Chapter 50: 


The car pulled into the lane in front of the police station. There was no parking in front of the police station and the car had only been switched off for two minutes when a police officer came over to ask questions.

“Thank you Brother Zhiyu, I’m off.” Xia Qing Shu said meekly.

“Let’s go.” Chen Zhiyu waved his hand.

As he was getting out of the car, Xia Qingshu asked weakly, “Brother Zhiyu, the injury on your neck, don’t you need to take care of it?”

Chen Zhiyu said in a light-hearted manner, “No.”

This is a small wound, a man’s medal, it’s nothing.

Xia Qing Shu whispered, “I’m leaving then, bye.”

If he had met anyone else who was so clingy and didn’t get out of the car immediaetly, Chen Zhiyu would have been cold-faced.

Xia Qingshu was not only uneast but he was also squirming, like he had cowries on his butt.

He couldn’t leave.

But when he looked at him like that, Chen Zhiyu couldn’t get angry and felt a certain part of his heart being tickled. The wound on his neck didn’t seem to hurt as much as it did, and there was a tingling sensation.

He opened the door, “I’ll take you in.”

“No, no.” Xia Qing Shu hurriedly pulled him back and cautiously glanced at his neck, “Brother Zhi Yu, the wound on your neck is bleeding again.”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s a small wound.” Chen Zhiyu casually wiped a handful of blood from his neck and stepped out with his long legs, “I’ll see you in.”

Xia Qing Shu got out of the car and slowly walked towards the police station. He took one step and looked back three times.

The wound on Chen Zhiyu’s neck seemed to be very serious and kept oozing blood, and Xia Qing Shu was afraid that he had bitten him to death. After all, there are a lot of blood vessels on the neck, and even though he had never studied medicine, he knew that there was a carotid artery on the neck and that pressing too hard would kill him, and even if he didn’t bite the artery, a tetanus or something would kill him.

Even if he hadn’t bitten an artery, he would have died of tetanus or something. If Brother Zhiyu had died like that, would he have been considered an involuntary manslaughter? Is that a manslaughter?

“Brother Zhiyu, you must go to the hospital to have a look.” Xia Qing Shu stood at the entrance of the police station, stopping and turning around with worry in his eyes.

“Got it, get in.”

Chen Zhiyu leaned against the car door and watched him go in. In his heart, he said, “How mushy.

Is it so hard to see him less?

After Xia Qingshu entered, he stood alone by the door and was just about to step into the car when he saw Xia Qingshu running towards him in a breeze again.

Xia Qingshu looked cute running, pursing his lips and bouncing, his fluffy hair shaking with the rise and fall of his body, like a cute little white rabbit. He ran up to Chen Zhiyu and took small breaths of air.

Chen Zhiyu sighed and shook his head, “What’s wrong again?”

Xia Qingshu held up the band-aid in his hand, “Brother Zhiyu, the neck.”

Chen Zhiyu said helplessly, “I really can’t do anything about you.”

He leaned down slightly and stretched his neck in front of Xia Qingshu, with a tone of indifference, “Stick it on.”

In his heart, he couldn’t help but think, “Like him that much?

Dad’s been arrested, and he’s still thinking about this little injury of his. If they lost him, the kid would probably go crazy.

After putting on the band-aid, Xia Qing Shu gently pressed on the wound and after it didn’t seep any more blood, he let go of his hand and said in a small voice, “Brother Zhiyu, you can’t get water on the wound, oh.”

Only when he saw Brother Zhiyu agreeing to do so did he breathe a sigh of relief. This shouldn’t kill him now, right?


Xia Qing Shu had just stepped into the police station when Xia Yubin followed him and said in a gloomy voice, “Did Mr. Chen send you here?”

Xia Qing Shu gave him a blank look and didn’t answer, asking instead, “What happened to Dad?”

“You’re still thinking about Dad? You’re here so late, you’re having too much fun.” Xia Yubin gritted his teeth, “I just saw it, the bite marks on Chen Zhiyu’s neck, yo yo, what fun ……”

Xia Qing Shu cut him off in a whisper, “You have such good eyes.”

The weak sentence, which looked like a compliment, sounded like sarcasm, but in Xia Yubin’s ears it sounded more like bragging. Xia Yubin was so angry that his head was smoking and he opened his mouth to curse, but at that moment, Li Xiaodui came over.

When she saw Xia Qing Shu, it was as if she had grabbed the backbone of her life.

“Miao cub, your father has been arrested, what can we do?”

