Chapter 42 
Facing Chen Zhiyu, Chen’s father and Chen’s mother looked at each other, not admitting or denying. They were so deep in grief that they were not in the mood to explain to their son. It is definitely not appropriate to say directly to their son, “Son, your son will soon be gone,” but they did not know any other way of saying it.

It was all Xia Qing Shu’s fault, that heartless and rotten lung.

But if Xia Qing Shu doesn’t want, they can’t arrest him and make him have a baby, can they?

They would like to see Mama Chen get pregnant. If the big one is ruined, they can start all over again with a small one. If they had another one, they would never have to chant “have a son” in front of the child again. They want their child to grow up healthy and carefree, and then have a family before they start a career.

With such hesitation, the best time to explain was missed.

Chen Zhiyu felt that he had guessed correctly. His parents had always wanted him to have a son, which he steadfastly refused to do, and before that they had joked from time to time about their intention to have another one. Now that Guojia’s policy encouraged fertility, if Chen’s mother could conceive another, their family would be considered eugenic.

He works a lot and has little time for his parents, so it’s nice to have a little brother and sister at home with them.

Xia Shan has two younger brothers, and occasionally, he hears him talking about them. He had grown up as an only child and had no idea what it was like to be a family with younger siblings. He glanced at Chen’s mother’s belly and said lightly, “It would be nice to have twins.”

A soft sister seemed good, and a younger brother to carry on the family business.

Chen’s father nodded silently, he wanted twins too, preferably two sons, double insurance. If he were to be a little more humble, a son and a daughter would be fine. When he thought of it this way, if Xia Qing Shu had two in his belly, wouldn’t he be short of two grandchildren at once? What a human tragedy, to add to the woes of an already childless family!

“You’ve just gotten pregnant, don’t have too many emotional ups and downs.” Chen Zhiyu still had things to do, and left after a few simple words.

Chen’s mother looked at Zhiyu’s back and sighed, “Husband, God is going to kill our Chen family!”

Chen’s father shoved Chen Maozai back into the stroller, closed the mosquito-proof cover and pulled Chen’s mother outside, “Honey, we haven’t tried hard enough, how can we give up lightly?!”

Mama Chen was dragged and almost stumbled, she struggled and clutched her chest, “How can we try?! Old Chen, calm down, this is a hospital!”

Chen’s father stopped in his tracks, “Wife, what are you thinking about?”

At Mama Chen’s surprised gaze, Papa Chen looked as excited, “Let’s go find Xia Qing Shu!”

Chen’s mother responded breathlessly, “He sneaked into the hospital like a thief, it’s obvious that he doesn’t want this child, what’s the point of looking for him, to get hit again? I can’t take any other blows.”

“We can bully! That if he doesn’t have the baby, I’ll …… I’ll tell his father about it!”

There was really no way out, the richest man’s dad was pushing so hard he was suing other people’s parents.

Chen’s father suddenly had a flash of insight, “We can lure him!”

The Chen family was short of sons, but not of money. In this world, there is nothing that money cannot solve, if there is, then there is not enough money! The time had come to showcase the Chen family’s money power!

A tea house box.

Xia Qing Shu had a check up at the hospital, the baby was doing well, all indicators were normal. He hadn’t slept well in the past few days and he had planned to take a nap, but the question of the baby’s stay or go kept bothering him and he still couldn’t sleep. After lying in bed and tossing and turning for half a day, Chen’s mother called for him and he came out.

Chen’s mother sat on the sofa, her hands couldn’t stop trembling, she took a deep breath and was somewhat incoherent, “Xia Qing Shu ah Xia Qing Shu …… How can you be such a person? You look so well-behaved, but I never thought your heart would be colder than the knife used to kill fish …… If you can’t win Zhiyu’s heart, you decided to hurt Zhiyu’s son …… The ancestors of the Chen family are above ……”

From the day Xia Qing Shu climbed into her son’s bed, Chen’s mother had been concerned about him. Although the last time they met at the teahouse, and their conversation was not pleasant, but it did not dispel Chen’s mother’s suspicions that he was lying.

The first time Xia Qingshu went for an ultrasound, she saw him by chance, and from then on, Chen’s mother gradually strengthened her beliefs. She had a spy in the Chen company and specifically took the doctor there while Xia Qingshu was there, and sure enough, a slippery pulse!

This time, following Xia Qing Shu to the obstetrics and gynaecology department, confirmed the important fact that Xia Qing Shu was pregnant with their Chen family’s eldest grandson. Little did she know that Xia Qing Shu, the cold executioner, would want to abort her precious grandson.

