Chapter 54:


It’s really incredible that Chen Zhiyu didn’t receive an invitation for the Xia family’s banquet. The whole day, he kept a cold face in the company.

It was eight o’clock in the evening, but the entire secretariat had not yet finished work, the president had not eaten and the staff did not dare to eat. Secretary Li was reporting on his work when suddenly, Chen Zhiyu finally couldn’t help himself and asked abruptly, “Xia Qing Shu’s family is inviting guests, why am I not invited?”

Secretary Li: ?

Here we go again. The reason for them having to work overtime today was finally discovered.

Secretary Li took a deep breath, suppressing his rumbling stomach, and, standing in a professional business perspective, analyzed rationally, “Maybe they simply …… forgot?”

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly, “How could they forget? Am I the kind of person who can be forgotten?”

He was the richest man in China, handsome and sexy, forget about all that ……he is also someone Xia Qing Shu admires. The Xia family banquet can forget any one, but him!

“Of course not,” said Secretary Li, wiping a sweat from his head, “You must be the most honored guest at the banquet. As to why you weren’t invited….. I think there must be a reason for that!”

Fooling literature is gradually changing to nonsense literature.

Help, I’ve been working a lot of overtime lately and reading less novels, I can barely make it up.

“What’s the reason?!” Chen Zhiyu continued to ask, “He Chen was a substitute but he was invited, why would they ignore the main character?”

A substitute?

Is this something he could hear as a mere million-a-year secretary!

Secretary Li was greatly shocked, and his mind was suddenly flooded with a large number of dog blood sour substitute sadomasochistic literature that he had read before, and suddenly he was overwhelmed, “Boss, I understand, the Xia family must have specially selected a time to invite you, think about it. Chen Qixi treated Xia Qingshu’s return in such a high profile, how could it be possible to have only one banquet? ”

Secretary Li’s tone was categorical, and his analysis was so well thought out and justified that he was on the verge of believing it himself.

“Boss, I think Qinshu wants you to meet the parents!”

Looking at the corners of his boss’s mouth that rose from time to time, Secretary Li secretly sniggered, finally he can get off work. Fortunately, the usual accumulation of novels read was high that he survived.

However, the boss’s thinking was even more tricky, instead of letting him get off work, he let him drive to the back door of the Xia family mansion.

The boss wants to see Xia Qing Shu, mainly for two reasons, one: the boss feels that the time is not ripe, now is not the time to meet the parents, he has to come to persuade Xia Qing Shu, so that the other party can dismiss this idea.

Secondly; the matter of rejecting the other party was too cruel, and he came over today to give the other party a compensation.

Such a reason was outrageous enough that Secretary Li just wanted to say to him, “Boss, it is you who thinks too much.”

He wondered how this kind of brain circuit became the richest man in the world? It is one of the eight wonders of the world. But he didn’t say anything, he just wanted to see if the boss could get a wife with such a tawdry operation.

“Boss, why don’t you go through the front door and have to go over the wall?” Secretary Li squatted on the ground, clutching the sole of his boss’s shoe with both hands, eating a mouthful of dust.

Chen Zhiyu stepped on Secretary Li’s shoulders and dropped his hands on the fence, his head barely over the top of the wall. The top of the wall was covered in surveillance and barbed wire, and he watched for a moment, contemplating the most prudent way to answer.

“How can you still call it a surprise if you go through the front door?”

Although Chen Zhiyu was tall and looked great physically, he hadn’t done anything like this as a child and lacked experience. Coupled with his attributes as a moral virtue bearer, he had always been against things like going over the wall, so Secretary Li’s two shoulders had been stepped on and he hadn’t gone over yet.

“Boss, how far have you and Xia Qingshu student progressed?”

Secretary Li had followed Chen Zhiyu for so many years, and although he had been oppressed by the iron-blooded capitalist for a long time, Chen Zhiyu’s image in his mind had always been great, the kind of cold-blooded president who would sacrifice everything for the sake of profit. He never thought that when he met love, he would also be this type. Except for the point of self-confidence, which had not changed, his IQ had dropped straight to below 60, oh no, below 40.