Li Xiaoxiao’s was sobbing and choking, and her words were not clear.

Xia Qing Shu looked at Xia Yubin. Xia Yubin instantly put away his mean face and said worriedly, “Dad, Brother Dong and Sister Mei are all inside being interrogated. Dad and Brother Dong have beaten someone up, according to the Public Security Management Punishment Ordinance, they should be detained, Sister Mei is not directly involved, so she can get out with a fine.”

When Li Xiaoyao heard the word “detention”, she almost passed out.

“Detention? How many days? Will your father be bullied? How will he get his food and what about the restaurant? I’ve heard that it’s very painful to be beaten up by prison bullies.” Li Xiaodong’s face was flustered and she cursed with great anger, “Xia Mei’s man is no good!”

Xia Dong and Xia Lao Er co-owned the restaurant, and Xia Mei was Xia Dong’s younger sister, twenty-two years old this year, very clean looking, usually not very talkative and with a very low presence, often helping out at the restaurant, and both Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao liked her very much.

Xia Qing Shu saw Xia Mei alone every time he saw her, and had always thought she was single, and had never even seen the husband, this was the first time he had heard that Xia Mei had a man.

In fact, the matter is very simple, that is, Xia Mei’s man cheated on her, not only cheated, the mistress was also incredibly arrogant. Xiaosan is Xia Mei’s best friend. After getting together with the scumbag, she will would send messages from time to time to aggravate Xia Mei.

Xia Dong was so angry that he sent two plaques and banners to the mistress’ flat, sarcastically referring to the mistress, and also posted a video online.

The woman later sued Xia Mei for destroying her reputation, which had an impact on her and her company’s reputation, and the court actually ruled in favor of the mistress, requiring Xia Mei to apologize in person at the mistress’ company and restore her reputation, as well as pay for moral damages.

Xia Mei went to her home to apologize and was humiliated in various ways by the mistress.

Xia Dong and Xia Lao Er were so angry that they beat up Xia Mei’s man and the mistress, which led to them going into the police station together.

As the three were talking, Xia Mei was released, and because the circumstances were minor and she did not do anything, she was only fined five hundred yuan.

“Auntie, I’m sorry, because of me, I got Uncle into trouble.” Xia Mei had a guilty look on her face, her head bowed as she spoke, and her whole person was grey and cloudy, as if she was enveloped in a dark cloud.

Li Xiaoyao was not displeased, her face was a little anxious, “Xiaomei, don’t talk about this, we’re all family ……”

“The first order of business is to find a way to get Dad out.” Xia Yubin snatched.

Xia Qing Shu and Li Xiao nodded their heads at the same time.

Xia Mei said, “What’s the solution?”

“You may have to condescend to Sister Mei, if we obtain the victim’s forgiveness,” Xia Yubin thought for a moment and glanced at Xia Qing Shu, “Dad and Brother Dong will be released immediately.”

Last time, Zhou Qian had beaten Xia Qing Shu, he was made him sign a forgiveness letter of some sort, and Zhou Qian was immediately released.

Xia Mei’s body shook a little and her lips were blue, she mumbled and nodded, “Okay, I’ll go now …… I’ll kneel down for them …… I’ll give them an admission of fault ……”

Xia Mei’s expression was a little dazed, Xia Qing Shu observed carefully and found that her wrist had scars. He pulled the hem of Xia Mei’s shirt and whispered, “Sister Mei, there is no need to go.”

Xia Qing Shu did not have a solution, but he subconsciously thought that he could not let Xia Mei go to apologize, preferring that Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong be locked up for two days, rather than let Xia Mei suffer further humiliation where the scum were.

Xia Mei was in a very bad state, already hurt by the scum, her bestfriend betrayed her, she lost the case, and then was humiliated by the mistress, a person would be broken.

Xia Yubin’s face was a little anxious, pulling Li Xiaoxiao, accusing, “Qing Shu, at this time you should not add to the mess, first save Dad and Dong.”

Li Xiaoxiao was dragged out and said, “That’s right, save your father and Dong first, and then we’ll think about it in the long run.”

Xia Mei’s eyes were dull and she opened her bag to look for her phone, “Auntie, I’m going to …… I’ll call him ……”

Xia Qing Shu squeezed Xia Mei’s hand and tightened it, saying softly, “Sister Mei, you trust me.”

He spoke in a soft tone, and his big eyes flashed when he spoke,  pretty enough, but not at all convincing. His appearance was eloquent and soft, without a hint of aggression, but rather the party to be pitied and protected.

