After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1414: Remembering Yao and Mo Xicheng (91)

Chapter 1414: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (91)

She glanced at Mo Zhi disappointedly, then turned her head sharply and strode out of the ward.

When Mo Hai saw her leaving, he looked back at Mo Zhi, stretched out his fingers and tapped him twice, then shook his head with hatred, and immediately chased after him: "Li Shu, Li Shu, don't be angry. , the child is still young, if you have anything you can say slowly, don’t be angry..."

Mo Hai's fawning voice was heard in the ward, and Mo Zhi's face changed as he heard it.

 He was beaten, and his mother not only refused to help him seek justice, she even beat him! And he thought that his father, who had valued him the most since he was a child, did not stay by his side and ask for help. Instead, he ran out after the woman!

 These are his parents!

 No, that's not his mother...

Mo Zhi's eyes fell on the only woman left in the room.

Yao Lili stood there, making sure that both of them were far away, then turned around suddenly, rushed to the bedside, held Mo Zhi's head with both hands, and stared at his face, "I Damn, does it hurt? She is really good at it! Just now her face is getting better, but it’s swollen again, oh oh oh..."

At this moment, Mo Zhi was isolated and helpless. Mo Zhi, who had been lying in the ward all day, felt extremely lonely. Looking at the sincere expression of the woman in front of him and feeling her greetings, deep in his heart, a sudden surge of emotion came over him. There was an indescribable feeling of sadness.

Previously, Yao Lili suddenly came over and told him that she was his mother, and Li Shu was Mo Xicheng's father, and it was Yao Lili who exchanged him with Mo Xicheng.

At that time, Mo Zhi thought this statement was simply ridiculous and outrageous.

 But later, when Yao Lili helped him unconditionally time and time again, he secretly made a DNA test report.

The report showed that he and Yao Lili were actually related by blood.

Yao Lili is the mother.

This knowledge made him panic.

Since then, he has been using Yao Lili to hide the matter.

 But he hated Yao Lili and had no feelings.

At this moment, when only Yao Lili was by his side, he finally realized that in fact, in this world, the only person in the world who would truly have no desire for him and do her best for him wholeheartedly was Yao Lili.

Mo Zhi suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged Yao Lili's waist, buried his head in her arms, and shouted softly: "Mom!"

Yao Lili's body froze, and then she suddenly realized something and responded hurriedly: "Hey!"

 A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she hugged Mo Zhi's arm harder.


On the other side, Li Shu walked out of the ward in a hurry, and then walked to the elevator.

Mo Hai followed her closely, calling her name anxiously, regardless of the inexplicable looks from the nurses and doctors around her.

 Mo Hai finally caught up with him when he realized that Li Shu was standing in front of the elevator and pressing his fingers on the elevator.

He stared at Li Shu's back, hesitating and not knowing how to speak to make her happy. He swallowed, then took a step forward, "Xiao Shu, don't be angry, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly got stuck.

 Because he saw something scratching across Li Shu's cheek, and then it dropped to the ground, and he picked up a small splash.

 (End of this chapter)

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