Chapter 48


Xia Qing Shu went out with his friend, why should he care?

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu moved a little, his face a little ugly.

Yeah, why should he care? Who was he to care?

On the basis that Xia Qing Shu liked him? This reason didn’t seem too good.

“That’s because ……”

Xia Qingshu tilted his head, his long eyelashes were lifted, and he looked over suspiciously and seriously, “Because of what?”

His stubborn little mouth, the flesh on his cheeks unconsciously puckered up, hiding an unworldly innocence. His unusually beautiful features paired with this innocence had the ability to make people’s blood churn.

Chen Zhiyu was lost in thought.

When Xia Qingshu didn’t get a response, he mischievously crossed his feet and stomped on the wheelchair’s wheels, which carried Chen Zhiyu backwards, straight into the glass wall behind him with a loud bang.

Xia Qing Shu had no intention of playing tricks on the other side, but he didn’t expect the other side to be so wooden that they didn’t know how to save themselves.

When the wheelchair hit the curtain wall, Chen Zhiyu finally came back to his senses. There was a slight loss of composure.

His hand clenched into a fist and he coughed vainly twice, “…… I just suddenly thought of a multinational merger and acquisition project, which involves too many interested parties, this project has dragged on for too long,I just suddenly had a flash of light, an idea …… If you do this and this, you can do that and that ……”

What he said, Xia Qing Shu did not understand, he just covered his mouth and snickered, “I thought you had become dumb.”

In the past, it was always people who called him dumb, but now that it was easy to meet someone even dumber, Xia Qing Shu immediately gave him a nickname: “Dumb Goose.”

Chen Zhiyu was not too happy with this “nickname”, he wanted to keep his cold face, but he could not, so he said anxiously, “What did you just say?”

Xia Qingshu whispered, “I’m hanging out with my friend, why do you care?”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

The topic had obviously been sidetracked, so why did he have to circle back?

To be honest, he really didn’t know how to answer. It was the first time he, Chen Zhiyu, had been asked such a simple question.

He wasn’t quite sure why he should care, but he did anyway! He snorted coldly and asked back, “You don’t know?!”

Xia Qing Shu was confused. Didn’t he just ask because he didn’t know. The other party’s righteous and frank look stunned Xia Qing Shu, and he pinched his fingers, not knowing what to do.

Chen Zhiyu was half relieved and stalled a little longer.

Xia Qingshu thought about it and couldn’t really figure it out, so he asked in a small voice directly, “I really don’t know, Brother Zhiyu, can you make it simple?”

After saying that, he looked straight at him.

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

At this moment, the phone rang and Chen Zhiyu hurriedly picked it up. After about five minutes of talking, Chen Zhiyu hung up the phone in a calm manner and regained his composure, “Zhou Qian’s hands were broken, the police are investigating everyone who has been to the exhibition, now do you know why I am asking you?!”

Xia Qing Shu nodded ignorantly.

Chen Zhiyu finally breathed a long sigh of relief, his back drenched in cold sweat. It had almost been a mess.

“What happened to Zhou Qian?” Xia Qingshu didn’t understand that an hour ago, he had been scrambling to peep through toilet cubicles and suddenly his hands were broken, deservedly so. His tone was somewhat gloating, and his eyes were wide open, hoping to learn more details from the other man.

Chen Zhiyu sneered and pushed his wheelchair, moving straight towards him.

“Crushed fractures in both hands.”

“That serious?”

“Yes.” Chen Zhiyu arrived in front of Xia Qingshu, his wheelchair once again resting against the other man’s knees, “Who were you at the gallery with this afternoon?”

Now that he suddenly had a legitimate reason to ask, Chen Zhiyu’s voice was cold with a stern expression, and he was back to being the domineering president who was running the show.

“With Wen Sheng.”

The wheelchair was uncomfortable against his knee, and Xia Qing Shu moved back a little, just to make some space, when the wheelchair came up again.

Following the wheelchair along were Chen Zhiyu’s arms.

He unfolded his arms and propped them up on the armrest of the sofa, leaning forward, like a criminal investigator, staring straight at Xia Qing Shu’s small face, his thin lips open, “With Wen Sheng the Film Emperor, huh?”

There was a sour taste hidden in his words that he himself was not even aware of.

Xia Qing Shu nodded obediently, “Mm-hmm.”

The corners of Chen Zhiyu’s mouth pulled up, not a single smile on his face, asking again in a cold voice, “What are you doing with him?”

