Brother Zhiyu, do you want a child?
Xia Qing Shu took an apple in his left hand, and the loquats in his right.

The other two people in the room looked at him eagerly, “Eat it, why don’t you eat it?”

Although they were smiling and laughing on the surface, Xia Qing Shu seemed to see the subtext on their faces: “Think it over, what should you eat first?

Xia Qing Shu looked at the fruit in his hands, and then looked up at He Chen and Chen Zhiyu. He felt that if he ate the loquat first, He Chen would probably cry. If he ate the apple first, Chen Zhiyu’s face would be ugly and he would probably drop his something again.

Chen Zhiyu had expensive things in this ward, and Xia Qing Shu was afraid of him dropping the Yuan Qing Hua or some dish used by Kang Xi. Although it is not his own, it would be a shame to see a national treasure being smashed right under his nose.

Harmony breeds wealth.

He put both the apple and the loquat in his mouth at the same time and took a bite.

A bowl of water is a bowl of water.

Sure enough, when they saw him eat it, they stopped scowling as if they had been granted their wish.

Eating the loquat and the apple at the same time, the sourness tasted like eating crystal grapes. The apple was so big and the loquat so small that Xia Qing Shu not only had to eat them at the same time, but also had to calculate the amount of bites he could take in each one, so that both fruits had to be eaten at the same time.

It was very challenging.

As he took small bites, his lips were covered in juice, and his pink lips instantly became wet and moist, like a full cherry.

In the atmosphere of tension between the two, he did not dare to look around, his long eyelashes like crow feathers drooped down and trembled slightly from time to time.

Sitting there quietly, soft and pretty.

With a swift movement, He Chen pulled out a tissue and reached straight for his chin, wiping the stained juice from his chin. After wiping, he did not throw the tissue away, but took it in his hand and folded it a few times, folding it into a small square and putting it in his trouser pocket.

Seeing Xia Qing Shu looking over dumbfounded, He Chen said justifiably, “Why are you so stupid, eating a fruit and getting dirty?”

Xia Qing Shu wanted to argue, but when he looked down, his collar was also coloured by the juice. Although he felt strange, the other party also meant well, so he said, “I’m not stupid.”

Seeing that He Chen still wanted to reach out, Xia Qing Shu stepped back a little and refused in a small voice, “I can do it myself.”

His delicate eyebrows knitted up, his mouth pursed, and his eyes widened, making him look even more adorable. He Chen’s hand couldn’t help but reach over again.

Chen Zhiyu stretched out with an ugly face and shouted, “Qing Shu, help me, I’m going to the bathroom.”

Leaving He Chen behind, Xia Qingshu lurched up from the sofa, ran to the bedside and held out his hands.

He had never taken care of a patient, and had only seen how the nursing staff operated. Usually patients had inconvenient legs and feet, so if they were peeing, they would just take a night jug, and without a night jug, a mineral water bottle would make do.

If it was going to be big, the caregiver would help the patient into the wheelchair and push him into the toilet.

Xia Qingshu found that Chen Zhiyu, a very torpid person, he would certainly not use something like a urinal, which meant he had to go into the toilet.

Chen Zhiyu propped one hand on his shoulder and stood on one foot before Xia Qingshu remembered that he had forgotten to push the wheelchair over.

He intended to let Chen Zhiyu stand and push the wheelchair himself, but to his surprise, He Chen pushed the wheelchair over, pressed his hands together, pressed Chen Zhiyu into the wheelchair to sit down, then proceeded to push the man into the bathroom with a swift movement.

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Once inside, he heard a “click”.

The sound of the bathroom being locked.

What were these two doing?

Xia Qing Shu gingerly moved to the bathroom door. He didn’t want to eavesdrop, but he was afraid that the two men would act too aggressively and aggravate the leg injury.

Just as he got close to the door, he heard Chen Zhiyu’s growl, then the door opened and He Chen came out of it with a grey face and a black face.

Seeing Xia Qingshu at the door, He Chen said languidly, “What, want to go in?”

Xia Qing Shu shook his head.

He Chen sized him up, thought he wasn’t lying, looked slightly better and pointed to the sofa, “Sit over there.”

Xia Qing Shu was a little dissatisfied with his bossing around, “What are you trying to say?”
He Chen took two steps forward, turned back and stammered, “Eight o’clock at night, Intercontinental Hotel, I’ll pick you up.”

