The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

Tang Yu turned to look at Xu Shaoyang.

Qiao Hanyu also strode over.

"Teacher Tang, can you give us some technical guidance? We'll exchange the vegetables." Xu Shaoyang smiled flatteringly.

"Okay." Tang Yu nodded readily.

"How about we prepare the vegetables, bring them to your yard, and then you teach us how to make them." Qiao Hanyu suggested.

"Okay." Tang Yu nodded, then opened the food boxes of the two, and after seeing the ingredients clearly, he discussed with the two what dishes to make and told them how to prepare the ingredients.

"I understand, Teacher Tang, then we'll go and do it right away." Xu Shaoyang and Qiao Hanyu waved their hands and left impatiently.

Forty minutes later.

Tang Yu was in the kitchen, instructing Qiao Hanyu and Xu Shaoyang to cook in a hurry.

"It's done, it's done, too much salt."

"What you have is vinegar, not soy sauce."

"The fire is too strong, put less firewood!"

"It's going to burn, turn it over quickly."

"Pour some water."

Twenty minutes later.

"Well, I think it should be delicious." Xu Shaoyang smelled the aroma of the food on his plate intoxicatedly.

He made this by himself, and he felt very accomplished.

"Well, I think so too." Qiao Hanyu admired the delicious food on his plate.

"How about you two stay and eat with us." Mai Dan appeared at the kitchen door.

After saying that, she looked at the cameraman behind her, "Is it okay?"

The cameraman was silent for a long time before saying, "The director said that we can eat together, but we have to eat our own food and cannot share each other's food, so as not to break the rules."

"Damn director." Qiao Hanyu cursed slowly.

The director in front of the screen: "..."

[Hahaha, Brother Qiao is still so tough. ]

[Director: Be careful that I will take revenge on you. ]

[Who would believe that Brother Qiao is not a rich young master? ! Anyway, I don't believe it! ]

[That's right, Brother Qiao has always looked like he is not afraid of offending anyone since his debut! ]


"I have to say that Mr. Tang's technical guidance is really amazing. The dishes we made can actually be eaten! They are quite delicious." Xu Shaoyang ate his dishes while flattering Tang Yu.

He was really hungry!

"That's right, our little Tang is amazing, he can do everything!" Mai Dan raised his chin proudly.

"Teacher Mai, how about letting me partner with Xiao Tang next time?" Qiao Hanyu looked at Mai Dan.

The reason why he didn't ask Tang Yu but Mai Dan was because he felt that if Mai Dan wanted to partner with Tang Yu, Tang Yu would definitely not choose anyone else.

Only if Mai Dan took the initiative to stop partnering with Tang Yu, he would have a chance.

Mai Dan blinked hesitantly, and then said with a hint of reluctance: "I definitely can't always occupy Xiao Tang, I will definitely change partners. If you want to partner with Xiao Tang, just show more, what's the point of asking me?"

"I will." Qiao Hanyu smiled relaxedly and nodded confidently.

[Haha! Look at Brother Qiao's determined expression! ]

[For a bite of food, Brother Qiao is not reserved at all! ]

"I will too." Xu Shaoyang also nodded very solemnly.

Qiao Hanyu looked at Xu Shaoyang slowly with murderous eyes.

Xu Shaoyang shrank his neck, but still smiled fearlessly: "Senior Qiao, let's compete fairly."

"Fair competition is fair competition, do you think I'm afraid of you?!" Qiao Hanyu angrily took a few bites of rice.

[Before the show started, who would have thought that the most popular one would be the vicious sister? ! ]

[So, to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach! ]

[The same goes for capturing a woman's heart! Look at Mai Mai. ]

After watching the two men fighting on the opposite side, Mai Dan's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Tang Yu with an urgent look...

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