Chapter 72 Jinghua reappears, the backbone of the Kyushu teenager!

Su Chen: “What’s the secret?”

Cheng Feng: “The secret of how to subdue Haicheng High School’s tyrants!”

Su Chen: “Let’s wash and sleep, you have everything in your dreams!”

“Ha ha!”

Several people rushed up and made a fuss.

Because he mastered the He family’s handle, Zhao Lei also swept away the yin tyrants of the past today, and his mother’s health was getting better and better.

Zhao Lei looked at Su Chen gratefully. If it weren’t for Su Chen, Zhao Lei would now be mud in the ground, and his life would be over!

But because of Su Chen, his life is full of hope again, and he can even get revenge!

Su Chen knew what Zhao Lei wanted to say, but he did all this out of his own mind, not to mention the He family, it was indeed a bit rampant.

As far as He Lei’s attitude toward him was concerned, it was enough to destroy his He family.

Su Chen patted Zhao Lei on the shoulder: “Other things, don’t need to say more, but when the He family starts hands, we must make them remember!”

Zhao Lei instantly understood what Su Chen meant.

“Boss rest assured, make sure to let the He family remember who they shouldn’t mess with!”

Su Chen nodded: “Let’s all go! Go to the auditorium!”

At this time, everyone found that there were no more people on the campus, only a few of them were left.

Yan Ruyu followed Su Chen and said in a low voice, “Brother Su Chen, would you like to hold a commendation meeting for you because of your hot search yesterday?”

Su Chen shook his head: “We are just now at the critical moment of the third year of high school. We won’t take time to hold the commendation meeting.

Yan Ruyu nodded: “That should be a big deal! Let’s go in quickly!”

Su Chen nodded, holding Yan Ruyu’s hand, and the two walked into the school hall together.

When Su Chen saw the Dongyi people sitting in the school hall, he instantly knew what those people came for.

It should be for Su Chen’s z domain name, but Su Chen did not expect that they would start from the school, but they also turned the original commercial business into official business.

At that time, use the school, use the public, and then scare a bit, Su Chen will surely sell the domain name at a low price.

After all, in the eyes of Dongyi people, what can an 18-year-old, just adult high school student have?

Lin Ning watched Su Chen enter the auditorium and got up: “Just right, student Su Chen, come here, and all the students are quiet. Today it is Dongyi’s guests who came to our school to visit and exchange. Everyone welcomes you with warm applause! ”

“Papa~” Faint applause sounded.

Contempt clearly appeared in the eyes of the Dongyi people. He looked at Lin Ning and said in non-standard Kyushu dialect: “Don’t you have an interpreter?”

Lin Ning smiled: “I haven’t come here yet, wait a moment.”

The Dongyi people’s eyes lit up, and they said in Dongyi language: “It’s really a group of clubs chasing! If it wasn’t for that domain name, why would you come here to be abused!”

It’s just that this Dongyi person thought there was no translation here, but he didn’t know that translation software was everywhere in Kyushu.

Everyone recorded the words of Dongyi people and uploaded the translation software.

Of course, Su Chen doesn’t need translation software. Su Chen looked at him coldly and said, “The people of Kyushu are at least a great mallet. If you say it nicely, it is Dongyi. If you say it badly, it is an aunt’s towel!

What is the throat?

Dongyi people can speak some simple Kyushu Chinese, but listening to Su Chen’s auntie’s towel, he is a bit at a loss: “What do you mean?”

Su Chen: “It’s not interesting, you say your flag is beautiful!!

“Haha!” Su Chen’s voice just fell, and the audience burst into laughter. Think about Dongyi’s flag, the red dot, isn’t it the aunt’s towel?

The Dongyi people looked at his translator blankly: “What does he mean?”

The translator lowered his head and translated the meaning of a Makini, and the Dongyi people instantly furious: “Vulgar, excessive!”

Su Chen said with a cold face, and said in fluent Dongyi: “You stand on the land of Kyushu and say that my Kyushu is a great hammer, who will give you the face! Get out of Kyushu if you have the ability!”

Su Chen yelled. At this time, the translation software of the students’ mobile phones translated Su Chen’s words, and the auditorium instantly boiled: “Su Chen Su Chen, forever!

“Haha, look quickly, Dongyi’s face!”

“Where is he now? The power of our Su Chen hasn’t started yet!”

“Ha ha!”

Standing in the first row, Yan Ruyu turned on his mobile phone, looked at the hot searches on the Internet, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and made those Weibo big Vs register their accounts.

It’s better, she is a photographer for Su Chen, after all, they don’t know Su Chen as much as she, and they don’t know Su Chen from what angle, the most handsome!

Just do as he thinks, Yan Ruyu bowed his head and quickly registered for an account.

The Dongyi people stood up suddenly and glared at him: “What is your attitude?”

Su Chen: “What attitude you have towards me depends on what attitude I am towards you. You have to ask me what attitude I am. Think about your attitude first!

And since I’m in Kyushu, just speak Chinese to me, and get out if you don’t speak!”


All the students of Haicheng High School applauded in the auditorium instantly!

The faces of Dongyi people were blue and white.

Su Chen smiled slightly and sat down handsomely. At this time, Yan Ruyu’s live account was also registered, and his name was “Su God’s Woman”.

When filling in this name, Yan Ruyu thought of the milk last night, her face flushed, should she be considered Su Chen’s woman now?

Still the first one by Su Chen!


Turning on the camera, Yan Ruyu lowered his voice: “Hello viewers, do you want to know what the 18-year-old live broadcast boy is doing?

Please come to the “Su Chen’s Woman” live broadcast room to take you closer to the life of the Great God.

After Yan Ruyu finished speaking, he clicked to send, and then opened the live broadcast room and pointed the camera at Su Chen.

“So handsome!”

Because of Su Chen’s keywords, Yan Ruyu’s video rushed into the hot search for almost a short time, and Su Chen’s little fans on the Internet followed Yan Ruyu to Yan Ruyu’s live broadcast room.

“I went, I thought it was a fake, but I didn’t expect it to be real Su Chen.

“Really! Small 666 will be sent to ten (good money) rockets first!”

Yan Ruyu watched the rewards in the live broadcast room and said softly: “It is Haicheng High School now. The Dongyi people came here today, as if for something.

Immediately the camera was aimed at Su Chenxing again.

The Dongyi people stood up suddenly: “You people from Kyushu, too much! Too much! We are here for friendly exchanges today!”

Su Chen sneered: “Friendly exchange, saying that we Kyushu people are clubs?”

The Dongyi people just wanted to start cursing, the person next to him whispered: “My lord, don’t forget the purpose of coming today.”

That person just remembered that they came today for the only z domain name in Su Chen’s hands.

“Hello, it was our bad attitude just now, I’m sorry, I was wrong!”

After that, the Dongyi people bowed at ninety degrees, and Su Chen still sat there as steady as the east wind: “Can you offset a mistake? What you said just now hurt my soul.

I feel uncomfortable now and want to go back to heal my wounds!”

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