Xia Yubin sneered in his heart, Xia Qing Shu is indeed pretty, that face is fine to coax men, but now when the family encounters a big event, these women only know how to cry, they still have to rely on him.

He once again became a moral pioneer, “Qing Shu, this is an urgent matter, so don’t make trouble, okay?”

Li Xiaozhu frowned, stopped sobbing and clarified her thoughts, “Yubin, you can’t say that, Qing Shu is here to help too.”

Xia Mei also stopped looking for the phone, looked seriously at Xia Qing Shu and said woodenly, “Qing Shu….I believe you.”

Xia Yubin’s heart stuttered.

He stood aside indignantly and made no sound. He would like to see how that straw fool Xia Qing Shu would fish Dad and Dong out of the police station.

Pout at the civilian police?

Heh, naive.

Xia Qing Shu thought about it, pulled Li Xiao to his side and whispered, “Mom, you and Xia Mei go to the massage parlor across the street for a spa to relax, I’ll ask about the situation.”

Xia Yubin frowned, “Qing Shu, don’t be ridiculous, it’s seven o’clock, the police will be off duty later and we’ll have to wait until tomorrow….”

Li Xiao interrupted him, “Yubin, let’s listen to Qing Shun, don’t mess around here, come with us.”

Xia Yubin was a little fired up, “Mom, it’s already, I’m not getting a massage.”

Xia Qing Shu said in a small voice, “Brother Yu Bin, you are not allowed to go for a massage, you go along and pay for the massage.”

Xia Yubin: “……”

Xia Qing Shu accompanied Li Xiao  towards the door of the police station, there happened to be a Thai foot massage parlour across the street, “Mom, just go there, don’t wander off, Dad and I won’t be able to find you when we come out later.”

Li Xiao: “Mm-hmm, mum will listen to you.”

Xia Yubin: “……”

The whole family must have their heads caught in the door!

When she came out of the police station, Li Xiaodong dragged Xia Mei to the massage parlor, and Xia Yubin got in the way, “Mum, are you really going? Are you really going to listen to Qing Shu?”

Under Xia Yubin’s questioning, Xia Mei also had some wavering.

The son of Uncle Xia, the whole village knows that he is a little silly, but he is very good-looking, but he doesn’t respond very well and often does stupid things.

If they really believed him, Uncle Xia and her brother might never get out for the rest of their lives. However, Li Xiaodong said categorically, “Of course I’ll listen to him!”

Although she had only said five words, Xia Yubin seemed to have heard, “Why should I listen to you?” It was like a subtext.

Xia Yubin gritted his teeth, his face a little pale.

Li Xiao was a typical rural woman, with little knowledge. She listened to her parents at home and her husband when she married him.  When her husband got caught thee only thing left was to ask her son for advice, although she knew subconsciously that her son was only in his teens and had little social experience. But she knew that she could not let Xia Mei go begging for a mistress and a scum, even if her husband and Dongzi were locked up in detention.

Women are human beings too, and have to live with dignity.

It was time to listen to Qing Shu, who surely had a solution.

Li Xiaozui pulled Xia Mei, “Xiao Mei, let’s go to the massage parlor, don’t run around, later on Dongzi and the others won’t be able to find us.”

She was so sure that Xia Qing Shu would be able to save Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong.

Xia Yubin cupped his hands into fists and followed them woodenly. They would rather believe that fool than him.

Fine, let’s wait and see then. Let’s see how that straw fool Xia Qing Shu can get someone out!

Xia Yubin took a few steps behind, pulled out his phone and sent a message.


After watching Xia Mei and Li Xiaozui enter the spa, Xia Qing Shu went back to the police station. The police station was crowded and a few police officers were handling a civil dispute.

He didn’t really know what to do, so he took out his phone and called the lawyer that Brother Zhiyu had arranged.

The lawyer was very experienced and gave him a brief analysis of the case and told him what to do. Xia Qing Shu finished the call with a plan in mind.

Xia Yubin followed him back after dropping off Li Xiaoxiao daughter-in-law, and when he saw Xia Qingshu still standing dumbfounded at the door, still not making sense of it, he pointed to a fierce-looking civilian police officer and said, “That one is the branch leader, and he’s in charge of Dad’s case.”

The civilian police officer was probably in his forties, a handsome looking man who wore a uniform with a gun clip pinned to his waist and a kind of unemotional indifference.

He had heard from others that this policeman had worked all night for three days straight on a case and was at the peak of his temper; he smelt of smoke and was so fierce that even the mosquitoes had to back off.

