Chapter 85.


No matter how big the reception room of the Chen family was, it could not hold dozens of people. Only important blood relatives were invited to the parlor, and others were free to move around.

A few remote relatives of the Chen family were arranged to entertain the guests. Although those distant relatives were not pure-minded, they did not dare to neglect the guests at this time and kept pouring tea and serving water.

The living room was about eighty square feet and was connected to a large balcony with a view. The sofas were arranged in a quadrilateral shape in order, with the three members of the Chen family sitting on one side and the Xia family on three sides.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Chen Qixi spoke lightly, “I’m sorry in laws, my relatives are a bit many, so if Qing Shu is wronged in the future, the family will come and ask questions.”

Chen Qianxing held the cat, Chen Rao held the horse, and whispered, “No one will bully Qing Shu, you can be rest assured.”

The two families discussed the wedding since the Chen family had softened a lot, and it was Chen Qixi who had the final say, with Chen Qianxing and Chen Rao helplessly nodding their heads.

Xia Qingshu listened for a while and felt bored. When he looked up, he saw Chen Zhiyu winking at him and pointing outside.

After sitting there for another five minutes, Qing Shu found an excuse to get out. He had been to Chen’s house once before and knew how to get around, so he strolled around casually when his hand was suddenly held.

Although he didn’t see the person coming, he knew exactly who it was.

A low, husky voice rang out, “Would you like to see my room?”

Xia Qing Shu nodded gently.



Chen Zhiyu’s room was on the first floor, the entire ground floor, two hundred or so square feet, was all his bedroom. The cloakroom and bathroom were both open-plan, and the decoration was simple but luxurious.

Worried about the other party getting tired, just after entering the room, Chen Zhiyu picked him up princess style and placed him firmly in the soft sofa.

“You’re almost married, why are you always blushing?”

In his own room, Chen Zhiyu’s aura was so powerful that Xia Qingshu was slightly uncomfortable, his white little face instantly flushed.

“We’ve both disappeared, won’t they come looking for us?” Xia Qingshu whispered in a small voice with his head lowered.

“No.” Chen Zhiyu said with certainty.

“Since you’ve come to my room, do you want to get to know me better?”

Chen Zhiyu had a promotional smile on his face and half loosened his tie.

Xia Qing Shu was startled, “What are you doing?!”

There are so many people downstairs?!

When they first met, Chen Zhiyu was cold and ascetic, his eyes were about to shred him to pieces when he looked at him, but since his confession, he seemed like a different person.

Not to mention his sulky personality, he was sticky at every turn, and Xia Qingshu almost wondered if someone else had transmigrated into his body.

He stretched out his foot to give Chen Zhiyu a kick, but the result was that the man dodged and his foot did not catch.

Xia Qing Shu puffed out his little face and straightened his body like a paper tiger, “Don’t you mess around, even though our parents met, we haven’t officially established our relationship yet, don’t you go too far.”

Chen Zhiyu obviously missed the point and bullied his way up, trapping Xia Qingshu in his arms with his long arms, “Meaning it’s okay to go overboard once the relationship is established?”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He glared indignantly trying to look stern, but the pair of beautiful eyes were not at all fierce, they instead hid a mist that could not be wiped clean, hazy and regal.

Chen Zhiyu’s Adam’s apple rolled imperceptibly, and a fire suddenly sprang up in his body.

Originally, he had only intended to tease the other party, but he had not expected to make a mess of himself instead. He stood up, pulled out a photo album from the bedside table and handed it to Xia Qingshu.

“Do you want to see the pictures of me as a child?”

Xia Qing Shu gladly took it, “That’s what you meant about getting to know you better, I’m sorry for wrongly blaming you.”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

The album was exquisite, about fifteen inches and five or six centimeters thick, it contained photos of Chen Zhiyu from his infancy to university.

The first picture of birth is in a hospital bed, with Chen Zhiyu still only fifty centimeters old, swaddled in swaddling clothes, his mouth growing and crying loudly.

The little newborn baby, somewhat red and with jaundice still on his body, did not know whether he was hungry or wet, and cried very sadly.

Chen Rao lay on the hospital bed, tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, but smiling. Chen Qianxing was holding the baby, his mouth splitting with laughter.

A happy and contented family of three, it was completely impossible to see how family relations would be so strained when they grew up.

Flipping through several pages in quick succession, they are full of photos of Chen Zhiyu as a baby. First-time parents cherish their babies so much that even when he stinks and changes his diapers, there are photos, only the key parts are mosaicked.

“You were such a crybaby.” Xia Qingshu finally found Chen Zhiyu’s weakness and pointed at the photo, “Look, crying again.”

Xia Qingshu rubbed his stomach, “What do you think, what if our baby is a crybaby like you?”

Chen Zhiyu gave him a look.

