Chapter 45 


Xia Lao Er was hospitalized, sick from exhaustion.

Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong had opened a western restaurant named “Healing House”, which Xia Qing Shu had funded and was the biggest shareholder. Xia Qing Shu thought that if Xia Lao Er, a Sichuanese chef, could start a Western restaurant halfway, he would be able to keep his money.

But Xia Laodi’s dishes exploded on the scene and quickly became a mecca for internet celebrities to check in, requiring reservations and queuing in advance. In particular, the signature dishes, such as the French-style ginger frog in red oil and the Italian chicken bowl in thick soup, were popular with the general public.

Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong are working on opening another branch in the city center. Xia Lao Er was responsible for the design of the dishes, recruitment and training of the chef team, while Xia Dong was responsible for the operation of the restaurant.

After being hospitalized, Xia Lao Er underwent a full body check-up and was found to have no major illnesses, but a host of minor problems such as hypertension and high blood pressure, and the doctor advised him to rest and not to work too hard.

Xia Qingshu took some genuine boxes of the ”Biluochun Da Hongpao” brand and some tonic products from home and went to visit him. Xia Jing arranged a luxury suite for Xia Lao Er.

“Miao, the restaurant makes a lot of money in a month, and Dad saves all the money he makes for you.” Xia Lao Er was lying on the bed and whispered, “And a mall even invited us to open a restaurant in the building.”

The restaurant was doing so well that Xia Lao Er was afraid that his “*** relatives” would come to his door and claim that he was losing money. Xia’s elder brother and his family come to the house from time to time, and Xia speaks as if he were a thief, fearing that there are ears through the walls.

“Dad, I’m not short of money.”

Not only was he not short of money, he would soon become the manager of a five billion dollar fund. He also has an heir to a hundred billion dollar family fortune in his belly. It was just magical. After transmigrating into the book, it was as if he had stacked the fortune buff, and everyone who was close to him had to become rich. Even Xia Lao Er, an ordinary chef, suddenly became big and powerful.

“Save your money for Qingqiu…and Yu Bin.”

“Let’s talk about it.” Xia Lao Er muddled through, “Miao cub ah, how are your parents over there treating you? If they treat you badly, you should come back.”

“Dad, they’re treating me well.” Xia Qing Shu took a pear and slowly and leisurely peeled it.

“Oh.” There was some disappointment in Xia Lao Er’s eyes as he looked over at Xia Qing Shu, and sure enough, there was more flesh on Xia Qing Shu’s face, “You should come back to visit often.”

“Mm-hmm, I’ll come back when I can. Dad, have you mistreated Xia Yubin?” Xia Qing Shu remembered Xia Yubin’s cries in front of Chen Qixi, Xia Lao Er was so honest and honest, he didn’t seem like someone who could do something like abusing his son.

“No, I didn’t.” Xia Lao Er was a little agitated. He clumsily explained about inviting Xia Yubin to stay at Old Man Xia’s house, being rejected, and then they reserved Xia Yubin a two hundred a night room at a hotel, which Xia Yubin didn’t go to, wasting several hundred for nothing.

Xia Lao Er sat up, his eyes drifting a little, “That boy is a bit extravagant.”

He looked mysteriously left and right, pulling Xia Qing Shu, “I don’t think he is my family’s child.”

They don’t look the same, not the same character, not  the same style, not like anything……

He was hospitalized, and Xia Yubin did not come to see him, not even one phone message all. Xia Lao Er is not hard-hearted like that at all.

Xia Lao Er secretly took out a small paper package from under the pillow and handed it to Xia Qingshu.

Xia Qingshu took the paper bag and opened it,  There was a huge amount of hair.

“Dad, why is there so much hair?”

“Xia Yubin’s.” Xia Lao Er gritted his teeth and endured the pain of pulling off a hair from the back of his head, “You take it and do an appraisal.”

“The paternity test will only take a few roots.” Xia Qing Shu looked at the big bag of hair in the paper bag, “Dad, you’ve made him bald.”

Xia Lao Er stammered, “No, I just gently….he dropped it on his own.”

