Chapter 62


The second anchor was the beauty blogger Wei wei. She not only shares imitation makeup and teaches people to do makeup every day, but also sells goods. Generally, she sells lipstick and eye shadow liquid foundation.

She sat in front of the camera and took out her cosmetic bag. It was full of various bottles, jars, and brushes of various shapes and sizes.

Xia Qingshu was shocked when he learned that she would put these things on her face every day. Becauase she put on makeup. Xia Qingshu really couldn’t tell her real age. She was very beautiful, her voice was also very nice, a little like a baby voice, the speed of speech was very slow, she had a very good temperament.

She did not broadcast live immediately, but smiled and asked a few passers-by, “I need a volunteer, who is willing?”

After learning that they need to help the anchor lipstick and eyeshadow color test, no one responded. Everyone present is a self-proclaimed man, how could it be possible to be a makeup model.

Shen Xunyi suffered in the last round, and this time he learned to be smart, always paying attention to the movements of his companions.

Wen Sheng laughed and said, “Then we have to draw lots.”

The director brought a large dice, exactly six people, each one a number, whoever threw it, should be on.

Shen Xunyao 1, Xia Ji 2, high school boyd 3 and 4, Xia Qingshu 5, Chen Zhiyu 6.

Wen Sheng picked up the dice and threw them to the sky, the dice fell and settled on number 6.

[66666, I just watched the richest dad play the earthy infatuation video, and now I get to see dad with makeup, life is complete! ! ! 】

[Paint him a dark punk makeup!]

[As long as my boyfriend has tried the color number, I will buy all!]

Watching the dice fall to the ground, Chen Zhiyu had a black face, and he strongly suspected Wen Sheng of engaging in shady business.

Wen Sheng took the dice, looked at it for awhile, held it in his hand and threw several times before throwing, and the dice fell without turning, just straight up and down.

Even someone without eyes can see Wen Sheng’s targeting of him. The intention of wanting him to make a fool of himself in front of Qing Shu was not too obvious.

Chen Zhiyu coldly snorted, “Start over, just now doesn’t count.”

Wen Sheng did not answer immediately, but softly smiled and asked the others, “Zhiyu asked for a do-over, do you agree? I’ll throw it again if you guys agree.”

Except for Xia Qing Shu’s silence, everyone did not agree to the re-throw.

Shen Xunyi had a sneer on his face, “Chen Zhiyu, are you unable to concede?”

“I’ll pay for it, and you guys will go on instead of me.” Chen Zhiyu ignored his provocation and turned his head to the two high school boys.

Chen Zhiyu had a cold face. When calculating how fast he could use the temptation of money to lure the two high school students to their knees, Shen Xunyi smiled and said to the boys, “No matter how much he pays, I will double.”

The two high school boys originally did not want to deal with Shen Xunyi but they were temporarily allied under the drive of interest.

The live viewers were forced to enjoy a game between capitalists.

When the price had reached five digits, Xia Qing Shu pulled his sleeve and whispered, “Brother Zhiyu, if you really don’t want to, I’ll take your place.”

Chen Zhiyu was a bit stunned.

The director had been broadcasting the number of people in the live room, and when he acted the earthy video, it had already broken ten million.

In front of tens of millions of viewers… this child really loves him.

Eight out of ten….nine is that his confession took effect!

Chen Zhiyu narrowed his eyes and glanced at Shen Xunyi casually. He could see what Shen Xunyi’s intentions were, and Wen Sheng…all of them are defeated!

Xia Qingshu thought to himself, Chen Zhiyu helped him a lot, and the Zhou family lost 50 million. The Zhou family did not even come to trouble them. The last time he rescued him in Longtang, his leg was broken, and this time Chen Zhiyu was unwilling, he should come forward and help for once.

The last time he put on makeup, he even wore a skirt, he had no psychological burden. He walked up to the beauty anchor and sat down obediently. The live assistant was also already in position.

When the camera was turned on, she said, “Then we’ll start.”

She gave Xia Qing Shu a deer antler hairband and pinned the hair on his forehead.

Xia Qing Shu wore a hairband for the first time and felt very new. Suddenly there was an extra thing on his head, he did not quite adapt, reaching out to pinch the soft antlers, and shook his head at the camera, like a confused little animal, a pair of big, confused eyes blinking.

[The deer is so cute, I like it so much! Want to raise!!!]

[I’m so excited, don’t be cute, I can’t take it anymore!]

[I want the same hairband as the baby!]

[Baby is so beautiful, the way he looks in the mirror with the hair band is so cute!]

Wei Wei was a little stunned, he just wore a headband, and the barrage began to shout for the goods. This was the first time she encountered this in her live streaming career. But she was prepared, “In addition to antler hair bands, we also have pig ears, bear ears, cat ears ……”

[Let my wife put it on, quick, I can’t wait!!!]

[I’d like to ask a weak question, is there a cat’s tail… no cat’s tail, fox’s tail is fine!]

[There is something wrong upstairs, this is the serious live broadcast room. But seriously I want to buy a rabbit tail! ! 】

Xia Qing Shu tried all kinds of hair bands one by one, different ears had different effects after wearing them, all very cute.

Wen Sheng, as the host, stood next to Xia Qing Shu, his eyes fell on him all the time, never leaving, interacting with him from time to time, the picture was very warm.

The two high school students did not avoid staring straight at Xia Qing Shu’s face, did not blink, drooling.

Shen Xunyi looked for a while, opened his cell phone into the live room, after wildly brushing a wave of gifts to become the first ranked in tycoon fans, he then put forward a request, “Wear those cat ears later when you put on the makeup.”

The barrage screen kept blowing up.

Chen Zhiyu’s whole body was emitting cold.

If he had known this was the case, he might as well go there himself, these mangy ** dared to openly covet his wife.

