Xia Qing Shu stood in the monitoring range to take out the phone, quickly dialed a number, crying to the caller for help, “Sister, someone is bullying me …… I’m at school …… I’m scared ……”
After hanging up the phone, he quietly turned on the phone camera and pointed it at the people surrounding him.

Xia Qingshu’s timid look of begging for mercy provoked the other party, and Zhou Qian stood in the dead center of the surveillance, his eyes glowing, staring at him with deadly interest.

Although Xia Qing Shu showed that he was scared, he did not shrink a bit. He shook his head and looked left and right. Like a pretty deer confused and unaware of the danger coming, still expecting someone to come to his rescue.

His features were bright and his snow-white skin glowed with a lustrous sheen, making a fire burn deep in Zhou Qian’s belly, making him want to tear this prey apart immediately.

Zhou Qian hooked his lips and licked them leeringly at Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qingshu: “……”

So, oily and greasy!

He wanted to shower him with a bottle of detergent.

He cupped his fists together and timidly protected them in front of his chest, “Don’t come over, if you come over again, I’ll have to shout!”

“Go ahead and shout, no one will come to your rescue even if you shout!” Zhou Qian hugged his arms and laughed teasingly.

Xia Qing: “…..”

He even got that villain smell.

“What do you want? I don’t even know you.” Although he had experienced the “poisoned peanut” incident, Xia Qing Shu had never had a head-on confrontation with Zhou Qian, so he could still be considered a stranger.

Zhou Qian’s eyes stared at him like a poisoned snake, sending a chill down his spine, “I’ll introduce myself, my name is Zhou Qian, I want to make friends with you.”

“Sure.” Xia Qingli nodded immediately.

Zhou Qian frowned, he didn’t expect Xia Qing Shu to be out of line, disrupting his thoughts and almost not knowing what to say next, he paused, “I want to be your boyfriend.”

“That’s fine.” Xia Qing Shu agreed quickly.

Zhou Qian: “……”

“Friend, would you let me go back to class first?” Xia Qing Shu blinked at Zhou Qian and said in a small voice, “I’ll go play with you after class.”

His voice was sweet and his smile was warm, as if he really had a boyfriend.
Zhou Qian’s eyes were dazzled by his smile. If it wasn’t for the painful stomach wash reminding him, he would have almost forgotten the pain this fool had put him through.

Zhou Qian spat, stopped talking nonsense to him and ordered his men, “Drag him to the sports equipment warehouse.”

Today, no matter what, he was going to bully Xia Qing Shu …… bully him until he cried. After the bullying, he would then love him a lot.

The three men walked towards him step by step, with their sinister eyes showing, “No need to cover his mouth, I like to hear him scream.”

They were near the back door of the gymnasium equipment room, an isolated area surrounded by leafy sycamores, the lush canopy was growing around the monitor so, only an area of less than two square feet at the foot of the summer green tree could be illuminated by the surveillance.

Zhou Qian is tall, measuring 1.85 metres visually, with a pair of eyes full of evil. If you look closely, you can see that one of the eyes covered by long bangs has greyish pupils, making him look like a beast with different pupils lurking in the dark, finding its prey.

He was followed by two male university students, one called Cuntou and the other Chang Hao, both tall and handsome one would wonder why they were following Zhou Qian in this kind of shameless business.

The three slowly approached him, forcing him towards the dead end of the surveillance.

Xia Qing Shu and Zhou Qian talked quite a lot, to deliberately stall for time, during which no one passed by, he left the classroom and did not go to the auditorium, and no one came looking for him.

Xia Qing Shu finally realised the seriousness of the matter, that these ordinary male university students would really do terrible things to him.

There were so few students, why did the school have to be fixed so big?

His legs trembled as he slowly hid behind a bushy shrub that was growing heavily.

The little pink and white face, stained with forest dew, was like a fallen elf.

Lovely and weak.

He had to make him cry.

Zhou Qian stood unmoving, admiring Xia Qing Shu’s panicked expression through the tender green branches. The beauty was so scared that he could get high just imagining it.

“Go on, tie him up.”

To draw attention to himself, Xia Qing Shu ran for higher ground, he retreated to a small slope with no further way back behind him and stumbled, falling to the ground.

Cuntou then slowly closed in on him and walked up to him, a roll of rope in hand, looking down at him from above. The prey was so weak that the predator could take control of it without much effort.

Xia Qing Shu was terrified, his beautiful eyes instantly filled with glistening white teardrops and his whole eye socket was red. His whole body was tense and his limbs were rigid, except for those soulful eyes, which could not stop dripping tears down.
The way he was crying was unspeakably seductive.

Cuntou looked lost in thought.

“What are you waiting for, go on!”

He stepped forward and with just one hand, he tackled Xia Qing Shu’s hands.

As soon as the delicate flesh was tied up by rope, it began to flush red. A line of red marks appeared between the wrists, as if they had been playing some exciting game, making the skin appear even whiter.

In a voice that only two people could hear, Cuntou said, “Honey, be good, I’ll make sure it’s gentle later.”

Xia Qing Shu was dumbfounded. They were obviously still students, how could they do such a thing. Don’t the parents and teachers care? Was there no law in this world?

Anyway, there was no absolute fairness in the school in the first place, they were all rich, and rich people had privileges.

He wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start, just a weak, helpless voice humming out of his nostrils.

“Don’t tie me up …..Let me go will you ……”

When he spoke, he seemed to have something in his mouth that made his speech a little slurred. It made one want to pry his mouth open and take out what was inside.