Although Xia Yubin is nothing like him anywhere, the point of losing hair was quite similar. Xia Qing Shu put the hair away, “Good, I’ll send it downstairs to the testing centre later.”

Xia Qing Shu put the hair into his pocket and when he looked up, he saw Chen Zhiyu appear at the door of the ward.

“Brother Zhiyu, what brings you here?”

Secretary Li pushed Chen Zhiyu in, “The boss came to the hospital to change his medication and heard that Uncle Xia was hospitalised, so he came to visit on purpose.” Secretary Li was also carrying two large boxes of Cordyceps sinensis sea cucumber of extremely high quality  in his hand.

Mr. Chen came to visit on purpose? Xia Lao Er was so flattered that he jumped up from the bed and almost bumped into the medical equipment next to the hospital bed.

He was poorly educated and had a clumsy mouth, so when faced with a figure like Chen Zhiyu, he didn’t know how to receive him, and with his head in a fever, he blurted out, “Welcome, welcome, welcome!”

Xia Qing Shu was a bit embarrassed, the last time he received help from Chen Zhi Yu, Xia Lao Er was thrilled, at this time Chen Zhi Yu came to visit in person, Xia Lao Er was like a poor man picking up a pot of gold, so happy he almost went crazy.

“Dad, you’re a patient, lie down.”

He put down the fruit, wiped his hands with paper and reached out to take the gift box, “Thank you brother Zhiyu, you’re too kind.”

Because he was in a bit of a hurry, the pear juice on his hand was not wiped clean, it was wet and his knuckles were dripping with powder.

Secretary Li’s hand delivering the gift box turned a corner and pressed it against the boss’s leg. Chen Zhiyu glanced at Secretary Li and picked up the gift box ready to hand it to Xia Qingshu.

Xia Qingshu had to bend down to get it.

As he got closer, Chen Zhiyu smelt that fresh lemon scent again, and the milky smell was even stronger when they were closer. He had never had lemon flavoured milk before. He originally thought that the two flavors, when smelt separately, were both good and no one would mix them together.

Little did he know that two flavors blended at the same time would have such a chemical reaction.

The fresh fragrance was so good.

Xia Qingshu picked up the gift box and his fingers accidentally touched Chen Zhiyu’s leg.

Through the fine cotton fabric, the sticky wetness of the fingertips passed away, and the refreshing fragrance seemed to follow the tip of his nose, all the way down…Chen Zhiyu’s body trembled.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it onto the gift box.

Xia Qing Shu couldn’t hold it and raised his head, asking in a small voice, “It’s not for my dad?”

Under the long curled eyelashes, those moving eyes hid doubts. It was like a doll in a window, even if it was dressed in the most attractive fashion, its eyes were still clear. The distance between them was less than ten centimetres, and Chen Zhiyu felt more and more that the face was so small he could cup it all with one hand.

“It’s for uncle.” Chen Zhiyu paused, “I’ll give it myself.”

“Oh.” Xia Qingshu stood up.

Chen Zhiyu drove the wheelchair and headed towards the hospital bed.

Hearing that Chen Zhiyu was going to give him the gift box himself, Xia Lao Er, who was lying on the bed, panicked even more. If he had branched out a little, he would have noticed that Chen Zhiyu was a little distracted, his dark eyes, though deep, were a little dazed.

The wheelchair pulled up to the bedside and Chen Zhiyu stood up, holding the gift box. His leg injury had not finished healing, and when he stood up, his body swayed slightly. Secretary Li took a step back, and Xia Qingshu stood next to him, just in time to hold him up.

“Uncle Xia, take care of your health.” Chen Zhiyu put the gift box on the bed, and his right hand naturally rested on Xia Qingshu’s shoulder.

The small, rounded shoulder was not too small.

Xia Qingshu frowned, he didn’t really like such physical contact. But Brother Zhiyu’s leg was injured because of him, and he couldn’t perform an over-the-shoulder slam on the spot. Brother Zhiyu’s body seemed a little weak, first he put his hand on his shoulder, followed by half the weight of half his body pressed on him.

Xia Qing Shu wanted to help him to sit on the wheelchair, but when he turned his head, he found that the wheelchair was pushed away by Secretary Li.