“Watching a painting exhibition.” Xia Qingshu lifted his long raven-feathered eyelashes, slightly puzzled. He had answered this question several times, so why did he have to ask it again.

Qinshu’s eyebrows raised as Chen Zhiyu continued to pursue the question, “What did you do at the painting exhibition?”

“Looking at the paintings?”

“Mm hmm.” Xia Qingshu pursed his lips and nodded. The pear swirl at the corner of his mouth appeared again, a tiny one, like a black sesame seed adorning the side of his mouth. Making one want to lick it off

“Did Wen Sheng ……” His Adam’s apple slid up and down for a split second, Chen Zhiyu pressed closer again, “…… Did he say some strange things?”

Xia Qing Shu’s face instantly went red, red without warning. The redness was puffy, and the eyes were tainted with a hint of redness. He seemed shy and timid, like he was being poked in the secret.

As his heart seized, Chen Zhiyu’s heart felt a nameless fire leapt out.

“Tell me what he said right now!”

He loved him so much that he couldn’t help himself , and flirted with him in various ways, and now he turned his head and go to a painting exhibition with another man. He don’t know what kind of lewd//kinky words were said during that time!

Asking two questions and suddenly blushing!

Xia Qingshu blushed not out of shame, let alone because Chen Zhiyu leaned so close in such an ambiguous move. It was simply pain. The skeleton of the wheelchair was pressed against his calves and knees, making it impossible for him to move. His calves were numb and sore, and Chen Zhiyu was being mean to him.

His eyes were red and moisture steamed up, blurring his vision.

“What’s with the crying? Did something bad?” Chen Zhiyu leaned forward and hooked his chin, his words cold and sarcastic.

He would no longer be soft-hearted, this disobedient, bad little child deserved to be treated fiercely.

Xia Qingshu twisted his head away and braced his hands against the wheelchair, “You, pressed me …… It hurts.”

“You go away …….”

His body leaned back, his hands braced behind him, his lips slightly parted. Perhaps the pain was too much to bear, his body trembled and his lips quivered. His nose twitched slightly and he gasped for air. Like he was holding back something.

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Again, this defenseless and evocative pose was struck in front of him. Chen Zhiyu’s defenses were completely broken. He drove his wheelchair and backed up quickly, his 10,000 year old snow frosty expression on his face instantly melting away as he asked somewhat urgently, “What’s wrong, does it still hurt, I didn’t mean to.”

How had he not noticed, how had he crushed him? So weak and small, it must have hurt so much to be pressed against such a cold, hard wheelchair.

“Why didn’t you say so earlier.”

The wheelchair left and Xia Qing Shu’s little leg felt much better as he puffed out, “How did I know you’d be so mean?”

It was really inexplicable.

He hadn’t even eaten, he had left his friend behind to rush over, and the moment he arrived he was being bullied, and now he was being pressured with his wheelchair. He felt so aggravated.


A teardrop hit the ground.

Although it was silent, Chen Zhiyu seemed to hear the sound of the teardrop hitting the ground, and he could still see the clear, round teardrop splitting in four. Chen Zhiyu stood up from his wheelchair at once, took two quick steps to him and knelt down on one knee in front of him, “What’s wrong, let me take a look.”

Chen Zhiyu’s leg injury was almost healed and he had long been able to walk upright. The wheelchair was a bad idea from Secretary Li, saying something about how the disabled president being miserable could increase urgency.

God damn urgency, it almost crushed the man! Secretary Li came up with this tawdry idea, the year-end bonus is not wanted!

Xia Qing Shu also did not dwell on such insignificant trivialities as the other party suddenly being able to walk upright, pointing to his knee and saying in a resigned and small voice, “It hurts, it crushed me twice.”

Xia Qing Shu sniffled, leaned over and slowly rolled up his trouser legs. The onion-white fingers squeezed the edge of his trousers, moving surprisingly slowly. As he rolled his trouser leg, he inhaled painfully.

Chen Zhiyu was a bit flustered, in fact he was a bit confused about what he had just done, a bit confused and worried that he had really hurt the other party because of his emotions.

With great difficulty, Qinshu rolled his trouser leg above his knee and Chen Zhiyu took a closer look before realizing that it wasn’t very serious. It wasn’t to the point of rubbing medicine on it either. But the knee and calf were indeed red. There was also the imprint of a wheelchair wheel on the calf. A red vertical line, like it had been traced in watercolour, setting off the fairer skin.

Chen Zhiyu squatted down, he felt like he shouldn’t do thus but he still took hold of his ankle and took off his shoes and socks together.