“…… What do you mean?” Xia Qing Shu’s head tilted up to look at him.

Of course, young Master He Chen whose eyes were higher than the ski certainly couldn’t make it clear that he was inviting the other party to dinner, and said with some annoyance, “My family and your family’s marriage contract, let’s discuss it.”

Saying that, he pretended not to care and after a pause, “I don’t want to find you either, mainly because my parents’ side has been mentioning it recently.”

The marriage was about the two families, Xia Yubin was not the Xia family’s biological son, and it was common sense for the He family to have questions about the identity of the marriage partner.

But this was also very simple for Xia Qing Shu, he would never interfere in the relationship between He Chen and Xia Yubin, he would just refuse.

Xia Qingshu gave him a look and nodded, “Okay.”

Seeing him nod, He Chen pulled the corner of his mouth ploddingly, “Then I’m leaving.”

“Aren’t you going to wait for him to come out?” Xia Qing Shu pointed down to the bathroom. He Chen had come to visit the patient, so he had to say something to the patient when he left.

“No.” He Chen pressed his tongue against his cheek and wiggled his neck to leave.

After He Chen left, Chen Zhiyu came out of the bathroom in his wheelchair, driving it to the bedside and propping himself up to stand.

As he wiped his hands with the disinfectant, he heard the two men talking at the door. Neither of them spoke too loudly, especially Xia Qingshu, whose voice was thin, like the humming of a kitten.

He Chen had been staying for a long time, and after he had gone to the toilet, He Chen and Xia Qing Shu had a few words alone, and then he disappeared.

Chen Zhiyu was keenly aware that his rash little cousin had achieved his goal and had disregarded even basic manners.

With Xia Qingshu’s assistance, he sat back down on the bed and asked, “The man is gone?”

Xia Qing Shu nodded.

“I think I just heard you guys talking about some hotel?” Chen Zhiyu took out his laptop and asked in a seemingly casual manner.

“Intercontinental Hotel.” Xia Qingshu thought about it, it seemed to be the name.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, “What did he ask you to go to the hotel for?”

The dissatisfaction revealed in his tone was not even noticeable to himself. After asking, he felt a little abrupt, although the child liked him, this was someone’s private matter, and he was not qualified to ask in such detail, according to reason.

He immediately changed his tone to that of an elder preaching, “It’s not good for two people to meet in a hotel alone on a big night.”

His tone was a little strange, as if the two of them, Xia Qing Shu and He Chen, had some kind of unspeakable secret.

“What’s wrong with that?” Xia Qingshu cocked his head and opened his watery eyes, looking straight towards him.

A pair of beautiful eyes with no extra emotions, just questions.


Chen Zhiyu opened his phone in a serious manner and pulled up the recent social news about guests being killed in hotels, guests fighting in hotels, hotels with inadequate firefighting equipment and so on, waved it in front of Xia Qingshu and then let out a slight “tsk”.

“See, not good.”

“Isn’t the Intercontinental Hotel a property under your Chen Group’s name?”

The Intercontinental Hotel was the only seven-star hotel in the city, and although the spending was outrageously high, the hotel was best known for its service, making its customers feel at home. The hotel rarely had any negative news from the outside world, the only downside is that it is too expensive.

Was there some kind of unspeakable shady business?

Xia Qing Shu’s melon soul possessed him, legs together, sitting obediently upright as his eyes flashed a bright light.

“…… It’s my property…Intercontinental Hotel no problem.” Chen Zhiyu lowered his head and scratched twice on his phone, calmly flipping out the social news of students being killed at night, saying, “It’s the recent bad security …. aren’t you going home?”

“Am going.” Xia Qing Shu explained frankly, “He Chen and I have something to discuss, it should not be take long.”

The matter was about the marriage between the two families and also involved He Chen’s privacy, so Xia Qingshu didn’t expand on it in detail.

Chen Zhiyu glanced sideways, quietly looking at Xia Qing Shu, “Ah, that’s it…”

He spoke in his usual tone, favouring the end note plucked upwards by two syllables, implying the other party to give more details. However, Xia Qing Shu did not hear it and nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, “That’s it.”

“Meeting in the middle of the night ……and a date at a hotel kind of place ……” Chen Zhiyu slowly tried, “Your relationship with him is…. good?”
Xia Qing Shu shook his small head, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled: “I’m not familiar with He Chen.”

