"Whether it is Soul Society or Hueco Mundo, they are both worlds of Reiko. Everything in these two worlds is made up of Reiko. Any inanimate things we see in our lives are still The animals living in Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, as well as their souls, constitute their essence. They are all spirit sons. When the soul or something is destroyed, they will return to their original spirit sons and scatter in the world."

"Therefore, the first step to analyze this mystery of heaven and earth is to understand what a spirit child is."

In the room, Xianye was teaching Aizen.

Xianye was wearing the white teacher's clothes of the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, while Aizen was wearing a black death uniform.

A person who is not a god of death is giving lectures to a god of death. It seems It's incredible.

But Aizen listened very seriously.

Every time he came to Xianye, he gained a lot from his master.

Whether it was the four basic abilities of the Shinigami, or the ability to slay ghosts with fists, Xianye had mastered them all. To the point of being extremely subtle, he was able to give Aizen inspiration and guidance, and even came up with many incredible ideas.

For example, developing a new Kidō and using it in conjunction with slicing techniques. When the Zanpakutō is swung, it is Kidō. Released, this can launch two attacks through one slash.

Or, combine Bai Da and Kidō. Bai Da itself is a close-hand fighting technique. If during this process, one's body is still surrounded by The high-intensity Kidō possesses extremely terrifying destructive power with just a lift of hands and feet.

In the previous history of Soul Society, there have been Shunpo and Zanjutsu combined, Shunpo and Bai Da, The combination of Bai Da and Zhan Jutsu, but the cooperation of Kidou and Zhan Jutsu, and Kidou and Bai Da, is a genius idea that has never been seen before.

Mainly because compared to the other three abilities, Kidou is relatively The complicated kind.

He needed to sing.

Even if he gave up singing, it would still take a while to prepare.

However, Xian Ye raised such a conjecture, and Aizen still chose to believe his master.

He decided to try one or two..

Because this is indeed an interesting proposal. If the experiment is successful, it can effectively improve his own strength.

As for how to start?

He decided to start with the current ghost ways to see which ghost ways can be combined with the cutting technique. Are there any ghost ways that can be matched with Shiro? If none of them work, there is another way, which is to develop ghost ways that can be matched with it.

Over the years, Aizen has followed Xianye's guidance and has made some gains. But it will take time to completely complete these methods.

Today, he learned a new lesson from his master.

About the mystery between spirit children.

Aizen listened to his master telling about the relationship between spirit children. A lot of theoretical knowledge can be said to be fascinating

"Master, who are you? Why do you know so much knowledge and so many secrets?"

This is not the first time that Aizen asked Xianye such a question and sighed after listening to Xianye's lecture. Facing Aizen

's question, Xianye smiled faintly,"I'm just a calligraphy class at Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy. Just a teacher."

Of course Aizen didn't believe such rhetoric, but seeing that the master was unwilling to say it, he didn't get to the bottom of it. It was another class, and after being taught by Xian Ye, Aizen left the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy with his gains, and then, He returned to his fifth division.

Except for the daily life in the division, he used everything to digest the knowledge imparted by his master, and then explore the mysteries of the world.

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy In.

Teaching Aizen is a trivial matter for Xianye.

In private, besides fishing and other activities to kill time, he also has some extra work.

He stole a small amount from Ukitake Jushiro The right arm of the Spirit King made him a little more interested. He studied this part of the Spirit King's right arm crazily, trying to analyze the mystery.

It can only be said that the Spirit King is indeed a very magical existence.

Even if it is only a small part The tissues of the body, the power contained within them, and the mysteries contained within them, still fascinate Xian Ye.

I don’t know how the ancestor of the five nobles back then successfully murdered the Spirit King.

Through a small part of the organization, Going to take a peek at the whole thing, Xian Ye came to a conclusion.

The spirit king in the ancient times might have been invincible.

As a result, the ancestor of the five nobles broke this invincibility abruptly.

In the underground spirit space. The rabbit's neck was cut in half, and the seriously injured rabbit was suspended in a ball of silver-white light.

These were some attempts made by Xian Ye with the help of the fingertips of the Spirit King's right arm.

Logically speaking, the rabbit's neck was Having been cut in half, it should be certain to die.

But before it was about to die, Xian Ye used the"stop" ability of the Dragon King's right arm to stop its death trend. Tao, try to cure it, but unfortunately, it cannot be done.

The ability to stop can only stagnate its life in this momentary state.

It is between neither life nor death.

Want to die, because death is towards The process of moving forward has stopped halfway, so it has not reached death.

Want to recover? That is even more impossible, it is a process of retreat.

Previously, when checking the body of Ukitake Jushiro, Xian Ye had already I have felt the special ability of the Soul King's right arm, but that feeling is still not as good as the feeling after I personally conducted an experiment with part of the Soul King's right arm.

Reversing life and death broke the natural law of life and death.

The Soul King The existence of it makes people feel terrifying just thinking about it, and it is worthy of being the cornerstone of the world.

On the contrary, when this power is placed in front of him, Xian Ye also sees the hope of continuing to move forward.

Of course he knows how to make the God of Death take another step.For example, obtaining the power of a virtual person and letting yourself become a virtual person is a way of evolution.

But if possible, Xianye doesn't want to make himself a virtual person.

So, besides becoming a virtual person, are there other ways to become stronger? What is the possibility?

After years of exploration and research, Xian Ye can finally confirm that the power of the Spirit King is one of the ways.

This world was created with the help of the Spirit King.

The existence of the Spirit King maintains the balance of this world. Order, and all the forces under it, cannot reverse this order.

But there is only one exception, and that is the power of the Spirit King himself.

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