Now the two of them are squatting on the ground, like a pair of difficult siblings planning to steal chickens and dogs, and they can’t help but chatter.

“Me and Xia Qing Shu, it’s just his one-sided wishful thinking, I haven’t said yes yet.” Chen Zhiyu jumped off Secretary Li’s shoulder and smiled confidently, “Go over there, there’s a tree over there.”

“Ah?” Secretary Li was shocked, “You two haven’t officially started yet?”

Of course he knew that the boss and Xia Qing Shu hadn’t started. But anyone with eyes could see that Xia Qingshu was clueless and didn’t know anything, he didn’t know was to why the boss was so confident. This sentence seems to be a question, but in fact it has two meanings, one is a euphemism to remind the boss how to make a name for himself in Qinshu’s heart first, before he making this so-called surprise.

The second is to let the boss take it easy later, not to go too far, between ordinary friends, or remind him to be a bit measured.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zhiyu completely misunderstood his meaning as he stood on the tree and said slightly helplessly, “You say, if Xia Qing Shu saw me, wouldn’t he be so happy that he would shed tears in front of everyone, right?”

Secretary Li:?

Seeing that the other party was dumbfounded, Chen Zhiyu waved at him, “You can go, you did a good job today, next month’s salary will be adjusted up by one grade.”

Secretary Li stood upright, “Boss, Xia Qing Shu will not only shed tears of joy, he might be so happy that he will kneel down and propose to you!”

“Come on, go back.” Chen Zhiyu finished, dashingly flipping up the tree and over the wall.



Chen Zhiyu had been to the Xia house for an unknown number of times, and after climbing over the wall, it was a breeze, taking the back door and finding Xia Qing Shu’s room without a hitch. There was no one in Xia Qing Shu’s room, it was dark. Thinking of Xia Qing Shu’s surprised, overwhelmed and joyful face when he saw him back in his room, Chen Zhiyu involuntarily laughed out loud.

He sat down at his desk and took out his phone to send a message to Xia Qingshu, [What are you doing?

Xia Qingshu was looking at his phone and quickly replied: [At home, brother Zhiyu, where are you?]

Chen Zhiyu: [I didn’t come.]

Xia Qingshu: [Did you not come because you were too busy?

The guest list was arranged by Chen Qixi, he had not seen it beforehand and he thought Chen Zhiyu should rightly be among those invited. Only when he received Chen Zhiyu’s message did he react with hindsight to how Brother Zhiyu didn’t come.

Chen Zhiyu saw the message and curled his lips into a smile.

Sure enough, he was invited, but there was a mistake somewhere and he did not receive an invitation.

Chen Zhiyu: [It’s true that I was a bit busy. But, do you want to see me?]

Xia Qing Shu didn’t know why the other party was asking such a question, but out of courtesy, he returned a [Maybe].

As expected.

He had been sitting in the room for less than five minutes when he heard the sound of the door opening.

He’s back!

Chen Zhiyu sat at the desk, in a contemplative pose.

Too much had happened this evening, and Xia Qingshu was a bit tired, first being taken by Chen Qixi and meeting a lot of people, and then that whole Xia Yubin thing came up. When he entered, he didn’t turn on the light and went straight to the bathroom, he needed to get into bed quickly.

It was only after the sound of water pattering that Chen Zhiyu realised that the other party didn’t seem to notice him.

Xia Qing Shu was taking a shower.

His room was simply decorated, and he didn’t know if it was because he had returned, the whole room was faintly scented. That creamy scent with a lime aroma. It smelt very nice.

