Chapter 77


After Xia Shan took Xia Qingshu away, he asked Chen Zhiyu to go home and wait for the notice.

Chen Zhiyu rushed home and went to Chen Rao directly.

Chen Rao had not yet come out of the valley of grief because of the “loss” of her baby, and was grooming “Chen Zu De” to distract herself. The stallion was very good-tempered, his nose exhaling a cloud of air and not pouting, but sensing his master’s unease, he tilted his head to comfort him.

Chen Rao knew that her son had gone to see Xia Qingshu and that she could not hide the fact that she was pretending to be pregnant.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t talk nonsense, and directly expressed his wish to have a normal family, “Mom, can you be normal?”

Chen Rao’s eyelids rolled up and she said with tears in her eyes, “Why am I not normal, what I did was for the sake of the family!”

She sobbed as she hugged the dwarf horse’s neck, “I want to be able to stand up proudly when I meet the ancestors of the Chen family after I die!”

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly, ” Feudal superstition!”

Chen Rao’s beliefs were so deeply ingrained and could not be persuaded by a sentence or two.

Chen Zhiyu directly informed, “Mom, I will move to the Xia family in a few days, if you have any problems in the future, come directly to the Xia family to find me.”

When Chen Rao heard this announcement, she was so scared that her legs went weak, and if it wasn’t for Chen Zu De supporting her body, she could have immediately fallen to her knees.

“What, what do you mean?”

Chen Zhiyu said, “I’m going to join the Xia family.”


A shocking thunderstorm hit Chen Rao’s head. The thing she feared most had finally happened.

“That ruthless woman Qi Xi, how can she be so un-martial! It was well said that I would not interfere in matters between the children and she would not make you to join the family. Now that I didn’t interfere, she is still like this, nowadays, in this era, where is there still a family that joins the family?!”

Chen Zhiyu retorted calmly, “In this era, there is no family that still needs to be inherited!”

Chen Rao: “…”

“The Chen family has accumulated so much over the years, such a huge sea of gold and silver, the speed at which we spend our money is far from being able to catch up with the speed at which we earn it, our family has so much money, I …… I’m not passing it on to the next generation so I’m just worried that there’s no one to inherit all this family business!”

“Then you don’t have to worry.” Chen Zhiyu said, “I will bring all the money to the Xia family.”


The second thunder struck Chen Rao again. Her good son, he was too desperate.

Chen Rao knew very well that once her son had decided on something, nothing she could say would be of any use, she asked undyingly, “Since you’re going to the Xia family, the baby Xia Qing Shu is carrying ……”

Chen Zhiyu: “You can come and see.”

Chen Rao: “Great, my big fat grandson.”

Chen Zhiyu: “Since I’m there, the baby’s surname will be Xia.”

Chen Rao strongly retorted, “It’s clearly the blood and bones of our Chen family, you are the father of the child, how can you let the child take the surname Xia?!”

Chen Zhiyu: “Qing Shu is also the child’s father, so what’s wrong with taking his other father’s surname anyway?”

Chen Rao: “But your surname is Chen, you’re Chen Zhiyu, right?”

Chen Zhiyu smiled coldly, “Yes, does the surname Chen have an extra pair of eyes or an extra leg? Aren’t we all human? No one is more noble than anyone else!”

Chen Rao: “……”

She wanted to say that they were the Chen family, the Chen family that had a lot of money. But most of this wealth in the Chen family was earned by Zhiyu.

The ancestors left the wealth, but her husband, Chen Qianxing, was not a capable person, and was coveted by people with ulterior motives, so he lost a large part of it. After Zhiyu took charge of the family, he built up the Chen family and slowly recovered the property that Chen Qianxing had been cheated out of and added on even more, which led to the Chen family being what it is now.

Without Zhiyu, the Chen family would be nothing at all.

But because there was so much more, it was all the more important to have a son to carry on the legacy!

Chen Rao only felt her head spinning, with stars in front of her, “…… There is absolutely no room for negotiation?”

Chen Zhiyu snorted, “There is no room for negotiation, also, don’t guess the gender of the baby, I will like a son or a daughter equally.”

Chen Rao seemed to be an eggplant beaten by frost, sitting on the ground, unable to move.

Chen Zhiyu did not persuade her more.