When they went to ask questions earlier, the policeman was completely businesslike and did not say a word unnecessarily. When they asked a few more questions, they only got a cold reply like “go home and wait for news”.

Xia Qing Shu wanted to show off, so he wanted to see if the police would give him even a look.

Xia Yubin encouraged him, “If you want to ask, ask the police officer.”

Xia Qing Shu gave him a faint look and whispered, “Brother Yu Bin, will you wait for me outside?”

Yu Bin grunted coldly and retreated to the door.

F*ck, still think I’m in your way?

I’d like to see what kind of tricks you stupid bastard can play?!

Xia Qing Shu stood alone in the middle of the police station, and after standing for a while, he felt tired and sat himself down on the chair next to him. He looked small and skinny, especially like a victim who had been bullied by the bad guys and didn’t dare to complain.

In a short while, several kind glances fell on him. Within a few minutes, a civilian police officer came forward to ask, “Little friend, what’s wrong with you, are you being bullied?”

The police officer was cautious, his voice was hoarse but low, fearing to frighten the other party.

The civilian police officer who came to ask about this was the same one who had a fierce attitude as Xia Yubin said.

Xia Qing Shu whispered, “Uncle police, my sister is being bullied by bad people.”

The police officer laughed and said, “Tell me, how did the bad guys bully your sister?”

Xia Qingshu thought about it and told how Xia Mei’s sister was bullied by the mistress and the scum, and was forced to go to the mistress’ company to apologize. He spoke very slowly and narrated the story.

The fact that he hadn’t eaten, his face was pale, and he was sitting in a corner, thin and small, added a bit of weakness, provoking the desire of protection.

The police had seen a lot of things, but when they heard that Xia Mei had been depressed by a scumbag, they were angry and gritted their teeth.

When Xia Qing Shu finished, she asked in a small voice, “Uncle police, what do you think you would do if your daughter was bullied by such a bad man?”

The civilian police officer hesitated. If his daughter met such a scum, he would hate to tear the other party apart, and a beating would be considered light.

He would rather go to jail than make himself feel bad about it, let alone let his daughter suffer a little. But he was a policeman, and maintaining public order was his primary duty. He was an example of law-abiding, not to mention teaching children badly and allowing them to beat people up.

Besides, a thin-armed boy like Xia Qing Shu could not beat up anyone.

So, when Xia Qing Shu said that his father and Dong had been arrested for “gently” educating the scum, and asked how they could be released, the police patiently told him how.

Xia Mei’s case was different from that of Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qing Shu was bullied by Zhou Qian and was in danger of losing his life, so they had to get Xia Qing Shu to forgive Zhou Qian before he would be released.

The fact that the scum cheated on her with his mistress was proven, it was just that the way Xia Dong collected the evidence was not legal and was not accepted by the court. The fact that the evidence was not accepted by the court does not mean that the scum did not cheat. The scum and the mistress were not seriously injured, and Xia Dong and Xia Lao Er could be considered to have made minor disturbance of the peace, and did not necessarily require the victim’s understanding.

Xia Mei’s ordeal was sympathized with by the police, who handled the case personally, and Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong were released after promising not to repeat the offence next time and paying the fine.

The whole process took less than half an hour.

Xia Yubin: ??!!!

This works too?

What a blind cat to hit a dead rat.

After Xia Dong and Xia Lao Er were released, Li Xiao and Xia Mei’s massage was also nearing its end.

Seeing Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong intact, Li Xiao was thrilled, “Our Qing Shu is amazing.”

Xia Qingshu scratched his head, “It’s not that I’m good, the police officer is very nice, I just talked to him nicely.”

Li Xiao nodded, “Our Qingshu knows how to communicate, the policeman just now was so fierce, he only glanced at me. At that time, I didn’t dare to say a word. Even Yubin was so articulate but he was choked several times by the policeman.”

Xia Yubin stood by the side, a little anxious. His solo album was about to come out and Xia Mei was still alive.

In the previous life, there was an anonymous music genius, and after the genius had fallen, her songs were passed onto the internet by her best friend and became popular in the north and south of the country.

The fallen genius is Xia Mei, and the original song he put into the record company’s adaptation is also Xia Mei.

Following the trajectory of her previous life, Xia Mei went to beg the scum and the mistress again in order to get Xia Lao Er and Xia Dong released, and was humiliated in every possible way. After the scum cheated on her, she had mental problems, was diagnosed with mild depression and slashed her wrists once, before she was found by Xia Dong and saved.

