Mr.Chen came again
Xia Yubin was a little annoyed. He was still smiling and apologetic on the surface, but in reality, he had been sneering in his heart. You are now cold and indifferent to me, and before long, you will be stalking me to death and loving me to the marrow of your bones.

Three years ago, he was reborn.

Before he was reborn, he had many suitors, and those suitors were deadly devoted to him. The suitors were all too good for him to give up on any, and he wandered among them, enjoying their love and courting.

Chen Zhiyu is the one that made him the most uneasy. He loved him so much that he made an enemy of the world in order to dominate him. In the end, he killed and maimed all his suitors, and he himself was badly injured.

Moreover, Chen Zhiyu was abstinent and aloof, the only suitor who did not have a relationship with him.

After his rebirth, the first thing he did was to wait for his first encounter with Chen Zhiyu, then use tenderness to dissolve his hostility and make Chen submit to him physically and mentally. Although he cannot let Chen Zhiyu be the one and only, he can give him the first time.

But after waiting for a long time, he and Chen Zhiyu did not meet like before, and he himself was even put into hospital by Xia Qing Shu. The strange thing is that none of this has happened before. But Xia Qing Shu was going to die, so nothing to be afraid of.

He had just heard the nurse say that Chen Zhiyu had come to the hospital and immediately sought him out.

“Excuse me, add a Wechat, I’ll send you the clothes after they’re washed.” Xia Yubin held up his phone and displayed his QR code.

A critical gaze sized up Xia Yubin from head to toe, and Chen Zhiyu took a step back, “I know you.”

Xia Yubin pursed his lips and blinked with some surprise, “Ah, really? May I ask who you are?”

Chen Zhiyu waved his hand and said carelessly, “You’re Xia Shan’s brother, right? I have this suit for 100,000, just ask him to pay for it directly.”

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Xia Yubin: ??

Why is his attitude so cold. Shouldn’t we add WeChat and then chat slowly?

Chen Zhiyu was busy at work, unlike other suitors who had a lot of free time. He had a vague feeling that if he lost this opportunity, it would be difficult for the two of them to cross paths in the future.

In desperation, Xia Yubin reached out and grabbed the hem of Chen Zhiyu’s shirt, “Mr Chen, can you please not tell my brother?”

Chen Zhiyu frowned and did not say anything, as a tacit acknowledgement.
Xia Yubin bit his lips as if he was holding back, but hesitated to open his mouth to explain the reason. Chen Zhiyu was a little impatient, took out his phone and handed it over, “Scan it.”

Xia Yubin was inwardly ecstatic as he haughtily opened his phone and swiped the code. But, after scanning the code, he realized that the phone page was not a QR code for the other party to add friends, but a payment code for a payment of 100,000.

Xia Yubin looked up, puzzled, at the other party.

Chen Zhiyu: “What are you looking at, since I won’t tell your brother, the clothes are naturally yours to pay for.”

Xia Yubin simply didn’t expect the other party to be like this, and for a moment, he couldn’t choose his words: “Mr. Chen, you’re so rich ……”

In his previous life, Chen Zhiyu was also the richest man in the country, so rich that he would throw a lot of money just to buy a smile from him. Chen Zhiyu gave him a secondary card that he could swipe at will without a limit, and he was able to live very well without having to work. This is also why he wanted to be with Chen Zhiyu earlier.

Chen Zhiyu frowned, “I have money and it’s mine.”

None of your business.

Xia Yubin came back to his senses, remembering that what he said was not quite right, and hurriedly explained, “Sorry, Mr. Chen, I didn’t mean that ……”

“Stop it, you knew who I was from the start, pretending not to know and spilling coffee was a deliberate attempt to approach me.” Chen Zhiyu cut the other party off, his eyes showing disdain, “You’ve seen too many dramas.” After saying that, he surprisingly walked away without looking back.

Xia Yubin was left alone in the same place, the hand holding the coffee cup trembling slightly.

