Chapter 64

When Xia Qingshu heard Chen Zhiyu’s words, he felt his head buzzing.

What is he talking about? When did he like him? He didn’t accept him, either. He’s sure he made that clear last night.

Brother Sheng was still there. He quietly peeked out to take a look.

Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi were at war, one with a cold face and the other with a raised eyebrow, as if they could fight if a little spark was added.

He was like a falling leaf swaying in the wind.

After careful thought and analysis, Xia Qing Shu thought that these two needed to calm down.

His explanation might trigger a deeper “discussion”. So, he shrunk his furry little head back again.

After Chen Zhiyu finished, he looked at Xia Qing Shu, who was sitting on the side, covering himself with his suit coat.

The coat dumpling shivered a little.

A pair of white and tender hands reached out and gently carried the corners of the suit, wrapping himself more tightly.

Tsk, the little one is shy.

Chen Zhiyu snorted softly and provocatively looked over towards Shen Xunyi.

“Hahaha!” Shen Xunyi also did not show weakness, but sneered three times, “I do not know whether to say you are smart or stupid, just now was an act, you actually took it seriously?”

After saying that, he stood up, changed his position, and sat to Xia Qing Shu’s right.

Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi were sandwiching Xia Qing Shu in the center, one to the left, the other to the right.

Xia Qing Shu felt like he was suffocating. He seriously suspected that these two people had a long-standing grudge, but used him as an excuse.

It’s so hard! QAQ

Shen Xunyi then tapped on the coat dumpling, “So what, I think, little Qing Shu is more interested in me.”

The coat dumpling shivered again, shrinking back.

“Well, let’s talk about it.” Seeing Xia Qing Shu hiding, Shen Xunyi picked up a corner of the coat, through a small slit, and hooked his head in to see him.

Xia Qing Shu:!!!

He stretched out his little foot and pressed the slit.

Chen Zhiyu saw that the other party had eaten a closed door, his face smiled somewhat comfortably.

He looked provocatively towards Shen Xunyi and softly coaxed, “Qing Shu, don’t be afraid, tell him, who do you really like?”

Confident to a fault and exuding a charismatic glow.

Xia Qinshu used to have a classmate who liked to say something after every test-“If he doesn’t get in the top three in the test, he will perform knife edge splits on the playground”,  but the grades would come back with him barely passing.

But every time he said that with unparalleled confidence, it gave people the illusion that not believing him is not to believe in the truth.

He felt that Chen Zhiyu was a hundred times more confident than that classmate.

Chen Zhiyu with a smile of determination, slightly inclined over, and softly coaxed, “Qing Shu, you don’t worry, no one will laugh at you, liking a person is very normal.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He almost believed it himself.

Shen Xunyi saw Chen Zhiyu that had a look of certainty, and there was also a trace of wavering.

He looked to the coat dumpling beside him that seemed to shrink itself even tighter and smaller.

Could it be that he was decieved by this little liar again?!

Shen Xunyi’s mind was ablaze and he reached out to lift the coat.

Suddenly, Xia Ji pushed the door and came in roarinv, “What’s it to you who he likes?!”

Xia Qing Shu almost cried for joy when he heard Xia Ji’s voice: “Brother save me!”

Xia Ji walked over and glared angrily at Shen Xunyi and Chen Zhi Yu, “Get out of the way!”

Shen Xunyi was originally guilty and knowingly stood to the side.

When Chen Zhiyu saw his future brother in law, his temper also eased a bit, he was a family, there was no need to be serious about such trivial matters, so he graciously took a step outside.

Xia Ji walked up to Xia Qing Shu and lifted his clothes.

Xia Qing Shu’s face was exposed.

After drilling on the suit jacket, his face was a bit flowery, and the pink colour was stained everywhere. The end of his eyes were red from the heat, and a crystal teardrop adorned the mole at the corner of his eyes.

The front of his bangs scattered on his fore head, as if he had been miserably bullied.

A pair of watery eyes hazy and pitiful.

The fortress of Xia Ji’s heart instantly collapsed.

These two damn men, how dare they bully Qing Shu into this state.

He used the tone of a coaxing a cat and carefully said, “Qing Shu, don’t be afraid, get up first and let Wen Sheng take you to remove your makeup.”

“Ok.” Xia Qing Shu turned his head to look at the two, got up and followed Wen Sheng out.

Watching Xia Qing Shu walk out, the two men lifted their feet to follow along, but Xia Ji reached out to stop them both.

Chen Zhiyu calmly shouted at Xia Ji, “Brother.”

Xia Ji sneered and mocked, “I’ve known you for more than 20 years, and I’ve never called you by your first name before, when did I have such an honour to have you call me ‘brother’.”

The last word “brother” seems to pop out from the teeth, with a tooth-cutting taste.

Chen Zhiyu was one year younger than Xia Ji, he and Xia Shan are good friends but he had never called Xia Ji “brother”.

Xia Ji really did not expect that Chen Zhiyu would ever be soft to him, but this love, he did not want to take.

Chen Zhiyu laughed, “I am with Qing Shu.”

Xia Qing Shu’s brother, of course, is also his brother, and Xia Ji is originally older than him, so calling him brother, is no big deal.

