Chapter 55 Resolute and resolute, add more help, Su Chen is invincible!

Su Chen nodded: “Yes! Go to bed early, see you tomorrow.”

Yan Ruyu nodded excitedly: “Good night, Brother Su Chen. If you miss me, remember to come to my dream.”

Su Chen: “Good night.”

There was no word for a night. The next day, early in the morning, Yan Ruyu put on a white shirt, blue jeans, and a long hair tied into a ponytail with a blue headband.

This outfit was just prepared by Yan Ruyu, because she discovered that Su Chen likes blue jeans and white shirts the most.

It looks clean and beautiful.

Yan Ruyu looked at herself in the mirror. In fact, she is not suitable for wearing a shirt because the panda is too big.

But she wanted to wear a couple outfit with Su Chen so much.

After packing, Yan Ruyu took the car to the hospital that Su Chen had agreed with. Sister Qiu put down the things in her hands: “Miss, do you want me to help you carry it in.”

Yan Ruyu waved his hand: “No, Sister Qiu, you can go to work as soon as possible. Later, Brother Su Chen will come, that’s all right.”

Sister Qiu nodded: “The lady be careful. If you have anything, remember to call me.”

Yan Ruyu nodded, and saw Su Chen’s figure all the way away. Yan Ruyu jumped excitedly and waved at Su Chen: “Brother Su Chen.”

Yan Ruyu swooped and hung on Su Chen’s body: “Brother Su Chen, you see today we are wearing couple clothes.”

Su Chen patted Yan Ruyu: “Come down, in the hospital.”

Yan Ruyu stuck out his tongue and jumped off Su Chen.

Yan Ruyu: “Brother Su Chen, I will carry the things I bought.”

Su Chen nodded and walked ahead, Yan Ruyu carrying fruits, flower baskets and health care products closely behind Su Chen.

When the two came to the hospital, Zhao Lei was red-eyed, sitting in the corridor of the hospital, seeing that he hadn’t slept all night again.

Seeing Su Chen coming, Zhao Lei aroused his spirit and stood up: “Su Chen, you are here.”

Su Chen patted Zhao Lei on the shoulder, “The money I gave you, even if you use it, is not enough, then tell me. If you are wronged, please hire a caregiver for your aunt.”

Zhao Lei looked at Su Chen gratefully: “My dad just told me this morning, saying that I shouldn’t charge you so much, and your family is not rich, Su Chen, I’m sorry, I…”

Su Chen patted Zhao Lei on the shoulder: “Is it a brother? If you are a brother, don’t say anything outside.”

Zhao Leihong looked at him: “In this life, in the next life, forever, whether you recognize me or not, in my Zhao Lei’s heart, you are my eternal good brother!”

Su Chen: “Is it convenient to go in and see Auntie?”

Zhao Lei nodded and took Su Chen into the ward. Zhao Lei’s father was wiping Zhao Lei’s mother’s cheeks.

Seeing Su Chen coming, Zhao Lei’s father Zhao Yuan hurriedly got up. This man who really likes cooking, was abruptly bent by life at this time.

Zhao Yuan: “You are Su Chen? Fortunately, your help allowed Zhao Lei to collect enough medical expenses, but…”

Su Chen knew what Zhao Yuan was going to say, and he waved his hand: “Uncle, the money I gave Zhao Lei, you can use it with confidence, first hire a caregiver for the aunt, Zhao Lei is about to take the college entrance examination, so he can’t delay his studies.

In addition, I would like to talk to Uncle Zhao alone about the Zhaojia Tucai Restaurant and the Zhao Group. ”

Zhao Yuan was stunned and didn’t seem to expect Su Chen to discuss business with him. Looking at Su Chen’s calm eyes, Zhao Yuan nodded, “There is a cafe not far from the hospital, which is quite quiet.” Yes, why don’t we go there to talk?”

Su Chen nodded: “Okay.”

Zhao Yuan: “Son, you take care of your mother first, and by the way, help your mother find a nurse to take care of it together. Don’t worry, there will be a father for future family affairs.”

Zhao Lei nodded. Although he was very curious about what Su Chen wanted to talk to his father, he knew that he was not qualified to know more things.

But it doesn’t matter, he will always follow in Su Chen’s footsteps, and one day, he will help Su Chen.

Su Chen and Zhao Yuanyan Ruyu came to the cafe together.

Su Chen didn’t take out his plan immediately, but looked at Zhao Yuan seriously: “Uncle Zhao, I won’t sell it anymore.

Regarding the current situation of the Zhao Group, I generally know, I want to know, if the Zhao family has a chance to get up!

What does Uncle Zhao think of the He family? ”

Zhao Yuan clenched his hands tightly together, and there was a hint of hatred in his eyes: “If there is a chance, I will naturally return the He family to the Zhao family thousands of times!”

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction: “Uncle Zhao, if I can bring the Zhao Group back to life, what can the Zhao family give me?”

Zhao Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him in shock, but he stared at Su Chen for a long time, but he couldn’t find a trace of evidence that Su Chen was talking big.

Zhao Yuan’s eyes were defensive: “The Zhao Group now has no money, no recipes, only an empty shell. If Mr. Su can really bring the Zhao family back to life, then the Zhao family will be the Su family in the future. One of the group’s industries.

The specific allocation depends on Mr. Su! ”

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, he was planning to help the Zhao family.

But it also depends on the attitude of the Zhao family. If the Zhao family is acquainted, he doesn’t mind pulling it, and if the Zhao family is still unwilling to give up the last thing, then he doesn’t need to waste any effort.

It will only help Zhao Lei move towards a better life.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Su Chen took out his plan and handed it to Zhao Yuan: “Uncle Zhao, these are some of my thoughts about the Zhao Group and the Zhao Family Tu Cai Restaurant. You can take a look first.

There are two requirements for me. First, I will be the first controlling shareholder in the Zhao Group.

Second, the He family disappeared! ”

Su Chen’s words were like thunder, exploding fiercely in Zhao Yuan’s world. Zhao Yuan solemnly opened the plan Su Chen handed him. When he finished reading the content of the first page, his face changed drastically. …

“This… how is this possible?”

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