If we say that the Quincy's power comes from the Spirit King.

The power of the Shinigami can be traced back to the ancestors of the five great nobles, to the Ichibei of the Military Master Division, and if it has something to do with the Soul King, then when sensing the power of the Hollow in front of him, Xian Ye should trace the power of the Hollow Zhi Fang also has his own understanding.

It is not difficult to understand if the"sword spirit" in the Eight Mirror Sword is a virtual one.

After all, the God of Death and Hollow are like two sides of a mirror, seemingly the same as water and fire. In fact, there is a commonality in power. They are two different bifurcations in the process of soul evolution. Because of their commonality, Hollow's power It can pollute the power of the God of Death and make it virtual, and the power of the God of Death can also give it purification.

Only the Quincy as a human is different.

Hollows and Shinigami both exist in the spirit world, and Quincy are human beings. The world they live in is the world of artifacts. The power they control is completely different from Hollow and Death. Because they exist in the artifact world, There are no powerful spiritual beings or spiritual power in their bodies, but they do possess the power to control external spiritual beings. This is also a power that beings such as Shinigami and Hollows who rely too much on their own spiritual pressure have never possessed.

Even, over the long years, the Quincy also developed a method of injecting souls into their own blood vessels, which they called"Static Blood Equipment"."、""Blood-moving equipment", which makes up for their biggest shortcoming of weak physique as humans, allowing them to fight against the Shinigami and Hollows who have powerful spiritual pressure in their innate bodies.

Nigeya Oue, is the master of the Zanpakutō Creator.

Every Zanpakutō has its own soul.

When Death holds a Zanpakutō and resonates with Asagi, the Soul of Death will be written into the"Sword Spirit" in Asaida. Put your own mark on the"sword spirit" that was originally like a blank piece of paper, and then use the sword as a basis to reflect the powerful power that has been rooted in the Shinigami's body. This is the power of the Zanpakutō, and it is actually the existence of the Shinigami himself. Power.

The Zanpakutō is equivalent to a mirror. The Shinigami continues to develop the Zanpakutō, constantly digging out the power hidden in the soul.

As the embryo of the Zanpakutō"Tool Spirit", the power used is exactly It is the power of"virtual".

This is what Xianye learned from Nimeiya Wang Yue.

All shallow attacks are actually made with the power of"virtual".

The God of Death uses the power of virtual to obtain the beheading Soul sword.

On the other hand, they are actually the same.

If one day, Xu can obtain the power of the god of death, he may also be able to further tap into his own power and awaken his own sword.

Returning to the blade, I am afraid this is how it came about.

However, After all, that is all a matter of the future.

At least, Nigewu Wang Yue will not know that in the future, someone will use multiple souls of the Shinigami and the fragments of the Soul King to create something like Bengyu, and then use Bengyu to , giving the virtual god of death the power to help them break the mask, and thus have a sword similar to the god of death. The sword spirit in the Eight Mirror Sword also originates from the power of the virtual god, but this kind of virtual power is completely different from the ordinary virtual god..

It is more primitive.

Although the Zanpakutō created by Nikaiya Wang Yue also relied on the power of the virtual, it only used the virtual to create an embryo, and it did not possess the devouring and chaotic power of the virtual. The sword spirit is like a piece of white paper. After the God of Death used his power of death to write his own traces on it, the existence of the sword spirit has nothing to do with the void. In the final analysis, the god of death and the void are both souls. The soul is like a blank sheet of paper and carries the power of Death, so it is naturally impossible to degenerate into a Hollow.

Instead, the combination of the power of Death and the power of Hollow, and when the two sides of the mirror complement each other, is the key to the Death's awakening and the liberation of the Zanpakutō. , is it not a process of self-evolution of the God of Death?

The Eight Mirror Sword is not the case. Its sword spirit is filled with the terrifying power of Xu, but because of the method of the original sword maker, this power is contained within the sword. It will not spread outward.

Xian Ye continued to study and finally determined two things.

The first thing is that this sword did not come from the hands of Ermeiya Wang Yue.

The second thing is that this knife Xu, it is very likely that it is the"primordial void" in the era of chaos. The ancient void is a naturally born void, the first void. Its appearance represents the end of the world and the demise of the chaotic world. It was the Spirit King who took action. , defeated it and saved the world.

The Spirit King can be regarded as a god, but Taiguxu is not a god in another sense?

It is a god that destroys the world.

"So, after the Spirit King killed Taikouxu, its remains were preserved and later forged into the Eight Mirror Sword?"

"Although the Spirit King killed Tai Guxu, the essence of Taigu Xu's existence is that he is at the same level as the Spirit King."

"Therefore, when the ancestors of the five nobles murdered the Spirit King, in order to divide the Spirit King, which could not be achieved by relying solely on the power of death, they resorted to the help of this sword?"

Xian Ye began to think wildly.

Although he had been in the Zero Squadron for many years, he knew a lot of hidden history in this world. But he didn't know about the things in the ancient times.

Ichibei, the military commander, was a living person from that era. The existence that came down is the oldest Shinigami today. He does know the truth, but he can't stand the military commander Ichibei and he doesn't want to tell it.

But it's not important.

After understanding the source of the power of the Eight Mirror Sword, Xianye has no idea how to cut Ukitake. The power of the Soul King's right arm in Jushiro's body also has the idea, maybe he can try to steal part of the power of the Eight Mirror Sword here. The power of the Soul King is superior to the power of the God of Death, and the power of the God of Death is dominated by spiritual power. The power of the Soul King cannot be shaken.

But the power of Xu is not the same.

Although it is an ancient Xu, the power of Death can touch the power of Xu.

After all, they are different directions in the evolution process of the soul.

The Eight Mirror Swords The sword spirit itself is a incomplete void, sealed in it by the person who created the sword. Because of the power of the ancient void itself, when a powerful force of the same level strikes it, it will naturally trigger the power of the ancient void. Counterattack, thus rebounding back.

Since it itself is incomplete, then it should be nothing if a part of it is incomplete.

When Xianye's Zanpakutō is liberated, the existence of its sword will form a barrier. In the world of Reiko, it can control anything related to Reiko, including...souls.

In the world of Reiko, everything is composed of Reiko, including the body and soul of the God of Death, and the hollow body. This is true for souls.

Therefore, within this range, Xianye can control the spirit son, just like if he were a god!

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