The two of them were so angry that they had to eat.

Luo Meilan came back to her senses, and her expression became aggressive again. She took a step back, pointed her finger at Tang Yu's nose and said loudly: "Tang Yu, you knew those mushrooms were poisonous, why didn't you tell Chen'er and Yanyan? How can you be so cruel?"

Tang Yu: "..."

"Mrs. Jiang, are you sick? First of all, I have no obligation to remind them! Secondly, I remember that I clearly told Jiang Huiyan that except for the few I picked out, the remaining mushrooms in the basket were poisonous. She didn't believe it, so she blamed me? I'm not her mother, can I beat her up or what?" Tang Yu said coldly with sarcasm in his eyes.

"..." Luo Meilan was choked for a moment, and then she started to argue again, "It's normal for Yanyan to misunderstand your casual attitude! Besides, can you swear that you did a thorough inspection, and you didn't take revenge on someone else and deliberately anger Yanyan?"

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laughed speechlessly: "You deliberately angered her, and then let her pick mushrooms by herself, and then let her and Jiang Yuchen get poisoned, right? Madam Jiang, how bad and scheming am I in your eyes?"

"..." Luo Meilan was stunned for a moment.

"Also, you just blamed me for not reminding Jiang Yuchen and Jiang Huiyan. Do you think I'm bad?" Tang Yu raised his eyebrows sarcastically, "But, no matter how bad I am, can I be worse than Madam Jiang? And there are Jiang Er Shao and Jiang Si Shao! You locked me in the burning car and ran away! You are the ones who killed people intentionally!"

In the last sentence, Tang Yu's voice was cold and fierce, his eyebrows and eyes were intimidating without anger, and the pressure of the immortal cultivator that was released inadvertently rushed towards the people opposite!

Luo Meilan and Jiang Yuhuai felt their breath choked, and their chests seemed to be squeezed by invisible air, and they felt a dull pain.

After a few seconds, they returned to normal.

Luo Meilan: "..."

This black spot may be with her for the rest of her life.

"I really did it subconsciously..."

"Okay, no need to explain!" Tang Yu raised his hand impatiently, "For me, it doesn't matter whether you did it intentionally or accidentally! Either way, it proves that you have no affection for me at all! If nothing else, I'll go back. I hope you two won't disturb us to rest."

After saying that, Tang Yu turned around...

"Tang Yu!" Jiang Yuhuai shouted loudly.

Tang Yu paused and stopped in front of the door.

"How long are you going to make trouble? Your parents came to you in person, and Yuchen also begged you humbly. Isn't that enough? If you do this, you will only wear away the thin family... affection between us! If it really comes to that, I hope you won't regret it!" Jiang Yuhuai frowned and said with an unhappy face.

Tang Yu guessed that Jiang Yuhuai wanted to talk about that thin family affection, but when there was no one around, he was still alert, afraid that others would know the relationship between the Jiang family and her!

How sad and ridiculous!

Tang Yu curled his lips, but did not turn around. Instead, he faced the door and said coldly: "This is what I want to say. When the last bit of fate between us disappears, I hope you will not regret it! Of course, I will never regret it!"

After speaking, Tang Yu opened the door and walked in.


The door closed in front of Luo Meilan and Jiang Yuhuai.

Luo Meilan couldn't help but tremble because of the loud sound of the door closing and Tang Yu's ruthless actions.

Luo Meilan stared blankly at the two closed doors...

After a long time, she covered her face and began to sob...

"Mom, forget it, let's ignore her! The more we care about her, the more excited she is! She doesn't want to recognize us, but we don't want to recognize her! She will regret it in the future!" Jiang Yuhuai's face was ashen, and he comforted his mother with anger.

"What sin have we committed?" Luo Meilan sobbed.

The next moment, she raised her head, with a vicious expression on her tearful face, and gritted her teeth and said, "That's right, we can't spoil her and beg her! I want to see who will regret it in the future? There will be a time when she cries and begs us!"

In the yard, Tang Yu looked at the waning moon in the sky and drew a cold and sarcastic arc...


She also wanted to see who would regret it!

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