It didn’t seem like the right time to go in and remind the other party now, and he wasn’t willing to leave quietly. Chen Zhiyu maintained his pose of contemplation until Xia Qingshu came out from the shower. Xia Qingshu was wearing a little raccoon pyjama top with two furry ears on the hat and a tail adorning the back. As he walked, it swayed like a silly little raccoon. The top was long enough to cover the lower butt, and the two straight legs were exposed.

Chen Zhiyu closed his eyes and silently thought, “Don’t be rude, don’t look.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Chen Zhiyu noticed that the scent in the room was even stronger.

Xia Qingshu turned off the bathroom light and fumbled through the faint night light to lie down on the bed.

Seeing that the other party was really going to sleep, Chen Zhiyu only coughed to remind himself of his presence.

“Ah…” Xia Qingshu cried out in fright, “Who is it?!”

“Qing Shu don’t be afraid, it’s me.”

Xia Qingshu hurriedly turned the light on and his pupils dilated a notch when he saw Chen Zhiyu sitting at his desk.

“Zhi, brother Zhiyu, you, why are you here?!”

It was almost one in the morning, how did this man appear in his room?

Xia Qing Shu shrank back into the sheets, revealing his little head in a raccoon hat. His face was still wet and timid, like a scared little raccoon.

Finally it was time for the high light to come out, Chen Zhiyu stood up calmly and smiled towards the other party, “Too much going on at the company today, I just rushed over after dealing with it, so I came straight up.”

How about that, surprise!

Xia Qing Shu was so shocked by him that he opened his mouth wide and couldn’t close it for half a day.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

After Xia Yubin had just been caught messing around in his aunt’s room, Xia Jing’s face was even darker than the bottom of a burnt pot. Xia Yubin was kicked out and Mr. Wu was beaten up so badly that his feet were almost lame. And after, Xia Jing gave the three brothers a brief meeting and gave strict orders not to mess around. Normal relationships with the premise of marriage were allowed, but using their bodies for resources and money or anything else, once discovered, would be severely punished and directly expelled from the family.

Xia Qingshu was already a bit guilty when he thought of his agreement with Chen Rao, how could he be happy when a man suddenly appeared in his room in the middle of the night.

Chen Zhiyu was very dissatisfied with his reaction, wrinkling his eyebrows and striding towards him. Was this little guy in a sleepy daze and didn’t recognise him? He walked up to Xia Qingshu and took a hold of his slender wrist, his handsome face coming up to his face, “Qing Shu, look clearly, I am Zhi Yu.”

He pressed his voice, his low voice like a cello concerto, tickling Qinshu’s ears. His body gave off a cedar scent, not sure if it was the smell of aftershave or a deliberate spray of perfume, and a light whiff of smoke. The warm exhale blew onto Xia Qing Shu’s face, bringing with it a sweet scent. He had probably eaten strawberry flavoured candy.

“I, I know who you are ……”

Xia Qingshu was completely stunned, his long, curly, thick eyelashes twitching slightly.

Chen Zhiyu had come to his room late at night, deliberately dressed up. What did he want?

At that moment, there was a rubbing of fingers on his wrist. The other man was looking at him from above, and he was at a loss for words. He licked his lips in absentmindedly, his pink lips growing more and more delicate.

“Brother Zhiyu, are you ……”

Too much to drink?

“Yes.” Chen Zhiyu propped his hands on the edge of the bed and leaned down to look at the other party.

Xia Qingshu’s small face was flushed, his pretty eyes were wide open and haloed with red at the end. The whole person was misty, as if water could be pressed out at the slightest touch. The more Chen Zhiyu looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

“I admit that your little trick has tickled my attention.”

What trick?

Xia Qingshu was confused and sleepy, but his intuition told him that Chen Zhiyu was in a very wrong state, and he had to ask for clarification.

Suddenly, the door to the room rang.

“Qing Shu, what’s wrong, what did you scream just now? Did a thief go to your room?”

Xia Ji knocked on the door from outside, his voice was urgent.

Xia Qing Shu came back to his senses and put his toes against the other party’s chest, saying anxiously, “You hide quickly!”


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