Chen’s mother cupped her hands over her chest and transformed into the heroine of a Chiung Yao drama, falling to the ground with a face full of tears, “Student Xia, you’re so cruel! My sweet grandson!”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”
Auntie, do you need to exaggerate so much?!

Chen’s mother dared to be so sure, she must have gotten the evidence, Xia Qing Shu knew from the first step he took into the hospital that this matter would not be hidden from the public. But what he didn’t expect was that Chen’s mother would be the first to know.

Xia Qing Shu was mentally fit and calm, and did not take Chen’s mother’s stares seriously. He laughed twice and asked in a small voice, “Auntie, what are you talking about, I don’t even understand.”

Chen’s mother was filled with righteous indignation and shot to her feet, “You! You! You! You still don’t admit it!”

Chen Dad stepped in the middle, “Wife, calm down! calm down!”

Xia Qing Shu saw Chen’s dad for the first time.

Chen’s father was tall, visually measuring one meter eighty-five, with a straight figure, no pot belly, and a custom-made suit, a very well maintained middle-aged man. From the way he was dressed one could tell that the other man was a retired overbearing president from the business world.

He just didn’t know if I could muddle through in front of him.

Xia Qing Shu pretended to be dumb and once again offered up his “guardian of the womb” and said vaguely, “Auntie, uncle, what are you talking about? I’m still a virgin.”

After all, Chen’s father had experienced the treacherous business world in his youth, and although he was old, he was not confused. He didn’t eat Xia Qing Shu’s gag at all and directly laid out the evidence. He opened his mobile phone video, which showed none other than a disguised Xia Qing Shu saying to the registered physician, “Doctor, I’m registering for an obstetrics department.”

Then he pulled up a photo of Xia Qing Shu’s medical record book, which read: six weeks early pregnancy. Chen’s father confidently pointed at Xia Qing Shu’s stomach, “Xia, do you dare to go to the ultrasound room with me?”

Xia Qing Shu knew that he couldn’t hide thepregnancy, so he stopped pretending and asked in a delicate voice, “Auntie and uncle, what’s it to you if I’m pregnant?”

Chen’s mother was so excited that she frothed at the mouth, “How can it be none of my business, it’s my big fat grandson! That’s Zhiyu’s baby!”

Her whole body was still trembling because of the excitement, and her eyes were complicated, joyful and sad. The joy was that the Chen family finally had a child, the sadness was how his grandson met such a cruel mother, oh no, it was a cruel father.

Xia Qing Shu frowned, how could Chen’s mother be so sure that the child belonged to the Chen family? It’s not right.

He smiled, “Aunty, you’re mistaken, it’s not Brother Zhiyu’s.”

Chen’s mother sounded firm, holding out her index finger and wagging it back and forth, “You can’t fool me, you’ve had my attention since the last time you spent the night in Zhiyu’s room.”

“I’ve always sent people to follow you, I have a clear grasp of all your every move.”

Actually, no, Mama Chen only occasionally remembered and got someone to see what Xia Qingshu was doing, but at this time, it was necessary to shock the other party from the momentum.

“All these times, you’ve only been in Zhiyu’s bed!”

“…. Just because we’ve been in bed together doesn’t mean we did anything.” Xia Qingshu lowered his head, his long raven-feathered eyelashes fluttering, the voice like a mosquito cry.

“Auntie, do you believe that there are people in this world who can have mitosis?”

The Chen family had made complete preparations to welcome the tenth generation, and Chen’s mother snorted, “Don’t say all that nonsense, mitosis? Show me upor buds on the spot.”

Chen’s father added, “Xia student, we can also paternity test.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Oooh, I’ve met a master. Not only can he act, but he also has good biological knowledge.

Lest Xia Qingshu would argue again, Chen’s father showed the evidence: that morning, after Xia Qingshu came out of Chen Zhiyu’s room, his legs were weak, his waist was too soft to straighten, the picture was enlarged, and there were red marks all over his neck.

Knowing full well that it was impossible to argue, Xia Qingshu didn’t pretend anymore and gave the other party a direct and fatal cut, “I asked brother Zhiyu, he didn’t want a child.”

What?! Don’ want it?!

It turns out that it wasn’t Xia Qing Shu, the stupid kid, who did this, but Zhi Yu himself who didn’t want it!

Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no!

Chen’s mother and father looked at each other and saw a deeper level of despair in each other’s eyes! Chen’s father wanted to take his wife to the hospital immediately to try to see if the medical miracle of the twenty-first century could allow her to have another one after menopause. Zhiyu is really too heartbreaking. As the ninth generation of the Chen family, how can he be so cruel as to strangle the tenth generation heir in the amniotic fluid?
Its true – having a son is not better than having a piece of barbecued pork.