He heard that the original body was a nymphomaniac and liked to pester He Chen and even confessed his love for him, but he really didn’t know He Chen well.

It was just that unlike Zhou Qian, He Chen just talked to him every time and couldn’t please him, he was mocked by him unilaterally every time, but he had no way to chase He Chen away like he did Zhou Qian.

It was trouble-some.

It was good to take this opportunity to talk to He Chen and hope that after that, He Chen would stop bothering him.

When he spoke, his head was tilted sideways and his eyes were slightly open, like a pretty cat. His features were bright, but his expression had nothing to do with the moon and the wind, but rather some childlike insistence, a serious statement to him that he had nothing to do with He Chen.

Chen Zhiyu laughed soothingly, “I see.”

The two of them were talking when the nurse brought in medicine, gave instructions on how to use it and left.

Chen Zhiyu lifted his foot and handed the medicine to Xia Qing Shu, whispering, “You rub it for me?”

Xia Qingshu took the medicine, “I’ll get a cotton swab.”

Xia Qingshu asked the nurse for cotton swabs and returned to the ward, watching as Chen Zhiyu took off his shirt and stood on one leg by the bed.

Due to his calf injury, Chen Zhiyu was wearing shorts, and underneath the shorts were a pair of long, straight legs, one of which was wrapped in gauze, highlighting the man’s courage to not be afraid of injury.

Above the shorts, there is a strong, lean waist, a defined but not exaggerated muscle line on the waist and abdomen, and wide back muscles, showing the steadiness and charm of a mature man.

He turned back sideways, presenting two perfect pectoral muscle masses in front of Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qing Shu:?

What is this situation?!

Why did he take off his clothes when his leg is the broken one?!

Xia Qing Shu stood still as if he was holding olive oil instead of a cotton swab in his hand and all he had to do was dab it on Chen Zhiyu’s body and Chen Zhiyu could step up on stage and pose to his heart’s content to show off his muscles.

Seeing him frozen, Chen Zhiyu laughed in a low voice, “Come here.”

He could guess what was going through Xia Qingshu’s mind. Nine out of ten. It was most likely that his brother had a great body, his brother was so handsome, he liked him so much, and so on.

The child just couldn’t hide his emotions and just stared at him with unblinking eyes, without a care in the world.

Chen Zhiyu stood in the sunlight, grasping the shirt he had just taken off with one hand and lifting the bangs on his forehead with the other, revealing his handsome eyebrows.

As he moved, the muscular lines of his body became more pronounced, which had a huge impact on Xia Qing Shu.

Before crossing over, Xia Qing Shu was used to seeing handsome men and women in the entertainment industry. He had also seen many male and female celebrities in cool attire on the set of the show, and Chen Zhiyu’s figure and face were not inferior even compared to the stars, but even vaguely better.

Faced with such a ferocious visual impact, Xia Qingshu felt a little dry and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips. He blinked and moved over slowly with his head down holding the cotton swab.

“What are you doing with your head down? Be careful of falling.” Chen Zhiyu reached out to hold his forehead and set his head upright.

Xia Qingshu came back to his senses and looked up, a large bruise was visible in front of him.

Chen Zhiyu’s back had also been hit and it was bruised, only that the skin was not broken and no bones were hurt; he had only checked his leg last night and the bruises on his body were not treated. Now he felt a bit uncomfortable and realised it was still a bit serious.

Xia Qing Shu shook his head for a moment, thinking; what he was thinking just now, not knowing what had blinded him, that he had not seen the bruises on the other man’s back.

He immediately straightened his mind, which became as pure as the water of Lake Belga.

Xia Qing Shu opened the ointment, squeezed a little on top of a cotton swab and carefully applied it to his back.

As soon as the swab touched his back, Chen Zhiyu said lazily, “How long do you have to rub it on like this?”

“Oh.” Xia Qing Shu fumbled and threw the cotton swab away, fumbling for the medicine box, “I…. I’ll look at the instructions.”

Chen Zhiyu looked at him sideways, “When the nurse lady said it just now, didn’t you nod your head repeatedly?”

“I forgot.” Xia Qing Shu shrank his shoulders, not knowing why he suddenly couldn’t remember the nurse’s words, “Ah, I remember now.”

