The old man was so angry that he couldn't help but think that he was a fool.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily true." Mai Dan raised her eyebrows to show her dissatisfaction, although she felt very uneasy.

She can't climb a tree!

Moreover, she thinks Tang Yu can't do it either.

Tang Yu is not the kind of naughty child who climbs up and down.

How could Mai Dan know that Tang Yu can fly with a sword! Climbing a tree is really not a difficult thing!

"Xiao Tang, can you climb a tree?" Mai Dan gently pulled Tang Yu's sleeve.

"Yeah." Tang Yu nodded gently.

Mai Dan immediately put half of his heart at ease.


The final result of the draw was that Mai Dan drew tree number one, which was the tallest and oldest tree.

Qiao Hanyu, who drew the No. 2 tree, looked at the director: "Director, can we switch with others? We want to switch with two girls."

Although the No. 2 tree is also quite tall, it is shorter than the one drawn by Mai Dan, and the fruits are denser.

"Yes, yes, friendship first, competition second." Xu Shaoyang nodded.

"Okay..." Switch. The director nodded.

"No, we can." Tang Yu said immediately before the director finished speaking.

"You have to think clearly." The director pointed to the No. 1 tree, indicating that she should look carefully.

"We can also switch with Tang Yu and Teacher Mai." Jiang Yuchen followed up.

"No need, thank you director, thank you Teacher Qiao and Teacher Xu." Tang Yu smiled and shook his head.

Thank you for everything, but didn't mention Jiang Yuchen.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward.

[Hiss——What is the hatred between the three people? The vicious sister is quite easy-going with others, why is she so rude to Jiang Yuchen and his sister? 】


[Curiosity +1]

There was a group of curious people below.

"Then Director Yan, do you want to switch with us?" Jiang Yuchen looked at Yan Kun.

The tree Jiang Yuchen drew was the shortest and most densely fruited one. He thought that Yan Kun was over 40 years old and it was not easy for him to climb too high.

"No, no, thank you, Xiao Jiang." Yan Kun waved his hand.

Although Yan Kun was 40 years old, he had the dignity of a man, and he did not think that he was old and weak enough to take advantage of young people.

Jiang Yuchen was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's start. Let our village friends give everyone a simple demonstration first." The director said.

Like peeling potatoes, the action is very simple, that is, climbing a tree and swinging a club, but it is difficult to actually do it.

First, you have to be able to climb a tree; second, you have to keep your balance when swinging a club on a tree.

However, when everyone saw Tang Yu climbing the tree skillfully, they suddenly realized that this little girl could climb trees, and she was quite skilled. No wonder there was no need to exchange.

"Awesome!" Mai Dan was excited and gave Tang Yu a thumbs up again.

Then, there was a burst of "crackling" sounds.

If Tang Yu's posture of climbing the tree was as agile as a little monkey, then Qiao Hanyu's posture of climbing the tree was like a nimble big monkey.

In addition, although Yan Kun's posture of climbing the tree was a bit clumsy, it can be seen that he can climb trees.

Although Jiang Yuchen is not as good as Qiao Hanyu, he is a little more flexible than Yan Kun.

"Don't climb too high, safety is the most important thing." The director shouted with a small speaker.


On the other side, the mountain villa.

"So the girl's job is to pick walnuts."

"I didn't expect the girl to be able to climb trees, and she seems to be very good at picking walnuts."

"Back then, I climbed trees like a monkey, and climbed up the tree to pick walnuts when they were ripe. Those fresh walnuts were so delicious! Now I'm old! I can only miss the past."

The old man sighed while watching the live broadcast.

"Old man, why don't you let someone plant a few walnut trees in your yard?" Xiao Li said.

"Does planting mean I can climb trees?" Xiao Wanting said unhappily.

"You can just look at them, and you can pick a few if you want to eat them." Xiao Li explained.

"Forget it." Xiao Wanting waved his hand, "Do you think I miss the taste of walnuts? I miss my youth and my agile body at that time."


Because the fruits on Tang Yu's tree were sparse, after picking the ones below, it was still far from 150 kilograms.

So, she continued to climb up.

"Xiao Tang, be careful! Come down soon." The director shouted with a small speaker.

"Yes, Xiao Tang, don't climb anymore, we still have a lot of food left from yesterday!" Mai Dan also shouted.

"Got it." Tang Yu responded.

Tang Yu responded with "Got it"

", but he didn't stop climbing the tree.

Finally, Tang Yu climbed to almost the top branch, nearly four meters above the ground.

Everyone: Little Tang is awesome! An all-round fighter!

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