“Tsk, it’s too early to say.” Perhaps in order to gain approval, Shen Xunyi smiled towards Xia Ji, “Ah Ji, don’t you think so?”

He wanted to explain a couple of things, he wanted to say that in his heart, Ah Ji was the most important. But Chen Zhiyu was next to him, he couldn’t open his mouth, so he just winked at the other party.

Xia Ji gave him a cold face.

Xia Ji was calm and steady, he also has some understanding of Shen Xunyi and Chen Zhiyu. Chen Zhiyu he has known for more than 20 years. Since childhood, he has been seen as a cunning man, many senior business veterans can not see through what he is thinking, all projects he handled were more than a successful. It can be said that he is invincible in the business world, the richest name was not got by inheritance, but by his sword/ gun, step by step with effort, he earned it.

And Shen Xunyi, although he has not known him for long, he also basically figured out his character, fox-like cunning and temperamental, rarely plays head-on, and likes to play dirty tricks.

Shen Xunyi only met Xia Qingshu last night for the first time, now he no longer saves face, almost opening fire to grab people.

It’s really hard to imagine that the  “Southern Chen and Northern Shen” in people’s mouths, these two big men in the eyes of others, in broad daylight under the clear sky and sun, were in a hot argument, just to ask a young boy who he actually likes.

It’s funny to say, two business bigwigs, here like a schoolboys, almost got into a fight.

Moreover, these two were incredibly confident, both think Xia Qing Shu likes them.

“Do you guys want to take a look in the mirror to see what a brain of worms really looks like?!”

Xia Ji said coldly, ” Both of you stop arguing, later I will ask Qing Shu personally in front of you to see who he really likes.”

“Let you die completely!”


Next door to the dressing room, Xia Qing Shu closed his eyes and let Wen Sheng help him remove his makeup.

Wen Sheng squeezed a cotton pad full of makeup remover oil and gently wiped it on his face. His skin is very tender, the place where he rubbed left a little red mark.

The action under Wen Sheng’s hand was even lighter, Xia Qing Shu only felt that the other party was very gentle, and the cotton pad touched his face like a feather, light and airy.

“Brother Sheng, what were they arguing about just now?” Xia Qing Shu bit his lip and said somewhat helplessly, “I don’t even know, they were arguing for no reason, it scared me.”

He patted his chest after the catastrophe and sighed.

The movement of Wen Sheng’s men paused for a moment. He smiled down, “You don’t know?”

When the sound of arguing came, he and Xia Ji were talking at the door, and according to the content of their quarrel and the scene they met after opening the door, he could probably guess by eight, no nine points.

When he saw Qing Shu shrinking on the sofa, he almost didn’t control his disease.

Luckily, Xia Ji was in front of him and blocked him.

Unexpectedly, Qing Shu didn’t know anything, he was too ignorant about this matter of feelings.

Xia Qinshu was very relaxed infront of Wen Sheng and asked in a soft voice, “Brother Sheng, tell me.”

Wen Sheng softly said, “They both like you.”

“Ah?” Xia Qing Shu was shocked and his pupils trembled.

How come?

Chen Zhiyu absolutely can’t like him, this he can be 100% sure. He had asked by the side, asked directly, heard him talking about it with others.

The most important thing is that last night in his room, Chen Zhiyu himself said, “I won’t like this little liar!”

Shen Xunyi would be even more impossible, they met the first time last night, it was even strange that he ran into his room to threaten him.

Fortunately, he wisely muddled through.

Shen Xunyi did not look like someone who liked him either.

He weakly asked, “Brother Wen Sheng, are you mistaken?”

He opened his eyes and wrinkled his nose up, full of disbelief.

Wen Sheng pressed on his nose and laughed softly, “Don’t wrinkle your nose, it will grow wrinkles.”

“They both like you.” Wen Sheng  straightforwardly said, “They both think you like them, so they quarrelled.”

Hearing this answer, Xia Qing Shu’s mouth grew even bigger.

Wen Sheng was amused by his cute little expression, rubbed a hand on his head, “You think the more I’m saying it, the more outrageous it sounds?”

Xia Qing Shu nodded his head.

Wen Sheng continued to ask, “Qing Shu, then I ask you, do you like the two of them?”

Thinking of the other party’s naive attributes, Wen Sheng added, “It’s the kind of like, the kind of like between lovers that will embrace and will kiss.”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it and shook his head, “No ……”

Wen Sheng curled his lips and continued to help him remove his makeup, whispering, “That’s good.”


After removing his makeup, Xia Qinshu returned to the room accompanied by Wen Sheng.

As soon as he entered, hot gazes shot at him.

Xia Qinshu felt his heart freeze, so he lowered his head to avoid them, pulling Wen Sheng’s clothes and hid behind him.

Without the makeup, his face seemed even redder.

Xia Ji took a deep breath and waved to him, “Qinshu, come here, don’t be afraid.”

“Okay” Xia Qinshu followed Wen Sheng and walked over slowly.

“Qinshu, I’ll ask you,” Xia Ji said in a soft voice, “You raise your head, don’t be afraid, with your brother here, they won’t dare to do anything to you.”

Xia Qinshu raised his head, he felt two hot gazes burning through him.

He pursed his lips and said in a low voice, “Both of them….I don’t like them.”

Shen Xunyi: “….”

Chen Zhiyu:”….”


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