Secretary Li smiled and explained, “The doctor said to let the boss walk a couple of steps without any problem.”

Xia Qingshu assisted Chen Zhiyu, “Brother Zhiyu, let me help you to sit on the sofa.”

“Mm.” Responding nervously, Chen Zhiyu lifted his injured leg and took a step forward with difficulty.

Xia Qingshu was a little shorter than him, so as he dipped his head slightly, his nose swept over the ends of his hair, the scent of lime was close at hand. It turned out that the fresh scent of lime came from the hair, it should be the smell of shampoo, faint and sour.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath. As his eyes moved down, they ended on a slender neck, and under the black hair, the skin was white, delicate and silky as milk. Chen Zhiyu swallowed his saliva and the knot in his throat slid.

Secretary Li couldn’t bear to watch. Boss, in front of Uncle Xia, you want to be beaten for such demented behavior.

Secretary Li stepped forward, blocking Xia Lao Er’s line of sight, and climbed up to talk with Xia Lao Er.

In a short distance of less than two meters, Chen Zhiyu walked out with the momentum of the Red Army’s Long March. By the time Chen Zhiyu managed to sit down on the sofa, Xia Qing Shu was so hot that he had some slight sweat on his nose and the whole tip  was flushed with pink.

Chen Zhiyu pulled out a silk handkerchief from his jacket pocket and handed it over, “Wipe the sweat.”

Xia Qingshu froze and took it. A chocolate coloured silk handkerchief, the fabric was light, soft and smooth, and a gentle wipe on the face absorbed the sweat.

However, Xia Qingshu’s skin was softer than the silk and the handkerchief left a light red mark where it had been wiped. Such is the delicacy of his skin that it tends to leave marks.

After wiping the sweat, Xia Qingshu held the handkerchief, not knowing what to do. He had a strange feeling when he took Chen Zhiyu’s handkerchief. At first, he was just surprised that such an evil and impetuous boss like Chen Zhiyu would carry a handkerchief with him.

It was only after wiping his sweat that he remembered, as an afterthought, that Chen Zhiyu had a heavy cleanliness fetish, so why would he offer to lend him his handkerchief?

While Xia Qing Shu was dumbfounded, the handkerchief had already been taken back by Chen Zhiyu and put into his jacket pocket.


“Mr. Chen, have you eaten yet?” Xia Lao Er couldn’t really find anything to talk about, so he could only exchange polite pleasantries.

Chen Zhiyu raised his hand to look at the time, it was just eleven o’clock, so he replied, “I ate breakfast, but not lunch.”

“Then stay here and have a casual meal?”

The ward was paired with a simple kitchen, which was not ventilated but had an induction stove, and Xia Lao Er, who disliked the expensive hospital meals, had brought ingredients to make his own. It had been a long time since he had opened the restaurant and gotten busy, so he hadn’t personally served Chen Zhiyu a meal, and it was just as well that Chen Zhiyu was here today so he could have something hot and freshly cooked.

Chen Zhiyu did not immediately agree, but looked at Xia Qingshu and paused before saying, “Why don’t you do it?”

Xia Qingshu rubbed half of his head in embarrassment, “I don’t know how to make it.”

“I’ll do it, I’ve been lying in bed for over twenty hours, am getting moldy, it’s just time to get up and move around.” Xia Lao Er propped himself up from the bed, “You guys sit and play for a while, I’ll see what is there to eat in the fridge.”

When Xia Qing Shu came yesterday, it was also Xia Lao Er who got up to cook for him. After eating, he felt sleepy and Xia La Er was afraid that he would be uncomfortable curled up on the sofa, so he gave up the hospital bed for him to lie on.

As a result, he fell asleep as soon as he was on the bed, and woke up to see Xia Lao Er sitting on the bench getting an infusion, while he was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. Thinking of this, Xia Qing Shu sweated a little, and to appear less wasted, he added, “I can scramble tomatoes and eggs.”

He stir-fried depending on luck. If he was lucky, the stir-fried dish was delicious, if he was unlucky, it was difficult to eat. Xia Qing Shu blushed and said, “Only I haven’t learnt a millionth of what Dad has.”