What happened?

What happened??!

Xia Yubin took a deep breath and clenched his fist. After five minutes of calmness, he took out his mobile phone and made a call, “Ah Sum, I want to borrow some money …… It’s a bit much, 100,000 …… Thanks Sam, you’ve been really good to me.”

After hanging up the phone, in less than a minute, he received a notification of the arrival of 100,000 yuan on his phone. Xia Yubin breathed a long sigh of relief, fortunately, no one else had changed.

The next day, Xia Qing Shu carried his school bag to school and ran into Chen Zhiyu’s black Bentley again at the entrance. He pretended not to see it and buried his head inside the school gate. Chen Zhiyu’s car surprisingly followed him into the school gates, following him all the way.

Secretary Li rolled down the window and shouted, “Student Xia Qing Shu!”

Secretary Li had a loud voice, and with this yell, everyone around looked over.
The black Bentley did not attract attention at the University of R. What did attract attention was the licence plate number, 88888, which showed who the owner was. Xia Qing Shu did not want to be too conspicuous and had to walk over.

“Mr. Chen, what brings you here?” Xia Qingshu was carrying a shoulder bag and wearing a school uniform, and at a glance he was a well-behaved child.

“I’m here to give a speech at your school today.” Chen Zhiyu opened the car door and gestured for him to get in.

Xia Qingshu obediently got into the car and let out a “wow”, looking at Chen Zhiyu with starry eyes, “Mr. Chen, you’re amazing.”

Chen Zhiyu gave him a look, “Come with me after school, I’ll take you to a place.”

Xia Qingshu raised his head warily and stared at him, whispering, “I have something to do after school.”


“Why are you asking so much?” Xia Qingshu looked down and squeezed his fingers. Chen Zhiyu leaned forward and coldly pressed, “The other night when you climbed into my bed, forget?”

“…… That was the bad guy who put me up there.” Xia Qing Shu didn’t expect him to be so direct and hung his head low, revealing a white neckline.

“Did the bad guys help you take off your clothes too?” Chen Zhiyu smiled teasingly.

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu began to unbutton. He usually wore a shirt buttoned to the top one, ascetic and cold. Now with two buttons undone, his collarbone was exposed and his bulging throat knot slid up and down, releasing overwhelming hormone.

Xia Qingshu didn’t know what he wanted to do, and as if in shock, covered his eyes with both hands, “I’ve not seen anything!”

Chen Zhiyu sternly ordered, “Put your hands down!”

“Won’t.” Xia Qing Shu blindfolded hIS eyes and shook his head continuously.

“Let go!” Chen Zhiyu grabbed his hand, “Look up at me!”

“I’m not looking.” Xia Qingshu’s strength was small and he was forced to lift his head, still with his eyes closed, a weak little one, as if he was a virtuous woman being forced. The body trembled slightly, pitifully.

“Open your eyes and look at me!” Chen Zhiyu threatened, “Or I’ll take you to jail!”

Xia Qing Shu “whimpered” and slowly opened his eyes, crying and begging for mercy, “Mom said that looking at other people’s white bodies, I will grow needle eyes.”
Chen Zhiyu: “……”

“Let you look at my neck!”

Chen Zhiyu inclined his head to reveal the back of his neck, which was covered in scratches, crisscrossed and of varying shades, all the way down to his back. This showed that there were more such ambiguous marks on his back.

“Look more closely.”

Chen Zhiyu fished out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, “Remember?”

Xia Qingshu blinked, took a quick glance and lowered his head again.

“Mr. Chen, you have to bathe regularly, otherwise you will grow fleas on your body, and you can’t scratch indiscriminately on your itchy body, it will leave scars.”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

“…… This is what you scratched.”

Xia Qingshu moved his body outwards and tried to stay away from Chen Zhiyu, “It wasn’t me.” After saying that, to prove his innocence, he parted his claws and handed them out. Previously his nails were long and stained with red nails, he had cut them and removed the nail polish after he got home. His fingers were clean and white, the nails translucent and smooth around the edges. The finger bones were slender and white, glistening like watery onions, not at all like the claws that could cause so many scratches.