He had a black face the whole time, but when he saw Xia Qing Shu wearing cat ears, his heart instantly softened instantly.

Xia Qing Shu’s full forehead was exposed, his mouth pursed, his pretty eyes flashed, staring at the bottles and jars on the table like a curious baby. His face is white and shiny, before makeup, as beautiful as the elves in the jungle.

“From now on, this is all his.” Thinking of this, Chen Zhiyu felt slightly more comfortable in his heart.

Xia Qingshu tried on several headbands in a row. He felt that it was very troublesome for girls to put on makeup. Just wearing a headband would take so long. No wonder he heard that some girls wake up an hour earlier every day to put on makeup.

The hair band link was snapped up just as soon as it went up, and only after a ten-minute interval did the firm start the second process.

“Before putting on makeup, let’s apply some lotion first.” She squeezed some lotion, touched Xia Qingshu’s face, and began to share her simple skin care experience, “I’ll tell you, babies, the dermatologist said, if you want to For good skin, the most important thing is cleaning, moisturizing, sun protection, and any whitening products are second, just do these three processes well.”

“Qing Shu, apply the lotion evenly by yourself.” The anchor turned her head to rummage in the makeup bag for a brand new beauty egg.

“Oh.” Xia Qingshu nodded and opened his hands, like a kitten washing its face, wiping it on his face.

He didn’t wipe it evenly, and after he put his hands down, there were still white lines of lotion on his face.

“Oh my god, you are too rough on your face!” The anchor taught him, “Use your fingertips to gently wipe it away and pat it away.”

Xia Qingshu’s technique was really too clumsy, so Wei Wei had to do it herself.

Xia Qingshu’s skin is very tender, smooth to the touch, and feels like Q-jelly, full of collagen, and Wei Weu couldn’t help but exclaim, “Qing Shu, your skin is too good, right? What kind of moisturizing sunscreen do you usually use?”

The camera came closer and everyone found that Xia Qingshu’s skin was not only very delicate, but also fair and translucent, not a single black spot could be found on the whole face, it was flawless.

Xia Qing Shu thought about it, “Sometimes it’s too dry so I rub baby cream.”

She didn’t give up and asked, “What brand of facial cleanser do you use?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head, “I haven’t used facial cleanser, just wash with water.”

[Please,the actual baby cream link !]

[anchor, quickly put the link, I am ready!

[What is the magic baby cream, let me try it too!]

She smiled and said, “You can just buy baby cream from the supermarket. What I recommend to you today is this XXX moisturizing cream. Look, isn’t Qingshu’s face more hydrated?”

[Not at all, my baby is naturally beautiful, but considering that the baby has used it, I can buy seven or eight bottles. 】

[I’ve just observed it carefully, my baby wife looks the same with or without rubbing!]

[Anchor, you just pushed your hands too hard and rubbed the baby’s face red! !]

The next process was very smooth, and seeing the sales of the orders were going up, Wei Weu had the illusion that she was about to become a top anchor like Li Jiaqi Weiya.

No matter what, as long as you draw on Xia Qingshu’s face, you can have a surprising effect. Xia Qingshu’s foundation is very good, whether it’s eye shadow and blush, if she applied it on his face, there is no violation at all, it’s all-match.

She even thought that the death Barbie powder would amaze everyone if she put it on his lips

Xia Qingshu’s skin was already white and rosy, so she went with peach blossom make-up.

The most enviable thing were his eyelashes, thick and curly. A slight coat with a little mascara looked like planting super natural false eyelashes. The well-defined eyelashes accentuate the fullness of the eyes. The pink eye shadow was applied to make a pair of peach blossom electric eyes, the pink blush was diffused on the face, and the whole face emitted a translucent natural shine, very sweet.

His lips were originally red, but Wei Wei used a little lip gloss to increase the brightness, and the whole lips looked moist and full.

After the makeup, a finely carved oxygen beauty appeared in front of her eyes.

Wei Wei was stunned.

She knew that Xia Qing Shu had a good base, but even if it was too good, there would still a slight gap between boys and girls. Many female bloggers look beautiful on video but that’s because they have the filter on. If the filter isn’t opened boys will still look more heroic than girls after makeup.

But Xia Qing Shu is completely different, if he wore a wig and put on women’s clothing, he would simply be a living natural beauty.

Xia Qinshu was very good and cooperated throughout the whole process, closing his eyes when he was told to and raising his head when he was told to.

He felt that Wei Wei was like a painter, sweeping a brush on his face and stopping twice to let the assistant load the goods.

He couldn’t see the pop-ups of the audience in the live broadcast room. It was only when he finished that he turned his head to look at his own face in the video.

At first he was shocked, he knew he was good looking, but the makeup highlighted and magnified all the advantages of his features, the face in the video was too beautiful.

He felt his eyelids were a little heavy after applying eyelashes, and he blinked close to the camera.

He then half-opened lips, he felt some discomfort in his mouth,so he stretched out his tongue in the lip slit and licked a circle between his lips. The watery glow of the surplus set off the pink lips to make them even more plump.

In an instant, the pop-ups swarmed like an open floodgate.

[Ah ah ah ah, help, my wife is discharging electricity at me, awsl! ! ! ]

[Stunningly beautiful, my motherfucking cows are screaming! 】

【I’m leaning, my whole body is soft, except for a few parts!]

【What is this peerless beauty, I died, I died in the arms of my wife! ! ! 】

【The fragrant soft tongue, I fucking hugged it and took a bite. ]

[My wife I love you, like a mouse loves rice!]

The goods were almost sold out, but the enthusiasm of the audience had not diminished, and the barrage came one after another.

Wei Wei didn’t know what to think, so she and asked, “Qingshu, I have a wig there, would you like to wear it?”


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