Chen Zhiyu thought to himself, “You’re pretending. The meals you used to bring in the hot sun, if you didn’t make them, who did?”

He even had his tastes pinned down to a tee.

Having just sweated, Xia Qingshu’s face was flushed, like a shy begonia. He pursed his lips, his jaw showing a pretty amplitude, a shy look. To Chen Zhiyu, there was an overwhelming sense of being about to be recognized.

Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes and thought, “Forget it, don’t expose him.”

He wasn’t ready to say yes to him yet, and there was no point in picking it out now.

Chen Zhiyu nodded, “Then you make a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I’ll try it.”

Xia Qing Shu didn’t expect the other party to really want to try his handiwork, he took out his phone, “Then I’ll look at the recipe first.”

Pretend, you continue to pretend.

Chen Zhiyu leaned back on the sofa, with a smile as he planned.

What kind of expression should he use to face the child when he eats later? Pretend to be surprised by the familiar taste? Or should he just marvel at the boy’s cooking?


Xia Qing Shu was excited after checking Baidu. As long as he followed the order of the recipe safely, he was still a trifle sure, and with Xia Lao Er, a top chef, on hand to direct him, the chances of a flop were not too great.

The ward’s kitchenette was right next to the sink, and sitting on the sofa Chen Zhiyu could see Xia Qing Shu’s busy back.

Chen Zhiyu had a laptop on his lap and looked up from time to time. Xia Qing Shu had an apron tied around his waist, like a young wife who was learning to cook for her husband in earnest, good and obedient.

Xia Qing Shu seldom gets into the kitchen and is a terrible knife-maker, so apart from panning rice and washing vegetables, he really has no work to do. He opened his mobile phone to read the tutorial on “scrambled tomatoes and eggs” and a message popped up.

The message was from Wen Sheng, asking him to go to a painting exhibition. He had just gone to a concert with Wen Sheng two days ago. Although he had only known Wen Sheng for a short time, he clicked on the dialog box and found several chat messages.

The two of them had quite a good chat.

Xia Qing Shu felt that he was not stupid, he was only slow in terms of feelings, and he would not think about some things unless they were made clear.

After the incident with He Chen, he has become a little more attentive to his personal feelings and has a simple mode of analysis when it comes to the sudden enthusiasm of others. For example, Wen Sheng, who is a movie star and ran his own studio, was usually very busy. When he repeatedly asked him out to see a movie, a painting exhibition or a concert, he would not be foolish enough to think that Wen Sheng simply wanted to make a friend.

Wen Sheng is handsome, gentle and never puts up a show of being a movie star. He seemed like a perfect match.

When Xia Qing Shu did not reply, Wen Sheng sent the time and place, and asked where Xia Qing Shu was, and thoughtfully came to pick him up.

Xia Qing Shu stared at the screen. He had never been in love before and had no idea what it was like to be in love, but he had seen movies and knew the soul-crushing emotions of people who fell in love.

At the moment he did not have such feelings for Wen Sheng, but he was quite comfortable with him. Wen Sheng is very good at reading people’s minds, picking up on their preferences and habits, and then adjusting his words and actions to make them feel like they are in love.

If he wants to go ahead with Wen Sheng, he’d have to tell him about his pregnancy in advance. How to tell? What would be the best time to do this? Is it too early to say it now? If he doesn’t say it, will it be insincere?

He didn’t know how troublesome it was to fall in love!

“Miao cub, the oil is hot.” Xia Lao Er reminded from the side, Xia Qing Shu came back to his senses and picked tge pot of tomatoes and poured them straight into the frying pan.


The hot oil splashed out as the tomatoes entered the pot and splashed onto Xia Qing Shu’s hand.

Looking at the tomatoes in the frying pan, a hot and the painful sensation came from his arm, and Xia Qing Shu instantly woke up.

Oh no, he had got the order wrong again, he should have poured the egg mixture first. He looked down and his hand was covered with red spots from the hot oil.

“Rinse it with cold water for a while longer.” Xia Lao Er turned off the fire and heartily shooed him into the toilet, not letting him do the dishes, “You go entertain Mr. Chen, Dad will do it.”