“What, what are you doing?” Xia Qingshu drew his legs back, moving a step slower, and his ankle held tightly by the other party.

Chen Zhiyu said in a serious manner, “Checking carefully to see if there are any other places that have been crushed, and rub the medicine together.”

“Oh oh.” Xia Qing Shu wrinkled his brow, “What kind of medicine should I rub?”

“Just use that salve I just used.” Chen Zhiyu didn’t need to stand up, his long arm reached out and took the ointment on the table into his hand, and his other hand wasn’t free to hold the other party’s foot firmly.

Xia Qing Shu had no flesh on his body, but there was plenty of flesh on the back of his feet. Like white steamed buns, they were bubbly, with tiny finger thumbs arranged in a regular pattern at the top of the bun, wanting someone to take a bite.

Chen Zhiyu thought that the skin on his face was already white, but to his surprise, the skin on his feet was even whiter. While many boys had sweaty feet, his were cold and smooth to the touch. There was no extra smell except for the smell of milk. There was no molted skin and even his heels were surprisingly tender, like those of a baby who has never walked on the ground before.

Being pinched, Xia Qingshu was a little uncomfortable, shaking his leg and seeking the other party’s advice in a small voice, “Brother Zhiyu, I’ll do it myself.”

Having helped Chen Zhiyu wipe twice, he could do it himself.

Chen Zhiyu glanced at him, squeezing his hand tighter, laying down his judgment, “It’s not convenient for you.”

After saying that, he went ahead to squeeze out the ointment and smeared it onto his calf bone. The ointment was milky white, in strips, a bit like toothpaste, and a little cold when squeezed onto the leg. The warmth of his palm melted the ointment away and then rubbed it all over the area with the red marks.

The red marks on Xia Qing Shu’s leg could not be called “injuries” at all, let alone to the extent that they needed medicine. But Chen Zhiyu not only used the ointment to rub his leg, he also used a lot of ointment. Instead of the red marks fading, the whole calf and the knee became red.

For a moment, Chen Zhiyu’s breathing was out of rhythm. After rubbing the ointment, his head was covered in a thin line of sweat.

“Why are you …… so squeamish?” Chen Zhiyu stood up, dropped an inexplicable sentence, turned around and walked quickly to his lounge.

Xia Qing Shu was a little confused, he looked at his greasy leg and thought to himself, how badly was he injured, did he need to rub so much medicine?

In the president’s lounge, Chen Zhiyu pulled out the phone, “Secretary Li, bring a pair of trousers over here.”


After Chen Zhiyu left, Xia Qing Shu sat on the sofa to put on his socks and suddenly remembered, how could Brother Zhiyu leave, had his leg injury finished healing?

When Secretary Li walked into the president’s office with the trousers, what he saw was this scene – Xia Qingshu with a pair of jade feet up, his trouser legs pulled up to the knees, his calves had red blush, and glistening with water, not knowing what he had applied.

Secretary Li:?

What on earth has the boss done that he needs to change his trousers? It was still broad daylight and so many colleagues were working outside?! Damn, he wanted to know so badly!

Not to be rude, Secretary Li quickly averted his eyes and walked towards the lounge behind the president’s office without looking sideways.

When he reached the door, she knocked gently, “Boss?”

“Come in.”

The trousers that had been taken off were put aside, and it was impossible to see what had been suffered.

Chen Zhiyu had a bath towel wrapped around his waist and reached towards him.

The whole lounge smelled of heather.

Secretary Li respectfully handed the trousers over, and seeing that they were about to be handed to Chen Zhiyu, a sudden flirtation arose in Secretary Li’s mind. He retracted his hand and asked meanly, “Boss, did you spill the water?”

“Why are you so careless?”

“Xia student is still out there!”

With a cold face, Chen Zhiyu forcefully snatched his trousers over and said in a cold voice, “Secretary Li, are there not enough work tasks today?”

Secretary Li’s heart went cold and he secretly thought: How did he lose his mind and dare to tease the boss. I blame the boss for putting on a moral appearance all day long, suddenly bumping into him in broad daylight to do such a thing, even if half a year’s performance was deducted, it was worth it.

Secretary Li respectfully retreated.

Xia Qing Shu had already put on his shoes and socks and sat obediently on the sofa looking at his mobile phone.

When Chen Zhiyu finished changing his trousers and walked out, Xia Qingshu put down his phone and asked in a small voice, “Brother Zhiyu, is your leg well?”