The nurse lady said that one should squeeze the medicine into one’s hand first and use body heat to melt it before rubbing it into the injury.

Xia Qingshu thought at the time that Chen Zhiyu’s leg was still wrapped in a plaster cast and he couldn’t use the ointment now, so he didn’t give it a second thought, how could he know that his back was also hit.
“Then …… Then you lie down and I’ll rub it for you.”

Xia Qingshu had just picked up the ointment when Chen Zhiyu pinched his wrist, brought it over and squeezed a heap onto his hand. Xia Qingshu was unsure and looked over with wide eyes.

Chen Zhiyu laughed, “I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to control the strength well, like when you squeezed the toothpaste last night, and spread it everywhere.”

When he washed up last night, he squeezed toothpaste everywhere, which was quite nasty.

“Last night was a mistake,” Xia Qingshu immediately tensed up his serious little face and dissolved the ointment in his hand, “I won’t do it today.”

The corners of Chen Zhiyu’s lips mocked like a smile, “Just now, you were still forgetful.”

The little friend had been hit by a blinding visual impact, and was in a daze.

Tsk. Can’t spoil him too much.

He flopped down onto the hospital bed and Xia Qingshu bent down, ready to gently press his medicated palm to the injury.

“Are you not in the best of spirits today? Your mind is always wandering off.” Chen Zhiyu tilted his head sideways, just so he could see the side of Xia Qingshu’s face.

He pursed his lips, both cheeks fleshed out, and the small pear swirl around his mouth was very obvious; when he let go of his mouth, the swirl disappeared again.

Chen Zhiyu looked amused and deliberately spoke to him, “Do you want to call a nurse lady in to check you out?”

Hearing about the check-up, Xia Qing Shu was startled and hurriedly waved his head, “No, no.”

They say that a pregnancy made one silly for three years, and today it seems that he is a little bit confused.

He subconsciously looked at his stomach. The stomach was very flat, he had observed it yesterday, very flat and soft. The thin waist did not look at all like he was carrying a child.

There was some confusion about the arrival of this child.

Although he had crossed over into book, this was a real world, and the examination results showed that the child in his belly already had a foetal heart and a foetal bud.

But he and Chen Zhiyu don’t like each other, have no feelings for each other, and he doesn’t want this child. This child was an accident.

He raised his eyes and looked at Chen Zhiyu, the other man was the baby’s father, as if…. he had a little right to know about the child.

Xia Qing Shu was considering whether to tell the other person about the pregnancy.

“Thinking about what?” Chen Zhiyu was lying on the bed and saw that the other party was dazed again.

I blame myself for being too charming.

“…… Nothing.” Xia Qingshu came back to his senses, only to remember that he was rubbing medicine for brother Zhiyu

He had just thought about things and gotten confused again. He rubbed his hands together to warm them up, then carefully pressed his left palm to Chen Zhiyu’s back.

That little hand was so soft, like it had no bones, and even though it was warmed up in advance, it was still cold. It was smooth and soft, like rubbing against a piece of warm jade.

Chen Zhiyu was lying properly, and the moment Xia Qingshu’s small hand pressed against him, his whole body suddenly trembled.

“Brother Zhiyu, what’s wrong with you?” Xia Qingshu was shocked by his reaction and thought that he had pressed the other party painfully with his heavy hand.

He obviously didn’t use any force.

“Nothing …… It’s okay.” Chen Zhiyu buried his head into the pillow and muffled a response.

“Brother Zhiyu, why don’t I call the nurse, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” Xia Qing Shu stood up and was going out to call the nurse.

He had just reached the door when he was called by Chen Zhiyu, “You, come back!”

Xia Qing Shu was at a loss, he stood still and said, “Brother Zhi Yu, I don’t know how to do it.”

“Don’t you know how to learn?” Chen Zhiyu was a little annoyed and his tone was slightly impatient.

Xia Qingshu was startled and dared not put medicine on him anymore. Brother Zhiyu must be in a lot of pain before he lost his temper.

Chen Zhiyu realised that his tone was wrong and froze, coaxing softly, “Qing Shu, you didn’t hurt me, I… didn’t use a lot of force, I was a little itchy. Don’t call the nurse, just come and rub the medicine on me, a little heavier.”

Xia Qing Shu gave a small “mmm” and asked incredulously, “Really?”