Xia Qingshu was stunned by the elders’ dramatic reaction. Did they need to be so exaggerated?

Chen’s mother trembled with her hands, “How did you ask?”

Xia Qingshu briefly told the conversation he had with Chen Zhiyu that day, and then added, “Brother Zhiyu said that you can’t sway his decision, auntie, if he says no, he doesn’t want it.”

Chen’s mother: “……”

This kind of thing, her good son was indeed capable of doing. When pushed before, her son had even said that he would be alone for the rest of his life, that he would not allow them to pass on, that he would donate the entire family fortune to the country after his death, and that he would let the Chen family line be cut off at his hands. She had always thought Zhiyu was joking, but to her surprise, Zhiyu’s heart, ah, was as cold as the knife that killed the pig in the big fat supermarket.

Chen’s mother only felt a dizziness in her head, and was almost about to faint once again.

Luckily, Chen’s father had experience and pressed his finger precisely on the middle of Chen mother’s body, shaking the disheartened middle-aged woman out of her despair. Papa Chen grabbed his wife hard. Steady, our lure plan is yet to be implemented.

Ahead is a desperate road, hope is at the turn!

Chen’s mother shot up, knowing full well that it was time to use her banknote ability, but she still asked undauntedly, “Xia student, give your aunt the truth, do you not want it either?”

Xia Qing Shu was silent. This was a question that he hadn’t actually thought about.

If he had been asked when he first knew he was pregnant, he would have said no firmly, but now, he was beginning to feel bad for the child in his stomach that he had not yet met. If he decided to have it, he would have to be responsible for that life. His biggest problem now was, if he gave birth, how would he raise it?

Looking at Xia Qing Shu’s bitter expression, Chen’s mother was once again possessed by the soul of a Chiung Yao bitter heroine, hugging the coffee table next to the sofa and shaking it for a while. God, her big fat grandson, how could he be so miserable! Both of his fathers didn’t want him. What had happened to him in his past life?

Chen’s mother murmured, “Grandson, my miserable grandson.”

Xia Qing Shu was puzzled, “Auntie, how can you be sure it’s a grandson, what if it’s a granddaughter?”

These words were undoubtedly rubbing salt into Mama Chen’s wounds again. Chen’s mother grunted and said with all the certainty in the world, “Impossible! It’s definitely a grandson in your belly!”

In his heart, Chen’s father said, “Maybe it’s even two.

Then Chen’s mother made a scientific analysis on the topic of Xia Qing Shu’s pregnancy being definitely a boy: “Your biological father, Xia Jing, has two brothers, both of whom gave birth to sons, and you have two brothers on your head as well. The genes of having a son are deep in your blood. Also, all of your adoptive family also gave birth to sons, even if you were adopted, you don’t even have a sister, even the one you like, is a male. If you don’t have a son in your belly, I’ll bring my head to you.”

Xia Qing Shu stood in awe and couldn’t help but raise his small hands in applause. The middle-aged woman’s logic of having a son was really high! High! High!

“Xia, let me put it this way, although I don’t really like you as a daughter-in-law,” Chen’s mother spoke up, “But for the sake of you carrying our Chen family’s heir, I reluctantly accept you and Zhiyu together.”

Chen’s father, sitting next to her, nodded as well. The first step of enticement was to sell his son.

Xia Qingshu looked dumb, and although he was the heir of the Xia family, he had grown up in a civilian family, had no good education, and had dropped out of university with only a high school diploma. Most of all, he had to take Xia Qingshu for a full check-up to see if their grandson would inherit some odd genes. There was no way out, who let Xia Qing Shu carry the hopes of their Chen family.

Chen’s mother considered the fact that although Zhiyu was not so much in love with Xia Qing Shu, he didn’t seem to hate her either, or he wouldn’t have allowed him to be around him. He could simply open one eye and closed the other, if he gave birth to one, maybe he could give birth to the second.

They say foolish people are blessed with foolishness, and this foolish person, by all means, had smoke from his ancestral grave to be able to marry into their Chen family.

Go ahead and laugh, cry, be so happy that you forget your surname.

I’ll tell you, your surname is Xia, but I will allow you to call yourself Chen Xia.

Xia Qingshu did not show the excitement they expected, but looked at the other side a little confused, as if he did not understand Chinese.

Then Xia Qingshu rolled his eyes and whispered, “No thanks.”