It was clear that the person who cried the most was Qing Shu, the night they first met, his voice was hoarse from crying, whining and begging.

He also cried when he was hit by an electric pole, tears pattering and smudging all over his face, like a little flower cat.

“When it cries, give to the grandparents to coax.”

Xia Qing Shu looked at him askance, “You don’t have the patience, huh?”

“I’m responsible for coaxing you, you’re more important than the child.” Chen Zhiyu quickly flipped through a few pages, quickly skimming past the baby period to the kindergarten and primary school periods.

In the kindergarten period, Chen Zhiyu had grown up, his face chubby, and was held in Chen Rao’s arms.

At the kindergarten entrance, he was clinging to his mother and refused to let go. The kindergarten teacher gently coaxed him as the small children next to him had already broken down in tears, only he did not cry.

By this time, he was showing the beginnings of coolness.

“Kids are refusing to go to kindergarten, huh?” Xia Qingshu nodded at the photo and teased, “The big president of the Chen Group was the same when he was little. What if our baby doesn’t want to go to kindergarten when he was little either?”

“Ask the teacher to come home and teach him individually.”

Chen Zhiyu’s expression was very serious, it didn’t look like he was joking. It seemed okay to fix a classroom at home. But it was necessary to let the baby get in touch with other children and adapt to group life in advance.

“Then we’ll buy a kindergarten.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

A few pages further on, there are fewer and fewer photos of each period. Eight-year-old Chen Zhiyu would not want to be photographed. In primary school, he was the class president and flag raiser, in secondary school he was the student representative, and in university there were even fewer photos, apart from the one Chen Rao took in his dorm room when he first entered the school, there was only one graduation photo.

Xia Qing Shu pointed to a photo where he had a stinky face, “Why don’t you want to take a photo?”

Chen Zhiyu at around ten years old was much like now, looking at people with ruffian eyes and a stinky look like he wants to beat someone.

“Rebellious period.”

“Yo yo, your rebellious period came too early too.” Xia Qingshu thought about it, it seemed like he had his own rebellious period at that time, although he didn’t act too aggressively, his parents were also pissed off.

“You have a long rebellious period, you are still at odds with your parents even now.” Thinking of this, Xia Qing Shu asked again, “What if our baby has a rebellious period too?”

“Throw them out to fend for themselves.” Chen Zhiyu replied calmly.

“You….” Xia Qing Shu was a bit speechless, this was too cruel.

“My parents’ education style was not right, I don’t know how to educate my children.” Chen Zhiyu whispered, “When the time comes, everything will be at your disposal, okay?”

He gently pressed the other party’s bulging belly, and seeing that the other party did not refuse, he placed his hand on the belly and gently rubbed it, quietly feeling the little life beneath his hand.

Suddenly, a small lump protruded from the small of his belly, and Chen Zhiyu froze, taking his hand away as if in shock.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No.” Xia Qingshu pulled his hand back and continued to press it to his stomach, “The baby is kicking you.”



Chen Zhiyu’s face changed and he seriously pressed his hand up again.

Suddenly, another lump bulged from another spot on his stomach, this one a little bigger than the one just now, and it was still moving slowly.

How amazing.

For the first time since he knew Qingshu was pregnant, Chen Zhiyu could actually feel the presence of this little life.

“He’s kicking me?”

“Uh-huh.” Xia Qingshu grabbed his other hand and pressed it to the small of his back as well, and within a moment, the other side bulged as well, “He’s kicking daddy.”

“Daddy ……”

One second Chen Zhiyu was still smiling and suddenly his face changed, he pursed his lips and reverently knelt in front of Xia Qing Shu, placing his hands gently on his belly.

After suddenly realizing that he had become a father, for the first time such intricate emotions as overwhelmed, touched, apprehension and happiness intertwined in his eyes.

The eyes grew moist.

“I’m a father now ……”






“Qingshu, do you like me?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What kind of wedding do you want?”

“Something simple. With us and family, that’s enough.”






Downstairs in the parlor, the Xia family came on strong and the Chen family gave up resistance altogether, willingly committing to a series of unequal contracts.

Upstairs in the bedroom, two heads leaned together, murmuring softly, charmingly ambiguous.

The breeze lifted the curtains for a moment, and the warm sunlight leaked in a ray, sprinkling stars of gold.

The baby in the belly slept peacefully, the cat downstairs stretched, the horse stalked its hind hooves, and the garden tree grew a new shoot.

A happy life is good as long as it is uneventful.

1Guys, it’s the end. Will definitely miss the shenanigans of Xia Qinshu and the wife-slave Chen Zhiyu. Thank you all so much for reading to the end!! Thanks for the support. Till the next project, love you all!
1Guys, it’s the end. Will definitely miss the shenanigans of Xia Qinshu and the wife-slave Chen Zhiyu. Thank you all so much for reading to the end!! Thanks for the support. Till the next project, love you all!

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