The storm was so severe that a smaller speedboat couldn't get through! Didn't the staff's speedboat capsize? If the program team wanted to send Tang Yu over, they would have to use a large ship like a rescue boat. But, apart from the small speedboat used by the staff to shoot, there were no other large ships on the river? Maybe it was hidden somewhere else? ]

[The sea surface is in full view. If they are far away, we can't catch them. If they are close, we can see them in the camera.]

[Why Sister Tang is so fast is really unclear. But, Xiang Bei and Jiang Yuchen were rescued by Sister Tang, right? Would the program team create a big storm to promote Sister Tang, and then let two top stars and a boatload of staff take risks? Sister Tang doesn't have such a big face! The program team doesn't have such a big ability!]

[Yes, the situation at that time was filmed clearly. It was Tang Yu who brought the people back! There is no doubt about this!]

[I don't know why a group of people are conspiring against a hero who saved people? ! The world is really going downhill!]

[I am Beifeng. If the program team really put my brother in danger in order to let Tang Yu stand out, then the program team and Tang Yu should die!]

[You are a fake fan above, right? You deliberately said that I am Beifeng! No matter which fan you are, I ask you to get out of here! Otherwise, I will blast you to pieces! ]

[That's right! No matter what, we Beifeng are grateful to Tang Yu! Although we don't know how Tang Yu rushed to the scene quickly, she saved my brother. ]

[Besides, Tang Yu reminded my brother before the storm that it was my brother and Jiang Yuchen who wanted to fish and didn't want to come back! We are not fools, we don't believe anyone who instigates us! ]

[Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing, be quiet for a while. Let's analyze the scientific data! Everyone will soon find that this matter is more fantastic than you think. ]

Seeing this, the barrage really quieted down...

[I just calculated that it took Tang Yu less than ten minutes to swim over! And then it took twenty-four minutes to run back! A distance of twenty kilometers, this is something that ordinary people can never do! ]

[Not only ordinary people can't do it, professional track and field athletes and swimmers can't do it either. ] Someone replied.

[Continue to analyze: Xiang Bei has already said that running on land requires at least two hours for the best marathon runners to run 40 kilometers, so 20 kilometers should be at least one hour. ]

[No one stipulates that Miss Tang must be worse than professional athletes! Her running speed has been verified by everyone! ] Someone replied again.

[Okay, let's not discuss the speed on land for now. But for swimming, professional athletes need more than five hours to run 20 kilometers! No matter how you calculate it, Tang Yu can't swim there in less than ten minutes! In fact, the distance between Tang Yu and Xiang Bei is more than 20 kilometers. 20 kilometers is the straight-line distance between the two camps, but Xiang Bei and his boat have already sailed far away. I think the distance between the two should be multiplied by two. ]

[To be honest, the speed of a general speedboat is 74-111 kilometers per hour. At the fastest speed, even 20 kilometers will take more than ten minutes. If it is calculated as 40 kilometers, it is equivalent to half an hour! In addition, in such a wave environment, a speedboat can't get through in ten minutes! So it's unlikely that everyone said that it was sent by boat! ]

[That must have been some high-tech! 】

Program group headquarters.

The director looked at the comments on the big screen, stroking his chin and pondering.

"Tang Yu will probably be a big hit." The staff member next to him commented.

Whether someone questioned her, blackened her, or defended her, or supported her, it was a sign of her popularity.

"I was also wondering, how did she get to the scene so quickly in such a short time? Everyone said that the program group put some high-tech in the sea, but we know that it is pure nonsense!" The director looked puzzled.

"I just calculated it, and it is true that it takes more than five hours for professional athletes to swim over, and this is still in a normal water flow environment, and they have enough physical strength and their speed has not decreased." The staff member said.

" do you explain Xiao Tang's situation?" The director gasped.

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