“What?!” Chen’s mother was shocked, was her son’s beauty already that cheap? Can’t even a hairy boy like Xia Qing Shu not be seduced?! Could it be that all those netizens on the internet, who were as numerous as cows and claimed to want to marry their son, were all water armies bought by her son?

Chen’s mother held her breath and suddenly thought of something crucial – her son had “shriveled” up. This was something that she learned from Xia Qingshu.

Xia Qingshu, a foolish-looking boy, did not have a love brain? He could have married into the Chen family but he still cares about such nebulous things as “X life after marriage”.

“Son, auntie tells you that life is not as perfect as you think. And nowadays, technology is so advanced that many diseases can be treated by medicine.”
Chen’s mother hinted that although Zhiyu had a hidden illness, he was handsome, and it wasn’t as if the illness was incurable, “Besides, that thing, it’s just interesting when you’re young, but when you get older, it’s tasteless.”

Saying that, she also glanced at Dad Chen inexplicably.

Chen’s father: “……”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Auntie, what are you saying? He really couldn’t understand this time.

Papa Chen spoke up and added, “Our Chen family is willing to pay 100 million in gift money for you to marry over, but, you must give birth to this child!”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

This Chen’s father looked quite human, how come he was like Chen’s mother, as if he couldn’t understand human words. He and Chen Zhiyu haven’t even said a single word about this, so you guys are going for a forced take. Is this the plot of taking by force?

He thought, this is not the plot of the original novel, ah.

Of course, he wasn’t pregnant in the book, and it’s not surprising that the plot shifted from Liu Yang River to the Amazon River in this trashy novel. What era is it now, he doesn’t think Chen’s mother and father nor Chen’s two elders can decide on Chen Zhiyu’s marriage.

And Chen Zhiyu’s kind of abstinence was lonely, and his work made him ever busy. Do they want him to be a widow while married? He didn’t think so. That’s the bad thing about being pregnant, you tend to overthink about things.

“That, uncle, have you asked Brother Zhiyu for his opinion?”

Papa Chen: “His opinion doesn’t matter.”

In Papa Chen’s eyes, Chen Zhiyu that good for nothing son had not wanted him to have a grandson and thus already lost his eligibility to inherit the Chen family. Their entire family’s hopes were focused on Xia Qingshu’s belly.

Xia Qingshu: “…… Then do you want to ask me if I’m willing?”

Chen’s mother asked rhetorically, “Can you not be willing?”

Xia Qing Shu’s white eyes rolled up into the sky: “…… I don’t want to.”

Chen’s mother: “Why not, we’ve all agreed?”

After talking for so long, Xia Qingshu knew that talking to them about such profound theories as “two lovers should be in love” was like playing a piano to a cow, so he made it up as he went along, “My parents don’t agree.”

Chen’s mother stood up and said, “What a coincidence, my parents agree! I tell you, my parents, my husband’s parents also agree, agree, strongly agree, agree like hell!”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Aunty, are you the queen of the horse-grabbing world?

Chen’s mother probably also felt very out of place as she shut up and sat down, remembering the old days in college when Chen Qixi and Xia Jing had just gotten together and Chen Qixi had been hostile towards her. It was only because she was so good-looking that one-half, oh no, two-thirds of the boys in her class liked her, and although Xia Jing had never explicitly confessed his love for her, it was not difficult to guess the other party’s delusions about her from the way Xia Jing looked at her.

She also knows that Chen Qixi, who is super jealous, and up until now, Xia Jing has not dared to take the initiative to contact her. If Chen Qixi did not agree, then there was really nothing she could do.

Chen’s father shot a chagrined glance at Chen’s mother, it was all his fault. He also thought of Xia Jing, the defeated man, and blamed it on his charm, as Chen’s mother had chosen him in the end despite her many suitors. Chen’s father flung a look over.

The second trick of enticement – selling misery plus drawing a huge “pie”

Chen’s mother once again took on the role of a bitter heroine and began to cry to Xia Qingshu, with the same old clichés about inheriting the family business and bloodline. Xia Qing Shu was unmoved and even found it amusing.

Having failed to sell her misery, Chen’s mother began to paint him a big picture: “I’ll buy you an island.

“I will buy you an island, build a holiday home and hospital on the island, the whole medical team will serve you alone, buy you a yacht, hire twenty maids, you don’t have to do anything, just give birth… Don’t worry after the birth, I’ll hire five aunties and three caretakers, you can visit the baby anytime in the future, I’ll also hire a postnatal care team for you to keep you more hydrated after the birth than you were before……”

“We’ll hire a professional fetal education team to develop a detailed fetal education plan, so that the child receives the highest quality education from the age of zero. Of course, this is all still based on your feelings, and if you feel uncomfortable anymore, all plans are immediately called off.”

