" It's the same for liberal arts and science.

Wei Changhe was very satisfied:"Then you can go home and review now.

Prepare well.

" The principal actually gave me leave personally.

Tang Xiao knew how angry Wei Changhe was because he skipped class for more than ten minutes.

He even put barbed wire on the wall.

But today he took the initiative to let Tang Xiao go home.

This change was not embarrassing at all.

Tang Xiao once again witnessed the principal's maturity.

"Okay, thank you, principal." Tang Xiao thanked him.

Tang Xiao had memorized the contents of the textbook a long time ago. He also memorized all the test questions, real questions, and simulation questions from the past thirty or forty years. There was really nothing to do if he continued to stay in school.

Moreover, Gu Weiguo had arranged other things for Tang Xiao in the past two days.

Before Tang Xiao left, Wei Changhe still said to him:"If you encounter the same trouble as yesterday, just call me directly!"

When Wei Changhe said this, he was murderous, which made people feel safe.

In fact, Xin Ling also told Tang Xiao the same thing yesterday, and she even shouted to avenge Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao kept all this in mind:"Okay, principal, I remember."

After Tang Xiao left.

Wei Changhe looked at Tang Xiao's competition results and said to himself

"Although I don't know what grudge you have with the Tang family, the Tang family is a behemoth. I can't help you much, you still have to rely on yourself"


Tang Xiao returned to the classroom, and the bell rang.

But Tang Xiao seemed not to hear the bell, and packed his things and left with his schoolbag on his back.

Li Jia, the study committee member, shouted,"Tang Xiao, what are you doing? Class is about to start, sit down quickly."

Tang Xiao said,"I asked for leave."

Li Jia was unhappy,"Who gave you leave? Teacher Xin hasn't told me yet, you should wait until I confirm with Teacher Xin before you leave."

Is it great to be good at studying? He is a class cadre! He is an official, and Tang Xiao is too unruly.

"The leave is granted by the principal, you should ask the principal to confirm it."After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he left the classroom without caring about Li Jia.


Li Jia was stunned. No matter how important she was as a class committee member, could she be as important as the principal?

Liu Zihao, who was standing by, said in a pretentious manner,"Mortals should just attend classes. Only the academic geniuses can ask for leave at will. Do you understand the rules?"


Tang Xiao returned to the coal machine factory community.

He wanted to give 50,000 yuan to Deng Yinglan, but Deng Yinglan refused to accept it.

"Don’t give it to me, don’t give it to me!"

Deng Yinglan said to Tang Xiao:"That’s the money you earned from studying. You worked so hard to study, I can’t take it, you keep it for yourself"

"You should rest more and stop reading too much, it's too hard."

Tang Xiao was touched.

People who really love themselves will not care about how much you have achieved outside, but will only care about whether you are suffering and tired.

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