In the room, Xianye's eyes flickered a few times after hearing Aizen's question. He did not answer the question immediately. After a long time, he asked Aizen

"Soyousuke, in your opinion, what is the difference between a soul and a shinigami?"

Aizen frowned,"This question is also the question I am exploring now."

When Xian Ye saw this, he didn't show off, but directly gave the answer,"Suo Jie and Po Sleep!"

"Haven't you noticed that only the God of Death possesses these two things?"

"The existence of soul sleep is the key to the god of death having spiritual power. This is also the biggest difference between us and the whole soul. Why do we have spiritual power?"

"It's because besides the soul, we also have a soul, which is the soul sleep. The soul sleep is where we generate and store spiritual power. Therefore, if you want to deal with other gods of death in the future, you actually have no chance at all. If you need to kill the opponent, you only need to destroy the opponent's soul sleep, and the opponent's spiritual power will collapse."

"Of course, just in case, it’s best to destroy the chain link as well."

"If the soul sleep is the existence that generates and stores spiritual power, then the lock knot is the place where spiritual power is transmitted and transported. Through the linkage between the soul sleep and the lock knot, we can conduct the spiritual power to all parts of the body, and then apply to it"

"But ordinary whole souls are not like that. They have no soul sleep, so they have no spiritual power and no knot. Where the death knot is, what they have is the chain of cause and effect."

"It can be said that the chain of cause and effect is the predecessor of the knot. When the knot of the god of death is destroyed, the chain of cause and effect will appear. When the chain of cause and effect continues to collapse and break, that is when the soul degenerates into a void. process"

"When the chain of cause and effect completely disappeared, a huge hole appeared in the chest instead. This is the origin of the virtual hole."

"Having said this, you must also know that the God of Death and the Hollow actually have something in common."Xianye's eyes fell on Aizen.

Aizen nodded.

He immediately grasped the common point between them.

The chain of cause and effect evolved upward, which is the knot. The existence of the knot allows the Shinigami to use it independently. Spiritual power.

The chain of cause and effect degrades and disappears, becoming a void hole. The void hole is a symbol of void.

Since the knot is so important? Then, does the void have spiritual power because it has a void hole similar to the knot? ?

Aizen's thoughts kept passing by, and he finally understood how to make ordinary whole souls possess spiritual power.

This matter is actually not difficult.

"In other words, if you want to let the whole soul have spiritual power, the way is……"

Aizen suddenly understood and said to Xianye.

Xianye responded to Aizen's words,"Yes, destroy their chain of cause and effect and let them degenerate into virtual beings.""

"The Chain of Cause and Effect cannot evolve into a Knot, and even if it has a Knot, an ordinary whole soul does not have Soul Sleep, which is where spiritual power is stored."

"But it is an extremely simple matter to make the chain of cause and effect disappear and become a virtual hole."

"Because they do not have soul sleep, although they cannot store spiritual power in the core of their bodies, they have void holes that can instinctively devour spirit children from the outside world. When many spirit children enter their bodies, most of them will escape. , but it will still be partially integrated into its body, which is why Xu's body is stronger than our Shinigami."

"The existence of the void makes them feel empty inside, and they instinctively desire to devour everything."

"Maybe the power possessed by a void is not strong, but this emptiness and desire to devour will make them instinctively kill each other, and instinctively devour other souls."

"When multiple virtual beings are combined together, many consciousnesses among them will determine a winner and then achieve evolution."

"Therefore, there is no need to marvel at the power of Daxu, because each Daxu is actually composed of countless souls."

Xian Ye explained to Aizen in detail the difference between the God of Death and the whole soul, and also the difference between the God of Death and the Hollow.

Aizen finally understood the purpose of Mole City Kenpachi

"In other words, Mole City Kenpachi's purpose is to transform the entire soul of Rukongai into... Hollow?!"

"Then, use Xu to fight against Xu?!"

"How could such a thing be possible!!"

At this stage, Aizen, although he is curious about many things, has still not violated the Death God's prohibition.

He cannot accept what Mole City Kenpachi did.

This is a treasonous thing.

Xianye did not answer Aizen's question.

In his mind, he thought of what he heard from Kyōraku Shunsui in Yugantang about the past of Kenpachi of Mole City.

The family was harmed by the nobles, and all the family members died in the hands of Kyon.

Although the final report was But the incident at that time still left a shadow on Molejo Kenpachi. Did this prompt him to instinctively hate Yuxu?

As for why he didn't hate the nobles, it was probably because he framed the Molejo family at that time. All the nobles must have been killed by him.

Only the Hollows are different.

The Hueco Mundo is vast and there are so many Hollows.

They have caused great harm to this world.

Therefore, Mole City Kenpachi wants to kill all the Hollows. Eradicate them all.

From this point of view, Mole City Kenpachi is actually a very great person.

Although it seems a bit despicable to transform the souls of Rukongai and make them into weapons to fight against Hollows, it is consistent with his great goal. Compared to this, these sacrifices are nothing.

"So, what do you think of what Mole City Kenpachi did?"


"Are you prepared to remain neutral and keep this secret for him, or choose to help Mole City Kenpachi, or stand against him?"

Xianye's sharp eyes fell on Aizen.

Aizen felt some pressure.

But soon, he made a decision

"Perhaps Mole City Kenpachi’s original intention is great, but the duty of our Shinigami is to maintain the balance between souls. There is no doubt that Mole City Kenpachi’s behavior will destroy the balance between souls. I’m sorry. I beg to differ."

Aizen expressed his attitude.

Then, he said seriously to Xianye:"Master, although I promised Mole City Kenpachi, I will help him keep secrets and not tell the Gotei Thirteen about what he has done."

"But, I still want to try and stop him!"

"This should not conflict with my promise to take revenge secretly!"

"interesting!"In response to Aizen's words, Xianye just curled his lips and gave a subtle smile.

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