Chapter 68 The cabbage with no one before and after! (Six changes, Mengxin is on the shelves for the first order, the data is constantly bursting and more!)

Su Chen watched Yan Ruyu insist, but did not continue: “That’s good.”

Yan Ruyu: “Swipe your card!”

“Good Miss Yan!”

Su Chen and Yan Ruyu walked out of the Chanel store. Yan Ruyu asked curiously, “Brother Su Chen, what do you like uncle?”

Su Chen thought for a while: “I should like wine, let’s go to the hotel and have a look.”

Yan Ruyu grabbed Su Chen: “The hotel doesn’t have any good wine, I know where there is good wine!”

Su Chen looked at Yan Ruyu, “Are you sure”?

Yan Ruyu: “My dad doesn’t know how to drink at all. When the good wine is in his hands, it is the cow who chews the peony, or the uncle to drink 1”

If Yan Zhenhua knew what Yan Ruyu had said today, he would definitely be lost in thought looking at the medal of his Baijiu Association.

Yan Ruyu took out her mobile phone and dialed Qiu’s phone after speaking, “Sister Qiu, are you in the company?

Sister Qiu nodded: “Yes, Miss, what’s the matter?”

Yan Ruyu: “I remember my dad hid two bottles of 20-year gold medal brewing in the company. You can get them for me, and I will give them away!”

Sister Qiu choked all over: “Miss, do you really want that? Can’t you change it?”

Sister Qiu, who has been with Yan Zhenhua all day long, naturally knows how much Yan Zhenhua treasures those two bottles of wine. He even plans to wait until Miss Yan gets married before opening it at the wedding.

Yan Ruyu: “Yes, I’ll give it away! Sister Qiu, who is okay, you can bring me 483 and send it to Vientiane City. I’m worried.

Sister Qiu still hesitated: “Can’t you have a bottle?”

Yan Ruyu: “Good things come in pairs, how can you get a bottle!”

Sister Qiu was so grounded by Yan Ruyu that she nodded: “Okay, I’ll get it right away.”

After hanging up the phone with Yan Ruyu, Sister Qiu thought about it and became more uneasy. In the end, she decided to talk to Yan Zhenhua.

In the conference room, Yan Zhenhua is working on an important international cooperation project.

Sister Qiu quietly walked to him: “Chairman, Miss Yan wants it.”

Before Sister Qiu’s words were finished, Yan Zhenhua waved her hand: “As long as she is weird, what do you want?”

Sister Qiu hesitated: “But”

Yan Zhenhua: “No, but I will talk about cooperation first. Tell her, as long as she is good, you can buy her a street!”

Sister Qiu looked at Yan Zhenhua’s indifferent appearance and nodded: “Okay, then I will go to see Missy first.

Yan Zhenhua waved her hand. Sister Qiu didn’t hesitate to pack up the two bottles of good wine that Yan Zhenhua had hidden in the dark cabinet of the office, and drove to Vientiane City.

Yan Ruyu saw Sister Qiu’s car from far away: “Sister Qiu, I am here.

Sister Qiu stopped the car and took out the wine: “Miss, do you want me to take you there?”

Yan Ruyu shook his head: “No, by the way, sister Qiu told my dad that I will go home later today!

And sister Qiu, has my dad been too busy recently and forgot to check Liu Sumei? Do you remember to remind my dad that as far as I know, part of the things my mother left me was swallowed by her!

Sister Qiu’s face changed drastically: “Really?”

Yan Ruyu: “Let my dad check it. I didn’t care about it before, but now I am not alone. I still have brother Su Chen. I can’t help but plan for me, and sister Qiu. You can sort things out in the company recently. Click, send it to me.”

If Yan Ruyu remembered correctly, Liu’s calculations for the Yan Group should have been around this moment.

In this life, if the Yan Group wants to give Su Chen, then she can’t let the Liu family calculate a dime. Not only that, she also wants the Liu family to spit out all the food they ate in the previous years.

Sister Qiu nodded solemnly: “Okay, Miss, don’t worry, I will definitely do this as soon as possible!”

Yan Ruyu nodded. After Sister Qiu left, Yan Ruyu took Su Chen’s hand: “Brother Su Chen, let’s go.”

Su Chen nodded, his memory naturally knew that Liu Sumei and his family were calculating the affairs of the Yan Group.

Su Chen just wanted to say something, Yan Ruyu smiled and said, “Brother Su Chen, you said, I will snatch the Yan Group from my dad and give it to you, okay?

Anyway, in these years, the Yan clan hasn’t been very strong in his hands, and he has fed the white-eyed wolves of the Liu family. ”

(bhfe) Su Chen rubbed her head. In the previous life, Yan Ruyu spent ten years of effort before taking the Yan Group back and making the Liu family pay the price. In this life, he has returned.

He wouldn’t let the little girl suffer so much, but in this matter, Su Chen didn’t plan to intervene clearly. After all, he likes a low-key person, so let the little girl charge into the battle first.

He can help at the critical moment.

Su Chen and Yan Ruyu talked and laughed, and they went to the miracle training class without knowing it.

After Su Chengye and Li Suxia have cleaned up these days, the signs of the miracle training class have been hung on it, and there are also desks inside, and they are all cleaned up inside and out.

Yan Ruyu looked at the sturdy camphor tree and the large French windows, and imagined how she and Su Chen would sit together and study every day.

Unconsciously, his eyes smiled into a crescent shape.

Su Chen stood at the door holding Yan Ruyu’s hand: “How? Do you like it?”

Yan Ruyu nodded: “It’s much better than I thought. It’s obviously an old town, but it feels very romantic. When I think about studying and fighting here with my brother Su Chen, I feel very happy.”

Su Chen lightly tapped the tip of Yan Ruyu’s little nose: “There will be everything in the future!”

Yan Ruyu smiled and nodded. Just about to say something, Su Chengye and Li Suxia stood behind Su Chen carrying a lot of things.

Li Suxia looked at the girl next to Su Chen: “Then that is our son?”

Su Chengye nodded: “Nothing unexpected, yes!’

Li Suxia: “Our pigs are really good at it? Can they pick up cabbage?”

Su Chengye nodded: “If there is nothing unexpected, yes!”

Li Suxia’s eyes widened in shock, “The little girl looks good at her back! Do you think we should go out? Or should we go out?”

Su Chengye glanced at his daughter-in-law silently, and then shouted at Su Chen’s back: “Son!

Su Chen took Yan Ruyu and turned around: “Parents, are you back?”

Yan Ruyu’s heart was tight. Originally, I didn’t think that when I saw Su Chen’s parents at this time, Yan Ruyu only felt nervous.

She didn’t seem to be pretty smiling just now, do uncles and aunts dislike her?

Should she call her uncle and aunt, or should she call her mom and dad?

Call your uncles and aunts first, come up and call your parents, if you get scared, it’s not good!

Yan Ruyu made up his mind, then raised his head and smiled sweetly at Su Chengye and Li Suxia: “Hello, Mom and Dad, I am your future daughter-in-law, Yan Ruyu!”

s Su Chengye: “.

Li Suxia: “” Progress is a bit fast!

Yan Ruyu realized what she had said, and suddenly covered her mouth with an annoyed look.

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