Xia Qing Shu put his arm under the tap, and after drenching it in cold water, a few red spots were visible on his white, jade-like little arm. He rubbed it twice and it tingled a little, the red spots were smudged and splotched. The skin was too tender.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Zhiyu came to the toilet door at some point and looked at him with concern.

“My hand got burned by the oil.” Xia Qingshu stretched out his arms, a pair of jade arms came to Chen Zhiyu.

He thought it was nothing, this injury, which looked scary, was actually not very serious. His skin was just like that, very delicate, and a light rubbing would leave a mark.

Chen Zhiyu, however, was very nervous and asked Secretary Li to hurry up and call the nurse. The nurse didn’t come and Secretary Li brought back a dose of scalding cream.

Xia Qingshu came out of the toilet and sat on the sofa while Chen Zhiyu squeezed his wrist with one hand and took a cotton swab in the other, carefully applying the ointment to his hand. There was a laptop on the small coffee table of the sofa, Xia Qingshu glanced at it, the computer was on video, Chen Zhiyu seemed to be in a video conference, there was a dialog box next to it, the other party sent a lot of documents that needed Chen Zhiyu’s confirmation.

“I’ll do it myself.” Xia Qingshu said, “You go about your business.”

“Both hands are burnt, how are you going to do it by yourself?”

Xia Qingshu froze, although he had burned both arms, but it was not his fingers that were hurt, it would not affect the rubbing medicine yet.

“Sit still.” Chen Zhiyu thought the cotton swab was too hard and squeezed the ointment onto his fingers, using the warmth of his fingers to rub it away for him.

“If you don’t rub the medicine properly, be careful of leaving scars later.”

The jade-like arm was cool and a little slippery after being soaked in cold water. Squeezing and pressing it, it was like touching a piece of milk cake, fragrant and soft, very comfortable. The exposed arms are still this white and delicate after the wind and sun, and it is not hard to imagine that the rest of the skin, hidden in the clothes, will be even more glistening and white.

Where the hot oil splashed on him, little red bumps appeared which dissipated in a moment when rubbed gently, only to be followed by the surrounding skin to be flushed.

It’s very dazzling.

“Just leave it.” Xia Qing Shu didn’t think anything of it. A little scar on a man’s body was no big deal.

Chen Zhiyu gave him a complicated look.

After applying the medicine, Chen Zhiyu still squeezed his wrist. Xia Qing Shu struggled twice, but did not break free, and looked over with big round eyes.

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes were bland, his posture was straight and he said sternly, “Don’t move around, wait for the medicine to dry.”

“Oh.” Xia Qingshu looked down, and sure enough, his arm was coated with sticky ointment that shone brightly. He pouted his pink lips and blew on his arm. The cool breeze stirred the fluffy hairs on his arm, and the extra sweet scent blew down the long, slender arm and into Chen Zhiyu’s face.

The hand squeezing his wrist tightened and Xia Qingshu stopped, opening those round eyes again, looking at the person squeezing his wrist, as if to say, “What’s wrong?”

The pink lips were slightly open, blowing so hard that they carried some liquid around their lips, shining brightly, looking more and more red on the whole lower lip.

“Nothing, you go on.” Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes, pulling his thin wrist forward.

“Brother Zhiyu.” Xia Qingshu held out his index finger and pointed to the computer on the table; the person in the video looked anxious, waiting for a reply from his boss, while the boss took a young boy’s hand and rubbed the medicine in a serious manner.

Realizing what was going on, Chen Zhiyu let go of Xia Qingshu’s wrist, picked up the computer, said a couple of curt words and closed it.

“Are you busy?” Xia Qingshu asked.

“A little.” Chen Zhiyu removed his Bluetooth headset, took out his phone, sent a few messages, and then instructed Secretary Li to do something else.

Xia Qingshu wanted to ask him, “Why didn’t you leave if you were busy?” , he didn’t think Xia Lao Er’s food was good enough to make Chen Zhiyu stay and wait.

The words came to his mouth, but he swallowed them again.

From the day he saved him, Chen Zhiyu’s attitude towards him seemed to be a little different. If He Chen’s personal cooking was considered a humble candlelight dinner. Then, the last dinner at Lantong was more like a date between lovers.