Stimulated again and again, Xia Mei finally broke down and killed herself.

Although Xia Mei was highly accomplished in music, she was a lonely and introverted person. If she had not died, those compositions of hers would only have been self-entertainment and would never have been published or sung.

After Xia Mei’s suicide, he could spread this good music to more people. He had no bad intentions, he just didn’t want the good songs to be buried. He had even less of a harmful heart, he was just letting everything happen as it should according to the original rules.

Xia Yubin looked at Xia Qing Shu and secretly clenched his teeth.

He must not let that fool Xia Qing Shu spoil his good deeds.


After the massage, Xia Mei was still in a bit of a trance. Xia Qing Shu was worried that something would happen to her and the group accompanied her back home.

The house was dark, and the scum had gone off somewhere. Now the slag lives with his parents and siblings in the other school district and basically doesn’t come back.

“Leave it, what’s the point of dragging it out like this?” Xia Dong closed the door behind him and sat down.

The last time he came over to look for his sister, she wasn’t home, and the scumbag was home with Xiaosan, who saw him and unhurriedly explained that he was home with her doing business.

Who the fuck brings a female colleague home to do business?

Your god-damn bullshit business!

He didn’t know the woman was a mistress at the time and was polite to her. Now that he thought of it, he wanted to slap them both twice.

Xia Qing Shu also nodded along, “Sister Mei, leave!”

To be honest, although Xia Mei’s features were not that stunning at first glance, they were durable and had a gentle, small, homely quality.

She was young, early twenties, no children, if she divorced in a minute she could find a warm man a hundred times better than the scumbag.

Of course, Xia Mei is so diligent and down-to-earth, even if she is alone, she can live well.

Follow a scumbag, why bother.

But Xia Mei lowered her head, fingers pinching the hair in front of her forehead, and didn’t speak for a long time.

The man’s name is Wang Zhe, twenty-five years old, not bad looking, close to one meter nine tall and thin.

He is considered a door to door son-in-law. He graduated from a famous university, but he is a typical phoenix man. After their marriage, Xia Mei’s family bought a small two-bedroom apartment for the young couple, which was considered a gift from their parents as marital property.

In less than a year of marriage, Wang Zhe’s parents and younger siblings also followed to the city, and once they came, they did not leave, crowding in the two wedding room.

The Xia family went around looking for connections and giving gifts to send Wang Zhe’s younger siblings to the best schools in the city.

With six people living in a small two-bedroom apartment, the young couple had almost no private space. The first two months after Wang Zhe’s parents arrived, their attitude was fine, they actively did housework, didn’t talk nonsense, and showed their willingness to help the couple with the children.

It’s not an option for so many people to crowd together. Wang Zhe would say, coaxing Xia Mei’s family to raise money and buy a school district room, write it in the names of the two, and prepare it for future kids.

The school district house was  bought, and Wang Zhe’s relatives lived in, not long after, Wang’s parents began to pick on Xia Mei, all kinds of dislike, every day in front of Xia Mei chanting give birth. Wang Zhe no longer coaxed Xia Mei, but instead asks her to put up with him and meet all the unreasonable demands of his parents.

Xia Mei was also brought up as a spoiled child, so she couldn’t stand this kind of aggression. After a few days of cold war, Xia Mei found out that Wang Zhe had cheated on her.

If they want to divorce, the scum would get half of the property. Although Xia Mei is cowardly and introverted, she also knows that the money to buy a house is the hard-earned money of her parents and the capital of her brother’s business.

She was not willing to share it with the scumbag.

Xia Yubin suddenly said, “Sister Mei, first change the house password and delete the scum’s fingerprints.”

Xia Mei nodded and stood up to change the door lock code, with Xia Yubin following behind.

Xia Qing Shu stood up and blocked Xia Yubin’s way, “Brother Yubin, what are you doing following Sister Xia Mei to change the password?”

Xia Yubin paused, a little unnaturally, “I’ll stay with Sister Mei.”

“I’ll also accompany Sister Mei with you.” Xia Qing Shu followed behind Xia Yubin. When Xia Mei was changing the password, Xia Qing Shu consciously turned his back, he glared at Xia Yubin several times before Xia Yubin reluctantly followed and turned around.

After changing the password, everyone sat down to discuss the matter of the scum.

Xia Dong was the first to speak, “Xia Mei, money is not important, people are the most important, don’t drag yourself down for those extraneous things.”