“After the child is born, we will hire a professional baby sitter to take care of the child in all aspects, so that the child can grow up scientifically and healthily.”
“We have also made detailed plans for education, physical health and physiological health are given priority, followed mainly by the child’s interests, never enforcing requirements on him, and we will also hire the world’s top teachers for the child, so that the child receives the most superior education.”

“And look at Zhiyu, who we also nurtured. He has a little flaw, but it’s still excellent.”

That slight blemish is mainly the fact that he doesn’t have a son.

“We have raised such an excellent child that you can absolutely leave the child with us.”

“The main thing when a child is growing up is companionship, we are retired and have plenty of time, so don’t worry about companionship at all.”


Chen’s mother drew this pie a little too well, Xia Qing Shu listened to the clouds, but was moved only a little. Although Chen’s mother seemed less than reliable, her suggestion was really the best parenting solution Xia Qing Shu could think of for his child. Xia Qing Shu spoke, “I’ll think about it.”

After going to the hospital early in the morning and not eating a good meal at noon, he was now a little hungry and also felt a little tired and wanted to find a place to rest. If one intended to give birth to a child, it was not so simple to agree to do so. A matter of this magnitude needs to be considered in the long run. However, Chen’s mother and father misunderstood his meaning and thought he was looking for an excuse to leave.

Chen’s father gave Chen’s mother a squeeze.

Lure move number three – the ability to pay money!

Chen’s mother pulled Xia Qingshu, but as soon as the other party was pregnant with the Chen family’s hopes, she hurriedly dropped her hand again for fear that she would scare the other party by moving too much.

“Student Xia, as long as you give birth to the child, we will give you five billion!”

“How much?!” Xia Qing Shu thought he had heard wrong.

In the past, the local tyrants he knew would give only a few million for a baby. Then later, according to the development of the times, this price had gradually risen to tens of millions, but it was rare for it to be over a hundred million.

This book is really a pioneer of the times, the opening bid is five billion. It’s really a heifer sitting on a bed of nails. It’s too bloody!

“Five billion!”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

When this kind of urban magical plot that gives billions finally happened to him, instead of being excited, he felt a little dizzy in the head. Five billion, ah ah ah, it could do a lot of things, for example, he could set up a growth fund for his child. No one could guarantee that Chen Zhiyu would be single for the rest of his life.

When Chen’s mother saw that the other party hesitated, she knew there was a play and began to cry again: “Xia student, I know I can’t force you to give birth to the child, if you really don’t want to, there’s nothing I can do …… Woo woo woo woo….. But think about it, this is also a living life …… When Zhiyu was this big, he could roll over in my belly …… My poor big fat grandson!”

Chen’s father also looked at him with a sad face, silently crying down two lines of tears.

Xia Qing Shu sighed and nodded helplessly, “…… Deal!”

I hope this is the best way to keep this little life.

Chen’s mother shed tears of joy, “We will give part of the cash, part of the stocks, part of the property, part of the antiques, don’t worry Xia, I won’t shorten you a single cent!”

Only after Xia Qing Shu agreed did he remember the most difficult thing: “Auntie, Zhiyu doesn’t want a child, what if he finds out?”

Although Chen Zhiyu’s temper was not fiery, he was also known to be cold and ruthless. If he said he didn’t want a child, he wouldn’t have one. If he knew that the three of them had worked together to hide it from him, the consequences could be imagined.

Thinking of this, Papa Chen sighed, “A sin!”

How did he give birth to such a great son! Not only did he refuse to actively procreate, he had to cut off the Chen family’s legacy with his own hands. Papa Chen felt that he might have cut down Chen Zhiyu’s entire family in his previous life, and in this life Chen Zhiyu had come to collect his debt.

This time it was the three of them who looked at each other, all seeing helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Suddenly, Chen’s mother had a bright idea, “Oh, I have an idea! I’ll say I’m pregnant. Didn’t we run into Zhiyu at the hospital today? He thought I was pregnant, and we were so sad that he left without having time to explain. It’s just the right time to take advantage of the situation!”

Chen’s father, a brown brown hair, “Isn’t Guo Jia advocating having two or three children, our Chen Group, as the leading company in China, should take the initiative to respond to Guo Jia’s call!”

Xia Qing Shu: “………”

This, is this okay?!

Mama Chen was righteous and awe-spiring, “Those who achieve great things do not stick to details.”

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