Xia Qingshu tilted his head up to look at Chen Zhiyu, his chest was tangled with too many emotions and he was a little stuffy. He was confused as to why Chen Zhiyu, who had clearly stated that he didn’t like him, always showed up and treated him quite ……well.

He sacrificed himself to block the electric pole and cleared up the rumors. He also introduced him to record company contacts, Chen Zhiyu’s kindness to him has gone beyond that of a friend, but it’s not that kind of relationship…..He’s not like Wen Sheng, who would ask him out to concerts, see painting exhibitions, and exchange good nights with him on messaging apps.

The other party’s intentions were not clear.

Since the other party’s attitude was unclear, Xia Qing Shu decided to ask for clarification in person.

Xia Qingshu looked at Chen Zhiyu, the other party was dealing with official business, his eyebrows furrowed, his expression cold and handsome.

When he saw Xia Qing Shu looking at him, he didn’t show any extra expression, but just turned around in a business-like manner, making a phone call while squeezing his wrist to check the wound.


“Dinner’s ready.”

In less than an hour, Xia Lao Er had prepared four dishes and one soup. Secretary Li knew better and made an excuse to leave, not staying to disturb the boss’ family reunion.

Two meat and two vegetables, all to Chen Zhiyu’s liking, including the tomatoes that Xia Qing Shu had fried badly, which tasted surprisingly good after being improved by Xia Lao Er.

“Brother Zhiyu, you eat more.” Xia Qingshu held the bowl and stared at the meat and vegetables on the table like a greedy cat. Chen Zhiyu took out sterilised paper towels and wiped his hands first, then the tableware and chopsticks, and finally added a small half bowl of rice. He took the first chopsticks of the dish before Xia Qingshu and Xia Lao Er started to eat.

Chen Zhiyu did not intend to eat much, he was very picky about his taste in food, even if Xia Laodi was a chef, he did not think the food would be to his liking, although the dishes looked full of colour and flavour.

Xia Qing Shu did understand his taste, except that the little fool was injured.

He didn’t know why the little fool hid in front of him, or if it was because he was nervous in front of his beloved. Some people are shy by nature, and when they are watched they mess up. Perhaps the little fool being watched affected his play, or perhaps he was simply nervous.

Chen Zhiyu picked up a shredded beef and brought it into his mouth.

The meat was soft and tender, salty and tasty. It was unexpectedly delicious.

Frowning, he continued to try the other three dishes – pan-fried cowboy bone, garlic phoenix tail and scrambled egg with tomatoes – and then had the mushroom and sliced pork soup.

A familiar taste.

He had been eating Western food for a month straight, yet it had a similarity to the Chinese food on the table. An idea came in his head that all those dishes he thought were made by Xia Qing Shu himself, but were all made by Xia Lao Er…..

Xia Lao Er pushed the dish in front of him, “Mr. Chen, does it suit your taste?”

Chen Zhiyu was a little annoyed in his heart and said irritably, “How could it not be to my taste, I’ve eaten it so many times before.” There was a hint of sarcasm hidden in the tentative tone.

Xia Lao Er did not take it personally, still smiling nervously, “It’s good that you like it, when I delivered the food before, Miaa cub even said that I was messing around, but, it’s thanks for your help to Miao cubs ……”

Hearing this, what is there not to understand. Chen Zhiyu’s hand that was squeezing the chopsticks slowly became blue and white.

Xia Qingshu knew nothing about it and ate up the bowl of rice in a serious way. Recently, the appetite is particularly good. Dad’s cooking is really good, the beef is so tender, the eggs are delicious, and the soup is good, hum hum hun

After that Xia Lao Er said something, but Chen Zhi Yu basically did not listen to anymore. The food that was to his liking was also not eaten, and he felt inexplicably upset in his heart.

As for what, he couldn’t say what he was upset about.

When the meal was over, Xia Lao Ee didn’t let Xia Qing Shu wash the dishes, so he took Chen Zhiyu out for a walk to cool off.

