Chapter 71 Help You

   This afternoon.

  Ning Youguang slept in the dormitory at noon. When he went to the classroom, the time for the first class in the afternoon was approaching.

  There are many students coming and going in the corridor of the teaching building, and the students in the experimental class are almost the same, waiting for class in the classroom.

   When she approached the classroom, she found twenty or thirty unfamiliar boys standing by the window of the classroom, looking in, looking for someone.

   She entered the classroom strangely, only to find that everyone in the class was looking at her.

  Gu Xi in the front row sat in his seat, stretched out his hand, and pointed to the classroom window for her.

   She looked out the classroom window.

   Just outside the window, there was a young man who was pointing his finger at her. The boys beside him were talking quietly, and the boys next to him also looked at her.

   She saw the mouths of the teenagers: "It's her."

   There is a big tree outside the classroom window of the experimental class. The sun shines through the leaves and casts a few spots of light on the pale cheeks of the girl who just entered the classroom.

   is like a diamond embellished on a wedding dress, which is dazzling and adds to the beauty of the person wearing the wedding dress.

   It’s really impossible to pick out a place that is not beautiful from head to toe, and it’s amazing at a glance.

  When the twenty or thirty boys came, there was a lot of clattering, and they left very quickly.


  There is no light, so I sat down on my seat.

   Gu Xi in the front row immediately told her, "Those people are all here to see you, they seem to be from the international class."

   She nodded lightly: "Oh." Then she took out the textbook from the drawer and lowered her head to concentrate on reading.

  The fourteen-fifteen-year-old girl is in the shy period of youth and ignorance. Because of her beauty, dozens of teenagers from other classes are onlookers and admiring.

   Gu Xi felt that if it was her, she could not be so calm no matter what.

But she didn't know that if there was no rebirth, Ning Youguang was just Ning Youguang who had lived her whole life. She was really a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old. She was surrounded by so many boys in a large audience, and the discussion was not so calm. of.

   She will feel depressed and troubled, and she will not like to be watched by people like a monkey, and she will be discussed in public by dozens of people.

   But, who made the current Ning Youguang be Ning Youguang, who has already been through the years and lived out his self?

   She looks like this, no different from any beautiful flower in the garden that can attract others' admiration and admiration.

   It's everyone else's business that others like to look at good-looking people and things, and it's also everyone's business that everyone likes to watch and discuss. Could she still interfere with their thoughts and actions?

   How much time and energy does she have to spend her energy on these meaningless little things? !


  International class has a physical education class in the afternoon.

   Jincheng's September day, the sun is hanging high, the outside is still hot, and the playground is even hotter.

  The students who finished the basic training were in groups of three or five, enjoying the shade under the tree while eating ice cream.

  The international class originally had a few super "basketball fans" who were not afraid of the scorching sun, and would still play basketball or football in the middle of the playground at this time.

   Their heroic appearance and achievements will also become the constant topic of the students under the shade.

However, today they didn't play basketball on the playground or football on the football field, and they didn't talk about each other's "heroic feats." Instead, they got together and talked about another little girl in another class. .

   When it comes to excitement, the boys’ faces turned red, and they didn’t know if it was hot or excited.

   "Why didn't you guys play basketball today?" At this moment, a sweet girly voice suddenly interjected.

   Zhang Xuan came from not far away with a basketball in his hand.

   has long smooth hair, which she tied into a ponytail with a delicate headband.

   Wearing Diyin's sportswear, she looked more powerful than usual, exuding a vibrant spiritual beauty.

   "Let's have an ice cream first." When the teenagers saw her, the atmosphere in the small group became more lively.

   "Oh, I said why are you so strange, you all hid under a tree today and didn't play ball." The girl threw the basketball into the group of teenagers, causing the boys to loot.

   "Wait a minute, wait a minute." The boys caught the ball.

   Zhang Xuan has always been the group favorite of the boys. Basically, when she is around, the boys are all around her.

  In the past, at this time, they would definitely take the opportunity to talk to beautiful women more, whether it was to invite her to eat ice cream, or to show off their football skills in front of her.

  Not today.

   They caught the basketball that Zhang Xuan threw over, and they formed a circle in twos and threes to continue the topic just now.

   Zhang Xuan looked at the boys in the class who were a little colder to her than usual, with a sweet smile on her face, no change at all, but only Zhang Li, who was standing beside her, knew that the girl's eyes were cold.

   "I'm going to buy ice cream, what flavor would Xuanxuan want to eat?" Zhang Li suggested.

   "I want durian flavor." Ye Ziqin said happily.

   "Okay, what about Xuanxuan?" Zhang Li continued to ask Zhang Xuan, with a look of ingratiating on her face.

   "Chocolate." Zhang Xuan said lightly, turned and left the boys.