“Hurry up!” Zhou Qian noticed Cuntou’s abnormality and spoke out to warn.

“I ……” Cuntou squatted down, Cuntou pounced onto Xia Qing Shu’s ankles and took off his shoes, “Trying to tie up his legs as well.”

“Tie his legs mm …….” Zhou Qian thought about it, they didn’t know what came to mind, but a grim smile curled around his mouth, “We’ll talk about this later.”

Xia Qing Shu’s feet were small, wearing a pair of white boat socks, and just as soon as they hit the ground, they were stained with grey dead leaves.

Pretty boy with pretty feet.

Zhou Qian stared at his feet, “Don’t let his feet get dirty.”

He meant for Cuntou to put his shoes back on him, but Cuntou misunderstood him and picked up Xia Qing Shu with one hand.

“Come on, let’s go to the gym storage.”

Zhou Qian frowned. They had agreed beforehand that they’d all have a share, and while Cuntou pnly carried him up, it felt like he was crossing the line, Zhou Qian was a little inexplicably upset.

“You put him down and let him go on his own.”
“Okay.” Cuntou responded.

Xia Qing Shu felt a flip of the sky and he was put on the ground again.

It looked like a violent movement, but it didn’t hurt, and he was placed flat and steady on the ground.

Cuntou squatted down, flush with his eyes. If the occasion hadn’t been wrong, Xia Qing Shu would have thought Cuntou was good looking, with a high nose, sharp eyebrows and just a thin lip that made him look serious.

“I have a pair of little white rabbit slippers at my house, they would look good on you. Next time, come to my house as a guest, okay?”

Xia Qing Shu’s body stepped back, his tears stopped, and his face remained white. He was frozen, not daring to move a muscle.

The sunlight poured through and fell onto the side of his face, illuminating it. The whole picture looked brighter and more gorgeous. It made people’s breath stop.

Xia Qing Shu leaned his body forward and bent his legs up.

When Cuntou sensed his initiative, his eyes lit up. Xia Qingshu slowly lifted his foot and moved his body forward again.

Infront of Cuntou’s delighted gaze, Xia Qing Shu kicked at his head with a little bit of force.

Cuntou was crouched on a flower bed halfway up the slope, behind him was an overhang close to three metres above the ground, so it should not have been a problem for him to jump down, but it was as if his brain had shut down, and he did not move at all and unceremoniously fell down.

After landing with a thud, Cuntou let out a scream.

It was a soft sound.

Both Chang Hao and Zhou Qian were dumbfounded. One second Xia Qing Shu was in full Cuntou’s full control, and the next Cuntou fell from a height.

Cuntou’s arm was dislocated and his face was full of bruises.

“Brother Qian, what should we do?” Chang Hao asked.

“You take him to the hospital, I’ll do it myself.” Zhou Qian was surprisingly a little excited that Cuntou was injured.

Xia Qing Shu, with his hands tied behind him and wearing white socks, stood frozen in place.

The dazed eyes matched with the bright looks made him too charged and Zhou Qian narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to try calming himself down.

Suddenly, the sound of a police siren rang out from the campus.
The sound of “It’s over – it’s over – it’s over -” came from far and kept on nearing, eventually stopping not far from a few people.

Zhou Qian frowned, “You called the police?”

Xia Qing Shu finally let out a sigh of relief, “Yeah.”

When he was surrounded, he called his “sister” for help, and that “sister” was the police lady.

Zhou Qian’s eyes looked at Xia Qing Shu, unbuckled his belt and reached into his trousers to adjust the position of the hard “bull”, licking his lips again, “Count yourself lucky this time, if you want to get your diploma, remember to not say any nonsense later.”

He had long investigated Xia Qing Shu’s family background, and his family had sort of “smashed the pots and pans” to get him to school. These threatening words should carry a lot of weight for Xia Qing Shu.

As soon as the words left his mouth, a policewoman appeared at the entrance of the alleyway and shouted, “No one is allowed to move!”

The policewoman rushed forward, peeled away Zhou Qian and asked, “Qing Shu, are you alright.”

Xia Qingshu stumbled a few steps into the arms of the policewoman and cried out in anguish, “Sister, they are bullying me.”

“Don’t be afraid, sister is here, sister will protect you.”

This policewoman was someone Xia Qing Shu had met when he was questioned at the police station, he was sweet-talking and good-looking, so when he finally left, he and the policewoman exchanged their phone numbers.

The policewoman untied the rope from his hands and gently stroked his back to comfort him.

Suddenly, Xia Qing Shu felt a wave of nausea in his stomach and he pushed the policewoman away, covering his mouth and vomiting.

The policewoman’s face suddenly changed and she asked nervously, “Qing Shu, did they hit you on the head?”

Xia Qingshu paused and nodded dumbfounded. Their bullying behaviour was even worse than hitting him on the head.a

After nodding, he felt very dizzy and the sky was spinning. He propped his head up with his hands and stood unsteadily.

After being held by the policewoman, he was still nauseous and could not help but dry heave again.

The policewoman immediately took out her pager and contacted the school nurse, “Get a stretcher over here immediately, Qing Shu, sit down and don’t move, I suspect brain stem injury.”

The policewoman greeted a few colleagues and handcuffed Zhou Qian and Chang Hao, saying in a cold voice, “You’ve broken the criminal law, say what you have to say back at the station.”

The cold handcuffs fell onto their wrists with a clang.

It was the first time Zhou Qian had been treated like this, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

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