Chen Rao’s thoughts were deeply ingrained, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to correct Chen Rao’s thoughts.

He was very envious of Qingshu’s family. Whether it was Xia Lao Er or Xia Jing, they were sincere and good to Qingshu. When the Xia family knew that Qing Shu was pregnant, not only did they not blame him, but they cared for him. They always stood behind him and became his strong backing. Their love for Qingshu had no conditions.

Chen Zhiyu hoped that his children would grow up in such a beautiful family.

“As the child’s grandmother, think about what you should do so that you won’t be annoying!”

After Chen Zhiyu finished speaking, he left without looking back.

As a son, what should be said has already been said. Chen Rao’s old and rotten thoughts can only be comprehended by herself.



“Sister Rao, don’t be angry, what’s the matter?! Zhiyu dares to mention that joining the Xia family?”

The one who spoke was a middle-aged woman probably in her forties, a middle-aged woman named ** whose grandfather was the adopted child of Chen Zhiyu’s great grandfather, and had been kicked out of the Chen family for committing a crime. After **grandfather’s death, the family’s situation became more and more difficult, and only recently did they get by a little better by cheekily climbing onto the Chen family.

“Besides, how can mother and son have an overnight feud, Zhiyu is a sensible boy, what he said were just angry words, he might be back in a while.”

**  didn’t come alone, she also brought her daughter and three of her own grandchildren. The three grandchildren were aged between three and five. One in a child’s version of a tuxedo, one in a small suit and one in a simple bear coat.

The three little boys were obviously dressed up, cute and cuddly, all at the most inviting ages.

Chen Rao sobbed as she kissed the baby. The more she looked at these three little children, the more she liked them, picking one up and teasing him for a while before switching to the other one.

When will she be able to hold her big fat grandson?!

Alas, she thought to herself, Zhiyu’s child must be even cuter. Her thoughts loosen a little. In order to see her good grandson in the future, should she change her mindset?

** Seeing her in a daze, winked at her daughter and asked her to take her three grandchildren out.     The daughter smiled and picked up the youngest and called the other two little boys.

“Let us go, auntie will take you to the garden to play. There are many small animals in the garden.”

Chen Rao was numbing herself with kissing on a baby, seeing the children being carried away, with a look of reluctance, “Ugh, don’t take them away, let them play here ah.”

**held her hand, and said in a serious tone, “Sister Rao, if you really like it, if you fancy any, just ask.”

Chen Rao: “…… I, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

** laughed, “Sister Rao, Zhiyu is now so charmed by that Xia family’s little demon that he won’t even return home, you can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen. Zhiyu is the one we grew up with, he has a good character, there’s no guarantee that he’s not been brainwashed by that Xia family’s demon.”

“I think, ah, you do not say anything, directly adopt a child, let the Xia family know that our Chen family is not a rootless floating weed.”

“Sister Rao, you know that I am a sincere person and I can’t see you being aggrieved. I’m not going to say anything in confidence, so I’ll be straightforward.

“Maybe Zhiyu knows you want ti adopt a child, and had a vigilance in his heart, he wouldn’t just leave without a reason.”

Chen Rao was a bit hesitant, she had just swayed and was ready to stop her ideas of “passing down the lineage”, but immediately, someone wanted to give her a child of their own accord.

Chen Rao tentatively asked, “Are you willing?”

Such a cute child, if she said she would give it away, she would really give it away?

**: “For the happiness of Sister Rao’s family, what can’t I give away?”

Chen Rao thought in her mind. Their relationship is not that good either. However, she had been hailed by these so-called “relatives” for many years, and it was not surprising that these “relatives” had given their hearts and souls to her. It was not surprising that they would go this far.

She asked, “Can you make the decision? Your son and daughter-in-law are willing?”

**: “Their opinion doesn’t matter.”

Dare I say, this is a using other people’s children.

Chen Rao hurriedly excused herself, “That won’t work, I can’t have it, it’s not good for the child.”

Although she had longed for a male child in the Chen family, she had never thought about the “adopting”.

** held her hand with a sincere face, “We are all Chen’s, we are all family, how can the child suffer with you? I think the child can still develop better with you!”

Chen Rao: “What’s in it for you?”