Chen Zhiyu grabbed his hand, “You cut your nails.”

Xia Qingshu did not reply immediately, holding his school bag for a while before asking in a thin voice, “Mr. Chen, what exactly do you want?”

Suddenly, Chen Zhiyu was confused by the question. He didn’t know why he wanted to find Xia Qingshu. Xia Qingshu was foolish and steadfastly refused to admit that he had had sex with him, and his purpose was simple: he wanted Xia Qingshu to acknowledge that the two of them had had sex.

What about Xia Qing Shu, when he figures it out, will he come to pester him? Would he brag about it everywhere? He didn’t like Xia Qing Shu, and there were plenty of people who liked him and wanted to marry him, so it didn’t seem like much use to let him know that. But he just wanted Xia Qing Shu to know.

Chen Zhiyu grabbed Xia Qing Shu’s hand and pulled him over to him, wrapping his arms around his neck, “This is how you grabbed me that night.”

He wanted to help Xia Qingshu recreate the situation.

As soon as he got close, the lemon milk smell from Xia Qing Shu met him again. It was dense, like wispy smoke, and surrounded him.

Only when he was very close did Chen Zhiyu realise that the faint lemon smell was wafting out from his hair, which should be the smell of shampoo. The source of the milky smell seemed to be the other person’s skin ……
He’s an adult, why does he smell of milk.

Xia Qingshu tilted his head up and crashed into Chen Zhiyu’s eyes. Chen Zhiyu’s features were extremely deep and his long eyelashes were like ravens, several times better looking than the top stream idols he had seen before. In this  world, he would definitely make thousands of girls exclaim “wow”. Especially with the air of superiority that he carries with him. He is elegant, confident and dignified. He has a confident glint in his eye that is impossible to ignore.

Such a man should have made people want to get closer, but Xia Qing Shu was afraid of him.

He trembled and curled his fingers, scratching Chen Zhiyu’s neck twice like a mosquito bag, and asked in a thin voice, “Like this?”

“A little more heavily.”

The two of them were in such a foul position that Xia Qingshu sat sideways on Chen Zhiyu’s lap, wrapping his hands around his neck and tickling him twice every now and then. His little face was white, his whole body was stiff and his nerves were tense.

Chen Zhiyu looked at his appearance, and for some reason, could not say anything critical. Seeing that the other party seemed to have no strength left, he pinched his wrist and put it around his neck, his mouth mockingly saying, “Haven’t you eaten, so little strength?”

Xia Qingshu was forced to maintain the hugging position, which was awkward in every way, and he side-stepped his face to discuss with the other party in a small voice, “Mr. Chen, are you still itching?”

Chen Zhiyu chose to give up, “It doesn’t itch anymore.”

Xia Qingshu wrinkled his brow and said weakly, “I’m leaving then, yo.”

“You wait a bit longer, I haven’t finished my sentence yet.”

Chen Zhiyu’s face was cold and somewhat displeased. He pondered for a moment and didn’t speak for half a day.

Xia Qing Shu sat back down on the sofa, hugging her school bag and hiding her face behind it. It was almost time for class, but Chen Zhiyu didn’t want to let him go at all.

He showed half his face from behind his bag and asked in a small voice, “Mr. Chen, is what you want to say to me difficult?”

Chen Zhiyu gave him a look and nodded his head.

Xia Qingshu asked again, “If after saying it, the relationship between the two of us will change subtly?”

This little fool was finally getting the hang of it?

Chen Zhiyu gave a light-hearted “hmm” and looked up at him.

“Mr. Chen, then you should stop talking.” Xia Qing Shu pursed his lips and said in a small voice, “My mother said if you leave a line in the sand, you’ll be able to meet each other in the future.”

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