Xia Dong, as the older brother, was acting in Xia Mei’s immediate interest. He knew how much mental pressure his introverted sister was under and could see that something was wrong with her mental state.

If they don’t stop the damage in time, he was afraid his sister will lose it all. As long as they can get rid of the scum, the loss of some money will be considered as giving up money to avoid disaster.

However, Xia Yubin chose to support Xia Mei at this point in time.

Xia Yubin sat next to Xia Mei and patted her wrist twice, “Sister Mei, I think, let’s go first, you can’t be so cheap as a scumbag, why let him get a room for nothing? It’s still a school district room, now for s school district room, thd price has gone up, and it’s0 hard to buy.”

Xia Qing Shu glanced at Xia Yubin.

Xia Yubin had a face of righteous indignation that vowed to fight the scum to the end.

Xia Yubin was not from a small family, the value of a house might not be in his eyes, and he was not the kind of character who was calculating every cent.

It was just strange.

Xia Mei’s poor spirits and the scars on her wrists were obvious to everyone. Even Li Xiao advised Xia Mei to hurry up and get a divorce to relieve herself.

Xia Yubin’s advice seemed well-intentioned, but in fact it was driving Xia Mei to her death.

Xia Qing Shu was not very clear about the story and asked, “Don’t you have a prenuptial agreement? If the man cheats on his wife, he can sue him.”

Because he was a son-in-law, Xia Mei’s family had drawn up a pre-nuptial agreement before the marriage, which stated that if the man cheated on his wife, he would be disowned. This agreement is not too bad for the man, because the scum and Xia Mei were poor when they got married, and dragged he dragged his parents and siblings with them.

The only chagrin is that the evidence of cheating submitted by Xia Mei was not accepted by the court.

The video photos that Xia Dong had of Wang Zhe and his mistress were not sufficient evidence and were not used because they were not legal since he had someone secretly take them.

The first time he was caught cheating, Xia Mei asked Wang Zhe to write a “letter of repentance”, but Wang Zhe evaded the issue, only saying that he would be good to Xia Mei in the future and would not make mistakes. As for what mistakes he made, he didn’t mention anything.

The testimony of relatives was also not used because they were close to the person concerned and had an interest in the matter.

Xia Dong was so angry that she cursed her mother in court and was invited out by the judge.

In court, Wang Zhe changed his attitude and was adamant that he would not admit to cheating. Wang Zhe knew that Xia Dong was investigating him, and he had restrained himself, and had almost broken off contact with his mistress recently.

The Wang family’s attitude is now the same, divorce is okay, the joint property of the husband and wife would be divided equally, they want the school district house, they are used to living well and do not want to move.

Xia Mei sat huddled, back slightly hunched, silently weeping. Xia Qing Shu carefully observed, Xia Mei wrist old scars have not yet healed, and there are new injuries.

Xia Mei did not dare to sell her house easily, as the Wang family was watching. If Xia Mei gives the money from the sale of the house to Xia Dong and Xia Mei’s parents, it would be a transfer of property and would result into less or not  sharing of the property.

Xia Dong was shaking with anger, “We are honest people, where do we know anything about the law?

After Xia Qing Shu figured out what was going on, he thought about it, “What we lack now is legal and valid evidence, right?”

Xia Dong nodded his head.

Xia Qingshu shook his head and said in a thin voice, “Sister Xia Mei, leave this matter to me, okay?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Xia Yubin looked over.

He put on an unbelievable look and his exaggerated tone was somewhat perverse, “Qing Shu, don’t be a hero, when you get caught in the police, we can’t save you.”

“You don’t make the decision to give the scum a share of the house, ah, that is the hard-earned money of Uncle and Aunt, we can’t let the group of vampires take advantage of it all.”

Xia Mei was sullen and lifeless, and she also loosened up in the face of the care of her relatives, as if she had made a great determination. Said weakly, “Let’s divide…”

Xia Yubin grabbed Xia Mei’s hand, his voice resounding, “Sister Mei, no, we can’t let you suffer any more!”

Xia Qing Shu cocked his head and blinked his big pretty eyes, puzzled, “Brother Yu Bin, you are studying law, so what do you think, what should we do?”

Xia Yubin looked at Xia Mei and said firmly, “We have the property deed in our hands anyway, so we should just spend hard time with the scumbag! The scum should not take a penny!”

Xia Mei nodded weakly, a pool of dead water in her eyes.

Xia Qing Shu was finally certain that Xia Yubin just wanted to force Xia Mei to die.



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