**: “What benefit do I want? Sister Rao, just as long as you are well.”

Chen Rao: You’ve met a living thunderbolt?


Chen Rao had been thinking too much these days, and she always felt dizzy. She originally wanted to go to the room to lie down, but suddenly she saw Zhiyu appear in front of her.

She was a little excited, “Zhiyu, you’re not leaving?”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t speak.

He had thought about it, marrying Qing Shu was a matter for both families, and even if he joined the Xia family, he could not deprive Chen Rao of her rights as his mother. If Chen Rao made trouble later, he didn’t mind, but he was afraid of hurting Qing Shu.

Qing Shu was so pure and simple, he didn’t deserve to meet such a bad thing.

“Let me show you something.” Chen Zhiyu sat down in front of Chen Rao and turned on the projection.

In the projection,**  and her daughter were playing in the garden with three little boys.

Her daughter asked, “Mom, you brought my nephews here, does my sister-in-law know?”

“What does she know about that?” ** held a child, and laughed, “Your sister-in-law, she’s not good at anything, she’s not good at housework, she’s not good at serving men, but she’s good at having children, one a year. She sends one out only to give birth again.”

The daughter asked, “What about  brother, does my brother agree?”

** said, “How dare your brother disobey me?”

The daughter laughed twice and changed the subject, “This is a dwarf horse, it’s gentle and perfect for children to play with.

**Smiled, “From now on, these will be our family’s.”

Her daughter snapped, “Mum, be more reserved.”

** said, “As soon as Chen Rao adopts your nephew, we will move in. I’d like to take her place too.”

Daughter: “In this day and age, Auntie Rao still wants to have a son to carry on the family line! If you ask me, both sons and daughters are the same.”

** laughed, “Can we have a rich future if she doesn’t have that kind of thinking?!”

Chen Rao was usually flattered by these relatives to the point of incomprehension. She could have such extreme thoughts today, but these relatives would still not get rid of the relationship.

Hearing that these people ridicule behind her back, arranging such plots, laughing at her thoughts and ideas, Chen Rao trembled with anger.

These people, who seemed to be thinking of the Chen family, who were making plans for the Chen family’s lineage not to go extinct, were actually secretly thinking this way.

Chen Rao suddenly realized how stupid her previous thoughts had been. Her whole body chilled and she felt a panic, “I’ll, I’ll go and drive them away, never allow them to come to the door again!”

Chen Zhiyu looked at Chen Rao in silence. For a stubborn person, it was useless for others to persuade her, only she could figure it out by herself.

“What’s there to think about , go and get rid of them!”

Chen Rao slumped on the sofa, staring intently at the screen. Within a few minutes, Chen Zhiyu appeared in the garden, followed by a young couple behind him.

When the young couple saw the three young boys, they rushed up to them and hugged them in their arms in excitement.

The son loudly rebuked his mother, “Mum, I’m not giving them away!”

The wife wept silently as she hugged the children.

** was yelling, “I’m doing this for the good of you and the child, do you know that?”

The son was adamant, “I don’t know anything, I just know that children are happiest when they are with their parents!”

** was crying and spilling out on the floor, without any attention to image, “You’ve grown up, you dare to disobey your mother, don’t you? I’m doing this for your own good. Can you afford to give my grandson a good education with the money you earn a month? Can you afford to buy a house in the school district? After the adoption, he will get the best of everything!”

The son took his wife, hugged his sons and walked away without looking back.

Only ** was left alone, sitting on the floor, crying and cursing her son for being unfilial, and that heaven would strike him down.

Chen Rao felt that **  looked like a clown and was ridiculous.

There was a time when she was like that, talking about being good to Zhiyu while forcing him to do something he didn’t want to do. If Zhiyu didn’t want to, he was being unfilial and he didn’t understand the pains of being a parent.

Invariably, Zhiyu endured a lot of moral kidnapping.

Chen Rao suddenly realized that because of her wrong thinking, he missed the time when Zhiyu grew up.

She couldn’t recall at all what interesting things Zhiyu had done when he was a child, as if he had been burdened with the shackle  of passing on the family name as soon as he was sensible.

She was not qualified to be called a mother.

1The author wrote kept the name of the middle aged woman that brought her grandsons as “**” 1The author wrote kept the name of the middle aged woman that brought her grandsons as “**”

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