Chen Zhiyu looked a little flustered, “You rubbed the medicine well …… so it got better fast.”

“Oh.” Xia Qing Shu thought to herself, he’s so good.

With such a delay, most of the time had passed and Chen Zhiyu still didn’t know what Xia Qingshu and Wen Sheng had done at the painting exhibition all afternoon? In what capacity did the two of them go to the exhibition?

Did Xia Qing Shu go to the exhibition with Wen Sheng just to meet him by chance? Chen Zhiyu looked at Xia Qingshu and was a bit annoyed that he hadn’t asked him anything and had even gotten his trousers wet.

He felt a bit embarrassed when the police called and needed Xia Qingshu to take a statement.

Zhou Qian was badly injured, and he didn’t know who the perpetrator was. There were very few people at the exhibition and he was attacked from behind, put in a sack and dragged to the bathroom, where his hands were smashed to pieces with a hammer.

Throughout the afternoon, the only two people who had a confrontation with him were Xia Qingshu and Wen Sheng.

Xia Qingshu’s side of the relationship was simple, he knew what he had done himself, and the reason for his beating was also clear.

However, Xia Qing Shu’s physique was only strong enough to barely carry a watermelon, so he did not look like he could use force freely.

Then there was Wen Sheng.

In the bathroom of the exhibition, he accidentally got some water stains on Wen Sheng when he was washing his hands, and Wen Sheng beat him up without saying a word.

He fought back at the time and didn’t suffer too much. And there was someone nearby who quickly pulled them apart. It didn’t take long for Wen Sheng and Xia Qing Shu to leave together.

The surveillance of the painting exhibition had been destroyed and the police had pulled the fingerprints from the scene, but there was not much to find now.

Xia Qing Shu and Wen Sheng were the biggest suspects.

Wen Sheng’s agent was anxiously guarding the entrance of the police station, Wu Qianxi was also there as the owner of the painting exhibition, and it was unknown who leaked the news, and many fan reporters were gathered at the entrance of the police station.

“After leaving the painting exhibition, where did you go?” The civilian police asked.

Xia Qing Shu thought for a moment, “I was at the Chen Group, the president’s office.”

The civilian police turned his head to look at Chen Zhiyu, who nodded, “Yes.”

The civilian police officer said seriously, “Mr. Chen, committing perjury is against the law.”

Originally, according to the procedure, Xia Qingshu was to be tried alone, but Chen Zhiyu brought his lawyer with him and kept Xia Qingshu under close guard, adding that Xia Qingshu was still a student and young, so he had to accompany him as a guardian, before Chen Zhiyu was finally allowed to stay.

Just in case he lied in order to help “someone” get off.

“I know.” Chen Zhiyu was going to say that there was surveillance in the president’s office, so he could pull it out at any time, but when he thought of what he had done in the office this afternoon, he hesitated and changed his words, “So many employees of Chen’s group watched him come, so feel free to ask.”

The police asked again, “After coming out of the painting exhibition, did you go to Chen’s Group immediately? Did you stop in between.”

Only then did Xia Qing Shu learn that Wen Sheng had a confrontation with Zhou Qian at the exhibition, and according to Wen Sheng’s agent, Zhou Qian’s verbal humiliation of him was seen by Wen Sheng, and only then did Wen Sheng take action.

He suddenly remembered that when he was in the car, he noticed that Wen Sheng’s hand had broken the skin. It turned out that the quarrel at the painting exhibition was because Wen Sheng had fought with Zhou Qian in order to help him. Such a gentle person had fought for him.

Xia Qing Shu lowered his head, the tips of his ears a little red, and replied in a small voice, “Didn’t go right away, there was a stopover.”

“Brother Sheng and I talked in the car for a while. We talked for almost an hour, then he invited me to dinner, I agreed, we were discussing where to eat, then I got a call from Brother Zhiyu, I asked him to give me a ride ……”

Chen Zhiyu’s fists gradually clenched.

“We said goodbye at around four.”

“No more, thank you officer, Brother Sheng is very nice and would never do anything illegal or disorderly.”

Listening to Xia Qing Shu’s confession, Chen Zhiyu’s face grew darker and darker.

Such an ambiguous title was all it required, it was clearly 3:10 to his office, but now he actually said it was 4:00.

The two of them even discussed going to dinner together? Looking soft and weak, daring to lie in front of the police.

Xia Qing Shu, I really underestimated you.

