After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 141: When I was a teenager in fresh clothes and angry horses (1)

Chapter 141 When I was a young man wearing bright clothes and angry horses (1)

Qiao Lian raised her head and looked around the room. The moment she raised her head, she happened to see someone walking out.

She didn't pay attention and continued to wait, staring at the door of the cafe.

 Five minutes have passed.

 She checked her cell phone. Zichuan had not arrived, nor had he called her.

She stared at the phone quietly. When another five minutes passed, she impatiently dialed Zichuan's number again.

There was a beeping sound from the other side. After a long time, no one answered.

 Qiao Lian frowned. Could it be that he was on the road and didn't hear the ringtone of his cell phone?

 She sat patiently in her seat.

 Half an hour has passed since the time Zichuan agreed.

 But he hasn’t come yet.

Qiao Lian took her cell phone and continued to call him.

 The call can still be connected, but no one answers.

 She froze in place, suddenly feeling an unprecedented panic in her heart.

  Could it be that... Zichuan encountered a car accident on the way here?

Her eyes widened, she walked out of the cafe, stood at the door and stretched her neck to look this way.

Zichuan said at the time that it was still ten minutes away from here, and even by car, the road section that could be driven in BJ City in ten minutes was limited.

She walked back and forth in the coffee shop restlessly and anxiously, looking up and looking around from time to time, hoping to see him coming, and holding her cell phone, she called him over and over again.

 Another half hour passed.

No one answered the phone and no one came over.

 Qiao Lian couldn't sit still. She had always been an out-of-the-box character, and it was not easy to be able to sit here steadily and wait for him for an hour and a half.

Besides, the call can always be connected, which means that the other party’s mobile phone will not run out of battery.

While she continued to call him, she intercepted a taxi and asked the taxi driver a question that he found baffling, "Master, take me wherever you want, around this cafe, and pass all the roads." , all within a ten-minute walk.”

She looked out the window anxiously, but she didn't see a car accident on this road.

 She became more anxious.

Go directly to the nearest police station and ask if there was any car accident nearby.

 The answer was: "There was a rear-end collision, but they took care of it through their own insurance, so they left."

 It won’t be Zichuan.

Zichuan is always on time, and Zichuan is always attentive.

She and Zichuan agreed on a time to go online every day. Whenever he was one minute late, she would send a text message to let her know.

 She came out of the police station and called Zichuan again, but the other party's phone had been turned off.

Qiao Lian hurriedly returned to the cafe, not daring to move.

She was afraid that Zichuan would come to see her and not see her. She was always impatient, so she stayed in the cafe for a whole afternoon.

 She stared at everyone who entered the cafe. Whenever she saw anyone of a similar age, she would go over and ask: "Hello, are you Zichuan?"


 Still not.

 Not yet.

 At eight o'clock in the evening, Zichuan has not come yet.

She sat in the cafe in despair, and had a vague idea in her mind: He probably wouldn't come over.

According to his character, he would not leave her alone in the cafe for so long.

She bit her lip and stared outside quietly.

 BJ City is already dark, and cars are coming and going on the streets.

At this moment, her cell phone finally rang.

 (End of this chapter)

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