Ning Youguang gave the boy who was carrying the table in his hand to a boy with a tall character, took it out from his schoolbag, and stuffed a bag of strawberry candy into the boy's school uniform pocket: "Thank you, please have some candy. ."

   "Not so much."

  The boy smiled brightly, and easily moved the desk that Ning Youguang had been struggling to move to the seat she was going to move.

   Today is the day for the experimental class to re-adjust the seats.

  Ning Youguang's seat was transferred from the fourth row of the window to the middle seat in the third row of the classroom by the head teacher.

   "There is no more window seat to sit on. Sometimes it is a burden to be specially cared for."

After the    girl sighed, she followed the head teacher to get something.


Experimental class.

   After she left, the tall boy took out the strawberry candy from his pocket, glanced at it, and put it back in.

   Then, smiling, he walked to his seat and sat down.

   The tablemate next to him is also a boy. The boy just watched the interaction between his tablemate and Ning Youguang, and said with a smile, "Ning Youguang is pretty good."

   helped her move the table and got a packet of candy in return. The boy also laughed: "Yeah, she is very polite."

   The same tablemate saw the smile on his face, and continued to sigh: "It's rare to see such a good-looking girl, who reads well, and has such a good temperament."

  The boy continued to smile and nod: "Yeah."

  Who said: "A woman who is too beautiful is always lonely, and the goddess is destined to be used only to look up."

In this age of looking at face, beauty is a person's capital, and good-looking girls are always in demand. For them, they are always the one who is taken care of, who has been taken care of more, and has a more or less personality. Somewhat arrogant.

   Therefore, when ordinary people get along with people who are too beautiful, the comfort level is always discounted.

   At the beginning, many students in the experimental class also thought the same way. Their inherent cognition made them think that Ning Youguang was so beautiful and the second place in the city's high school entrance examination.

   They also kept some distance from her.

   But after getting along for a long time, everyone found that she was no different from ordinary girls, and even had a better personality than ordinary girls.

   She is actually very talkative.

  I entered the classroom every day, and when I saw someone, there was a slight smile on my face.

  Di Yin has a lot of beautiful girls. These beautiful girls have something in common that girls from other schools do not have in common. Because of their superior life, they are very good at dressing up.

   At the age of fifteen or sixteen, many girls wear makeup to school every day.

   They are also dressed in famous brands, and they have to wear school uniforms in class, but they can't wear brand-name clothes. Then, they will wear brand-name watches, carry brand-name handbags, and wear brand-name shoes...

Girls like   , in the eyes of some students from ordinary families, such as experimental classes, seem unapproachable.

  Ning Youguang seems to be different from everyone, beyond their imagination.

   She is dazzling like the sun all over her body, but she has a temperament like the moonlight like water. It is really difficult for everyone to be hostile to her, or deliberately stay away from her.

   She always has a clean face, and although she does not speak softly, it makes people feel like a spring breeze.

  Secondly, she also studies hard every day in the class and does everything seriously, a standard three-good student, and a good baby who can contribute to the motherland.

   Gradually, the students in the class began to talk to her, and sometimes they would take the initiative to discuss with her if they didn’t understand their homework.

  Whoever asks her for help, she will not refuse as long as she can.


International Class.

  Friday afternoon is the day when the students in the class clean up.

On Mochizuki's desk   , the materials and books were messed up by the classmates who had just cleaned the desk.

   Zhang Xuan looked at the boy who was fetching tools at the back of the classroom and decided to help his roommate organize the books.

  Shi Mochizuki came back from the back of the classroom with a broom and a drag bucket, his originally indifferent face became even colder: "Who told you to touch my things!"

   The voice is also very cold.

   He has a pair of deep phoenix eyes and deep pupils. When he is not smiling, he refuses people thousands of miles away. This kind of indifference with anger makes people feel a little scary.

   Zhang Xuan was a little frightened: "I just want to help you organize..."

   "No need." After the boy finished speaking, he grabbed his textbook that she was holding, and stuffed it into the desk.

   "I saw that your book was messed up. I'm kind to help you, why are you doing this?!"

  Zhang Xuan is a delicate girl, and she has always been accustomed to being praised by boys.

During her adolescence, she gave all the patience she had to the indifferent young man beside her, but she could not get the slightest feedback from him. She was both beaten and aggrieved, "I was obviously kind, so I just thought about it. help."

   The girl's voice was full of tears, and the classroom was quiet for a moment, and the classmates all looked at them.

  The tall plane tree outside the window has dropped a few leaves, and the autumn wind is picking up, blowing yellow leaves all over the place.

   The boy curled his lips, and his cold face took on a bit of irony: "I don't need your help." 1314

   (end of this chapter)

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