Xia Qing Shu had something on his mind and did not notice Chen Zhi Yu’s abnormality. But it happened that he had something to ask Chen Zhi Yu, so he stood up and pushed Chen Zhi Yu out when Xia Lao Er said so.

It was early autumn and the sun was blindingly hot at noon, so Xia Qingshu pushed Chen Zhiyu around the ground floor lobby. Around this time, there were very few people in the hospital.

Chen Zhiyu’s face was cold and he didn’t know what he was thinking, but as he watched Xia Qingshu push him towards a deserted place, he felt a little less congested in his chest. They arrived at the small garden at the back of the hospital, where a golden laurel was full of buds next to the cloister, and the breeze filled the whole cloister with a sweet scent.

Xia Qing Shu sat down on a bench and thought about how to speak.

To ask directly, “Are you interested in me?” would seem particularly shameless. If it was too subtle, he was afraid that the other party would not understand.

When he was overwhelmed, Chen Zhiyu spoke up, “Qing Shu, do you have something to say to me?”

Xia Qingshu froze and nodded his head.

“Speak.” Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly in his heart, the little liar had the sense to take the initiative to admit his mistake. He leaned back comfortably in his wheelchair, tapping his fingers on the armrest.

Chen Zhiyu thought about it, although Xia Qing Shu had never said that the meals delivered to the company were cooked by him personally, he must have known and been involved in it, and then made him misunderstand. Now he knew that things had fallen through and came back to coax him.

Fortunately, he was thoughtful enough to discover the trick, if he had been a little slower, wouldn’t he have been kept in the dark for the rest of his life.

He looked at Xia Qing Shu. His face was flushed and his two small hands were squeezed helplessly. The  eyebrows wrinkled up slightly, half-lowering head, with a charming and shy meaning.

Chen Zhiyu’s heart jumped.

Is the little thing going to throw his weight around and confess his love to him again? He just found out that the restaurant owned by Xia Qing Shu’s family was actually called “Healing House”, a blatant display of his affection for him. How could the little thing like him so much?

“Go ahead, I’m in a hurry, I have a meeting this afternoon.” Chen Zhiyu’s tone was unhurried, his eyes looking at the other party in a wrong way.

Xia Qing Shu blushed and his long eyelashes fluttered, “Brother Zhi Yu, you keep coming to me, is it that …… me ah?”

Although a few words were omitted, Xia Qing Shu thought to himself that under such circumstances and with that expression on his face, he knew all about it. After saying that, he glanced at Chen Zhiyu.

To be honest, he couldn’t read Chen Zhiyu’s expression. Chen Zhiyu frowned slightly, as if he didn’t understand. When he took a closer look, he felt as if he understood, but he was just surprised.

Xia Qingshu spoke again, “I don’t understand either, just askin…… Recently someone asked me out ……”

He was faced with such a situation for the first time and did not know how to express it, although he stammered, he still thought he had made his words clear.

Chen Zhiyu did understand this time. The little one meant to ask him if he liked him, and if not, he was going out with someone else.


In the twenty-five years Chen Zhiyu had lived, no one had ever dared to play mind games in front of him. Xia Qingshu was considered the first.

A silly looking little thing, how dare he force him to confess? The good feeling towards Xia Qingshu in his heart instantly decreased by half. Was he, Chen Zhiyu someone who would take the initiative to confess?

Chen Zhiyu replied back very seriously, “No.”

His tone was somewhat cold and hard, with a layer of domineering subtext – you dare to go out with someone else?!

But Xia Qingshu didn’t hear his subtext, he said “ohh ohh[” to show that he understood what the other party meant, and then opened the chat interface with Wen Sheng and replied back with a “yes”.
1This Sunday, I will be posting a NSFW scene of Chen Zhiyu and Xia Qinshu’s night together on my Ko-fi page.

Please note that it is purely a fan fiction based on chapter 1 of the novel.

Those interested can click on the Ko-fi button above to access my page

1This Sunday, I will be posting a NSFW scene of Chen Zhiyu and Xia Qinshu’s night together on my Ko-fi page.

Please note that it is purely a fan fiction based on chapter 1 of the novel.

Those interested can click on the Ko-fi button above to access my page

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