“Really!” Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, “It doesn’t hurt at all.”
“Brother Zhiyu, then I’ll be a bit heavier this time.” Xia Qing Shu sat back down again.

He squeezed some ointment into his hand and rubbed it onto Chen Zhiyu’s back again.

This time he used a little more force and Chen Zhiyu’s body didn’t tremble anymore. Chen Zhiyu lay on his back and felt the ointment smear onto the bruise.

It didn’t hurt at all, and the hand that applied the ointment seemed as soft as if it had no strength. Was there such a soft hand in the world? And so small.

He could hold the other’s two hands in one hand.

As Xia Qing Shu drew closer, the hazy lime milk scent lingered on the tip of his nose, and with a slight tilt of his head, he could smell it.

Such a good smell.

Xia Qingshu rubbed the medicine very carefully, and as he did so, he noticed goose bumps appearing on Chen Zhiyu’s back.

Xia Qingshu asked nervously, “Brother Zhiyu, are you cold?”

He looked up at the air conditioner, the temperature was 20 degrees Celsius, he thought it was just right, but he was afraid that Zhiyu would be cold with his bare back.

Chen Zhiyu also felt the change in his body, he gritted his teeth and his voice was a little dull, “…. A little.”

“Then I’ll turn up the air conditioning ask a bit?”

“…… okay.”

Xia Qing Shu turned up air conditioning temperature up to 28 degrees Celsius and continued to rub the medicine on the other party.

Sure enough, after the temperature was turned up, the goose bumps on Chen Zhiyu’s back subsided. Xia Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief and continued rubbing the bruises.

After rubbing for half a day, he found that the bruises on his back had not changed at all, and realised that he really had less strength. He stood up, straightened his arms and used his strength. After a few pushes, he was a little tired and a little hot. He took a couple of breaths, his mouth opened slightly and the warm breath blew onto the bruised back.

The back under his hand shook again. Then he saw that two lines of scarlet blood were flowing out of Brother Zhiyu’s nose.

Brother Zhiyu had a nosebleed.

Finally the nurse was called over.

Chen Zhiyu was leaning against the hospital bed, using an ice handkerchief on his nose. His face was very gloomy, as if he didn’t want to talk about the nosebleed.

Xia Qing Shu was unsure and kept asking the nurse, “Miss Nurse, do you need to do a brain CT, could it be because a heavy object hit his head and caused intracranial bleeding, otherwise how could he have a nosebleed for no reason?”

After asking the nurse, he turned his head to ask Chen Zhiyu, “Brother Zhiyu, do you have any discomfort in your head?”

Chen Zhiyu waved his hand with a cold face, “No pain.”

The nurse, an older sister in her thirties, took Chen Zhiyu’s blood pressure, “It’s fine, if you’re not sure you can go for a full check-up.”

Chen Zhiyu knew his condition like the back of his hand, and the cause of the nosebleed was clear to him. He gave Xia Qing Shu a faint look and calmly said to the nurse, “No need to check, I’m fine.”

After the nurse left, Chen Zhiyu thought about it and explained, “It should be fine, I’ve been drinking too much soup lately.”

“Ohh.” Xia Qing Shu thought about it and thought it was likely. Xia Lao Er had made soup and sent it to him, and Chen’s mother also made soup and sent it to him, Brother Zhiyu was drinking quite a lot.

He nodded and asked again, “Brother Zhiyu, do you still need to rub your back with medicine?”

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, froze for a moment, and said somewhat helplessly, “No more rubbing.”

If he rubbed it again, it wouldn’t be as simple as a nosebleed.

What’s been going on lately? He felt that concertation that was as steady as the Sea God’s needle, repeatedly dropped again and again.

After the nurse left, only two people were left in the ward once again.

Xia Qing Shu thought about the baby again. Brother Zhiyu was the baby’s father, so he should still ask the father’s opinion.

“Luixi…. Ah, no, Brother Zhiyu.” Xia Qing Shu brought a cup of water and put it on top of the bedside table, cautiously and tentatively asked, “Do you, do you want to have a child?”

Chen Zhiyu smiled faintly, seeming to have fully grasped the reason why his little friend had lost his mind all day. His own beauty had partly influenced him, but the most important thing was the fact that his mother had come today to urge for a baby.

Although men could have babies too, they were a small minority and required very strict conditions.

His mother’s daily chatter about “passing on the family name” put a lot of pressure on the chil’s love for him.

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