Zhou Qian was beaten at around 3:50, and Xia Qing Shu’s statement was a temporary alibi for Wen Sheng. Xia Qing Shu was worried about Wen Sheng being detained and was very anxious, completely not noticing Chen Zhi Yu’s cold face.

Chen Zhiyu was often cold-faced and black-faced, and even if he had noticed, he wouldn’t have known what to do.

Seeing Wen Sheng coming out of the interrogation room, Xia Qing Shu stared like a deer and slipped past Chen Zhiyu, “Brother Sheng, are you alright.”

Wen Sheng smiled gently, not a trace of fatigue from the interrogation, still poised, “No problem, Qing Shu, I’m the one who should thank you.”

Xia Qingshu glanced at the civilian police and whispered, “I’m just being honest.”

Chen Zhiyu forced his way in between the two, his tone a little hard, “Just say yes and go.”

Wen Sheng then noticed Chen Zhiyu, he and Chen Zhiyu didn’t cross paths much, but they knew each other, growing up together, Wen Sheng was two years older than Chen Zhiyu, as a rule, Chen Zhiyu should also call him brother, but Chen Zhiyu was precocious and never did.

“Zhiyu, why are you here too?”

Chen Zhiyu glanced at Wen Sheng and did not answer, but turned his head to look at Xia Qing Shu, “Still not leaving?”

He was so obviously angry that, according to reason, Xia Qingshu should join him and leave immediately. Unexpectedly, Xia Qing Shu tilted his head and discussed with him in a small voice, “Brother Zhiyu, I have something to say to Brother Sheng, can you …… back for a while?”

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly, “What words can’t I listen to?”

His tone was not high, but the sarcasm was very sharp, a few simple words, all acidic and flaming.

Wen Sheng smiled gently and did not feel offended.

Xia Qingshu was even more dumbfounded, so intent on talking to Wen Sheng that he completely ignored Chen Zhiyu’s abnormality. He cocked his head in thought, then seriously told the other man, “You can’t listen.”

Chen Zhiyu looked at Xia Qingshu and Wen Sheng with a black and blue face as they left.

Xia Qingshu also did it for Chen Zhiyu’s own good, he had just lied in front of the police, he had heard that it was also illegal not to report what you know, and the less brother Zhiyu knew the better.

There were many residential buildings next to the police station, so Xia Qingshu pulled Wen Sheng to the corner of a small building and briefly told him his statement. He could not have imagined that he would have a day to collude in his confession.

He firmly believed that there was no way that Brother Sheng could have hurt Zhou Qian, a man like Zhou Qian, who had offended so many people, was lucky not to have been killed. Brother Sheng was so gentle and kind, how could he possibly hurt him. If a big star like Brother Sheng was detained by the police, he would definitely be in the hot seat, and no matter if anything happened in the end, he would become a handle for the black fans to attack. In order to let Brother Sheng out as soon as possible, he lied.

Wen Sheng smiled and thanked him. After saying that, when Xia Qing Shu was ready to leave, Wen Sheng suddenly asked, “Who is Chen Zhiyu to you?”

Xia Qingshu subconsciously said, “It’s my brother.”

Wen Sheng asked again, “What kind of brother?”

Xia Qingshu tilted his head and thought, “A very good kind.”

Wen Sheng’s face had a few more serious points, “You are …… You’re dating?”

Xia Qinshu hurriedly shook his head,”No, we are not in that kind of relationship, he doesn’t like me that way.”

Wen Sheng was amused by his eagerness to explain and laughed, “What about you? Do you like him?”

Xia Qing Shu whispered, “I don’t like him either, he saved my life and is a good person.”

Wen Sheng laughed, “I know.”

“Goodbye Brother Sheng, I’m leaving.”

“You go, I’ll wait for the agent.”


Chen Zhiyu was very angry that Xia Qing Shu had pulled Wen Sheng into whispering in front of him. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and his legs unconsciously walked over in the direction the two left. Xia Qing Shu and Wen Sheng stayed at the end of a small building with no road behind them, and Chen Zhi Yu made a long detour before he reached the back of the end, a wall away from the two.

He crouched and squatted down and put his ear to the wall.

Xia Qing Shu’s voice was very small and he could not hear too clearly, he heard a few of Wen Sheng’s words. He probably understood what Wen Sheng was thinking when he could ask such a question. However, Xia Qing Shu loved him, and Wen Sheng’s love was destined to go unanswered.

Chen Zhiyu crouched in the corner and couldn’t help but shake his head.

Tsk, what a loser.



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