The principal's office.

The principal carefully checked the surveillance, not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom, and confirmed that Kou Nanxing and Wu Quanchao cooperated to put garbage on Tang Yu's desk and chair...

"You two should pack up your things and leave later, you are expelled!" The principal said in a deep voice.

Not to mention that the prince of the Fu family, one of the four major shareholders and the largest shareholder of the school, gave an order, even if he didn't, he didn't want such a student to stay in the school.

Such students made the school a mess, not to mention that he was upset, and the board of directors would also hold him accountable when they heard about it!

"No, principal, they also made a mistake for the first time. They were also mad at Tang Yu yesterday. After all, Tang Yu was the one who pushed them into the trash can. Please let them go." Wu Xiaozhen looked at the principal with a pleading face.

She begged and pleaded, and finally got her nephew into the international class, but he was kicked out not long after?

Not only was he kicked out of the international class, but he was also kicked out of Yingde Middle School!

"What do you mean by making a mistake for the first time?! Just made a mistake yesterday, and again today! Do you treat school rules and regulations as decorations?" The principal frowned.

Wu Xiaozhen wanted to say something, but was stopped by the principal.

"Did you three participate?" The principal looked at the three girls.

The three girls looked pale and shook their heads repeatedly.

"I think it was the three of them who bewitched them!" Wu Xiaozhen glared at the three girls fiercely.

"If you did, just admit it, and don't let me call the police." The principal said coldly.

"Really not." The three girls shook their heads together.

"Did the three of them participate?" The principal looked at Wu Quanchao and Kou Nanxing again.

The two hesitated for a moment, then shook their heads.

"Okay, the three of you go to class first, and you two, call your parents to come, pack up and leave." The principal said neatly.

"Principal..." Wu Xiaozhen looked at the principal pleadingly, "Quan Chao is a good boy. This time he must have been bewitched by someone. Please spare him this time."

"Wu Xiaozhen, I heard that your nephew used to bully his classmates in the ordinary class because he had your support. Who would have thought that he would not restrain himself in the international class! Is the international class the place where he runs wild? Even I dare not mess with those princes, and you actually do these messy things in front of them! Okay, get out! Don't bother me!" The principal waved his hand irritably.

"Teacher Liu, what do you want to say?" Wu Xiaozhen looked at Liu Fangfei expectantly, hoping that Liu Fangfei could help her say a few words.

"Oh... I don't know what to say. I have a class in the first period, so I have to leave quickly. Then, principal, I'm leaving first. You three, follow me." Liu Fangfei waved to the three girls and walked out.

Wu Xiaozhen: "..."

"Teacher Wu, and you two, go out." The principal waved his hand irritably.


In the classroom.

Several boys carried Tang Yu's desk out and threw it away, and then helped to bring a new set of desks and chairs, as well as a new set of textbooks.

The textbooks were what Fu Chenxi told his younger brother to bring back.

Tang Yu was very grateful and said thank you several times.

Tang Yu sat on a brand new chair and spread out his junior high school textbook on a brand new table...

Next to him, Fu Chenxi also took out a book and started reading...

After a while, He Qingyao and the other two came back. After they came back, they couldn't help but look at Tang Yu...

Tang Yu raised his head and glanced at him indifferently...

The three of them looked as if they were burned and quickly retracted their gazes...

"I heard that you pushed Wu Quanchao and Kou Nanxing into the trash can yesterday! How did you do it? They are boys!" Fu Chenxi raised his eyes to look at the three girls, then turned to look at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu also turned his head slightly: "I have learned martial arts!"

Then, Tang Yu was slightly stunned...

She saw from the corner of her eye that the book Fu Chenxi was holding was called "Shaolin Kung Fu"!

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